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[1..x, 1.9.x, 1.10.x] Kerbal Research & Development


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31 minutes ago, Kielm said:


I'm not saying it would be easy to update krnd to work with fuel-switched parts, but I got as far as proving the concept a few years back. If you're interested you can find information here 

Post from 2016

Source code

Not saying you should, or that it would be a good idea, but thought I'd share the information all the same.

I'm quite happy with how krnd works and think supporting multiple fuel switching mods would be nightmarishly difficult, and probably cause lots of issues - but it's there to look at if you or anyone else is curious.

The mod has enough incompatibilities that I'm not interested in spending any time on it, I have too much else to work on.


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  • 1 month later...
4 hours ago, Turf said:

Has this thing been updated for 1.11.1?

Test it, see if it works, and let us know. It might work fine.

If it doesn't work, it's highly unlikely to get updated. As per earlier posts "The mod has enough incompatibilities [with other mods, not specifically 1.11.1] that I'm not interested in spending any time on it, I have too much else to work on."

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  • 2 weeks later...
1 hour ago, Turf said:

Damn, I like this mod so much I don't want it to die. If this mod dies, someone has to maintain it. Maybe I'll have to learn KSP modding just to keep this thing alive.

I'd be happy if someone would want to take this over.  It's a great mod, just too many incompatibilities with other mods

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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
15 minutes ago, mazer924 said:

Maybe that's because I have too many mods, but this mod doesn't seem to work at all. I click at R&D icon, then at (stock) part and nothing happens.


Yeah, KRnD has compatibility issues with many mods. If you have something installed that lets you modify parts, like B9 Part Switch, Tweak Scale or similar ones then KRnD won't work.

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  • 2 months later...
On 6/16/2021 at 6:24 AM, Nyarlathotep- said:

From what I have noticed the main incompatibility seems to be tweakscale(any scalable part cant be upgraded), but aside from that it works in 1.11.2

Any part that changes internals  Tweakscale is the biggest, but also, Configurable Containers.  I'm sure there are others

New release,

  • Added AssemblyFileVersion
  • Updated version file for 1.12
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  • 4 weeks later...

So just in theory, what would actually be necessary to make RnD compatible with Interstellar Part Switch, TweakScale, etc.? As 1.13 is the last version, i kind of think it could be worth giving it a shot. Or will it pretty much be sisyphean work as it involves changes for every part?

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7 hours ago, Horstan said:

So just in theory, what would actually be necessary to make RnD compatible with Interstellar Part Switch, TweakScale, etc.? As 1.13 is the last version, i kind of think it could be worth giving it a shot. Or will it pretty much be sisyphean work as it involves changes for every part?

Ummmm, essentially rewriting everything, so that all mods know of each other.  And then deciding which mod's changes would take precedence.

And even then, not being sure if all situations are covered.

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On 10/13/2021 at 6:20 AM, linuxgurugamer said:

Ummmm, essentially rewriting everything, so that all mods know of each other.  And then deciding which mod's changes would take precedence.

And even then, not being sure if all situations are covered.

okay... that really sounds like a lot of pain :blush:

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9 hours ago, commanderbunbun said:

Not sure if this is relative to get KRD to work, but JPLRepo mentioned a upgrade module in the Modder's Notes for 1.2


Ummm, you realize that is from 5 years ago?

and no, it doesn't help with what this mod does

5 hours ago, Horstan said:

okay... that really sounds like a lot of pain :blush:


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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I also had the bug where the KR&D window had no text or buttons in it after selecting a piece. Oddly enough the issue for me seemed to be in the Module Manager dll, rather than a dependency with my mods. Order of operations was:

1) Clean install of KSP

2) Download KR&D, move into gamedata folder, run. There's no KR&D icon.

3) Because I'd forgotten about the dependencies, so I copy over Clickthrough Blocker, Toolbar Control, and space tux library from my old archived install folder. Run. The icon is there but the empty-window bug persists.

4) Delete CB, TC, and STL from my install and go get current copies of them from their respective pages. The empty window bug persists.

5) I'd forgotten about module manager, so I copy that over from my old install. The empty window bug persists.

6) I get a fresh download of module manager, and finally things operate as expected.


Afterwards I went back to just add module manager to my old install and hope things would start working correctly again, but that caused the game to hang on load screen. I'll just have to be satisfied and start a new game.

