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Everything posted by Kerdel

  1. i'll take a look into this thanks! i'm just not that known with the commands in cfg's just basic stuff but maybe i can find out myself if i try
  2. Thank you makes sense, I often change files inside mods folders that why i don't like to reinstall mods xD
  3. https://imgur.com/a/gLityoj what does this mean? i had this before with scatterer and it resets all settings if i press yes
  4. I have Kerbalism and Engine Lighting Relit installed. When an engine fails or get defected because of Kerbalism's failure rates the engine light for that specific engine will stay on even when it's not working anymore and shutdown. Is it possible to fix this?
  5. Is it normal in JNSQ to have signal thru the planet around here? it's clearly not in field of view for the space center. I disabled extra groundstations I hope my drawings make it easier to understand not harder xD https://imgur.com/a/2gVNCmX
  6. When I open Ckan I get something about meta changes in scatterer? The version didn't change, what does this mean? Should I reinstall Scatterer then and is this possible midgame?
  7. whoa nice looks really good! I wonder what mod list some people have, do you mind sharing yours? looks amazing
  8. Are you using jnsq? I think you mean your missing extinctionthickness in jnsq>configs>scatterer>planets>kerbin and set it to something like 1 or higher for each altitude setting
  9. Hey Zorg, I found something else the "Alpha/Daleth-SIF 0.9375m Interstage Adapter" have an option to Disable Staging but it's doing nothing. https://imgur.com/a/2JMkkIe
  10. yup woops XD good for pointing out ill edit for anything using it
  11. Missing entry costs: -Experiment Return Unit <--- Isn't this a base game or restock item? The others are from BDB I Think, I'm pretty new to this mod and it looks awesome! - RW-ATR2201 "Lysenko" Liquid Engine - Bossart-SAA 0.9375m Interstage - Leo-DVO Whip Antenna - Leo-KZ24 Dipole Antenna - Hermes M-DCAM Nose Unit It took a while xD
  12. Some parts don't have entry cost to unlock them, is this intended? Most of them do have entry costs but some don't like this one. https://imgur.com/a/6lQjutm
  13. @PART[*]:HAS[@INTERNAL[*]]:FINAL { !INTERNAL,* {} } put this in a .cfg anywere in your gamedata folder. This disables all rendering for internal views and portraits, i once tested it and gives me more fps but i'm not sure if this gives any complications. the only thing i noticed i can't go IVA ofcourse and EVA a kerbal is not possible with portraits anymore (since they are gone) so you have to do it with the capsule options.
  14. There's a kronometer 1.12 fix for days out but not on ckan it fixes the day being a single rotation not 2 days. Ill post the link when im at pc, maybe that will help you https://github.com/Kopernicus/Kronometer/issues/17 here, replace kronometer in JNSQ files with this one
  15. yes there's one inside the engine if I remember correctly, that's why the fairing is clipping inside the engine
  16. oh oke i didn't think of that my bad, did you also see the last picture with the fairing in the engine? is that on purpose for other parts?
  17. https://imgur.com/a/MoZmTru i made small album of issues i could quickly find, if you need anything else let me know
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