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[1.8.x-1.12.x] - RasterPropMonitor (adopted)


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4 hours ago, RW-1 said:

Update, uninstalled vessel view, and now the issue of everything locking up after selecting it in a MFD has gone. But only thin g changed is going to 1.10 and new RPM. working before.

Can anyone else test that with ASET and Vessel View 1.8.0-

I can't repro this - it works fine for me.  Make sure you have the latest versions of ClickThroughBlocker and ToolbarController (These are dependencies of VV, and CTB was recently updated!).  If you still have issues, post log files.

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So I'm on 1.10.0, with RPM v0.31.4 and VesselViewer v0.8.8.3, CTB v0.1.10.10 & TC v0.1.9.4... Most up-to-date everything.
Oh, also MM v4.1.4, and NO ASET anything!

And when I hit the VesselView button on a regular RPM MFD, the screen does NOT change, but the button beeps once....
Then, every button on the top row, and every button on the right, EXCEPT the very bottom one... are all non-selectable.. as if the colliders disappeared...
the buttons all down the left and the bottom row, all still beep... but none change the screen display from the last page displayed before hitting the VesselView button.

My KSP log is an WHOPPING 41MB, for the small amount of mods I have installed, so I guarantee without even looking at it, *something* is throwing TONS of exceptions...

Ok, just uploaded logs, then peeked, and yup... VesselViewer and RPM are spamming the log like crazzzyyy...
Player.log     KSP.log

Oh, heres the entirety of a MADLAD log as well:


[2020-07-13 23:12:39]: FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'JSIPartUtilities, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies.
[2020-07-13 23:12:40]: FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'JSIPartUtilities, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies.
[2020-07-13 23:12:40]: FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'JSIPartUtilities, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies.
[2020-07-13 23:12:40]: FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'JSIPartUtilities, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies.
[2020-07-13 23:12:40]: FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'JSIPartUtilities, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies.
[2020-07-13 23:12:40]: FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'JSIPartUtilities, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies.
[2020-07-13 23:12:40]: FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'JSIPartUtilities, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies.



Edited by Stone Blue
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12 minutes ago, Stone Blue said:

So I'm on 1.10.0, with RPM v0.31.4 and VesselViewer v0.8.8.3, CTB v0.1.10.10 & TC v0.1.9.4... Most up-to-date everything.
Ok, just uploaded logs, then peeked, and yup... VesselViewer and RPM are spamming the log like crazzzyyy...
Player.log     KSP.log

Hmm, VesselViewer comes with JSIPartUtilities, and you don't have it.  I'm not sure if it can function without it.

You're also not on the latest ClickThroughBlocker - your logs say 1.10.7.

And finally, the NullRefrerenceExceptions are coming from CometVFXController, looks like stock stuff :(


Actually I'm pretty sure your problems are because of the missing JSIPartUtilities.  This is in your logs:

  6791 [LOG 19:38:46.464] VesselView.VesselViewPlugin.Start 1
  6792 [LOG 19:38:46.465] VesselView.VesselViewPlugin.Start 2
  6793 [ERR 19:38:46.468] ADDON BINDER: Cannot resolve assembly: JSIPartUtilities, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
  6795 [ERR 19:38:46.469] ADDON BINDER: Cannot resolve assembly: JSIPartUtilities, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
  6797 [EXC 19:38:46.478] FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'JSIPartUtilities, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies.
  6798     VesselView.VesselViewPlugin.Start () (at <f77914c243b8465a8fea5be15ff15f7b>:0)
  6799     UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
  6800     ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
  6801     UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object)
  6802 [LOG 19:38:46.639] [AsteroidSpawner]: No new objects this time. (Odds are 1:2)

If you look here, if we made it out of this function then we would have seen "VesselView.VesselViewPlugin.Start 5" in the logs, but we don't.  So the exception from failing to load JSIPartUtilities probably terminated this function early.

Edited by JonnyOThan
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oh, and MM.cache file

what?? on the CTB??... I just grabbed it this morning, and even just checked it again before posting here... hhmmmm

15 minutes ago, JonnyOThan said:

So the exception from failing to load JSIPartUtilities probably terminated this function early.

wait... so who has JSIPartUtilities...?? I thought thta was *in* RPM? vOv

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7 minutes ago, Stone Blue said:

oh, and MM.cache file

what?? on the CTB??... I just grabbed it this morning, and even just checked it again before posting here... hhmmmm

Well, it was released a whole 14 hours ago, so...

