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Hopes and Wishes for KSP 2


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Something like kerbal alarm clock or some other ways to deal with complex missions. Maybe the game can allow negative time-warp, where cannonically you are a different kerbal of mission control doing something in tandem with the first guy. If a space program has enough funds to build a deadalus, surely it has enough funds to hire more staff at mission control.


I'd personally like things to do with the more astronomical side of things. Sure KSP is about conquering the physics with rocket technology, especially in connection to the current/past rocket tech of KSP 1. However I'd like some aspects that focus on exploring the world the kerbals live in, and their place in it. Having the ability to see some astronomical phenomena up close, have kerbals(' societies) be impacted by the laws of physics and being involved in consequential astronomical (as opposed to technological) research.

  • Ideas for this include;
  • Axial tilt
  • Activities surrounding the building space (and land)-telescopes, and other surveying sensors (climate, on-body weather, space weather, particles, debris-items, gravitational waves, light of various wavelegnths etc) this can be done with space engineering in mind, and is something that space programs do deal with.
  • A sky-box that diplays the rest of the galaxy and further universe (both the reach-able part, but also the unreachable part of their universe. I'd imagine it be able to be photographed by sufficient telecopes, and studied.)
  • Activities surrounding the monitoring of space weather
  • Being impacted by the astronomical science possibilities set up by the player; these events could maybe serve as ideas to do to keep playing, for those players who find it difficult to keep thinking of things to do.
    • learning about bodies as a player from having done research, not having all the data there at once.
    • learning about the bigger galaxy by studying other galaxies (as is done in real life) using the previously mentioned telescopes, having the map view change drastically as the view on the galaxy becomes more clear.
    • having to evacuate colonies/ships because of space weather or small debris
    • learning about new places to go and explore in the reachable part of the galaxy, as you build more infrastructure
  • Simulating Relativity around bodies like black holes and the likes. It sounds far-fetched, but maybe it works when done in a similar way to aerodynamics in KSP 1, a timestep simulation instead of on-rails mechanics. I say that knowing that "timestep simulation of Relativistic Physics" is a warped concept because of the weirdness of time. However, we know that children can do orbital manouvres nowadays that actual space pilots used to struggle with, because of KSP. Maybe "getting a feeling for relativity" can sort of be achieved as well if you are allowed to experience it.
  • Being influenced by the conequences of debris (altough it needs to be balanced.)
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17 minutes ago, nikokespprfan said:

If a space program has enough funds to build a deadalus, surely it has enough funds to hire more staff at mission control.

You would think.   Maybe hiring the 40th kerbal won't cost more than the global GDP in KSP2. :sticktongue:

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Things I would like to see: 
-Warp Drive, preferably warp nacelle drive, but toroidal rings would be nice too. 
-Dynamic load/unloading of assets (Mainly colonies)
-Multiple solar systems, and not just a second solar system hovering off in the distance. The more the merrier, but I would settle for at least 3.
-Binary Star Systems, Gravity would get extremely wonky, but you would be able to make a space station that didn't move at all, that is if you could find the "Sweet spot", the spot where the gravity from both stars equals out and your station is stationary. 
-More space plane parts. I know it's a game about rockets and space exploration, but having parts to make a venture star or something else would be nice.
-Internal IVA activities, moving around space stations, or inside colony habitats. 
-More ground base vehicles, rovers, cars, trucks, etc
-Boat and submarine parts, for exploring oceans on distant worlds, speaking of which
-Under water science activities, alien corals, alien fish, etc
-Black hole, come on, who doesn't want a black hole in KSP? 
-Space telescopes/cameras
-Ability to build space vehicles in space or at colonies, I think this is coming as we see Daedalus launch from a space station, but still, mentioning it. 
-Crawler parts and the ability to move your rocket from the VAB to the launch pad. 

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9 minutes ago, GoldForest said:

Things I would like to see: 
-Warp Drive, preferably warp nacelle drive, but toroidal rings would be nice too. 
-Dynamic load/unloading of assets (Mainly colonies)
-Multiple solar systems, and not just a second solar system hovering off in the distance. The more the merrier, but I would settle for at least 3.
-Binary Star Systems, Gravity would get extremely wonky, but you would be able to make a space station that didn't move at all, that is if you could find the "Sweet spot", the spot where the gravity from both stars equals out and your station is stationary. 
-More space plane parts. I know it's a game about rockets and space exploration, but having parts to make a venture star or something else would be nice.
-Internal IVA activities, moving around space stations, or inside colony habitats. 
-More ground base vehicles, rovers, cars, trucks, etc
-Boat and submarine parts, for exploring oceans on distant worlds, speaking of which
-Under water science activities, alien corals, alien fish, etc
-Black hole, come on, who doesn't want a black hole in KSP? 
-Space telescopes/cameras
-Ability to build space vehicles in space or at colonies, I think this is coming as we see Daedalus launch from a space station, but still, mentioning it. 
-Crawler parts and the ability to move your rocket from the VAB to the launch pad. 

