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[1.4.3 <= KSP <= 1.12.5] KSP Recall - 2024-0521


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  On 3/5/2020 at 1:58 AM, Vegetal said:

EDIT: Mega weird...if you place a tank below your capsule, and alt-copies it to place it radially with symmetry, nothing wrong happens. It only goes wrong when you pick a new tank on the parts list and try to surface attach it with symmetry. 


You were wrong. The symmetry was the screaming victim - but you nailed the M.O.

I was wrong, I was biased due Issue #3 and ended up doing poisoned tests meant to confirm my bias, instead of detecting the problem. But I was right about not being a problem on the symmetry.

"All of those clever reasons were wrong."
House, Gregory.

@Arcwolf, this will fix your issue too. It's essentially the same problem, but with a different victim. :) And, yeah, you nailed on the Recall deactivation - I put this trigger there to help diagnosing Recall mishaps. It's not interesting that I forgot to use it??? :sticktongue:

Oh, well... Release will be issued in half a hour. :D



We are now in Pre-Release status! :) I have some confidence that this stunt may (eventually) work fine, after all! :D 

KSP Recall Pre-Release is available for the brave Kerbonauts willing to risk their SAS with these stunts.

Exercise prudence - this thing is still not properly tested with Fuel Switches. Use S.A.V.E. just in case.

Good Luck! :) 

Edited by Lisias is on the wild
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  On 3/5/2020 at 5:16 AM, Lisias said:


We are now in Pre-Release status! :) I have some confidence that this stunt may (eventually) work fine, after all! :D 

KSP Recall Pre-Release is available for the brave Kerbonauts willing to risk their SAS with these stunts.

Exercise prudence - this thing is still not properly tested with Fuel Switches. Use S.A.V.E. just in case.

Good Luck! :) 


It seems to be good :D


The first row of tanks were resized after being put in place, the second row is a copy of the first one.

When going to the launchpad nothing is lost.

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@Lisias, what is your plans with this AddOn? Are you going to merge it inside a new major TweakScale release or will it live separately?
I guess you don't want to manage 2 TS branches, one for KSP >= 1.9 and another for <= 1.8.1.....

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  On 3/5/2020 at 8:17 AM, DarkNounours said:

@Lisias, what is your plans with this AddOn? Are you going to merge it inside a new major TweakScale release or will it live separately?


KSP Recall aims to be a "for all" solution for Add'Ons in need to survive KSP glitches. TweakScale is just one of them. :)

What happens is that the Resource problem, in particular, can't be solved unilaterally by each Add'On - it will be a ToeStomping fest, with some Add'Ons overwriting what some others had did due Race Conditions (what, historically, leads to a Finger Pointing Fest - with a lot of harassment happening off records).

So, ideally, a Standard way that would work for everybody at once is the preferable solution - but implementing it on TweakScale would force people to install it just for the solution, what's, frankly, an anti-feature.

Additionally, this thing must be hassle free and without hard dependencies in order to make it free to be used only when needed.

  • I managed to keep it hassle free to Add'Ons that supports TweakScale using Scale_Redist (got kinda lucky on it);
  • I implemented it in a way that will avoid stomping of the toes of Add'Ons that choose to go their own way (just don't patch Resourceful on these parts)
    • now that this thing is working, I'm will go hunting for incompatibilities to prevent MM of patching such parts
  • Using Events, Add'Ons just don't need to care about dependencies. Just shove an OnPartResourceChanged event on the circuit, if Recall is installed it will do its magic, if it's not installed, nothing happens.

So I'm pretty much accomplished that. :) (assuming we don't find new bugs on the solution in the mean time, obviously! :D )


  On 3/5/2020 at 8:17 AM, DarkNounours said:

I guess you don't want to manage 2 TS branches, one for KSP >= 1.9 and another for <= 1.8.1.....


Yep. If there's no need to fork the thing, I will not fork it. And if there's a need to fork the thing, I will try an alternative solution in order to avoid the forking. ;) 

Keeping two "products" to do the same job is counter-productive - you can easily note this by the resistance of some Add'On authors in supporting multiple KSP versions when a change is needed due it. They usually supports the latest version of the Add'On on multiple KSP versions as long the Add'On works unchanged on them, raising the bar when a change is needed.