7 minutes ago, Stone Blue said:

oh, and MM.cache file

what?? on the CTB??... I just grabbed it this morning, and even just checked it again before posting here... hhmmmm

wait... so who has JSIPartUtilities...?? I thought thta was *in* RPM? vOv

No, RPM does not include it, but it is inside the VV zip file.  Did you install via CKAN?  It's super confusing, because both that and RPM are inside the JSI folder.

Edited by JonnyOThan
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SON OF A>..... well, lemme test, but I think you can chalk this up to a manual install derp... what makes it worse, is I *am* experienced at this, and I should have known better...

SO there is a seperate JSI folder alongside the VV folder in the VV package... I ignored the JSI folder, and just imported the VV folder only... thinking "Hey...JSI... I already have that installed..."


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I am not sure if this is an RPM  MFD or a scansat issue whenever I use the feature within ERS rover I always get purple screens if someone could help would be greatly appreciated I am using ksp  1.9.1 i also pasted the same thing in the scansat thread to cover my bases


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20 hours ago, JonnyOThan said:

I can't repro this - it works fine for me.  Make sure you have the latest versions of ClickThroughBlocker and ToolbarController (These are dependencies of VV, and CTB was recently updated!).  If you still have issues, post log files.

Good to hear, thanks, I'll check those, my bad.

That may be why Probe control room doesn't open either, unrelated to you though.

Ok, I must have not done something else, now when I open crafts, I get unknown part modules, - missing part module RasterPropMonitorComputer.

Like Stone blue, I'm good at this too, feeling mighty dumb right now, may I have a nudge in the right direction?  :)

I'm starting over with the installed mods, and looking above, I was missing part utilities subfolder, but still having VV issues. Ugh.

Update, I got my issue resolved, I installed VV with it's JSI and VV, then used latest RPM and overwrote files, all's good now!


Darn, can you imagine when KSP 2 releases managing two sets of mods and dependancies?  :)

Edited by RW-1
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14 hours ago, Beetlecat said:

It's all part of the hobby... ;D

Too true, too true ...

I'd like to see what we figure out with VirtualGenius's issue twoo posts above, while I don't have it now on the whole map, I have tinier blocks of purple on my orbit line within the MFD when looking at the visual map, biome or slope.

It may be a RPM issue, it could be a Scansat issue, not sure which myself.

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Ok i made some interesting discoveries like RTM 


The trouble is, its very very slow it will take around 20secs to respond to button inputs your hear a beep sometime later also i only get 3 modes of map type instead of 4 I get Altimertry  Slope and Biome not visual this is from viewing within the ERS rover  so it might have to do with aset patches for the RPM module (i have no idea just guessing)


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On 7/10/2020 at 5:59 PM, JonnyOThan said:

This sounds like your command pod is out of power (you wouldn't be the first to report this :p ).  However the other problems sound like 1.10 compatibility (see above)

Are you talking about electric charge the pod has? Because its full and still doesnt work on infinite electricity. One of the other screens even shows a positive flow if that has anything to do with it

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On 7/17/2020 at 1:49 PM, hotcookie101 said:

Are you talking about electric charge the pod has? Because its full and still doesnt work on infinite electricity. One of the other screens even shows a positive flow if that has anything to do with it

Yes, all MFDs will be black if there is no electric charge.  Well, I released RPM v0.31.4 for KSP 1.10 which fixes the navball and other derived variables, so if you have that and still have problems please post a ksp.log file and screenshots.

EDIT: this version has a bug in the atmosphere depth calculation: 
https://github.com/JonnyOThan/RasterPropMonitor/issues/17  I've found the problem but I'll wait a bit before pushing out a release to see if anything else pops up.

Edited by JonnyOThan
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40 minutes ago, JonnyOThan said:

 Well, I released RPM v0.31.4 for KSP 1.10 which fixes the navball and other derived variables, so if you have that and still have problems please post a ksp.log file and screenshots.

