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[1.12.x] GravityTurn continued - Automated Efficient Launches


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27 minutes ago, linuxgurugamer said:

Now compare it to Mechjeb

Ew then i'd have to install MechJeb.

Actually I was thinking about it due to GT not circularizing afterward, but I hate the idea of installing the other 99% of of MechJeb for the 1% I want.

Edited by 5thHorseman
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55 minutes ago, linuxgurugamer said:

Now compare it to Mechjeb

Okay I did it. MechJeb took far longer than GravityTurn in real time and also seemed to not like its own ascent profile (I like low TWR upper stages so I think it expected more at that phase of the flight. It spent the majority of the time locked at 5 degrees up from prograde).

In spite of that, MechJeb blew us both out of the water. Beat me by 131m/s and GT by 142. And it auto-circularized.

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Slightly confused by the comment about lack of auto-circularization. GT does auto-circularization for me. I find MJ's launch to be a pain from Kerbin; it likes to burn up my rockets unless I carefully manually tune it, which defeats a lot of the purpose. On the other hand, I do use MJ to launch from airless moons mostly just because it is so easy; click current inclination then click engage tends to be good enough and I'm usually not much worried about the efficiency from those moons.

BTW, I found out why I wasn't seeing the same skin as linuxguru was showing. I hadn't looked at the OP closely enough to notice that the settings page for the skin was under the game difficulty page of KSP. I had just been looking in the "setup" button of the mod's interface.

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I'm kinda vet GT user I know why GT doesn't auto-circularization:

GT use mechjeb to do that, and if you haven't unlocked MJ maneuver planner yet, it won't do it.

btw ckan home page still link to old thread.

Edited by ssd21345
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@linuxgurugamer - One thing I noticed when I got a chance to try it last night: The main window keeps it's position nicely between uses, but the stats widow forgets it's position.  (That is: On a second launch, the window doesn't open in the same location where it was when you closed it in the first launch.)  I didn’t check the advanced parameters window.

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I don't use Blizzy's toolbar, so the new ToolbarController dependency just adds a pointless additional icon, which shows up in every scene.  Would it be possible to make it recommended instead of required and only register with it if it's present?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Getting back to KSP and this was one of the mods I used pretty heavily. Not sure why it won't let me install from CKAN for 1.9.1 when it says that there is no max compatible version. I tried going manual but it tells me that the dll for this mod is not compatible with my version of KSP. Is there something I'm missing?

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53 minutes ago, bassmannate said:

Getting back to KSP and this was one of the mods I used pretty heavily. Not sure why it won't let me install from CKAN for 1.9.1 when it says that there is no max compatible version. I tried going manual but it tells me that the dll for this mod is not compatible with my version of KSP. Is there something I'm missing?

If you're coming back to KSP - are you looking at Gravity Turn or Gravity Turn Continued in CKAN?

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14 minutes ago, DStaal said:

If you're coming back to KSP - are you looking at Gravity Turn or Gravity Turn Continued in CKAN?

Gravity Turn Continued. I can see both in CKAN if I tell it to show me all mods not just compatible ones. As I said before I have also tried installing manually from the Spacedock link on the first post here which specifically says that it's supposed to work with 1.9.1. I usually try to stay reasonably up to date especially when coming back from a hiatus from playing.

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31 minutes ago, bassmannate said:

Gravity Turn Continued. I can see both in CKAN if I tell it to show me all mods not just compatible ones. As I said before I have also tried installing manually from the Spacedock link on the first post here which specifically says that it's supposed to work with 1.9.1. I usually try to stay reasonably up to date especially when coming back from a hiatus from playing.

If you are getting a message about incompatibility when you install manually, I wonder where that message is coming from - seems likely to be from miniAVC, which is installed by *LOTS* of mods, but is known to have problems with recent KSP versions. I know that some people feel otherwise, but I personally recommend using CKAN, which would have taken care of that in the process of installing required dependencies (notably toolbar controller and clickthrough blocker, both of which in turn depend on zero miniavc, which nukes all the broken miniavc copies).

