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[1.12.x] Shuttle Orbiter Construction Kit | Stockalike Space Shuttle Orbiter! | (Tubes!) | v1.1.8


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  On 4/25/2022 at 12:04 PM, benjee10 said:

So to clarify you are welcome to make a part that fits with SOCK & release it however you please, so long as that part doesn't make use of models or textures from SOCK itself. So if you wanted to make your own Buran aft section that works with SOCK that is no problem.

However, you may want to hold fire:


There is still a lot to be done on Buran but I'm hoping to get back to it soon. The entire rest of the orbiter needs new textures to fit with the fully-tiled Buran look, and I need to make a new set of front landing gear & a variant of the cargo bay to fit it (Buran's landing gear are on the cargo bay rather than the nose). 

I'm wondering if people's preference would be for me to release the parts as they are finished (e.g. release just the aft section) or to wait until the whole craft is done. 


Is there any chance those textures could be adapted to provide a texture variant for Columbia and Challenger with the extra TPS tiles across the nose and sides of the payload bay?

Edited by pTrevTrevs
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  On 4/25/2022 at 12:04 PM, benjee10 said:

So to clarify you are welcome to make a part that fits with SOCK & release it however you please, so long as that part doesn't make use of models or textures from SOCK itself. So if you wanted to make your own Buran aft section that works with SOCK that is no problem.

However, you may want to hold fire:


There is still a lot to be done on Buran but I'm hoping to get back to it soon. The entire rest of the orbiter needs new textures to fit with the fully-tiled Buran look, and I need to make a new set of front landing gear & a variant of the cargo bay to fit it (Buran's landing gear are on the cargo bay rather than the nose). 

I'm wondering if people's preference would be for me to release the parts as they are finished (e.g. release just the aft section) or to wait until the whole craft is done. 


Cat Transcendence | Know Your Meme

The Prophecy is true.

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  On 4/25/2022 at 12:04 PM, benjee10 said:

 so long as that part doesn't make use of models or textures from SOCK itself



im starting from the ov-100 shuttle aft model and textures and modifying it, so, ¿i think im technically using SOCK things?


also, i havent plans to publish it, it is for private use

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  On 4/25/2022 at 12:04 PM, benjee10 said:

So to clarify you are welcome to make a part that fits with SOCK & release it however you please, so long as that part doesn't make use of models or textures from SOCK itself. So if you wanted to make your own Buran aft section that works with SOCK that is no problem.

However, you may want to hold fire:


There is still a lot to be done on Buran but I'm hoping to get back to it soon. The entire rest of the orbiter needs new textures to fit with the fully-tiled Buran look, and I need to make a new set of front landing gear & a variant of the cargo bay to fit it (Buran's landing gear are on the cargo bay rather than the nose). 

I'm wondering if people's preference would be for me to release the parts as they are finished (e.g. release just the aft section) or to wait until the whole craft is done. 


The prophecy is true

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Decided to work on my Block II kitbash a bit more. Now I have a pretty decent launch pad. Crew arm is still pretty wonky, but it works.  Also did a little retex.



Edited by G'th
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  On 4/25/2022 at 12:04 PM, benjee10 said:

So to clarify you are welcome to make a part that fits with SOCK & release it however you please, so long as that part doesn't make use of models or textures from SOCK itself. So if you wanted to make your own Buran aft section that works with SOCK that is no problem.

However, you may want to hold fire:


There is still a lot to be done on Buran but I'm hoping to get back to it soon. The entire rest of the orbiter needs new textures to fit with the fully-tiled Buran look, and I need to make a new set of front landing gear & a variant of the cargo bay to fit it (Buran's landing gear are on the cargo bay rather than the nose). 

I'm wondering if people's preference would be for me to release the parts as they are finished (e.g. release just the aft section) or to wait until the whole craft is done. 


I LOVE IT, my preference is as the parts are finished release them to a beta build and we can help catch any bugs

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  On 4/19/2022 at 7:40 PM, benjee10 said:

I’d call it feature complete in that I’ve covered the scope of what I was originally planning. There are certainly things I’d like to add if and when I have the time, but don’t count on it!


