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[BETA] KSRSS 0.7 - Kerbin (or x2.5) sized RSS


KSC location for the next release  

687 members have voted

  1. 1. Where should the KSC be located?

    • Cape Canaveral, Florida (28 degrees North)
    • Kourou, French Guiana (5 degrees North)

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2 hours ago, biohazard15 said:

I don't even.

I know that feeling.  KSP is a weird animal.

I'll try to figure out what triggers this and then maybe I can advise a patch so we can use the "KSRSS" setting again.

EDIT:  This file shows what's going on:


It contains some updated subdivision levels for KSRSS.  This means as soon as you activate KSRSS, it's on for good...  unless you delete settings.cfg.  Because that patch it does to the settings .cfg file is one way.

I'm going to edit some of it's values and see if I can't fix the Moon.  Brb.

EDIT:  A new Sigma Dimensions dropped in the last few days that contains a fix for some scaling bugs that sound like what that setting attempts to work around, did you try this with 2.5x scaling and "HIgh" preset?


Or better yet, try that release and these modified values in the "preset.cfg" file.

		name = KSRSS
		displayName = KSRSS
			name = Kerbin
			minDistance = 6
			minSubdivision = 2
			maxSubdivision = 8
			name = Moon
			minDistance = 6
			minSubdivision = 2
			maxSubdivision = 8
			name = Mercury
			minDistance = 6
			minSubdivision = 2
			maxSubdivision = 8
			name = Venus
			minDistance = 6
			minSubdivision = 2
			maxSubdivision = 10
			name = Mars
			minDistance = 6
			minSubdivision = 2
			maxSubdivision = 8
			name = Phobos
			minDistance = 6
			minSubdivision = 2
			maxSubdivision = 8
			name = Deimos
			minDistance = 6
			minSubdivision = 2
			maxSubdivision = 8
			name = Vesta
			minDistance = 6
			minSubdivision = 2
			maxSubdivision = 8
			name = Ceres
			minDistance = 6
			minSubdivision = 2
			maxSubdivision = 8
			name = Jupiter
			minDistance = 6
			minSubdivision = 2
			maxSubdivision = 8
			name = Callisto
			minDistance = 6
			minSubdivision = 2
			maxSubdivision = 8
			name = Europa
			minDistance = 6
			minSubdivision = 2
			maxSubdivision = 8
			name = Ganymede
			minDistance = 6
			minSubdivision = 2
			maxSubdivision = 8
			name = Io
			minDistance = 6
			minSubdivision = 2
			maxSubdivision = 8
			name = Saturn
			minDistance = 6
			minSubdivision = 2
			maxSubdivision = 8
			name = Enceladus
			minDistance = 6
			minSubdivision = 2
			maxSubdivision = 8
			name = Mimas
			minDistance = 6
			minSubdivision = 2
			maxSubdivision = 8
			name = Tethys
			minDistance = 6
			minSubdivision = 2
			maxSubdivision = 8
			name = Rhea
			minDistance = 6
			minSubdivision = 2
			maxSubdivision = 8
			name = Iapetus
			minDistance = 6
			minSubdivision = 2
			maxSubdivision = 8
			name = Titan
			minDistance = 6
			minSubdivision = 2
			maxSubdivision = 10
			name = Dione
			minDistance = 6
			minSubdivision = 2
			maxSubdivision = 8
			name = Uranus
			minDistance = 6
			minSubdivision = 2
			maxSubdivision = 8
			name = Titania
			minDistance = 6
			minSubdivision = 2
			maxSubdivision = 8
			name = Neptune
			minDistance = 6
			minSubdivision = 2
			maxSubdivision = 8
			name = Triton
			minDistance = 6
			minSubdivision = 2
			maxSubdivision = 8
			name = Pluto
			minDistance = 6
			minSubdivision = 2
			maxSubdivision = 8
			name = Charon
			minDistance = 6
			minSubdivision = 2
			maxSubdivision = 8
			name = ChuryumovGerasimenko
			minDistance = 6
			minSubdivision = 2
			maxSubdivision = 8
			name = Halley
			minDistance = 6
			minSubdivision = 2
			maxSubdivision = 8
			name = Ryugu
			minDistance = 6
			minSubdivision = 2
			maxSubdivision = 8


Edited by R-T-B
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4 hours ago, R-T-B said:

I know that feeling.  KSP is a weird animal.

