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The WORST thing about KSP...


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  On 7/31/2019 at 11:11 PM, Scarecrow said:

That they haven't included something like KJR as standard to eliminate the wet noodle syndrome.


How do rigid attachment and autostrut not count as something like KJR?


Edit: Perhaps it's worth saying I don't have anything against KJR, and have used it myself for a long time. I'm just asking how one would classify rigid attachment and autostrut as something other than, or unworthy as, a craft rigidity solution.

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I for one didn't even know autostruts were stock until I saw them in the VAB despite explicitly remembering not having installed it as a mod. From the way everyone was always gushing over it, I always assumed it was just a popular mod like KER or FAR.

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  On 7/31/2019 at 11:32 PM, Rocket Witch said:

How do rigid attachment and autostrut not count as something like KJR?


KJR applies to every joint, automatically.  KJR does not involve guesswork that needs to be adjusted for each craft and possibly in flight.  It's stronger and more reliable than autostruts.  It's not perfect, but it is way, way better than the autostrut bandaid.

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  On 7/31/2019 at 5:09 PM, XLjedi said:

I dunno, do I want to yell at an MS tech in India for 2 hours... or just pay $100...  hmmmm...


Are you really going to short those poor MS employees of their hard earned monies?!


♪ In the arrrms ooof an angel! ♫

Every day, a MS employee goes without his Starbucks coffee.

♫ Flyyyy awaaaay from here! ♪

For just 100 dollars a reg, you can save one employee.


Edited by Mahnarch
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  On 8/1/2019 at 12:59 AM, Mahnarch said:

Are you really going to short those poor MS employees of their hard earned monies?!


♪ In the arrrms ooof an angel! ♫

Every day, a MS employee goes without his Starbucks coffee.

♫ Flyyyy awaaaay from here! ♪

For just 100 dollars a reg, you can save one employee.



Oh...  *sniff*  *sniff*  I told myself...  I would not cry... 

What was I thinking!  I wuv you MS employee.

No really, you just take my money...  I didn't really want it anyway?

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  On 8/1/2019 at 1:05 AM, XLjedi said:

Oh...  *sniff*  *sniff*  I told myself...  I would not cry... 

What was I thinking!  I wuv you MS employee.

No really, you just take my money...  I didn't really want it anyway?


Just go on M$ website and download the media creation tool; make an iso and use rufus to make a usb boot disk. When installing windows 10 just hit "i dont have a product key" Windows 10 works fine without activation; so long as you don't mind a watermark.

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  On 7/31/2019 at 5:09 PM, XLjedi said:

The  surge somehow managed to just takeout the ethernet and sound on my mobo.


depending on your mobile and mobo, you can connect your mobile to your pc with an usb cable and use usb tethering to use your data plan, then you can register your win10 to your ms account

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Its a time predator... Just one launch... Two hours gone X.x

Honestly, the worst thing for me is the lack of proper IVA instrumentation. I really hate to rely on mods (that is true for all games) and to have something like a basic version of RasterPropMonitors would make the list of game features close to perfect.

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  On 7/31/2019 at 5:09 PM, XLjedi said:


If any of you haven't already, maybe a good time to look into that MS creator registration thing.  Since it took out my mobo ethernet, I can't get the mobo to talk to MS.  I dunno, do I want to yell at an MS tech in India for 2 hours... or just pay $100...  hmmmm...


Win10 license keys cost less that $10... that's what I'm using right now. We even bought a bunch when moving some older machines at work over from Win7.

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It's a bit hard to pick one for top spot, but it'd be from this pool, in roughly descending order of annoyance:
Idiotic game engine related borkage with major releases, and the waiting for third-party engine updates to fix it.
Poor performance, particularly poor performance of the garbage collector.
The infuriating wheel and landing leg suspension model.
Excessive memory consumption.
"Cannot deploy while stowed".
The progression system - boring and grindy science collection, nonsensical contracts, arbitrary tech tree, the uninspiring "grind clicks to get parts" career mode in general.

