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how many salty 9 year old kids will come to ksp2 and give a one star review because it "twoo hrad"?


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2 minutes ago, JERONIMO said:

how many salty 9 year old kids will come to ksp2 and give a one star review because it "twoo hrad"? ... a lot...

That is  the reason I am against KSP2 from advertising a lot on youtube  and the forum being top 33 on reddit because, then people will realize this game exists and with multiplayer being added we could see some serious 9 year old infestations but, don't worry I have been finding pest control people to deal with them. I have always liked KSP being under the radaru

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6 minutes ago, SpaceFace545 said:

That is  the reason I am against KSP2 from advertising a lot on youtube  and the forum being top 33 on reddit because, then people will realize this game exists and with multiplayer being added we could see some serious 9 year old infestations but, don't worry I have been finding pest control people to deal with them. I have always liked KSP being under the radaru

cannot dissagree, but how many hacker will be in game multiplayer...

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9 minutes ago, DunaManiac said:

To be honest, I am not sure a 9 year old would be interested in KSP2 as it being a space game, I have to siblings roughly that age and have never showed any interest in either KSP1 or KSP2.

We can't take any chances though

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29 minutes ago, DunaManiac said:

9 year olds just aren't interested in these kinds of games, they're interested in fortnite or minecraft, not a space simulator.

My son is 10 and likes astronomy. I tried to get him interested in KSP, but he got bored with the rocket design and orbital maneuver aspects. He just wants cool spaceships that fly easily, and explosions.

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2 minutes ago, DunaManiac said:

My point is, really only nerds enjoy this game, so I doubt most 9 year olds would play it. (And i do enjoy this game)

I would have at 9, but I was an ubernerd. Even average 9-year-old nerds might find KSP intimidating (q.v. my son, mentioned earlier).

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43 minutes ago, JERONIMO said:

cannot dissagree, but how many hacker will be in game multiplayer...

Those are called mods. I have a feeling multiplayer mode will be mutual opt in eith no random opt on and require maching mod sets, and will not be like fallout76 or EvE or wot or perpetial fundraiser online er star citizen.

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3 hours ago, DunaManiac said:

I am not sure a 9 year old would be interested in KSP2 as it being a space game

...it's more of a game for 9 year olds than a game for adults complaining about 9 year olds, and if kids struggle too much then it means one of the main goals of the sequel — approachability — wasn't achieved. I mean, it's more for for like 14 year olds, but I suspect you were exaggerating anyway.

And yeah, plenty of kids are into space stuff.


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2 hours ago, sturmhauke said:

My son is 10 and likes astronomy. I tried to get him interested in KSP, but he got bored with the rocket design and orbital maneuver aspects. He just wants cool spaceships that fly easily, and explosions.

So why did he get bored. I'm in my 40's and still find an evening here and there of building things that don't "work well".

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4 hours ago, JERONIMO said:

how many salty 9 year old kids will come to ksp2 and give a one star review because it "twoo hrad"? ... a lot...

Joke's on them when they get hooked by the informative and helpful community and become aerospace engineers 13 years later.

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I never liked this stereotype logic of "9 Year Olds will ruin X because of Y reason and that they're young and therefor won't understand the niche". This hasn't happened on regular ol KSP and I very much doubt it will change with KSP2 even if they take a much more harder approach to advertising the game, hell I encourage younger generations of potential Kaboom Enthusiasts Junior Aerospace Engineers to help jump aboard the giant boat we strapped SRB's to. Even if they don't get a lot of the core physics there's still a lot of potential to learn and set them on the path to wanting to figure this all out. Plus you don't have to be a rocket scientist to enjoy KSP for what it is, I was enjoying this game since I was a wee 11 year old ingesting large amounts of glue and putting crayons up my nose and I still thought KSP was the coolest thing ever despite not understanding 0.00001% of it and I just enjoyed making things go boom because suppressed pyromania or something.

Just have faith in those darn kids these days with their fartknights

After all - How hard can Rocket Science be anyways?

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10 minutes ago, Krulliam said:


Exactly. You don't need to know any of the math to understand how it works. And you can build anything from absurd contraptions to complex space missions and everything in between. Even if you are just messing around, chances are you'll learn something about real mechanics and real engineering. KSP is a giant toolbox with some places you can reach, just like the real world.

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59 minutes ago, mattinoz said:

So why did he get bored. I'm in my 40's and still find an evening here and there of building things that don't "work well".

Lack of patience I guess. He just wants to jump straight into a spaceship that can fly around and do stuff.

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1 hour ago, ModZero said:

And yeah, plenty of kids are into space stuff.


Being an astronaut is cool.

Trying 10 hours to get that wierd looking rocket into space isn't, at least not for them.

So, I'd prefer more difficult stuff, like life support and whatnot, to be a difficulty setting turned off when you download it.

Also, make certain mechjeb features, like launching to orbit, stock. Makes the game easier to start with, at least for kids.

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