Doing this with TweakScale would be harmful to the users.

Maintaining two (or more) different forks of TweakScale due "non functional" differences on KSP is a huge pain in the SAS for me.

So i think this (KSP Recall style) is the way to go. :) 

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  On 3/5/2020 at 1:22 PM, Lisias said:

So i think this (KSP Recall style) is the way to go. :) 


Yup that makes sense. I made an outrageous advertisement of your work in the KSP Facebook group while claming the thing was still at a BETA stage. There are a bunch of users relieved, they consider TS as the first mod they install when they start a new game.

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  • 1 month later...
  On 4/11/2020 at 9:22 PM, SpaceFace545 said:

hey how do you install tweakscale and recall and where do I get KSPe. Please help me.


Ouch, dude, sorry being late. Life around here is somewhat... infected with bad news and I ended up forgetting to check this thread. I will try to do better in the near future.

From the latest KSP Recall, you can forget about KSPe (a bag of tricks I use on my personal forks and it's not ready for being pushed to the mainstream yet, and the latest Recall has its own private fork with only the used functionalities embedded now, so you don't need to worry anymore about it).

I'm guessing you don't use CKAN, so the steps are:

  1. Download the latest TweakScale from here.
  2. Download the latest KSP Recall from here.
  3. Unzip them on your KSP/GameData, you should have something like this on your GameData:
    1. total 268
      drwxr-xr-x 10 lisias wheel    320 Mar  4 12:00 999_KSP-Recall
      -rw-r--r--  1 lisias wheel   5120 Mar  3 21:14 999_Scale_Redist.dll
      drwxr-xr-x 14 lisias wheel    448 Mar 11 23:25 Firespitter
      drwxr-xr-x 20 lisias wheel    640 Feb 25 21:59 KAX
      -rw-r--r--  1 lisias wheel 116736 Oct 19 08:09 ModuleManager.dll
      drwxr-xr-x 24 lisias wheel    768 Feb 27 20:21 Squad
      drwxr-xr-x  4 lisias wheel    128 Feb 27 20:16 SquadExpansion
      drwxr-xr-x 23 lisias wheel    736 Mar  3 21:13 TweakScale
      drwxr-xr-x  4 lisias wheel    128 Mar  7 18:10 TweakScaleCompanion
      drwxr-xr-x  3 lisias wheel     96 Mar  3 21:13 __LOCAL

Since you are not using CKAN, you may be interested on installing KSP-AVC, so it will track down new releases for you. It's what I use, and I highly recommend it.

This stunt has some time on the wild by now, so I don't expect any problems on a reasonably modded instalment - but there's a chance that you may have problems with some fuel switches (please kick me here if you find any problem). In a way or another, I also recommend to install and use S.A.V.E. - it has already S.A.V.E.d my sorry SAS more than once while I try new things.

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  On 4/13/2020 at 4:20 AM, Lisias said:

Ouch, dude, sorry being late. Life around here is somewhat... infected with bad news and I ended up forgetting to check this thread. I will try to do better in the near future.

From the latest KSP Recall, you can forget about KSPe (a bag of tricks I use on my personal forks and it's not ready for being pushed to the mainstream yet, and the latest Recall has its own private fork with only the used functionalities embedded now, so you don't need to worry anymore about it).

