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[1.5 - 1.10] Kerbalism 3.11

Sir Mortimer

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49 minutes ago, 723179 said:

How do I lower the number of ignitions? I've been playing with kerbalism & restock+ for a while and always found it odd that the early game engines had tons of ignitions. is there a way to get around this?

Taking a quick look at the config and copy pasting relevant bits, something like this might work:

		@rated_ignitions /= 2
		@rated_ignitions ^= :\.\d+:: // Floor value to get an integer
		@rated_ignitions += 1

This will (hopefully) do vaguely what you want - halve ignition values, round down, add 1. That should leave 1 and 2 ignition engines alone, reduce 3 to 2, etc.
I haven't tested it...

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On 7/26/2021 at 1:37 PM, Gotmachine said:


Ah, a shame, that science tended me to take me out of some pickles :P

On 7/26/2021 at 1:37 PM, Gotmachine said:

That doesn't seem normal. Maybe an interaction with another mod, please send a bug report

Sadly we'll never know. After miscalculating due to the point I quoted first I uninstalled everything and re downloaded and I don't know what I didn't download but it works now. ty

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On 7/18/2021 at 6:51 PM, king of nowhere said:

some chemical processes cause that. personally, i discovered that I can go just fine at x100000 warp, as long as i don't require any change from the game. trying to set up automated actions, like "stop this process when the ship is in sunlight", will cause the incoherent behavior message. but with nothing set on actions, it works just fine.

if you did not set actions, then i have no idea.

I get that but I wish I dont get that message as in the early game I relay heavily on the generator to produce electricity for my crafts until I get to solar panels. I set them to auto to conserve oxygen by not running generator when battery is full. That means I have set LOW Electricity to run generator and HIGH Electricity to turn it off.

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1 hour ago, seaces said:

I get that but I wish I dont get that message as in the early game I relay heavily on the generator to produce electricity for my crafts until I get to solar panels. I set them to auto to conserve oxygen by not running generator when battery is full. That means I have set LOW Electricity to run generator and HIGH Electricity to turn it off.

that should already be done authomatically without need for you to do anything. when the battery is full, they will stop by themselves.

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7 hours ago, mcwaffles2003 said:

Hey, so did you guys decide to give up on 4.0? Just asking cause I noticed 4.0 was closed under the projects section.

Nope, 4.0 is under active development by GotMachine.

There are commits quite often to the development branch.


EDIT: they're actually here:


Edited by Clamp-o-Tron
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I've been looking everywhere for a fix to this and I think I should just put it here.

I use the RSS/RO/RP1 suite of mods and also kerbalism. However, when  I use them both, for some reason, the crew pods get messed up horribly.  For example, if I use a Gemini command pod, the VAB description says the mass of it is 0.8939 tons but the engineer's report says 12 tons. This applies to every single pod and makes the game near impossible. If I need to send logs or screenshots, please tell me so I can upload them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Can anyone help me out and explain how Mobile Processing Labs work in conjunction with Kerbalism? I'm a little confused. I put one in orbit of Kerbin along with a bunch of experiments. Right now on the MPL I have a "Materials Study" that is stopped at 2.9/18 science due to "no storage space." I don't really see where my storage space is full. But generally, I'm also just totally lost on how MPLs are supposed to work, and could use a helpful hint on the intended cycle. Thanks!

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9 hours ago, Nickkerb said:

Can anyone help me out and explain how Mobile Processing Labs work in conjunction with Kerbalism? I'm a little confused. I put one in orbit of Kerbin along with a bunch of experiments. Right now on the MPL I have a "Materials Study" that is stopped at 2.9/18 science due to "no storage space." I don't really see where my storage space is full. But generally, I'm also just totally lost on how MPLs are supposed to work, and could use a helpful hint on the intended cycle. Thanks!

The labs convert samples into science that it's stored in the ship hard drive. If you don't keep your data transmission up with your science generation the hard disk will eventually get full. 

To avoid this you can increase your HD size, increase your data transmission rate or use the automation to stop the labs when the HD is close to full and start again when it is close to empty. 

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11 hours ago, Tacombel said:

Doing the Magnetometer boom science, how do I get to the global situation?

By doing nothing beside being in space low / space high

10 hours ago, Tacombel said:

I just installed an ECLSS on my station. As I need several Waste processors, I configured all three modules to waste processor, but I am only getting one. Is this working as intended? Can I only have one of each type per ECLSS?

Yes. https://github.com/Kerbalism/Kerbalism/issues/642

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2 minutes ago, Tacombel said:

Don't quite understand this. At LKO, around 80km, I get low magnetosphere, never global.

The "global" situation is the one that happen when no other is true. So yep, for Kerbin you can't get the "low global" situation, as you always will be in Kerbin magnetosphere at "space low" altitudes.

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10 minutes ago, Gotmachine said:

The "global" situation is the one that happen when no other is true. So yep, for Kerbin you can't get the "low global" situation, as you always will be in Kerbin magnetosphere at "space low" altitudes.

So I will have to look for those situations in other planets, right? Ones with magnetic belts.

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5 hours ago, SiCaRiO31 said:

The new parts included in the latest StationPArtRedux dont have a Kerbalism config yet right? I just installed it and some parts dont offer things like "confort",etc.

I also checked it out and I think you are right, only the older Stockalike Station part redux have habitat stats I think. who can create a patch for combability for the update?

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On 12/22/2019 at 6:28 PM, The-Doctor said:

Please a basic kerbalism profile would do a lot for fans like myself who aren't that interested in hyper ultra realism, I like some realism and challenge such as keeping supplies, protecting against radiation, needing to repair my engines, but the lack of a simplified profile makes the game too technical for me and others and less fun, having a profile made for a more easy experience with some challenge but not frustration would be really nice

Kerbalism SIMPLEX?

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On 8/16/2021 at 3:23 PM, mateusviccari said:

Is there a way to make kerbalism only handle science gathering, without touching power generation/consumption?

While I haven't yet played with kerbalism, I'm pretty sure you could do this by modifying the config to only start the science stuff, and not track EC. However, I'm pretty sure tracking EC will be needed to get any science experiment to work while not focused on the vessel, and a lot of the kerbalism science experiments take over 100 days to complete, so you probably won't want to just sit there watching it that whole time.

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Hello guys!
So today while playing my new career with kerbalism and other mods I found a very wierd behavior with CO2. So let me explane everything.
I launched a "Sunrise" abitation module from Stockalike Station Parts Redux with no configuration, so there was no Scrubber for CO2, with Jeb inside.
Now... if I'm not mistaken the game said that it's unpressurised wich mean there is no air inside and I have to keep a spacesuit on. 
When I reached Orbit with Jeb... He started to get poisoned with CO2 even if he was with his suit and he had his own scrubber for CO2...
Now when I saw that I immediately took him out... and the scrubber on the suit started to pull out the CO2 from his spacesuit(wich is wierd)... but unfortunately it was too late and he died on the ladder of the little station...
So is that a bug? or do I have to configure something? I found later in the VAB there is "Habitat: enable" wich gives me atmosphere inside and when I set it "disabled" it disapears. Was that a thing I had to take care?
Is it even possible to just send someone in orbit with no scrubber on the module considering the spacesuit?

Thanks for the answers and sorry for bad english!


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