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[WIP][DEV] KGEx (08 Mar 2020)


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  On 10/9/2019 at 10:25 PM, eightiesboi said:

better, much better. You must of had TWO cups.


also can try : Postimage.org — free image hosting / image upload


at first glance - you have two sets of patches working. try deleting the /KGEx/MoreHitchhikers folder and reinstall (if using CKAN uninstall then delete the folder and contents if still there)

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dreams under the effects of Jeb's Scones (was cut off from Jeb's Coffee hours ago).

comments? is there enough interest to proceed? Currently would be 14 More. (not including what would happen when SSPx is included) Or should it just be 5 More?

occupancy? other considerations?

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  On 10/10/2019 at 9:50 AM, zer0Kerbal said:

dreams under the effects of Jeb's Scones (was cut off from Jeb's Coffee hours ago).

comments? is there enough interest to proceed? Currently would be 14 More. (not including what would happen when SSPx is included) Or should it just be 5 More?

occupancy? other considerations?

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I'm torn on this one. On the one hand, I like the idea of cupolas in different sizes. On the other, I don't know how many of them would be actually used (as opposed to useful). I think my suggestion would be that less is more, and go with a few to fit commonly used niches, and have another scone.

Why yes, I would love one, thank you. :lol:

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  On 10/10/2019 at 2:59 PM, eightiesboi said:

I'm torn on this one. On the one hand, I like the idea of cupolas in different sizes. On the other, I don't know how many of them would be actually used (as opposed to useful). I think my suggestion would be that less is more, and go with a few to fit commonly used niches, and have another scone.

Why yes, I would love one, thank you. :lol:


this is what I am currently thinking, as my lead lined coffee cup is being refilled:

one per size - so

  1. 1.25m (PTD) (xtall) - 1 kerbal
  2. 1.875m - (PDD) 1 kerbal
  3. 3.75m - (PXL) 2 kerbal
  4. 5.00m - (PXXL) 4 kerbal

that should stuff the cracks with scone crumbs....

SSPx adds another twist, but only in the 2.5m and 3.75m, so would fill the same holes with those parts.

MoreGreenhouses might follow -- and might include models from zzz that are public domain.

am already working on MoreDockingPorts (MDP) to include more sizes of shielded and telescoping and so on from stock and ReStock and SSPX; and also extending PicoPortShielded.

@eightiesboi am hoping to hear if doing a wipe-reinstall fixed your issues;

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  On 10/10/2019 at 7:33 PM, zer0Kerbal said:

this is what I am currently thinking, as my lead lined coffee cup is being refilled:

one per size - so

  1. 1.25m (PTD) (xtall) - 1 kerbal
  2. 1.875m - (PDD) 1 kerbal
  3. 3.75m - (PXL) 2 kerbal
  4. 5.00m - (PXXL) 4 kerbal

that should stuff the cracks with scone crumbs....

SSPx adds another twist, but only in the 2.5m and 3.75m, so would fill the same holes with those parts.

MoreGreenhouses might follow -- and might include models from zzz that are public domain.

am already working on MoreDockingPorts (MDP) to include more sizes of shielded and telescoping and so on from stock and ReStock and SSPX; and also extending PicoPortShielded.

@eightiesboi am hoping to hear if doing a wipe-reinstall fixed your issues;


Awesome! I would love to see more greenhouses, especially as I am a TAC-LS devotee.

I haven't been able to do the wipe-reinstall yet, as my desktop is colonized by one of cats. Yes, seriously. Lol. I am on my laptop instead.

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  On 10/10/2019 at 9:17 PM, eightiesboi said:

Awesome! I would love to see more greenhouses, especially as I am a TAC-LS devotee.

I haven't been able to do the wipe-reinstall yet, as my desktop is colonized by one of cats. Yes, seriously. Lol. I am on my laptop instead.


Until recently I too suffered from CoL and CoC. Sadly, not longer an issue.

secret - turn on a heating pad under a comfy blanket... and put some of Val's catnip on top of it. Fresh is always preferred.


Greenhouses should be straightforward. I have gotten rather good at making these parts.... I say that now, but ReStock and SSPx are looking over my name and asking if I know their names....

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  On 10/11/2019 at 1:12 AM, zer0Kerbal said:

Until recently I too suffered from CoL and CoC. Sadly, not longer an issue.

secret - turn on a heating pad under a comfy blanket... and put some of Val's catnip on top of it. Fresh is always preferred.


