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Hopes and Wishes for KSP 2


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Hi everyone !

It would be really nice if planets and/or biomes have really specific features that make them special and make exploration of every planet different (hey, kerbal is all about exploration, right ?). For example

  • Some IRSU resources can be found in specific biomes (and some parts would require those resources).
  • Science experiments that would be runnable only in some biomes and unlock special techs.
  • Different "habitability ratings" of biomes, more infrastructure needs to be built for bases in inhospitable biomes.
  • Some biomes that would be fatal to Kerbals -> no EVA possible.
  • Strong wind speeds, chaotic weather in some biomes.

Another thing about exploration : I think it would be cool if information about celestial bodies, in the Tracking Stations, were revealed only after certain operations were made. For example, texture is shown only when a kerbal of a camera-equipped unmanned module is sent.

Cheers, and best luck to the dev team !




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11 minutes ago, steph_kun said:
  • Some IRSU resources can be found in specific biomes (and some parts would require those resources).
  • Science experiments that would be runnable only in some biomes and unlock special techs.
  • Different "habitability ratings" of biomes, more infrastructure needs to be built for bases in inhospitable biomes.
  • Some biomes that would be fatal to Kerbals -> no EVA possible.
  • Strong wind speeds, chaotic weather in some biomes.

Just as a note: #1 is true in KSP1.  (And is more noticeable with mods, but it's even in stock, though which biomes matter is random.)  #2 is technically possible - in that they're runnable only in some biomes - I believe, though there are no tech unlocks.  (Which I'd be against, somewhat: It leads to a 'catch-em-all' gameplay where you *have* to visit each biome.)

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After reading people get their underwear in a bunch over my suggestion of one speculative technology, then ironically defend other speculative technologies that are going to be in the game (just because they work on bench tops on earth, does not mean they’ll work at full scale  in space), the biggest thing that should be included is life support systems... if you’re going to criticize the possibility of warp drives, but then send a Kerbin to Duna in a Gemini-style command capsule,  then you really don’t care for “realism.” I think that the research tree should necessarily include improvements to life support systems... as exampled above, a Gemini command capsule could not reasonably send a person to mars and back, so there is no reason the mk1 command capsule (or the mk3 for that matter) could reasonably send a Kerbin to Duna and back. Additionally, so much engineering went into that capsule, that if feels like a disservice to just drop it on you, as the first tech. To that end, if interstellar travel is a thing, and relativistic speeds are a thing, then two considerations must be made 1) A life support system that could reasonable hibernate or maintain life hero’s food, for example) for multi month or year journeys (with multiple unlockable nodes on a research tree that allow longer distance journeys with greater survivablity) and, 2) upgrades to spacecraft shielding to prevent the ship from being torn in half when you impact a grain of sand at 0.1 the speed of light. Additionally, if colonization is a thing, all of you “anti speculative technology” folks will be crushed to learn that colonization on anything other than a planet with earth-like gravity cannot work... humans (and thusly, presumably Kerbins) cannot gestate embryos in anything other than earth gravity, without the risk of SEVERE developmental disorders... this would include mars, because human evolution is based upon earth gravity. 


This brings me to the career mode... it should have a much more organic flow in the research tree... while we don’t need to start with “the dawn of flight,” the career mode should start with things like the V-2 rocket and the Me-109... starting with a Gemini command capsule and srb’s makes no sense when basic aeronautics and planes are a couple nodes down. Also, scientific research should have more consequence in career mode... test the composition of soil around Kerbin and you unlock different space age materials, like abilities to work with aluminum and titanium... or test Kerbin physiology in different scenarios to unlock life support nodes... etc

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2 hours ago, Bingleberry said:

After reading people get their underwear in a bunch over my suggestion of one speculative technology, then ironically defend other speculative technologies that are going to be in the game (just because they work on bench tops on earth, does not mean they’ll work at full scale  in space), the biggest thing that should be included is life support systems... if you’re going to criticize the possibility of warp drives, but then send a Kerbin to Duna in a Gemini-style command capsule,  then you really don’t care for “realism."

You don't see the vast gap in what's possible between blowing up nukes behind a pusher plate and inventing a type of matter that doesn't even exist in reality?

Edited by mcwaffles2003
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What I would love to see in the game, at least as a mod is an option to open the map in another window. I have two monitors and would love the look and functionality of having the in flight view and the map view. At least an up to date mod, there is a mod for KSP but it isn’t updated and only works with 1.4, and from how I’ve heard it functions, it opens another copy of the game and only runs the map view. I haven’t tried it myself but I think that it would be laggy as it’s running two Laggy games at once. But I could be wrong. I feel like mechjeb would be a good mod for this to be included in, it works with the other functions of mechjeb such as the flight recorder.

