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I Staunchly Declare that I shall REFUSE to Purchase "Kerbal Space Program 2" for 60 American Dollars and That Is FINAL!!!


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lol and what you buy for 60 dollars? maybe for 60 dollars you buy a ticket for a flight to the stratosphere?

Given the current state of cosmonautics development - KSP is the best that could be to at least somehow reduce this indomitable itch.

That's when we will live in the time of Star Wars, so that I could, for example, if I wanted to fly to Mars - then we'll talk. And so games like KSP2 are all we have.


I was even ashamed to go into this topic

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26 minutes ago, LittleBitMore said:

For a second I thought this was another one of those "Star Theory ISN'T SAYING ANYTHING SO I'M GONNA GO ON STRIKE UNTIL THEY SAY SOMETHING" thread.

You got me in the first half, not gonna lie.

A strike from right?


Cause If so I guess I'm going on strike. I'll catch up with you guys later when I decide to rematerialize when KSP2 finally gets released.

Edited by Krulliam
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