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[BETA] KSRSS 0.7 - Kerbin (or x2.5) sized RSS


KSC location for the next release  

687 members have voted

  1. 1. Where should the KSC be located?

    • Cape Canaveral, Florida (28 degrees North)
    • Kourou, French Guiana (5 degrees North)

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3 hours ago, OrbitalManeuvers said:

This is a development repository, so there's really no guaranteed compatibility with anything. That said, the devs have said the next release will be for 1.11.

sure, that's understandable. But I was unsure if it would be BC with like 1.9.1-1.11...

EDIT - also has does this get around Kopernicus version compatibility if its not even officially on 1.10 yet nevermind 1.11.

Edited by si2504
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On 1/17/2021 at 9:55 AM, tony48 said:

Yes the next update will be for 1.11.


KSRSS is now on GitLab.


We don't know. We don't have any time to work on the mod right now, but that will (hopefully) improve soon.


BDB, Shuttle Orbiter Construction Kit, Probe Plus, Restock.

Oh Thanks, I am looking forward to using  those mods. 

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Is there somethign i can do because my space center is under the ground texture?... i can only see the top of the VAB and some flags glitching out of the ground but all smaller buildings are a few meters underground .....

Edited by Sheetso
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7 hours ago, Sheetso said:

Is there somethign i can do because my space center is under the ground texture?... i can only see the top of the VAB and some flags glitching out of the ground but all smaller buildings are a few meters underground .....

This is a common bug in KSRSS and RSS. What you need to do is reinstall KSRSS and KSRSS-Textures and you should be good to go.

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11 hours ago, Sheetso said:

Is there somethign i can do because my space center is under the ground texture?... i can only see the top of the VAB and some flags glitching out of the ground but all smaller buildings are a few meters underground .....

I had this, using the x2.5 config with sigma. To rectify i adjusted the "@repositionRadiusOffset" in the 2.5x config to =385. The only other issues i've noticed so far is that KSC is located in what appears to be the French Guiana lol. I have no idea whether that was intentional by the devs or not? I'm using the mod on 1.11

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18 hours ago, si2504 said:

I had this, using the x2.5 config with sigma. To rectify i adjusted the "@repositionRadiusOffset" in the 2.5x config to =385. The only other issues i've noticed so far is that KSC is located in what appears to be the French Guiana lol. I have no idea whether that was intentional by the devs or not? I'm using the mod on 1.11

There is a launchsite in French Guiana which is commonly used for equatorial launches, so much easier for KSP - it might be set as the default, so definitely intentional. The mod KSCSwitcher lets you change this.

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22 minutes ago, kylelander said:

Yes, it will work, and no, parallax configs work on rescaled bodies as well.


On 1/23/2021 at 8:47 AM, si2504 said:

I had this, using the x2.5 config with sigma. To rectify i adjusted the "@repositionRadiusOffset" in the 2.5x config to =385. The only other issues i've noticed so far is that KSC is located in what appears to be the French Guiana lol. I have no idea whether that was intentional by the devs or not? I'm using the mod on 1.11

Did you have to do anything specific to make it work with 1.11?  I'm using the prerelease version from higher in the thread and while it works on the main menu (replacing kerbin with earth) loading a save or starting a new one is just an infinite black loading screen.  I'm using the right bleeding edge kopernicus and don't have any other mods.

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18 hours ago, SpartanJack17 said:


Did you have to do anything specific to make it work with 1.11?  I'm using the prerelease version from higher in the thread and while it works on the main menu (replacing kerbin with earth) loading a save or starting a new one is just an infinite black loading screen.  I'm using the right bleeding edge kopernicus and don't have any other mods.

Could I have a look at the GameData folder? I can help you troubleshoot

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4 hours ago, kylelander said:

Could I have a look at the GameData folder? I can help you troubleshoot

I'm pretty positive I've figured it out, after checking the gitlab page it's clear that I didn't actually download the entire thing.  It's a problem I've had with github and gitlab before, they don't seem to tell the browser/download manager how big the file is when downloading a directory as a .zip, and if something goes wrong during the download it'll just mark it as completed even if it's partially done.  And I assumed an incomplete archive wouldn't work at all, but I just checked and it turns out 7zip will happily open and extract it even if I only download a couple of mb of a 2.1gb directory.