Nice!... just in time... I'm working on updating a very basic RPM IVA right now... It has no ASET props, just the ones in RPM itself.
Will there be any issues if I were to do two, mebbe three versions: one the basic RPM (NO ASET), a fuller RPM (with ASET), and mebbe a MAS IVA...?? vOV

Edited by Stone Blue
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On 7/18/2020 at 12:24 AM, JonnyOThan said:

Yes, all MFDs will be black if there is no electric charge.  Well, I released RPM v0.31.4 for KSP 1.10 which fixes the navball and other derived variables, so if you have that and still have problems please post a ksp.log file and screenshots.

EDIT: this version has a bug in the atmosphere depth calculation: 
https://github.com/JonnyOThan/RasterPropMonitor/issues/17  I've found the problem but I'll wait a bit before pushing out a release to see if anything else pops up.

Here is the ksp.log file shared via google drive and the screenshot I sent before shows that the screen is blank ksp.log


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On 7/21/2020 at 10:32 AM, hotcookie101 said:

Here is the ksp.log file shared via google drive and the screenshot I sent before shows that the screen is blank ksp.log


Looks like your ASET props are not installed correctly.

16160 [EXC 23:26:24.672] DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a part of the path "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\ASET\ASET_Props\MFDs\Fonts\fontDefinition.txt".
16173 [ERR 23:26:24.780] [RasterPropMonitor]: Failed loading font texture "ASET/ASET_Props/MFDs/Fonts/mainfont" - missing texture?
16175 [ERR 23:26:24.780] [RasterPropMonitor]: INITIALIZATION ERROR, CHECK CONFIGURATION.

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18 hours ago, JonnyOThan said:

Looks like your ASET props are not installed correctly.


16160 [EXC 23:26:24.672] DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a part of the path "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\ASET\ASET_Props\MFDs\Fonts\fontDefinition.txt".
16173 [ERR 23:26:24.780] [RasterPropMonitor]: Failed loading font texture "ASET/ASET_Props/MFDs/Fonts/mainfont" - missing texture?
16175 [ERR 23:26:24.780] [RasterPropMonitor]: INITIALIZATION ERROR, CHECK CONFIGURATION.


Thanks, everythings working now! In the ASET folder in GameData there is the ASET_Props folder and another GameData folder which actually has the correct files including the MFDs file and lots more. So I just replaced the ASET_Props folder with the one that actually contans all the files, weird.

(Simplified problem with the file directory) GamedData>ASET>ASET_Props(with lots of files missing), GameData>Aset_props (with all the files needed)

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  • 4 weeks later...

@JonnyOThan was kind enough to let me advertise this on the RPM thread.  The IVA mod I've been working on for the last couple of years now has an update that replaces the basic RPM props with MAS-enabled props.  If you're using any of the IVAs that are included in the core RPM distribution, and you install MOARdV's Avionics Systems, MAS will power the IVA.  A future update will support ASET Avionics and ASET Props as well.



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On 7/23/2020 at 6:59 PM, hotcookie101 said:

(Simplified problem with the file directory) GamedData>ASET>ASET_Props(with lots of files missing), GameData>Aset_props (with all the files needed)

If you somehow got that to work for you ...Ok...
but the *correct* installation of ASET Props is *supposed* to be:


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58 minutes ago, JonnyOThan said:

Read the OP.  Some stock capsules are included, but you probably want DE_IVAExtension at the very least, if not other packs.

Thanks, I really need to start looking at the OPs or looking around before asking stuff but I keep forgetting:blush:


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4 hours ago, Kerminator1000 said:

Thanks, I really need to start looking at the OPs or looking around before asking stuff but I keep forgetting:blush:


It's not exactly obvious which mods cover which pods, etc -- and some are out of date since the pods themselves have changed (the ASET Mk2, etc.)

Demon Ein's pods are great (the DE_IVAExtension) but also checkout Warbird Cockpits for some really thoughtful renderings of a few other cockpits too.

There are some overlaps here and there, and I've been working on a "mega patch" to spin them off into separate pods so I can keep both if they are awesome. :)


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5 hours ago, Kerminator1000 said:

Thanks, I really need to start looking at the OPs or looking around before asking stuff but I keep forgetting:blush:

To be fair, this was a pretty common question.  I went and re-read the OP and it wasn't all that clear so now there's a big red message at the top.

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