Might i suggest reading the announcement page and the PC Gamer interview?

Many of your list has been confirmed or vetoed, such as building vehicles outspace and warp drive.:P

Edited by Kerenatus
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16 minutes ago, GoldForest said:

-Warp Drive, preferably warp nacelle drive, but toroidal rings would be nice too. 

Warp Drive was stated as not happening in an interview with the creative director, Nate Simpson.


Simpson describes KSP2 as the 'Yes, and…' version of the original game, but the Star Theory team still wants to retain Kerbal's scientific grounding. "We made a document very early in the project that was like, here's the things we don't do in Kerbal Space Program. We don't do warp gates, we don't do warp drive, we don't do magic technology.


16 minutes ago, GoldForest said:

-Binary Star Systems, Gravity would get extremely wonky, but you would be able to make a space station that didn't move at all, that is if you could find the "Sweet spot", the spot where the gravity from both stars equals out and your station is stationary. 

While I can't say if we will get binary stars, it has been confirmed that we will get a binary pair of planets, Rask and Rusk. From the official website:


...Rask and Rusk, a binary pair locked in a dance of death...

and we got a good look at the two in the Developer Story Trailer.




16 minutes ago, GoldForest said:

-Ability to build space vehicles in space or at colonies, I think this is coming as we see Daedalus launch from a space station, but still, mentioning it. 

Also confirmed on the official site:


Eventually, these colonies become advanced enough for vehicle construction, propelling deep space and beyond.

and in the interview as well:


"As your colonies progress—as their population increases—they begin to build new modules using either locally available resources or resources that you brought to them," explains Simpson. "And when they reach a certain point of maturity, you can build a new VAB at the colony. And at that point, you have a proper beachhead—you're now outside of the gravity well of Kerbin. That unlocks, especially in the case of orbital colonies, some truly exciting possibilities."


Edited by TBenz
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18 minutes ago, Kerenatus said:

Might i suggest you to read the announcement page and the PC Gamer interview?

Many of your list has been confirmed or vetoed, such as building vehicles outspace and warp drive.:P


8 minutes ago, TBenz said:

Warp Drive was stated as not happening in an interview with the creative director, Nate Simpson.


While I can't say if we will get binary stars, it has been confirmed that we will get a binary pair of planets, Rask and Rusk. From the official website:

and we got a good look at the two in the Developer Story Trailer.

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Also confirmed on the official site:

and in the interview as well:


I realize that what they said, but I would still like to see these in game. And if they don't do it, then I know the modding community will. I expect to see NCC-1701 or NCC-1701-D within a month or two. 

On another note:
-The ability to set multi-manned control on a vessel in multiplayer.  Yes, I know, probably a bad idea, but that's why I said the ability. Like you can get a notification, "Ninjamaster_123 would like to control this vessel with you. Allow? [Yes] [No]" This would be helpful in some cases. Someone could pilot an aircraft or rocket and the co-pilot does science. 

Edited by GoldForest
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3 hours ago, GoldForest said:

Things I would like to see: 
-Warp Drive, preferably warp nacelle drive, but toroidal rings would be nice too. 

VERY VERY VERY strong NO! from me. I'm glad the devs said no too, and I hope they don't change their mind


-Dynamic load/unloading of assets (Mainly colonies)

Doesn't that already happen, like stuff being loaded and unloaded as it gets near (ie in the physics bubble?


-Multiple solar systems, and not just a second solar system hovering off in the distance. The more the merrier, but I would settle for at least 3.

Already confirmed, interstellar travel is in.I think in the dev video they mentioned 2 other star systems, bringing the total to 3 (the current system will be in, in an enhanced form, so they say)


-Binary Star Systems, Gravity would get extremely wonky, but you would be able to make a space station that didn't move at all, that is if you could find the "Sweet spot", the spot where the gravity from both stars equals out and your station is stationary. 

Well, they've shown binary planets, it makes me wonder if we'll get N-body physics and lagrange points. I'd love that


-Under water science activities, alien corals, alien fish, etc

I'm not sure about fish and coral, but underwater rock formations, hydrothermal vents, etc, would be cool. One can easily mod this in with breaking ground, so I expect that will be in KSP 2.


-Black hole, come on, who doesn't want a black hole in KSP? 

I don't. The scale is ridiculous. Any craft that can play around near one of those things will be ridiculously OP'd, and make the rest of the game a breeze, with just Brachistochrone trajectories of "point at target, burn until halfway, flip craft 180, burn" ... bye bye orbital mechanics and transfer windows, just point burn, flip, burn, done.


