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[WIP] SOS - Save Our Settings


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Mod has been released, release thread here:

On 11/2/2019 at 9:19 AM, Xyphos said:

The action/axis  group editor while in-flight is a welcomed addition, and very useful for "test stand" scenarios, but I find myself making adjustments and taking notes of said adjustments because currently, there's no way to OPTIONALLY persist any changes made while in-flight. instead I'd have to review the notes and make the changes AGAIN while in editor mode, this is very frustrating. 

Thank you for your consideration.

On 11/2/2019 at 10:13 AM, linuxgurugamer said:

I’d like to add to this, save the Staging as well.  Oftentimes I make staging changes on the oad, launch and then forget them when I revert.


On 11/2/2019 at 1:16 PM, Geonovast said:

Moved to Suggestions, as the new editor is part of the core game, and not BG.


I would welcome this very very much as well.  Both the action groups and the staging.

An update.  I have a proof-of-concept working.  So I have a few questions for you all:

There are three things being saved:

  • Action Groups
  • Axis Groups
  • Staging
  1. When doing a revert, should all three be reverted on request?
  2. or should it have the ability to only revert some of them?  There will not be a way to cherry-pick individual items in each group, this refers to one or more of things above
  3. Do you think the ability to keep multiple sets of changes be useful?  The idea would be that when you revert to launch, that the current set be saved while another set of changes is tested, letting you pick a saved one to use when reverting to the editor.
  4. I'm looking for a nice, snazzy name.  FlightEditSaver doesn't really do it for me
Edited by linuxgurugamer
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@linuxgurugamer if you're going the mod route, then you should check the existing configuration upon loading the flight scene by generating a hash token for each of the three revertables, and before the flight scene is unloaded back to editor, generate another set of hash tokens and compare for changes, interrupt the scene change with a UI Dialog that has checkboxes next to the changed items, with OK and Cancel buttons. good luck!

I was hoping for Stock support tho.

"FlightEditSaver" works for me btw, but I'm not picky about names.

Edited by Xyphos
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1 hour ago, Xyphos said:

then you should check the existing configuration upon loading the flight scene by generating a hash token for each of the three revertables, and before the flight scene is unloaded back to editor, generate another set of hash tokens and compare for changes, interrupt the scene change with a UI Dialog that has checkboxes next to the changed items, with OK and Cancel buttons. good luck!

Ummm, I don't work for Squad, anything I do is a mod.

And I appreciate the suggestion about how to do it;  it's not quite as simple as what you suggest

Edited by linuxgurugamer
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On 11/16/2019 at 12:26 PM, linuxgurugamer said:


  1. When doing a revert, should all three be reverted on request?
  2. or should it have the ability to only revert some of them?  There will not be a way to cherry-pick individual items in each group, this refers to one or more of things above
  3. Do you think the ability to keep multiple sets of changes be useful?  The idea would be that when you revert to launch, that the current set be saved while another set of changes is tested, letting you pick a saved one to use when reverting to the editor.
  4. I'm looking for a nice, snazzy name.  FlightEditSaver doesn't really do it for me

I think having the ability to individually select Staging, Action Groups and Axis Groups would be ideal.  Just a little box with a checkmark next to each.  Maybe have which are checked by default in the difficulty options, if that wouldn't be too much work.  Or even a config file.

I'm the worst at coming up with names.  If you follow my ship naming convention while playing KSP, this would be called "Untitled KSP Mod".

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32 minutes ago, Geonovast said:

I think having the ability to individually select Staging, Action Groups and Axis Groups would be ideal.  Just a little box with a checkmark next to each.  Maybe have which are checked by default in the difficulty options, if that wouldn't be too much work.  Or even a config file.

I'm the worst at coming up with names.  If you follow my ship naming convention while playing KSP, this would be called "Untitled KSP Mod".

KSP uses radio buttons, not checkboxes :-)

That's what I've come up with, I have had to rewrite the pause menu for this.  Added bonus is that since I can't call the stock Load Save dialog, I'm using Better Load Save Files mod if it's available (I'm adopting that because of this)

I have one halfway decent suggestion for a name, won't make a decision until later.