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VAB lag. It made building my Saturn V torturous rather than enjoyable. Trying to lock a gimbal only to find the lag means I've ripped a chunk off the rocket (and undo will have me w a i t i n g ages ), trying to rotate the camera and having it jerk and judder. It completely killed the fun. That's why I'm staying off KSP for a while.

Sure, the rocket was big (about 700 parts), but I and others have built bigger.

Flight lag I can tolerate, if only because after the launch to orbit usually most of the parts are going away, but VAB lag is different.

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  On 8/1/2019 at 9:41 AM, steve_v said:

The progression system - boring and grindy science collection, nonsensical contracts, arbitrary tech tree, the uninspiring "grind clicks to get parts" career mode in general.


Maybe because I'm older, but I feel like a proper "game mode" is lacking. I'd love to see a designed progression (story) with optional side missions to get more stuff. The RNG sandbox thing is weird to me, I'd love to see must-get goals and an end game somewhere. Again, I'm an old dude- first game experience was Atari 2600/Arcade where you played for score, I was so excited to play NES games because they could be beaten. Maybe there will be a story DLC someday...

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  On 8/1/2019 at 4:16 AM, Incarnation of Chaos said:

Windows 10 works fine without activation; so long as you don't mind a watermark.


Yes there's the Activate Windows watermark and a friendly reminder from time to time to activate, but you're also locked out of customising the background, colour, theme, and a lot of other things if you haven't activated.

  On 8/1/2019 at 8:59 PM, KerbolExplorer said:

The fact the the best features they recently made are locked by a DLC

Atleast mods are adding new terrain scaterer:rolleyes:


I feel you man.. 'stock' props.

The Prop Is A Lie

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  On 8/2/2019 at 12:43 AM, The_Cat_In_Space said:

Yes there's the Activate Windows watermark and a friendly reminder from time to time to activate, but you're also locked out of customising the background, colour, theme, and a lot of other things if you haven't activated.



It doesn't affect performance; that's really all that matters. On previous windows editions they would artificially slow down the system to encourage you to buy a license.

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  On 8/1/2019 at 12:40 PM, cantab said:

VAB lag. It made building my Saturn V torturous rather than enjoyable.


VAB lag (I suspect this is related to the garbage-collector I so often whinge about), is a constant frustration. Even getting the part-list context menus to register clicks properly and stay open is a chore.
IME this lag scales not only with vessel part count, but also with the number of available parts.
If Squad want to add any more parts as DLC, this needs to be addressed. Hell, it needs to be addressed now.


  On 8/2/2019 at 12:29 AM, Waxing_Kibbous said:

Maybe because I'm older, but I feel like a proper "game mode" is lacking. I'd love to see a designed progression (story) with optional side missions to get more stuff. Maybe there will be a story DLC someday...


Likewise, even the notoriously sandboxy X series games have long-term plots and mission-chains. Not having a proper plot yet is actually one of my primary gripes with the new and not quite cooked X4.
Even something as trivial as stringing the least stupid contracts together into some coherent near-term mission objectives would be a huge improvement.
The science system though, that's beyond salvaging IMO.

  On 8/2/2019 at 12:29 AM, Waxing_Kibbous said:

Maybe there will be a story DLC someday


Honestly, I think the whole system needs ripped out and rethought. Random side-quests for eternity does not an engaging gameplay experience make, and unlocking the whole part-inventory is as silly an endgame goal as I've ever seen.
The sandbox is great and all, but right now the only thing that's carrying the gameplay.


  On 8/2/2019 at 4:01 AM, Incarnation of Chaos said:

On 7 it would slow down to a crawl and display "not a genuine copy" in all 4 corners.


So very glad I don't have to deal with this kind of nonsense any more, FOSS operating systems FTW.

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  On 8/2/2019 at 5:14 AM, steve_v said:


So very glad I don't have to deal with this kind of nonsense any more, FOSS operating systems FTW.


Tbh if i wasn't pressed for funds ATM i would be running Linux with GPU Passthrough to a Windows10 VM; the number of issues i have with W10 on a daily basis is just incredible. It's a good OS; but they lost scope of who they're building it for. 

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