I'm guessing you don't use CKAN, so the steps are:

  1. Download the latest TweakScale from here.
  2. Download the latest KSP Recall from here.
  3. Unzip them on your KSP/GameData, you should have something like this on your GameData:
    1. total 268
      drwxr-xr-x 10 lisias wheel    320 Mar  4 12:00 999_KSP-Recall
      -rw-r--r--  1 lisias wheel   5120 Mar  3 21:14 999_Scale_Redist.dll
      drwxr-xr-x 14 lisias wheel    448 Mar 11 23:25 Firespitter
      drwxr-xr-x 20 lisias wheel    640 Feb 25 21:59 KAX
      -rw-r--r--  1 lisias wheel 116736 Oct 19 08:09 ModuleManager.dll
      drwxr-xr-x 24 lisias wheel    768 Feb 27 20:21 Squad
      drwxr-xr-x  4 lisias wheel    128 Feb 27 20:16 SquadExpansion
      drwxr-xr-x 23 lisias wheel    736 Mar  3 21:13 TweakScale
      drwxr-xr-x  4 lisias wheel    128 Mar  7 18:10 TweakScaleCompanion
      drwxr-xr-x  3 lisias wheel     96 Mar  3 21:13 __LOCAL

Since you are not using CKAN, you may be interested on installing KSP-AVC, so it will track down new releases for you. It's what I use, and I highly recommend it.

This stunt has some time on the wild by now, so I don't expect any problems on a reasonably modded instalment - but there's a chance that you may have problems with some fuel switches (please kick me here if you find any problem). In a way or another, I also recommend to install and use S.A.V.E. - it has already S.A.V.E.d my sorry SAS more than once while I try new things.


Thanks a lot and no problem about being late.

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  • 3 weeks later...

News from the Front

I currently working on the Issue #3 Revert to Vehicle Assembly and Loading Craft are mangling the part attachments.

I initially though this was pretty similar to the Resources Problem, but I was wrong. I realised that by launching the vessel directly into the Launch Pad, without using the Editor, the craft is launched intact! This one is something happening inside the editor

I'm currently reassessing the situation.

I need to detect the exact point where the Editor is shoving back the Attach Nodes (and, frankly, I don't have the slightest clue about the reason this is being done) in order to pull something out of my hat to overcome it.

-- -- -- POST EDIT -- -- -- 

I'm a dumb SAS, the problem is not on the Attach Nodes! It's on the surface mounting (radial, at least). :facepalm:

Well, at least I learn where the problem IS NOT. :P Learnt some new tricks, on the other hand - not a total waste. :)

In time, apparently there're people not using TweakScale with similar problems....

  Reveal hidden contents


Edited by Lisias
Hit "Save" too soon
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It seems that there is not only issue for KSP Recall, but some other mods have issue too.

Ships loaded on scene by vesell mover mod have different behaviour than those loaded from VAB/SPH. Besides surface attached part position, maybe some other craft properties are not properly loaded as well. I can't explain in other way why same craft with FAR mod behave differently when placed on scene by vesselmover vs SPH/VAB

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  • 3 weeks later...


We are now in Release status! :) It appears that this stunt is working fine, after all! :D

KSP Recall is available for the brave Kerbonauts willing to risk their SAS with these stunts.

Exercise prudence - this thing is still not completely tested with Fuel Switches. Use S.A.V.E. just in case.

Good Luck!  

This Release will be published using the following Schedule:

  • GitHub, reaching first manual installers and users of KSP-AVC. Right now.
  • CurseForge, by Friday night
  • SpaceDock (and CKAN users), by Saturday night.

The reasoning is to gradually distribute the Release to easily monitor the deployment and cope with eventual mishaps.

Edited by Lisias
announcements late night can be dangerous if only injured...
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News from the Front

The infamous Revert to Vehicle Assembly and Loading Craft are mangling the part attachments, mentioned here, was transferred to be handled on TweakScale, as it revealed to be something to be handled by TweakScale's scaling routines - and trying to solve it here would hurt the KSP Recall main purpose: being a generic solution to be used by third parties to solve similar issues from KSP 1.9 (and perhaps other versions).

In time,

  On 4/30/2020 at 12:39 PM, kcs123 said:

Ships loaded on scene by vesell mover mod have different behaviour than those loaded from VAB/SPH. Besides surface attached part position, maybe some other craft properties are not properly loaded as well. I can't explain in other way why same craft with FAR mod behave differently when placed on scene by vesselmover vs SPH/VAB


It took me a while, but I think I nailed it now. Check this TweakScale post - I may had solved this issue, as apparently this was TweakScale related.