Current status is as follows:

  • Staging can be saved when reverting to launch
  • Action Groups can be saved when reverting to launch
  • Axes Groups can be saved when reverting to launch
  • Current working on identifying when a change has been made in each of the above.  This is not a trivial problem, each is stored differently, and my first attempt has failed so far

Once I have the above working, I'll be able to work on the revert to the editor.  That's not going to be too difficult.

Finally, I'm thinking of adding a way to be able to save multiple sets of settings.  The idea would be that you could try different variations and then when reverting to the editor, you could selected which one to use.

And of course, I still need to fix bugs and finish the updates for 1.8

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The problem is not only that I need to make all changes again after reverting, but also that I need to wait 2 scene change (reverting and launch again) to have it saved to the save file.

I have see this mod as button somewhere on the flight scene, which saving the staging and the action group to the .craft.
You make some changes, and if they are important, you press "update .craft", and the flight is going on.

Probably it's not about stages and action groups, but about saving the active craft to its file. 
You launch a vessel, fix staging, kaboom a redundant part that accidentally pass through, save to the .craft and go with the launch without  2 scene change.

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Just now, flart said:

The problem is not only that I need to make all changes again after reverting, but also that I need to wait 2 scene change (reverting and launch again) to have it saved to the save file.

I have see this mod as button somewhere on the flight scene, which saving the staging and the action group to the .craft.
You make some changes, and if they are important, you press "update .craft", and the flight is going on.

Probably it's not about stages and action groups, but about saving the active craft to its file. 
You launch a vessel, fix staging, kaboom a redundant part that accidentally pass through, save to the .craft and go with the launch without  2 scene change.

So one of the main problems with saving to the craft file in the flight scene is that a craft file made in the editor is not the same as a craft file saved while in flight

I had a number of issues with doing this in OrX Kontinuum when setting up the geo-caching and challenge builder to save the vessels in the flight scene ... There are some things you need to strip out of the .craft file that has been adjusted in the flight scene as well as some tacked on module references that will not be referenced when saved while in the flight scene that are in a .craft file created in the editor

Plus there are some extra parameters that have been added to the craft file as created in the editor since 1.8.x was released that are difficult to determine without parsing the whole .craft file to find it when saving the vessel in the flight scene (spawning vessels with vessel mover that contain robotic parts comes to mind ... programs are being lost apparently)

Although the staging and everything else will be saved, it is during the loading process of a .craft file into the flight scene that was originally saved from the flight scene there are problems ... as LGG said above, there are some not so trivial problems in just getting it to work

EDIT: And to add to the above, the functionality that is being discussed here is already in OrX Kontinuum ... I just have to enable it and make a few adjustments so the functions in OrX K can be utilized in this manner

Edited by DoctorDavinci
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I second BetterRevert. 

And its possibly beyond the scope of the mod but I'd really love to see "steps" in those axis controls. Using the axis controls to say, control an arm is fun in theory but the inability to move the robotics one degree at a time is frustrating. 

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On 11/20/2019 at 1:58 PM, flart said:

I have see this mod as button somewhere on the flight scene, which saving the staging and the action group to the .craft.
You make some changes, and if they are important, you press "update .craft", and the flight is going on

Never heard of this.

Status Update:  It's working.  Just doing some final testing before releasing to some beta testers

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On 11/16/2019 at 1:26 PM, linuxgurugamer said:


10 minutes ago, linuxgurugamer said:

I don't follow what you mean.  

  On 11/16/2019 at 1:26 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

There are three things being saved:

  • Action Groups
  • Axis Groups
  • Staging

Just a new name for your mod (is that what your asking for?)

Edited by Saturn5tony
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1 hour ago, Saturn5tony said:
  On 11/16/2019 at 1:26 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

There are three things being saved:

  • Action Groups
  • Axis Groups
  • Staging

Just a new name for your mod (is that what your asking for?)

Oh, ok.  Sorry, it seemed that you were suggesting some functionality.


On 11/23/2019 at 7:31 AM, G'th said:

And its possibly beyond the scope of the mod but I'd really love to see "steps" in those axis controls. Using the axis controls to say, control an arm is fun in theory but the inability to move the robotics one degree at a time is frustrating. 

Yup, outside the scope of this

On 11/20/2019 at 1:58 PM, flart said:

The problem is not only that I need to make all changes again after reverting, but also that I need to wait 2 scene change (reverting and launch again) to have it saved to the save file.

Well, once back in the editor, all you have to do is save the vessel.

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