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Kerbal Space Program 2: Master Post


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8 minutes ago, JAFO said:

Well, technically, March is also in springtime.. :wink:

Spring 2020 in Northern Hemisphere will begin on Friday 20 March and ends on Saturday 20 June. Direct from Google. 

2 minutes ago, GoldForest said:

Mmmm, March isn't a good time to release in 2020. 
Final Fantasy VII remake
Watch Dogs 3
and Animal crossing all release in March. 

I'd say go for April or May. Probably May, that way you only have to combat with Marvel's Avenger game. Cyberpunk 2077 is release in April, might be tough releasing along side that one. 

See above ;)  They won't do March/April, like you said too many big games. But they have until June so it's OK :D 

Edited by madindehead
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Awww, this was such a great news until i saw 60$ full game, multi platform release ...

I fully expect a community divide between KSP and KSP2. There is no way for KSP2 to rival the number of mods, features and knowledge base of KSP. That said, if they make multiplayer work and scalable it might explode with popularity which would be magical. But as it is i've seen enough games/IP's that hit a gold with first game only to flop on a more ambitious sequel. And that's before we add publisher pressure concerns. (no trust in T2 at all here)

Happy to see it done in Unity thou, it's the right engine for the job. Funny to see people crying it's "so old". Similar with ones expecting multihreading to be savior of kerbalkind.
I wish all the best to KSP2 team but, i'd not throw out any "to do" or "in progress" projects for KSP, it will take much longer than 2020 release for KSP2 to replace KSP.

ps: oh, it's been 4 years since last post already, damn time flies fast.

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3 minutes ago, The Dunatian said:

This hit me like a truck going 80 mph down the highway. I never had the faintest inkling...

I'm pretty sure it was the same for damn near all of us!

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1 hour ago, 5thHorseman said:

That's fair. I disagree with you but if a new KSP version is not worth that to you then it seems the correct course of action for you to not buy it.

Yeah. I am all for charging a price for a product that it costs. I agree, value and budget varies for everyone. But if someone works hard, and is polite about asking for the payment, then that's great. (Lots of "artists" do rubbish work, and ask a lot, that's not a problem, until they call their fans names LOL, but I don't see that happening here. KSP2 and the devs are asking for a price, and seeing if it's right for the community. TBF, if it's polished up fully, $/£60 is fine...)

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6 minutes ago, Nao said:

Awww, this was such a great news until i saw 60$ full game multi platform release ...

I fully expect a community divide between KSP and KSP2. There is no way for KSP2 to rival the number of mods features and knowledge base of KSP. That said, if they make multiplayer work and scalable it might explode with popularity which would be magical. But as it is, i've seen enough games/IP's that hit a gold with first game only to flop on a more ambitious sequel. And that's before we add publisher pressure concerns. (no trust in T2 at all here)

Happy to see it done in Unity thou, it's the right engine for the job. Funny to see people crying it's "so old". Similar with ones expecting multihreading to be savior of kerbalkind.
I wish all the best to KSP2 team but, i'd not throw out any "to do" or "in progress" projects for KSP, it will take much longer than 2020 release for KSP2 to replace KSP.

ps: oh, it's been 4 years since last post already, damn time flies fast.

I imagine that a lot of people will move onto KSP2 and that knowledge (providing basic mechanics are similar) will be retained and improved upon. There could well be a split - but it's also possible that by giving modders better tools that porting mods (at least basic starter version) might not be that complex and that there might even be tools to do so. So perhaps it will be easier to maintain mods across both versions and help both communities. I really don't think this is purely publishers driven. Publishers are an easy target (yes some are bad) for every problem in the game industry. $60 is the new price of games - we need to accept that. Also - KSP2 seems to be a lot more ambitious in its approach for the first release. Don't bash it on price - there's time to save. They have set the price now - a lot of developers and publishers don't do that. So give them some credit there at least. 

Edited by madindehead
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I quickly glanced at the site and saw that banner. KSP2? Cool!


About two hours later it hit me. Waitaminutewhat? 

And so I quickly glanced over the posts and looked at the posts. Woah! That’s great! A ground up rebuild of KSP with new graphics and features.

And then I clicked on the banner. Gameplay screenshots that look as good as the trailer? Surface colonies? Multiplayer? Hrk!