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13 hours ago, Epiphoskei said:

I also had the bug where the KR&D window had no text or buttons in it after selecting a piece. Oddly enough the issue for me seemed to be in the Module Manager dll, rather than a dependency with my mods. Order of operations was:

1) Clean install of KSP

2) Download KR&D, move into gamedata folder, run. There's no KR&D icon.

3) Because I'd forgotten about the dependencies, so I copy over Clickthrough Blocker, Toolbar Control, and space tux library from my old archived install folder. Run. The icon is there but the empty-window bug persists.

4) Delete CB, TC, and STL from my install and go get current copies of them from their respective pages. The empty window bug persists.

5) I'd forgotten about module manager, so I copy that over from my old install. The empty window bug persists.

6) I get a fresh download of module manager, and finally things operate as expected.


Afterwards I went back to just add module manager to my old install and hope things would start working correctly again, but that caused the game to hang on load screen. I'll just have to be satisfied and start a new game.

First, no logs, no support.

Second, only guessing, but you probably don’t have the  correct versions.  You should use CKAN to install it, that way you know you have the correct versions installed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Deeeeyaammm! Caught between the jaws of my two favourite modders, Linuxgurugamer and RoverDude. I think Firespitter is the only installed mod which is preventing the R&D window from showing anything and I need Firespitter to run USI Kolonisation and Life Support mods.

...R&D is awesome though....



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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...

i dint know where to put this so i put typed it here,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, first off i just want to say R and D mod is amazing mod,, theres an engine in the game ive loved for years its the NV-GL now R and D  will let me upgrade it but i cant scale it ,,, is ther any way you can add in R and D to add option  (enlarge part) by 1, maybe not change stats but just to enlarge it 

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5 hours ago, mrgreco said:

i dint know where to put this so i put typed it here,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, first off i just want to say R and D mod is amazing mod,, theres an engine in the game ive loved for years its the NV-GL now R and D  will let me upgrade it but i cant scale it ,,, is ther any way you can add in R and D to add option  (enlarge part) by 1, maybe not change stats but just to enlarge it 

No, sorry.  This mod does things that are incompatible with other mods, including scaling

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10 hours ago, mrgreco said:

i dint know where to put this so i put typed it here,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, first off i just want to say R and D mod is amazing mod,, theres an engine in the game ive loved for years its the NV-GL now R and D  will let me upgrade it but i cant scale it ,,, is ther any way you can add in R and D to add option  (enlarge part) by 1, maybe not change stats but just to enlarge it 

I'll add to LGG's comment to say that I played KR&D before the tweakscale blacklist went in and...

There's a very good reason for the blacklist entry. :P

It'll straight up break things when you try and tweakscale an improved part. Just don't. :D

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On 4/7/2022 at 10:46 AM, etmoonshade said:

I'll add to LGG's comment to say that I played KR&D before the tweakscale blacklist went in and...

There's a very good reason for the blacklist entry. :P

It'll straight up break things when you try and tweakscale an improved part. Just don't. :D

In a situation like this if you really really want that part one thing you could do is launch a sandbox game with tweakscale, then tweak the base (not yet upgraded) part to the size you want and observe its mass, cost, thrust, etc.. From there you can create a module manager script to copy the part you want something like this:

	%name = NBlandingLeg1_0.75
	%title = MRS 3/4 Long Landing Leg
	%description = A 3/4 scale large landing leg intended for modesly-sized landers, engineered by the most modest of engineers that can modestly engineer such mediocre parts.
	%rescaleFactor = 0.75
	%scale = 0.75
	%mass = 0.075
	%cost = 337.5
	%maximum_drag = 0.15
	%minimum_drag = 0.15
	%angularDrag = 1.5

Here my objective was to create a 3/4 scale version of a particular landing leg I liked the design of, but the process is the same.

  1.  Find the actual part name (it's in the part's .cfg file, and is not necessarily the same or even similar to the part title which is from a game play sense what the name is).
  2.  Use a text editor to create a MM script file (add_my_new_part_foo.cfg), placing this config file somewhere in your GameData folder (I use a folder called 000_My_MM_Patches)
  3.  Copy the old part to a new part (with a new name, title, description, and scaled properties): This is the "+PART[OldPartName]{...}" part where you use MM commands to override the old part's properties as needed (google module manager syntax ksp if you're not familiar with this)
  4.  Launch game and use KR&D on your scaled part
Edited by schlosrat
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