-Ability to build space vehicles in space or at colonies, I think this is coming as we see Daedalus launch from a space station, but still, mentioning it. 

Already confirmed... seriously, read the official stuff and watch the official videos before posting, there's too much hype and too many posts about stuff that's already answered... makes it hard to find the new stuff.

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1 hour ago, KerikBalm said:

VERY VERY VERY strong NO! from me. I'm glad the devs said no too, and I hope they don't change their mind

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-Dynamic load/unloading of assets (Mainly colonies)

Doesn't that already happen, like stuff being loaded and unloaded as it gets near (ie in the physics bubble?

Already confirmed, interstellar travel is in.I think in the dev video they mentioned 2 other star systems, bringing the total to 3 (the current system will be in, in an enhanced form, so they say)

Well, they've shown binary planets, it makes me wonder if we'll get N-body physics and lagrange points. I'd love that

I'm not sure about fish and coral, but underwater rock formations, hydrothermal vents, etc, would be cool. One can easily mod this in with breaking ground, so I expect that will be in KSP 2.

I don't. The scale is ridiculous. Any craft that can play around near one of those things will be ridiculously OP'd, and make the rest of the game a breeze, with just Brachistochrone trajectories of "point at target, burn until halfway, flip craft 180, burn" ... bye bye orbital mechanics and transfer windows, just point burn, flip, burn, done.

Already confirmed... seriously, read the official stuff and watch the official videos before posting, there's too much hype and too many posts about stuff that's already answered... makes it hard to find the new stuff.

Well is project Daedalus is true to form, we do have faster than light travel. Iirc Scott Manley said it was a FTL engine. So if the have FTL, warp isn't that too far fetched. I would settle for a warp 1 only system. Daedalus may take a while to get up to FTL, but a warp drive would be instant. And I understand why people are against it, too op, but warp drive would be the final stage of career mode if it is added. So too op? Not really if it is the last item you get.

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I want to be able to attach parts at two attachment nodes at the same time. Like for building a space station with a ring made from single segments. Currently we are only able to use one attachment node at a time. I hope the improve this

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2 hours ago, GoldForest said:

Well is project Daedalus is true to form, we do have faster than light travel. Iirc Scott Manley said it was a FTL engine. So if the have FTL, warp isn't that too far fetched. I would settle for a warp 1 only system. Daedalus may take a while to get up to FTL, but a warp drive would be instant.

Wat? you're not making any sense/ I don't understand the point that you are trying to make.

Project Daedalus (if it can be called a project) is NOT FTL.

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6 hours ago, GoldForest said:

Iirc Scott Manley said it was a FTL engine.

It's not. It's a very advanced fusion drive, which at the end of the day follows all the same principles as any other rocket engine, and cannot exceed (or even reach) the speed of light. It's essentially just an over-sized Nerv with the ISP kicked up super high (and an entirely different type of reaction going on and likely a completely new fuel... but still).

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Lots of In-game footage after some trailer clips are shown.

Around the 7:10-7:20 mark, he offhand mentions a metallic hydrogen engine :o

Still near that part myself

EDIT: Around 8:20 our first good look at the mini fusion thruster, or VASIMR?


Around the early 11 minute mark, they say that PC: Early 2020, Xbox/PS4 "little later" maybe summer or fall?

7 hours ago, GoldForest said:

Well is project Daedalus is true to form, we do have faster than light travel. Iirc Scott Manley said it was a FTL engine. So if the have FTL, warp isn't that too far fetched. I would settle for a warp 1 only system. Daedalus may take a while to get up to FTL, but a warp drive would be instant.

If he said that, he misspoke. No FTL in KSP2 (unless you mod it), and Daedalus wasn't, and will not be FTL

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18 minutes ago, Spaceception said:

Lots of In-game footage after some trailer clips are shown.

Around the 7:10-7:20 mark, he offhand mentions a metallic hydrogen engine :o

Still near that part myself

EDIT: Around 8:20 our first good look at the mini fusion thruster, or VASIMR?


Around the early 11 minute mark, they say that PC: Early 2020, Xbox/PS4 "little later" maybe summer or fall?

If he said that, he misspoke. No FTL in KSP2 (unless you mod it), and Daedalus wasn't, and will not be FTL

This and the developer video actually tell you far more about the philosophy behind the building of the game than the trailer. Having now watched both, I am really excited. The main thing is everything is rooted in science.


Favourite quote at  9:36:

"Every part type has its own explosion type that is associated with it."


Very Kerbal. Very cool.


Edited by Klapaucius
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13 hours ago, GoldForest said:

-Black hole, come on, who doesn't want a black hole in KSP? 

If we get a black hole in game, I motion that it be officially named KR-4 K-3N and that we launch our biggest, most expensive space ship straight into it.  For science!