So that’s why I’m suing Take Two for emotional damages equivalent to hitting me with a train full of rainbows, sunshine, and rocket fuel. 

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2 minutes ago, GearsNSuch said:

I quickly glanced at the site and saw that banner. KSP2? Cool!


About two hours later it hit me. Waitaminutewhat? 

And so I quickly glanced over the posts and looked at the posts. Woah! That’s great! A ground up rebuild of KSP with new graphics and features.

And then I clicked on the banner. Gameplay screenshots that look as good as the trailer? Surface colonies? Multiplayer? Hrk!


So that’s why I’m suing Take Two for emotional damages equivalent to hitting me with a train full of rainbows, sunshine, and rocket fuel. 

The trailer tells you "Not actual gameplay footage." 

Besides, you should know trailers never look like the game. 

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I predict flash sales of pitchforks and accompanying elation over the next few months depending on which side of the information opinion people fall on as news trickles through.

The KSP community is amazing, intellectual, and highly opinionated which will be both a blessing and a curse for the development team.  I wish them all the very best of luck in negotiating popular and unpopular decisions along the way, and can only believe that the massive resource and collective knowledge and opinion that has built up through this forum and player-base over the years has somehow been (secretly it seems) squeezed of all its very best ideas and the result will be KSP2 at the end of it all. 

It is inevitable that the game will split opinion along some lines, it remains to be seen what percentage lands where.  For me multiplayer was never on my wish list but I'm happy to take a wait and see approach.  Colonies is something I always hoped for as a keen base builder and I am glad to see this in the trailer as a potentially key feature.

For me personally today I was surprised and delighted with the news that there will be a KSP2.  Its a token of good news to counteract the enthusiastically opposite direction my life has taken in the last 6 months.

My keenest two hopes beyond hope for KSP 2 are - Do not dumb it down to appeal to the masses.  Do make it is as mod friendly as humanly possible.

Good luck - Its a job that's for sure! :confused:



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38 minutes ago, madindehead said:

I imagine that a lot of people will move onto KSP2 and that knowledge (providing basic mechanics are similar) will be retained and improved upon. There could well be a split - but it's also possible that by giving modders better tools that porting mods (at least basic starter version) might not be that complex and that there might even be tools to do so. So perhaps it will be easier to maintain mods across both versions and help both communities. I really don't think this is purely publishers driven. Publishers are an easy target (yes some are bad) for every problem in the game industry. $60 is the new price of games - we need to accept that. Also - KSP2 seems to be a lot more ambitious in its approach for the first release. Don't bash it on price - there's time to save. 

We shall see. I'm cautiously pessimistic based on experience.
I think people underestimate how much features, content etc. that are "essential" are created over the many years of creation of first game. I just can't see KSP2 to have that AND more big features, like multiplayer etc.

As for the publishers, i don't really mean it in the simplistic "microtransactions are bad" way, but in overall how their existence pulls the game development in suboptimal directions. For example first game (like KSP) always released stuff when it was done. While the sequel almost always is under stiff release schedule. This causes many issues, from game straight up not working, to content being cut, and often it's not* the obvious "new craft models etc" but technical features. Which in the end creates very dry experiance. With many things that we never even thought were important for us in first game that sequel now lacks.
The only redeeming thing is modding, that has potential to fix any forced blunders that come by.

Lastly, I don't mind the price per-se. I have the money, but i have serious doubts that on release the content will match it. After all, while the Star theory isn't completely green, it's still their first try at this type of game and by straight up setting the bar to "max" with full price game with no EA, multiplatform and multiplayer just sets up alarm bells for me. I've seen enough good studios crash and burn while doing even less than that.

* - edit: missed a negative, now it should make sense sry.

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9 hours ago, The_Cat_In_Space said:

How can we even trust that they'll make a decent KSP 2 console version?

Well...It's a different company.  So, there's that.

9 hours ago, Bob Jub said:

Yeah well- If you're NOT on the team, they better be compensating you.  Because as soon as I read about the planetary colony system, I knew right away that it is what you intended the MKS system to be.

I'm pretty sure RoverDude doesn't have the patent on base building in video games.

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9 hours ago, KerbalKore said:

Go yell at blitworks, leave squad out of this.

I mean, Squad has hired two companies now to make two separate attempts at creating a console version of KSP to middling success.  Relieving them of all responsibility seems irresponsible.