What about Booran (@thumbs file for anyone who dosnt know)


Edited by PokeWasTaken
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  On 4/30/2022 at 8:05 PM, pTrevTrevs said:

Do you think it's a bit ironic to name a space shuttle after Stan Rogers, considering he died in an airline accident?


A bit, sure, but I also feel that for a Canadian shuttle Rogers is probably the best name you could lend to one given what he often sang about. 

Plus, Rogers didn't really die in an airline accident per say, seeing as the plane wasn't in the air and he braved going back into the fire to save people, so I think the circumstances make for less of a grim irony. 

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  On 5/6/2022 at 5:31 AM, xD-FireStriker said:

@G'th What parts did you end up using for your block 2 kitbashes? 


Just B9 Procedural Wings for the Orbiter. Basically to get a nice clean bend you build a wing with the flat end as wide as the final stabilizer, and then make like, 5-6 wings on that end that are all flat. Then just gradually rotate each one in sequence by 5 degrees until you get the angle you want, then extrude the last one out to make the stabilizer and add your control surface. Clip the wing bits into each other to get rid of the gaps and there you go. 

You can see them in this pic if you zoom in on the bend. When viewed from directly above the bend looks janky but most other angles its super clean, and even cleaner if you opt to go Cormorant rather than SOCK, simply because then you can build the whole wing out of B9.


For the LRBs it uses the Cormorant tanks (which I adjusted to have like, doubleish fuel for use in KSRSS. I cant remember what the final ratio was as I just kept adding more until it had the right performance) and decouplers. The nose is the LDC nosecone from BDB with the, IIRC, Photon SRB nosecone clipped into it. LRB Engines are just more vectors tweakscaled to ~1m. 

And then the tank is just a simple invert of the white texture from Redirect. 

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  On 6/8/2021 at 11:59 PM, MajorLeaugeRocketScience said:

0daRgGZ.png "Houston, we are under nuclear power and hauling ass!"

My Space Shuttle Pathfinder (OV-201) from FAMK, even though I've never seen the show lol. Launches on the side of a Jupiter 130, and with it's NERVA drive can put about 5 tons into Low Lunar Orbit and return in 2.5x RSS.


What Engine did you use for the NERVA?

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  On 4/25/2022 at 12:04 PM, benjee10 said:

Итак, чтобы уточнить, вы можете сделать часть, которая соответствует SOCK, и выпустить ее, как вам угодно, если эта часть не использует модели или текстуры из самого SOCK. Так что, если вы хотите сделать свою собственную кормовую часть «Бурана», которая работает с SOCK, это не проблема.

Тем не менее, вы можете захотеть придержать огонь:


На Буране еще многое  предстоит сделать, но я надеюсь вернуться к нему в ближайшее время. Для всего остального орбитального корабля новые текстуры, чтобы соответствовать полностью замощенному виду Бурана, и мне нужно сделать новый комплект переднего шасси и вариант грузового отсека, чтобы соответствовать ему (шасси Бурана находится в грузовом отсеке). не нос). 

Мне интересно, предпочтут ли люди, чтобы я выпускал части по мере их завершения (например, выпускал только кормовую часть) или ждал, пока не будет закончена вся поделка. 


I am begging you! Do this! I'm really looking forward to the Buran mod! This is my favorite spaceship! Do it please!

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  On 4/25/2022 at 12:04 PM, benjee10 said:

So to clarify you are welcome to make a part that fits with SOCK & release it however you please, so long as that part doesn't make use of models or textures from SOCK itself. So if you wanted to make your own Buran aft section that works with SOCK that is no problem.

However, you may want to hold fire:


There is still a lot to be done on Buran but I'm hoping to get back to it soon. The entire rest of the orbiter needs new textures to fit with the fully-tiled Buran look, and I need to make a new set of front landing gear & a variant of the cargo bay to fit it (Buran's landing gear are on the cargo bay rather than the nose). 

I'm wondering if people's preference would be for me to release the parts as they are finished (e.g. release just the aft section) or to wait until the whole craft is done. 


Any Buran Updates?

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  On 5/15/2022 at 8:23 PM, donnager fan said:

Any Buran Updates?


It will be done when it's done.

  On 5/15/2022 at 9:34 PM, donnager fan said:

And also im pretty sure everyone on this forum wants the beta buran to answer the question


I don't, for one. I'd rather experience the completed product.

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