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Daedelus is I think the inspiration for the craft we see at 9:53. Daedelus is a fusion design with putative 12% of lightspeed, so not FTL... FYI :) but hopefully fairly efficient.


I wonder if they will have light sails and Bussard ramjets / plasma scoops?


Wherever they are going with this it sounds like we are on the final approach since we only have about 8 months to spring 2020 ! So I guess we will have to wait and see. I have good Uber karma as I backed Planetary Annihilation at kickstarter and got PA:Titans into the bargain and am still enjoying it. So I trust they have good taste, especially when it comes to explosions. Those planetary impacts are quite something


If I am honest, my immediate thought on hearing of  KSP2 was to hope Star Theory have been able to revisit the tech tree, research, mission progression and Kerbal experience because I think there are a lot of potential gameplay dynamics in there which have not been developed.



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You know what would be cool? If players could build jump gates together. You would have to cooperate and add pieces to a gate to another system then jump and build another one there aimed at the system you came from.

Or you could have artifacts that do that, like the Monolith from 2001.

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15 minutes ago, Wjolcz said:

You know what would be cool? If players could build jump gates together. You would have to cooperate and add pieces to a gate to another system then jump and build another one there aimed at the system you came from.

Or you could have artifacts that do that, like the Monolith from 2001.

Ask for that in a mod :) I'm sure someone could add something like that.

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Stability.  I know they are using Unity still, unity has come a LONG way since ksp was first released.  I'm hoping for some serious effort put in on optimizations, bug checking, and logging.  Take KSP, refactor it to perfection

I like how the new kerbalism does science, thats cool.  Keep going in that direction, but also sort of mix in the old Engineer tech tree, making it so that useage of a part unlocks further similar stuff in that branch.  Testing of parts in prototype designs add to science.

A career mode that brings in more role playing.  Like go an evil route sending spy satellites for the KIA up and running questionable tests for evil corporations or go the positive route sending up weather satellites for KOAA.

A story mode would be cool too, like that guy tried to do with K-Files.

So what I'd love to see them do is take the top 50 mods and work to build all that stuff into the game.  Kerbalism, EditorTime, Kaboom, KIS, KAS...

Balloons!  Or really, wind/weather.  Balloons are implented int he great Kerballoons mod, but they just go straight up and down.  Give me some wind!

More life!  Give me cities on Kerbin, give me airplanes in the sky, birds and stuff. Fish in the sea - and make sea exploration a part of it.  

Textures for everything!  Stockalike is great but sometimes I want to put up a giant red rocket.  Why not!?

Love the detailed terrains we've seen in the trailer and what looks like lots of big systems to explore. 



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Im a fan of the future tech. But I hope KSP2 still has parts and technology from the dawn of the space age. With thousands of hours logged into KSP, my favorite moments are still re-enacting those first exploring leaps into outer space. Missions like Mercury-1, Apollo-8, etc. 

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10 hours ago, Wjolcz said:

You know what would be cool? If players could build jump gates together. You would have to cooperate and add pieces to a gate to another system then jump and build another one there aimed at the system you came from.

That's a big no from me, and I'm glad the devs have taken the same stance... no warp drives, no jump drives, no FTL, no magic tech.

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11 minutes ago, KerikBalm said:

That's a big no from me, and I'm glad the devs have taken the same stance... no warp drives, no jump drives, no FTL, no magic tech.

The more people say they don't want warp drive, the more I have to agree, though I would love FTL. But then again, that's what modders are for. I expect to see a fully working Enterprise a month or two after launch. 

In fact, I suspect people will build solar systems so far away that we need FTL drives. 

But again, I'm starting to agree, leave FTL to the modding community. 

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My wishes:

* Optimization, and something similar to part welding

* Axial tilt of planets

* improved aerodynamcs and hydrodynamics/ buoyancy.

* a larger scale to celestial bodies, Kerbin should be at least 1,500 km in radius, not 600 km.

* More varied propellant types (I think this is in), with drawbacks (cryogenics?), that can't all be made from just "ore" (I think this is in based on a presumably H and He3 fueled craft around Jool, a plausible source for He3 and H, and other statements)

* Some more outer planets for the Kerbol system

* 3-body physics (N-body would be too much I think) - Orbits around Rald and Rusk will be janky without this, and it enables lagrange points.

* colony optimization- colonies impact performance in a way similar to KSC, and not a gargantuan vessel

* life support.

* vessel based ISRU (as opposed to colony based) is still in, but more detailed/difficult.

* more interesting topography. So far the in game pre-alpha terrain has better ground scatter, but the topography is no where near as interesting as what we saw in the trailer.

* some way to recover boosters/craft that separate in the atmosphere (multiplayer and another player flies a carrier plane for an air launch/booster back?)

* some use of procedural parts (particularly wings)


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