So I'll just download it again and check all the files this time.


Edit: after a few failed attempts I don't think my internet's stable enough to download it since any little blip results in a false completion (meaning it's impossible to just resume the download).


Made it work by downloading the folders individually.  To use 2.5x I had to use a bit of trial and error since the space centre was underground, setting @repositionRadiusOffset to 695 seems to look pretty much perfect though.  I'm having issues with earth's continents being grey instead of green in the tracking station and map view, but I'll put that down to it just being a prerelease version.

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13 hours ago, SpartanJack17 said:

To use 2.5x I had to use a bit of trial and error since the space centre was underground, setting @repositionRadiusOffset to 695 seems to look pretty much perfect though. 

I'll jump in and share my experiences with the dev branch so far. I had been holding off since I didn't know how far along they were, or if they were even interested in feedback. But since you guys are trying it out I'll jump in too.

I started with a working 1.10.1 install since it had Eve, scatterer, Kop, and all (?) the KK stuff. I removed JNSQ and added the KSRSS folder, Dimensions, Kronometer, and updated Kop to the latest BE for 1.10 (oops I was a couple behind). 

On my first run of KSP (and every run since) I got the texture resolution dialog. The first time I got it, I clicked save, exited, and restarted. Now I just click save and move on since I don't change it.

On first load, Kourou is 100% underground, but the ground itself is all correct. If I go into the tracking station and switch to the Cape, then the Cape loads as shown below in the spoiler. I've never seen this combination before, where the buildings are at the correct height for the surrounding terrain, but the terrain itself is at the wrong height. Problems with scaling and KSC have always been with the buildings off the ground for me. Anyway, NOW if I set it back to Kourou, it's perfect. Unfortunately, this weirdness happens every time I start KSP - I have to switch and switch back for it to load correctly.

As another test, I placed a KK static at Kourou and switched to KSC, then back, and the static was still perfect. I restarted so I could see what happens to the static when Kourou loads underground. It's not pretty (shown below) but again, gets all worked out if I switch to KSC and then back.

Anyway, lots of pictures below. I don't really plan on diagnosing any of these issues much further yet, unless there's interest in something from the devs or if I can help someone else get this far.


13 hours ago, SpartanJack17 said:

I'm having issues with earth's continents being grey instead of green in the tracking station and map view,

This sounds like Eve or scatterer. I think I'm using the latest stuff that blackrack has been heroing, and not seeing this. I will say that on the main menu screen, the earth shows for a brief moment without any atmosphere/clouds, and the continents are definitely gray, but then the atmo loads in (yeah, even on the main menu screen) and suddenly earth is all blue and purdy.

The stuff:


This is how KSC looks. 2nd picture shows that scatters happen on the "ground" in case that matters.



Here's how Kourou loads when I first load the game.


A peek at what's happening underground. The KK static is even wronger than the KSC buildings.


But a switch away and back fixes everything and the static is where I placed it.


All the above is with this:




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9 hours ago, OrbitalManeuvers said:

This sounds like Eve or scatterer. I think I'm using the latest stuff that blackrack has been heroing, and not seeing this. I will say that on the main menu screen, the earth shows for a brief moment without any atmosphere/clouds, and the continents are definitely gray, but then the atmo loads in (yeah, even on the main menu screen) and suddenly earth is all blue and purdy.


Yeah I've got scatterer, but when you look at the planet under the atmosphere haze it's definitely grey, not green like it's supposed to be.  It's most noticeable during ascent when it changes from green to grey.  It.  Interestingly I had a look at the EarthColor.dds from the textures folder and the continents are actually cut out completely.  I'm assuming it's supposed to get that data from somewhere else, but it  doesn't seem to be working.  I'm getting error warnings for the resolution.cfg file while loading so I assume it's related to that, but I don't know enough to be able to fix it.  I've put a couple of pictures in as examples.