Edited by Lisias
Eternal tyops of the englishless mind.
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It appears that this stunt is still working fine, after all! :D

KSP Recall is available for the brave Kerbonauts willing to risk their SAS with these stunts.

This release fixes an Editor glitch that resets the amount of a Resource when cloning the part. Now, the resource's amounts are preserved! ;)

Exercise prudence however - this thing is still not completely tested with Fuel Switches. Use S.A.V.E. just in case.

Good Luck!  

This Release will be published using the following Schedule:

  • GitHub, reaching first manual installers and users of KSP-AVC. Right now.
  • CurseForge, Right Now!
  • SpaceDock, Right Now!

The reasoning is to gradually distribute the Release to easily monitor the deployment and cope with eventual mishaps.

Edited by Lisias
Ugh... typing late night is not good for grammars...
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  On 5/23/2020 at 1:12 PM, Tonka Crash said:

@Lisias Any plans to get Recall listed on CKAN? I ask just because it's become a de facto dependency for 1.9.1 so it would be nice to get updates the same way I update TweakScale.


Yes. I'm working on it right now - it will be available on CKAN as soon as I fix a last mistake. It's there already! :)

Edited by Lisias
PR merged into ckan
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  • 1 month later...
  On 6/29/2020 at 10:36 AM, leroidangleterre said:

Is Recall a dependancy of TweakScale ? I have been using TweakScale for a long time in KSP <= 1.8 and recently switched to 1.9, when I started getting the warning on startup.


Already answered above - but I prefer to state KSP Recall as a dependency of KSP to have TweakScale running. :cool:

The problem is on a glitch on KSP 1.9 Editor, not on TweakScale (or any other Add'On that changes resources).


  On 6/29/2020 at 10:36 AM, leroidangleterre said:

Recall does not show up in my GameData folder, nor does it in CKAN.


Search for "KSP-Recall",  it's the identifier for it on the NetKan file.


  On 6/29/2020 at 10:36 AM, leroidangleterre said:

Can I safely ignore the warning ? Thanks.


Absolutely not, unless you don't mind scaling up Tanks without being able to scale the Resources. A LFO fuel tank would be bigger and heavier, but still have the same amount of Liquid Fuel and Oxidiser as the unscaled part.

TweakScale will not stop you from running KSP, but you are not going to get good results by doing that - and once you install KSP-Recall later, the crafts already launched will suddenly be scaled as they should, and this can imbalance your designs.

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I wanna ask a question about Recall. When I install it via Ckan or manually Tweak Scale is not working. But I do have one dll file in my GameData folder ( I found from my backups) which is named "999_Scale_Redist" if I put that one everything works fine. The only problem is if I put that DLL file in there ships above 300 parts creates an insane lag on my game.

So what is that file where does it come from the normal Recall files on github dont include anything like that.

Edited by fizy45
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  On 7/1/2020 at 9:25 AM, fizy45 said:

I wanna ask a question about Recall. When I install it via Ckan or manually Tweak Scale is not working. But I do have one dll file in my GameData folder ( I found from my backups) which is named "999_Scale_Redist" if I put that one everything works fine. The only problem is if I put that DLL file in there ships above 300 parts creates an insane lag on my game.

So what is that file where does it come from the normal Recall files on github dont include anything like that.


999_Scale_Redist must be placed on GameData/ (on the same place as ModuleManager.dll).

CKAN TweakScale's netkan should be doing that for you:

    "install" : [ {
        "file" : "GameData/999_Scale_Redist.dll",
        "install_to" : "GameData"
    }, {

That insane lag usually is about exceptions being thrown on the KSP.log. If the problem was caused by the lack of the DLL, shoving it on the right place must have this solved.

KSP Recall doesn't acts on Flight, only on Editor. Due the way I intercept the OnVesselModified editor's event, yeah... Some lag theoretically can be introducing some lag while editing a huge craft as yours. But once the thing is launched, nope - Once Recall restores the part Resources on Launch, it's done and have nothing more to do.

Post the KSP.log for a session where the lag is hurting so I can check what's happening.


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