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[1.12.x] Shuttle Orbiter Construction Kit | Stockalike Space Shuttle Orbiter! | (Tubes!) | v1.1.8


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9 hours ago, xaos said:

Love this mod, probably one of the better shuttle mods since the space shuttle system one. Anyways, I've had this 'problem' with the mod where the Canadarm would clip through the mid fuselage. It's only a minor problem that I'm able to deal with but a problem nonetheless. Some help would be greatly appreciated :)

Just autostrut it.

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aaand it's me again!

so I've been experiencing another problem: Putting fuel tank into payload is impossible! Is there a specific method to do it? Or specific fuel tank to put into cargo hold/payload bay?

in the other hand, it's impossible to snap anything inside of the shuttle's payload bay. What am I doing wrong? 

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7 minutes ago, dragonflyGT said:

in the other hand, it's impossible to snap anything inside of the shuttle's payload bay. What am I doing wrong? 

If you're having problems with it trying to attach all around inside the bay, try holding alt (assuming you're on Windows).  This should temporarily disable surface attach, and let you only use the green/black attach nodes.

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1 hour ago, Geonovast said:

If you're having problems with it trying to attach all around inside the bay, try holding alt (assuming you're on Windows).  This should temporarily disable surface attach, and let you only use the green/black attach nodes.


And again a lifesaver! But now another problem appeared it's about this mod or no I really don't know this is why I'm writing here.

After I dock to my station with Space Shuttle I'm saving my game and quit. But then if I reload the game again when I activate the Shuttle, Space Shuttle's parts clipping, getting eachother or randomly changing node/snap locations. Complete mess. And then I realise that from time to time station's parts experiencing the same situation. I'm using lots of mods one of them causing this problem but I couldn't solve it. Most of the time Shuttle's parts clipping/collusioning each other... Very annoying. 

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The robotic arm locking is covered earlier in this thread.  You have to lock the seven joints, then autostrut the last piece.  (I do them all just because I am who I am)
The trick is knowing that three of those seven are tiny rotation joints.


Edited by slaintemaith
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4 hours ago, Sippyfrog said:

I am experiencing this (see below) bug with the OMS engines and their effects and I searched through the thread but didn't find anything super useful yet.



any ideas?

looks like you are using RealPlume. This has been fixed in the latest version of RealPlume-Stock https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealPlume-StockConfigs/releases/tag/v1.5.0


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  • 2 weeks later...

Firstly, loving this mod.  Really great job, Benjee.

Secondly, I got some bugs to report.  :(

1.  RCS Effects aren't playing (latest version of Realplume stock, (I'll need to double check my version) Plume party not installed because I thought I didn't need it)

2.  The orbital engines have some of their effects set very far away from the engines.

3.  Okay, this one is a doozy.  Using the CADs active docking port form BDB, if I control from the docking port and make sure RCS is on and I'm pressing the correct keys, some of the translation directions don't work.  Back and Forward, up and down.  But left right translation still works.  Having though it was the docking port, I tested my Apollo with the same docking port, and the translation directions work.  So I'm clueless as to what could be causing this.

The translation directions work when I control from cockpit.

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Just now, Deltac said:

Firstly, loving this mod.  Really great job, Benjee.

Secondly, I got some bugs to report.  :(

1.  RCS Effects aren't playing (latest version of Realplume stock, Plume party not installed because I thought I didn't need it)

2.  The orbital engines have some of their effects set very far away from the engines.

3.  Okay, this one is a doozy.  Using the CADs active docking port form BDB, if I control from the docking port and make sure RCS is on and I'm pressing the correct keys, some of the translation directions don't work.  Back and Forward, up and down.  But left right translation still works.  Having though it was the docking port, I tested my Apollo with the same docking port, and the translation directions work.  So I'm clueless as to what could be causing this.

The translation directions work when I control from cockpit.

Plume party is a dependency for this mod - the RCS effects are from plume party, so if you remove that, you aren't going to get any effects. Likewise RealPlume is probably the culprit for the OMS engine plumes. RealPlume isn't currently supported by this mod. 

The third issue is not a bug, but is down to how KSP handles translation controls relative to the control point, and is not specific to this mod. You would get the same result if you set up a stock shuttle in the way the supplied craft file for this mod is and then tried to fly controlling from the docking port. The parts in this mod have multiple RCS modules per part so that you're able to enable/disable thrusters on certain axes. This makes it easier to avoid thrusters firing when they shouldn't when translating, which would induce torque and unintended translation. However, this is all relative to the orientation of the part you're controlling from. So the thrusters pointing forwards on the cockpit are no longer considered to be pointing forwards when you control from the docking port, since this is oriented 90 degrees from the cockpit's orientation. There are two solutions to this - you can either dock controlling from the cockpit by eye (or from the IVA - the view from the aft flight deck windows is ideal for docking), or you can enable advanced tweakables, and adjust the actuation toggles yourself in flight. You could also just set all the RCS thrusters to fire in any orientation, although this will make the shuttle harder to control precisely and also use fuel faster, as you'll have additional thrusters firing. 