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21 hours ago, Naths said:

What I would love to see in the game, at least as a mod is an option to open the map in another window. I have two monitors and would love the look and functionality of having the in flight view and the map view. At least an up to date mod, there is a mod for KSP but it isn’t updated and only works with 1.4, and from how I’ve heard it functions, it opens another copy of the game and only runs the map view. I haven’t tried it myself but I think that it would be laggy as it’s running two Laggy games at once. But I could be wrong. I feel like mechjeb would be a good mod for this to be included in, it works with the other functions of mechjeb such as the flight recorder.

This! And an option to have this as a flat map, like in SCANsat. So it looks like a real mission control room :D

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Would be nice if it has solved the N-body problem so Lagrange is possible, but it doesn't seem so. Too bad.

But very important: Mod versioning. I always have troubles when I'm getting an KSP update and then some mods don't load anymore and with it some vessels, etc.


Thanks to the devops for such a nice game! I'm playing it for years now. It's just perfect for nerds and geeks and such people who are just interested in rocketry :-)

Edited by retikulum
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I would like to see dynamic weather such as clouds, wind, temperatures that realistically affect the performance of engines. Also, it would be nice to see the Kerbol System scaled up by a factor of 2 or so. Also, a way to design and interact with IVA interiors and add action groups in there.

Edited by Zabloo
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  • With ship A be able to dock onto 2 docks on ship B at the same time. This way you can make a centrifuge around a ship with multiple parts
  • Be able to set things in perfect geosynchronous orbit
  • Be able to set up commuter routes after completing the route before (land, air, and space). To enable sending resources without doing the route over and over.
  • Lots of centrifuge stuff
  • Other life?
  • A Story? (Watching The Expanse as I’m writing this)
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Honestly I really hope that colony building looks something like this:


It might be an unpopular opinion, and I might not be the most experienced late game player for KSP 1, but I hope that at least the first colony is more hands-on than just plopping a ColonyMaker2000 on the surface, and watching it unfold into a colony. I can't imagine that was how it was ever going to work, seeing as they have physics and all, but I do hope that there is some assembly required. I understand that in the super late-game it would be ridiculous to hand build every colony, but the video makes it look like so much fun. I really like the idea of using sky cranes and rovers to dock modules (although modules on wheels aren't the best). My point is, I really hope the colony building mechanism is more than just a build and place.

Also wondering... how would landings even work? The trailer shows elevated landing pads... with no gantry. There's no rover access, ladders, docking mechanism... how do you transfer kerbals?

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On 8/19/2019 at 9:56 PM, KerbolExplorer said:

I hope my pc can run it

very true

I hope they have a large variety of parts and planets. 

Also being able to get multiple create-able launch sites on other planets and Heavenly bodies would be very useful because travelling really long distances becomes too time-consuming. Also it's probably more realistic. 

Edited by HyperDraco
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- mode for controlling the ship and modules only from the cockpit

-activation of external modules from the cockpit

- you can only watch the processes from the outside

only hard mode ...

Edited by KDN77RUS
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35 minutes ago, KDN77RUS said:

- mode for controlling the ship and modules only from the cockpit

 why can't you just control the ship from the cockpit when you want to, why does there have to be a mode for it? :/


35 minutes ago, KDN77RUS said:

-activation of external modules from the cockpit

- you can only watch the processes from the outside

only hard mode ...

- yes

- yes

Edited by Dirkidirk
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On 3/3/2020 at 8:41 AM, Will_McCurdy said:
  • With ship A be able to dock onto 2 docks on ship B at the same time. This way you can make a centrifuge around a ship with multiple parts
  • Be able to set things in perfect geosynchronous orbit
  • Be able to set up commuter routes after completing the route before (land, air, and space). To enable sending resources without doing the route over and over.
  • Lots of centrifuge stuff
  • Other life?
  • A Story? (Watching The Expanse as I’m writing this)
  1. This already works. You have to be crazy precise about it though.
  2. This also already works... if you're good enough, or cheat.
  3. YES! I think this is almost a requirement for late-game colonial gameplay, assuming that resource management and LS is implemented.
  4. ?
  5. YES! I would hate it if there's nothing to discover than more rocks with the occasional surface feature.
  6. NO! on this one: KSP is a sandbox, and while sandboxes can and should have progression, the whole point is that you're the one who creates the stories as you play.
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6 hours ago, Dirkidirk said:

 Когда вы хотите, чтобы это был режим? : /


но это должно быть условием в настройках, когда внешний контроль невозможен

[Moderator added translation]

but this should be a condition in the settings when external control is not possible

Edited by James Kerman
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