Yes, CKAN complains about several mods not being compatible, even though they actually work fine but just have not had their compatibility data updated. That's a minor annoyance, but a solvable one, and the solution is simpler than all the problems you run into when trying to install without CKAN. In CKAN settings there is a tab fpr "compatible KSP versions". Go there and add 1.9 and 1.8 as compatible. You'll need 1.9 because some mods just list 1.9.0 and you'll need 1.8 because that's what gravity turn continued lists.

I've used gravity turn continued with 1.9.1 for a while. Though not strictly required, I find it helps a lot with the drudgery of manually launching the same or similar vehicles for the zillionth time.

Edited to substitute "complains" in place of a word for female dogs. The forum bowdlerizer doesn't like that word, even when used in a manner not normally considered impolite. I don't think the "poodles" that the forum auto-substitutes quite catches the same meaning. :-)

Edited by rmaine
forum bowdlerizer fix
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  • 4 weeks later...

Since I've been actually playing the game some lately, have had a lot of launches using this mod, it's still great.

There's however something bugging me: on a select few rockets, Gravityturn is very clumsy in flying, in some cases to the point of the rocket flipping over entirely. In each case this seems to be down to a permanent wobble, possibly over-correction of attitude which perpetuates. A few examples where this is very noticeable are the Tantares R-7 (any rocket using the R-7 base will do) and the BDB Agena upper stage - using available craft files so easy to reproduce. On the R-7 in fact it barely gets to orbit at all, cause the wobble turns into wild flipping all over. On the Agena it's no more than a constant wobble around the target vector.

There's nothing obvious that links these examples so I'm really not sure what causes it. Normally I'd say MandatoryRCS might have something to do with it, but the regular R-7 doesn't even use RCS; and other rockets with or without it are fine.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
58 minutes ago, Eogen said:

Is there a config option somewhere to not have Gravity Turn deploy fairings?  Or, preferably, only deploy fairings as they are stacked in the staging?
Thanks in advance.

Workaround: Click Setup; set the fairing pressure to a negative number.

If yo want to only deploy fairings as stacked but not past a certain point: set your stage limit to any stage BEFORE the fairing you DON'T want deployed. Set the fairing deploy pressure to a negative number. ENSURE that your launch profile will use up the stages tight up to before the limit, including the fairing stages you want deployed. BE WARNED: setting a stage limit that is arrived before your apoapsis height has been established as desired will mean You Will Not Go Into Space TodayTM, please redo your Setup.

EDIT: What I have not established yet is if GT will deploy fairings that are set to Not Staged in the editor (meaning only a PAW action can deploy them), but it is something to try.

Edited by B-STRK
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Is there a way to change the default values that Gravity Turn uses (specifically for Hold AP Time Finish and Destination Height)?

I know they can be changed before each launch but I'm talking about changing the default numbers.

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3 hours ago, EchoLima said:

Is there a way to change the default values that Gravity Turn uses (specifically for Hold AP Time Finish and Destination Height)?

I know they can be changed before each launch but I'm talking about changing the default numbers.

Press the tiny little save icon near the bottom right.

And keep the padlock red, or it it will change itself again.

Edited by Cruesoe
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  • 4 weeks later...
On 7/28/2020 at 11:35 PM, HoneyBadger said:

@linuxgurugamer The previous versions wasn't working with RSS/RO. Mostly PVG Mechjeb is working for initial  orbit but I do miss simplicity of this mod. Do you have any idea if this is working with RSS/RO or do you plan to add it? Thanks

No idea why it wasn't working.

I don't do anything with RSS/RO, why don't you ask them about it.  I've worked with them before, if they can look I'd be happy to incorporate any necessary changes

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, this mod tends to result in rather shallow gravity turns which tend to work well for certain types of boosters, however it fails miserably for another certain type of craft: 1. the ones with pretty low TWR 2. ones with bad drag profile which you want to keep as little as possible in atmosphere.

Basically its not good for when you want to specifically steep curves (lowering drag, using higher ISP engines). It doesn't help that there is barely any explanation on how to fine the values if desired (besides the ? help which is pretty vague). Also doesn't like it detects asparagus type staging (which is also more target for heavier launches).

Finally, does anyone know where does it save the craft settings to?

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