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[20.x]BobCat Ind. Release


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If someone could work out the co-ords for placing a mumech cam in the drivers seat they would win the internet.

What's the preferred method for landing this thing without directly attaching radial engines? It's mass seems to be off-centre, even with loads of stabilisers it makes my sky crane spin uncontrollably.


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If someone could work out the co-ords for placing a mumech cam in the drivers seat they would win the internet.

What's the preferred method for landing this thing without directly attaching radial engines? It's mass seems to be off-centre, even with loads of stabilisers it makes my sky crane spin uncontrollably.


I used 2 liquid fuel tanks and 2 small liquid rocket engines on each side as a skry crane and didn't have any problems. The center of mass seems to be correct to me.

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----When the rover becomes a command module itself, that issue will thankfully be fixed.

----Bobcat, as a (temporary) workaround,

why don't you create a small innocent looking part (make it a commandpod, crew = 1) and attach it to an extra attachment point (to be added in the part.cfg of the DEMV) somewhere on the DEMV?

I've reviewed a lot of solutions to this problem. And the best option that does not change the functional model itself, is to wait for the *.dll file from the author of the plugin Cart. in all other cases, it is necessary to sacrifice something. For example, you can register yourself in your part.cfg, the line module, not a cart , plugin cartcommand.dll (KSP Bigtrack).but I can not predict how to behave in the model, so that all will be up to you.

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Well, i've made a small alteration to the part.cfg. I've added a node (node_stack_middle = 0.0, 0.1, 0, 0.0, 1, 0).

It can be used to place a small capsule inside the DEMV or to add a weight or to add what-ever-you-like.

Oh thank you, I was going to try and do that, but wasn't sure of which one to turn on.

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I love this rover, especially how stable it is, you can cruise at around 30 m/s and turn without flipping. Anywho, thought I'd post the top half of my launch vehicle and the skycrane I jury-rigged from radial mount engines. Just decouple <i>right</i> after touchdown, leaving minimal thrust and the skycrane goes on its way to... away.


Minmus base WIP, since I haven't found an adequate delivery vehicle for a proper building. Giant one on the left is the main lab for now.


All parts are from either vanilla, <a href="http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/showthread.php/6280-0-16-ExPI-Space-Stations-0-4-Interplanetary-Probes-WIP"> [0.16] ExPI: Space Stations [0.4], Interplanetary Probes [WIP]</a>, <a href="http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/showthread.php/8402-0-16-ish-The-Truss-Pack-Rugged-parts-for-any-eventuality%21-%2A2-0-NEARING-RELEASE%21%2A">The Truss Pack</a>, <a href="http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/showthread.php/12384-PLUGIN-PART-0-16-Anatid-Robotics-MuMech-MechJeb-Autopilot-v1-9">MechJeb</a>, and <a href="http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/showthread.php/3870-0-16-NovaPunch-Remix-Pack-1-3-Alpha-%28Sept-4th%29-Requires-0-16">NovaPunch Remix Pack - 1.3 Beta</a>

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ForumHelper - good work. Unfortunately, I'm too busy with work and tests on the next generation of cars, and I can not devote himself to further test the MARK II.

But people say that we were able to land a rover Mark I on almost all the planets and moons in the game. So it remains to come up with that, what this technique will explore these planets.

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yeah .. no update needed ... this thing is awesome.. handles brilliantly .. i was flyin around duna at 30m/s without a prob... i just attached chutes to it .. eva'd into my demv ejected on a shallow dive and parachuted in .. lots of fun

i now put detachable legs to the sides for more chance of an upright landing in bad terrain

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BobCat, I think no it's necessary transform DEMV to command pod. I try to introduce that internal code in .cfg:

name = mk1CockpitInternal

and it runs without problems, like a pod, but unfortunately bad orientation. Please, try it. I think you can use it...

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