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23 minutes ago, benjee10 said:

the RCS effects are from plume party

Ah okay, my mistake :P

I also think I need to try updating realplume.  I'll just take that to the realplume stock thread if I have further issues.


And the translation stuff, well darn.  Mechjeb needs to control from the docking port in order to auto dock.  I did however manage to dock manually, so I'll probably just have to get used to that.

Thanks Benjee. :D

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2 hours ago, benjee10 said:

RealPlume isn't currently supported by this mod. 

RealPlume stock has actually supported ReDirect since before I took it over :) The configs are all on that side.

1 hour ago, Deltac said:

I also think I need to try updating realplume.  I'll just take that to the realplume stock thread if I have further issues.

The OMS issue should have been fixed since v1.5.0. Current version is v1.6.0

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First of all many thanks for this mod, it is awesome! Just one thing I'm struggling with is to attach/dock KerboArm to the Grapple fixture. I read here that it docks in 60 degree angle. Unfortunately I try to rotate 360 degree and no connection/docking made.

Can you maybe for those like me post some guidance how to do that? It would be very appreciated by many users I think. I just point my KerboArm to the Grapple fixture, rotate it by 60 degree and nothing happened. Could it be due to other mods? I'm using KJR Next and Infernal Robotics Next.

Maybe I'm doing something stupid, so sorry for bothering - thanks for advice / instructions.

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2 hours ago, elGremlin said:


First of all many thanks for this mod, it is awesome! Just one thing I'm struggling with is to attach/dock KerboArm to the Grapple fixture. I read here that it docks in 60 degree angle. Unfortunately I try to rotate 360 degree and no connection/docking made.

Can you maybe for those like me post some guidance how to do that? It would be very appreciated by many users I think. I just point my KerboArm to the Grapple fixture, rotate it by 60 degree and nothing happened. Could it be due to other mods? I'm using KJR Next and Infernal Robotics Next.

Maybe I'm doing something stupid, so sorry for bothering - thanks for advice / instructions.

Is there a possibility you are doing what drove me crazy for 3 hours? I attempted to use the arm to connect to my payload inside of the cargo bay but couldn't get it to connect no matter what I tried and it turned out...


you can't dock your craft to itself.


I felt really dumb after this because on the surface it seems obvious but the robotic arms don't feel like conventional docking so I never thought about it. If this is why your cannot get it to work, because the target is still considered part of the same vessel, I positioned the grapple fixture and end of the arm in place ready to go and then decoupled my payload only for it to immediately reattach to the robotic arm

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44 minutes ago, Sippyfrog said:

Is there a possibility you are doing what drove me crazy for 3 hours? I attempted to use the arm to connect to my payload inside of the cargo bay but couldn't get it to connect no matter what I tried and it turned out...


you can't dock your craft to itself.


I felt really dumb after this because on the surface it seems obvious but the robotic arms don't feel like conventional docking so I never thought about it. If this is why your cannot get it to work, because the target is still considered part of the same vessel, I positioned the grapple fixture and end of the arm in place ready to go and then decoupled my payload only for it to immediately reattach to the robotic arm

You can definitely dock a vessel to itself, I’ve done it many times but others have reported the same issue. I think the angle snaps may be causing some problems for some people so I may tweak that.

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10 hours ago, benjee10 said:

You can definitely dock a vessel to itself, I’ve done it many times but others have reported the same issue. I think the angle snaps may be causing some problems for some people so I may tweak that.

That would be awesome!!! simply the best :-) thanks in advance! 

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3 minutes ago, elGremlin said:



One more "stupid" question. Not sure if only I see that situation, but orbiter seam to be extremely unstable using only OMS engines. Did I miss anything while constructing it? Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.

You might need to tweak the OMS angles till the angle of thrust is as close to the center of mass.  The included craft file should be a good example.

Also you can change the control point of the shuttle cabin.  Right click it and click the option that says "Control Point Forward".  It should change to "Control -15".  That will help you line up your burns in space.

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4 hours ago, Deltac said:

You might need to tweak the OMS angles till the angle of thrust is as close to the center of mass.  The included craft file should be a good example.

Also you can change the control point of the shuttle cabin.  Right click it and click the option that says "Control Point Forward".  It should change to "Control -15".  That will help you line up your burns in space.

Oh great thanks a lot! And hope last ;-) how to tweak the OMS?


And one last thing (see am beginner) when I operate KerboArm and try to lock the joint very often my KerboArm breaks and destroys, no idea why. Any thoughts or ideas?

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1 hour ago, JordanLOL said:

Hello, the Mod looks nice but... I can't use it, it doesnt work. Does anyone of you have a solution? I already have a lot of mods..


How could we have a solution if we don`t know what exactly isn`t working? Please send a better explanation of your problems and a log-file.

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