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41 minutes ago, Nao said:

Awww, this was such a great news until i saw 60$ full game, multi platform release ...

If you think the $60 is an issue, wait until people realize they need a full gaming spec rig.

Oh, but I already have that.” — then the $60 isn’t an issue.

I’m always amazed how a lot of people seem to expect that software engineers will work for free.


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30 minutes ago, GoldForest said:

The trailer tells you "Not actual gameplay footage." 

Besides, you should know trailers never look like the game. 

On the KSP website, they have some actual gameplay photos. And of course, I was using some hyperbole there, but they really do look about nearly almost as good. Just try clicking on the banner on top of the forum and scrolling down a bit. 

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8 hours ago, TheSaint said:


Okay, lack of clouds is one of my (admittedly smaller) pet peeves with KSP. If they somehow manage to make a brand new sequel, on a brand new graphics engine, with new and improved everything, without clouds? I swear, I will hang my head and cry.

There is literally no excuse.  It's 8 years later.  A mod has done it for nearly that amount of time.  You can't blame minimum specs anymore.

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I saw the announcement last night as I was going to bed. Let's just say it took me a while to fall asleep, but I don't mind.
2020 can't come soon enough.

Please, keep the SANDBOX mode.
And I really hope we get some performance improvement, like multithreading for example.

Thank you for this excellent news.

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4 hours ago, mystik said:

They're not? Then why are they promoting a competing game development studio?

Because they're under the same publisher, created the original, and are decent human beings who want other decent human beings to succeed at creating a successor to the thing they love.

3 hours ago, GoldForest said:

I saw no KSP1 assets in the Trailer

Look closer.  There's a ton.  ...and this isn't a bad thing.  Of course they'll use designs from the original for the sequel.  It'd be odd if they didn't.  Of course the assets are prettied up, but they're still KSP.

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(So, they are going to release a new game to return back the tower next to the launchpad. Well, that's the true Kerbal way.)

No voxels, so unlikely destroyable landscape (if drop an asteroid).

Will Jebediah be in KSP 2?
If so, which Jebediah is the true one if both games are installed on the same PC? Shouldn't this cause a heresy?
The new game is going to raise the deepest questions of cloning and personality...

Geosynch orbits? Lagrange points?


15 hours ago, Dman979 said:
15 hours ago, Xurkitree said:


Where? I haven't seen anything about that, only KSP2.

(1.8 + 2.0) / 2 = 1.9

15 hours ago, Lo Var Lachland said:

It's gonna be 2013 all over again! :D

The alleged first post in the future KSP 2 forum:


"Can the bouncing legs call a Kraken?"

The next one:


"When I switch off the engine my jets keeps flying and gets into orbit. Is it by design?"

15 hours ago, Kerbart said:

Guido van Rossem: “And with 2020, I mean 1 minute after midnight on January 1.

Private Division: “LOLZ Bro, December 31st is still 2020.

A proper time zone gifts a 24 h bonus.

15 hours ago, mattihase said:

How well are the developers at Star Theory being treated? Have they ever been made to work unpaid overtime? Are there any plans to make lay offs in their QA department after launch to increase profit margins? Will there be any attempt to suppress workplace complaints over harassment to be overseen exclusively within the company?

Everything is good with this. They get food almost every day, and there is a window in the roof to see the sun every noon. The straw on the floor is fresh and gets replaced every week. They have individual cannonballs on the chains to let them move around the office with no obstacles.

15 hours ago, Dman979 said:

Mod support has been confirmed.

It would be very nice to get a starter's modding tutorial as well.

13 hours ago, Rocket Witch said:

Male Kerbal eyes are placed a bit low; they look slightly derpy, like the characters from the ancient visual novel Kanon.

Their brain has grown to hold all wisdom of the community.
(Female Kerbals already were enough wise.)

Though, then they should face even more problems with Gemini, its windows are at the ceiling.

9 hours ago, ChrisSpace said:

1:42 Nuclear pulse propulsion, looks too good to be true so I have my doubts.

See also the second video, 01:50

5 hours ago, JAFO said:

Why exactly is it that everyone gets so excited about lens flare? It's not more realistic.. it's LESS realistic.

Human eyeballs don't do lens flare.. only cameras do.

Probably, every second here wears glasses...

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