Greenhouses should be straightforward. I have gotten rather good at making these parts.... I say that now, but ReStock and SSPx are looking over my name and asking if I know their names....


Remember, dogs have owners. Cats have staff.

I did try the wipe and reinstall. No good. Logs are now posted to the same location as the screenshots (https://1drv.ms/u/s!AoyHZiRU1jT-zbxqgdxzCbvdSUcAfw?e=3KSSmB). I also tried a very clean (nearly stock) install and did not experience the issue, so it is definitely a mod-interaction. I'll try process of elimination tomorrow.

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  On 10/11/2019 at 6:16 AM, eightiesboi said:

Remember, dogs have owners. Cats have staff.

I did try the wipe and reinstall. No good. Logs are now posted to the same location as the screenshots (https://1drv.ms/u/s!AoyHZiRU1jT-zbxqgdxzCbvdSUcAfw?e=3KSSmB). I also tried a very clean (nearly stock) install and did not experience the issue, so it is definitely a mod-interaction. I'll try process of elimination tomorrow.


been digging through logs:

would you also provide GameData\ModuleManager.ConfigCache - so can see the end product of the parts -

(I would ask for the _MMCfgOutput but current version of MM  4.0.3 broke it :(, otherwise could use the command line switch [ -mm-dump] to do the same )

thanks for showing me AutoActions - don't think I saw that one before.






I cannot reproduce in the limited time I have right now. will continue when I return from short trip.

also - would you run this batch file from your KSP directory?

(thank you to whomever made it; named "_delete_MM_Cache_and_PartDatabase.cmd")

cd /d "%~dp0"
del PartDatabase.cfg
cd GameData
del ModuleManager.ConfigCache
del ModuleManager.ConfigSHA
del ModuleManager.Physics
del ModuleManager.TechTree
cd ..
cd PluginData
rd /S /Q ModuleManager

to be fair I will provide my logs/ss/etc to you once I return. :)

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  On 10/11/2019 at 8:05 AM, zer0Kerbal said:

been digging through logs:

would you also provide GameData\ModuleManager.ConfigCache - so can see the end product of the parts -

(I would ask for the _MMCfgOutput but current version of MM  4.0.3 broke it :(, otherwise could use the command line switch [ -mm-dump] to do the same )

thanks for showing me AutoActions - don't think I saw that one before.






I cannot reproduce in the limited time I have right now. will continue when I return from short trip.

also - would you run this batch file from your KSP directory?

(thank you to whomever made it; named "_delete_MM_Cache_and_PartDatabase.cmd")

cd /d "%~dp0"
del PartDatabase.cfg
cd GameData
del ModuleManager.ConfigCache
del ModuleManager.ConfigSHA
del ModuleManager.Physics
del ModuleManager.TechTree
cd ..
cd PluginData
rd /S /Q ModuleManager

to be fair I will provide my logs/ss/etc to you once I return. :)


AutoActions is one of those great little QoL mods that just make life easier. ShouldBeStock(tm)

Batch file run. You now have control of my network. 

New logs from second run in folder inside the link. I hope that made sense.

You have logs and screenshots from your short trip? Interesting..... &)

Let me know what else you need... I am also going to try to narrow down the conflict by playing whack-a-mole with my mods.

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@zer0Kerbal zer0Kerbal released this 4 hours ago · 1 commit to master since this release

More Hitchhikers by zer0Kerbal

v1.0.0.4 for KSP v1.7.x - Soon SSPx

MoreHitchhikers version KSP version CKAN listed NonSoftware License CC 4.0 BY-NC-SA

  • integrated SSPXr patch for end cap switching
  • [NEW][BUG] Warning on PartSubtype WhiteHandles on module ModuleB9PartSwitch (moduleID='endcapSwitch') on part unknownPart: No transforms named '25mCapWhite' found
  • [NEW][BUG] Warning on PartSubtype Black on module ModuleB9PartSwitch (moduleID='endcapSwitch') on part unknownPart: No transforms named '25mCapBlackBare' found
  • [NEW][BUG] Warning on PartSubtype White on module ModuleB9PartSwitch (moduleID='endcapSwitch') on part unknownPart: No transforms named '25mCapWhiteBare' found
  • [NEW][BUG] Warning on PartSubtype BlackHandles on module ModuleB9PartSwitch (moduleID='endcapSwitch2') on part unknownPart: No transforms named '25mCapBlackFlip' found
  • [D][BUG] B9 Warning: timing, its all about the timing
  • made the SSPXr patch run AFTER the ReStock patch which runs AFTER MoreHitchhikers
  • lots of math to adjust position comment: what took so long was the SSPX textures didn't quite fit and took custom placement complicated by the ReStock adjustments. All good now.
  • several missing negative signs (-) in scale made the endcaps appear see-through because they were upside down or something like that. - ***Only uses stock IVA - no additional IVA's are supplied.***