I'll try to figure out what triggers this and then maybe I can advise a patch so we can use the "KSRSS" setting again.

EDIT:  This file shows what's going on:


It contains some updated subdivision levels for KSRSS.  This means as soon as you activate KSRSS, it's on for good...  unless you delete settings.cfg.  Because that patch it does to the settings .cfg file is one way.

I'm going to edit some of it's values and see if I can't fix the Moon.  Brb.

EDIT:  A new Sigma Dimensions dropped in the last few days that contains a fix for some scaling bugs that sound like what that setting attempts to work around, did you try this with 2.5x scaling and "HIgh" preset?


Or better yet, try that release and these modified values in the "preset.cfg" file.

Unfortunately, these didn't work. Any combo still leads to black moon, and new SD didn't fix the floating land at High preset. Same goes on 1.11.1.

I've just noticed another visual bug: in VAB scene, parts of launch pad and crawlerway look like made out of glass. Not sure if it's related to the black Moon, but who knows? Bug is present on both 1.8.1, 1.10.1 and 1.11.1 (screenshot is from the latter)


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15 hours ago, biohazard15 said:

You should download Kopernicus v30 or later.

I got v33 (using Microsoft Edge instead of Chrome), but still no luck. My logs keep giving me the same endless series of "object reference not set to instance of object" or something, as well as "index was outside the bounds of the array." The output log shows a crash report saying that it "failed to load body: Ceres" and it seems to just fall apart after that.

Does anyone know what to do about any of those three recurring phrases in my log?

Edited by bwest31415
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2 hours ago, biohazard15 said:

Unfortunately, these didn't work. Any combo still leads to black moon, and new SD didn't fix the floating land at High preset. Same goes on 1.11.1.

I've just noticed another visual bug: in VAB scene, parts of launch pad and crawlerway look like made out of glass. Not sure if it's related to the black Moon, but who knows? Bug is present on both 1.8.1, 1.10.1 and 1.11.1 (screenshot is from the latter)


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what is this "black moon" that is mentioned? as in literally a black moon? the only issues i've faced on the moon is landers in certain areas falling through the surface and exploding. This was on a 2.5x config with sigma and on 1.11.

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18 minutes ago, si2504 said:

what is this "black moon" that is mentioned? as in literally a black moon? the only issues i've faced on the moon is landers in certain areas falling through the surface and exploding. This was on a 2.5x config with sigma and on 1.11.

The Moon surface turns pitch black when you fly at low altitudes. Seems to affect only 0.6.1 - tried 0.7 on 1.11.1, the Moon is fine.

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14 hours ago, R-T-B said:

Relevant release fixing logspam stutter:


I was just using 16K textures + no VE.  I'll try VE.

And yes, I'm aware it's the Moon not the Mun.  Been playing in the Kerbalverse too long lol.

EDIT: Not VE Either.  Try deleting settings.cfg, as the install instructions say.  I have a feeling the huge version jump confuses it.  Also make sure you are using the latest scatterer and EVE with VE, as it requires those.


This is tested in both 1.8.1 and 1.11.1 btw.

And don't ask how Jeb got a simple pod to the surface of the moon.  I'm more confused about how Jeb is on the moon at all.

i've installed the Kopernicus release - 31, (download Kopernicus 1.11.1) and on launch i get a message saying Kopernicus isn't compatible with my version of KSP. I'm on 1.11.0... do i need a different one?

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Wow this is Amazing!

Probably gonna Give it a Download when I finish my save file 

However, a Few questions:

-How heavy is it on your processor?

-What’s the recommended RAM for it to run good, as I only have 8 ATM and some planet packs need more?

-Do you have a Delta V map?

-If you don’t have a Delta V map, would you make one?


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15 minutes ago, Ollz said:

Wow this is Amazing!

Probably gonna Give it a Download when I finish my save file 

However, a Few questions:

-How heavy is it on your processor?

-What’s the recommended RAM for it to run good, as I only have 8 ATM and some planet packs need more?

-Do you have a Delta V map?

-If you don’t have a Delta V map, would you make one?


KSRSS is stock-Kerbin size. Unless you are using the 2.5x config...

18 minutes ago, Ollz said:

Wow this is Amazing!

Probably gonna Give it a Download when I finish my save file 

However, a Few questions:

-How heavy is it on your processor?

-What’s the recommended RAM for it to run good, as I only have 8 ATM and some planet packs need more?