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14 hours ago, SpartanJack17 said:

Yeah I've got scatterer, but when you look at the planet under the atmosphere haze it's definitely grey, not green like it's supposed to be.  It's most noticeable during ascent when it changes from green to grey.  It.  Interestingly I had a look at the EarthColor.dds from the textures folder and the continents are actually cut out completely.  I'm assuming it's supposed to get that data from somewhere else, but it  doesn't seem to be working.  I'm getting error warnings for the resolution.cfg file while loading so I assume it's related to that, but I don't know enough to be able to fix it.  I've put a couple of pictures in as examples.

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There seems to be an earthsurface.dds file missing from the 16k textures folder, unless its configured to pull the surface textures from the 8/4k folders? However the EarthColor.DDS is normal to have transparent surface layer, hence why im presuming configs pull this from a EarthSurface.DDS file which the 16k doesn't have.

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On 2/5/2021 at 8:41 PM, OrbitalManeuvers said:

On first load, Kourou is 100% underground, but the ground itself is all correct. If I go into the tracking station and switch to the Cape, then the Cape loads as shown below in the spoiler. I've never seen this combination before, where the buildings are at the correct height for the surrounding terrain, but the terrain itself is at the wrong height. Problems with scaling and KSC have always been with the buildings off the ground for me. Anyway, NOW if I set it back to Kourou, it's perfect. Unfortunately, this weirdness happens every time I start KSP - I have to switch and switch back for it to load correctly.

I get the same problem with underground KSC - but for me, simply switching to tracking station and back fixes it. BTW, same thing happens on 0.6.1.

I also got this Cape terrain bug, which it seems happen only at the Cape. Switching to other launch sites and back doesn't fix it. 2.5x config problem, maybe?

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A few quick screenshots. This is MAVEN, launched on an Atlas V 401.








2 hours ago, biohazard15 said:

BTW, same thing happens on 0.6.1.

I had problems with 0.6 too, but it was different - the KSC buildings were not level with the surrounding terrain, but the buildings were at least sat on their own patch of terrain. That was fixed with the offset value in the launchsites file. 

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23 minutes ago, OrbitalManeuvers said:

I had problems with 0.6 too, but it was different - the KSC buildings were not level with the surrounding terrain, but the buildings were at least sat on their own patch of terrain. That was fixed with the offset value in the launchsites file.

I also get one quite strange bug on 0.6.1 - sometimes KSC camera default position is not on KSC center, but slightly West of it. Otherwise, it functions correctly - you can move camera, click on buildings etc. Going to tracking station and\or switching locations does not fix it. Sometimes it can be fixed by relaunching the game, and sometimes it can't. I haven't figured out what causes this, so I simply live with it.

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6 hours ago, si2504 said:

There seems to be an earthsurface.dds file missing from the 16k textures folder, unless its configured to pull the surface textures from the 8/4k folders? However the EarthColor.DDS is normal to have transparent surface layer, hence why im presuming configs pull this from a EarthSurface.DDS file which the 16k doesn't have.

Yeah that's what I figured, I actually tried copying the earthsurface.dds into the 16k folder but it didn't do anything.  Maybe I'll poke around the configs, but tbh it's hidden enough by Eve and scatterer than I can wait for an update.


The other issue is I'm pretty sure texture switching doesn't actually work, selecting 8 and 4k textures doesn't stop it being grey, and it doesn't seem to change how any of the planets look.

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15 hours ago, SpartanJack17 said:

Yeah that's what I figured, I actually tried copying the earthsurface.dds into the 16k folder but it didn't do anything.  Maybe I'll poke around the configs, but tbh it's hidden enough by Eve and scatterer than I can wait for an update.


The other issue is I'm pretty sure texture switching doesn't actually work, selecting 8 and 4k textures doesn't stop it being grey, and it doesn't seem to change how any of the planets look.

I can only presume its possibly an EVE issue or something else not configured quite right as the config is there for it, and it does seem to be pulling the texture from the 8k folder. The config for it is inside the "KSRSSKopernicus" folder under VertexColorMapBlend. Have you disabled EVE to see if that corrects it? 

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