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@zer0Kerbal zer0Kerbal released this 16 seconds ago

More Service Bays by zer0Kerbal
v1.0.0.0 for KSP v1.7.x - Bays of Service

More Service Bay version KSP version CKAN listed NonSoftware License CC 4.0 BY-NC-SA  source

  • Adds ten (10) stock parts to Kerbal Space Program
  • ReStock not implemented yet
  • SSPXr not implemented yet
  • balance pass (tech/mass/cost etc) coming.


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so ditched the 0.625 model - was more like a torpedo - or standing coffin...

eliminated several 'base' models -

next up is nodes, then internal stats and deciding how many kerbals can be stuffed in. :o:o:o

then restock

then SSPXr (which adds another model plus a radial version)

Then, maybe, MoreGreenhouses and Aquariums. :P with the usual suspects.


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  On 10/18/2019 at 11:17 PM, BlackHat said:

Tried looking for:

  • KGEx DuoPods
  • Hot Beverages Irradiated

But got 404 errors. I would assume bad links





thank you.

neither has been officially released - and will fix those links - but here they are. Remember these are *as is* and are pre-release.

and the OP has the 'good stuff' links. :D That post was from version, currently on :D

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Working on the final polish for DaMichele's parts - mostly the patches, will probably disable most of the old patches and leave in to be updated later.

Will require KGEx mod, which supplies common things like B9TankTypes and TweakScale Scales.

LanderTek has just joined the queue for KGEx. Am considering putting that as separate mod since it and Dreamer and WhimChaser and SimpleCargoBays are all made by ArtWhaley under AxialAeroSpace.

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Well - indicatorLights first patch is now working on the first part, need to propagate to all parts.

issue was that for the base part for each size doesn't/didn't delete the mesh and add the model like the rest of the parts do; so now it does.

Also - TweakScale was not being updated (overlooked) and now will be.


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  • 3 months later...

@zer0Kerbal So I've been modding PicoPorts... I wanted to add to add your Shielded PicoPort to something I'm working on, but it doesnt appear in-game.
I dont see anything in the KSP.log ... I'm aboot to check the MM logs...

EDIT: ahhhh....


[LOG 08:37:18.648] Deleting root node in file KGEx/ShieldedPicoPort/parts/PicoPortShielded node: +PART[PicoPortBasic]:NEEDS[SHED,KGEx/MM-Patches/ShieldedPicoPort]:FOR[ShieldedPicoPort] as it can't satisfy its NEEDS


Theres no existing /ShieldedPicoPort folder, or file in /MM-Patches :P
Let me play with this some, and I'll try to post back a fix

EDIT2: Ok... this works:





However, all I see ingame, is basically a miniature/TweakScaled copy of the stock port... vOv
So why the need to tie specifically to SHED(PicoPorts), at all... ?? vOv

Edited by Stone Blue
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  On 2/27/2020 at 2:01 PM, Stone Blue said:

@zer0Kerbal So I've been modding PicoPorts... I wanted to add to add your Shielded PicoPort to something I'm working on, but it doesnt appear in-game.
I dont see anything in the KSP.log ... I'm aboot to check the MM logs...

EDIT: ahhhh....

Theres no existing /ShieldedPicoPort folder, or file in /MM-Patches :P
Let me play with this some, and I'll try to post back a fix

EDIT2: Ok... this works:


However, all I see ingame, is basically a miniature/TweakScaled copy of the stock port... vOv
So why the need to tie specifically to SHED(PicoPorts), at all... ?? vOv


that is exactly what it is.

my blender/unity skills are showing no Midi-chlorians; :o

so I just took the stock shielded part and made it fit - and recycled the docking hardware from an old pico port I had lying around.

If I knew more about blender (my skill set consists of dragging models around, and maybe, sometimes if I am lucky, being able to rotate them) I would just marry the two parts and export through unity.

:blush: sorry 'bout that.


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