-Do you have a Delta V map?

-If you don’t have a Delta V map, would you make one?


if you are using 2.5x, this one is pretty close.


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59 minutes ago, Ollz said:

-What’s the recommended RAM for it to run good, as I only have 8 ATM and some planet packs need more?

Generally, you want at least 16GB for any major planet pack. 32GB if you wish to use high-res textures and\or add some part-heavy mods like BDB.

8GB pretty much guarantees constant crashes due to low memory.

48 minutes ago, si2504 said:

if you are using 2.5x, this one is pretty close.

Note that most (if not all) dV maps assume that KSC is located at its stock position, i.e. equator. This is not the case with KSRSS - the closest thing you can get is Kourou. This means that some dV requirements could actually be bigger - for example, you'll have to factor in the plane change if you want to launch to GEO.

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The instructions here say to delete the settings.cfg file before launching the game. I see two, though, one called settings.cfg and one called Settings that is a CFG file. I delete them both, but once I launch the game, the Settings CFG file reappears. Is this supposed to happen?

What happens when this settings.cfg file isn't deleted before launching? I've had such issues with KSRSS (I've never even gotten to play it, they're so bad), and I wonder if this settings.cfg file might have something to do with it. 

3 hours ago, Ollz said:

Also sorry, do you know if this mod will ever be updated to 1.11.1 or onwards, as it would be a Large fuss and effort to go back to 1.8.1

I was looking at the main page for this thread, and it appears that the creator, tony48, says he intends to update it to 1.11. Just didn't say when.

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9 minutes ago, bwest31415 said:

I delete them both, but once I launch the game, the Settings CFG file reappears. Is this supposed to happen?

There should be only one settings.cfg in KSP folder. And yes, it's supposed to reappear. What you're doing here is basically resetting this particular KSP installation to its factory settings to avoid any potential conflicts, so KSP creates a new one with default settings (which you're supposed to change to your liking)

9 minutes ago, bwest31415 said:

I was looking at the main page for this thread, and it appears that the creator, tony48, says he intends to update it to 1.11. Just didn't say when.

There is 0.7 beta which can be played on 1.11 with latest Kopernicus, but it still has some problems (namely bugged Earth color texture when 8K is selected, and bugged Cape Canaveral terrain when terrain detail is set on high). If these are of no concern to you, feel free to try it. You can find a link to Gitlab a couple of pages up.

Edited by biohazard15
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8 hours ago, si2504 said:

i've installed the Kopernicus release - 31, (download Kopernicus 1.11.1) and on launch i get a message saying Kopernicus isn't compatible with my version of KSP. I'm on 1.11.0... do i need a different one?

We do not support 1.11.0.  You'd need one of the "final patch" releases, like 1.10.1, or 1.11.1.

It's done to ease our maintainence burden.  It's hard/harder to support all the little micropatches, since we have to build each Kopernicus to target a specific version.

7 hours ago, Ollz said:

Also sorry, do you know if this mod will ever be updated to 1.11.1 or onwards, as it would be a Large fuss and effort to go back to 1.8.1

It (it being the last release of KSRSS ) runs on 1.11.1 with the latest Kopernicus Stable but is not officially supported by the author, and if using rescale, there are some bugs.  Without rescale it seems to work well.  Your mileage may vary.  There is the VAB grass issue reported below, but it's cosmetic only.

We discussed the rescale issues in the last page.  They seem to be something that can be worked around with a little effort and fiddling, but we haven't quite figured it out yet.  I'm begining to suspect it needs an updated KSRSSVE.dll for the visual enhancement portion of the pack.

12 hours ago, biohazard15 said:

Unfortunately, these didn't work. Any combo still leads to black moon, and new SD didn't fix the floating land at High preset. Same goes on 1.11.1.

I've just noticed another visual bug: in VAB scene, parts of launch pad and crawlerway look like made out of glass. Not sure if it's related to the black Moon, but who knows? Bug is present on both 1.8.1, 1.10.1 and 1.11.1 (screenshot is from the latter)


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This bug is interesting.  It looks like it's applying the grass color but not  the material.  I'll look into it soon, as that should be something that works.  Unfortunately I did not notice this right away, but I'll try to replicate using your exact settings tonight.

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9 hours ago, biohazard15 said:

The Moon surface turns pitch black when you fly at low altitudes. Seems to affect only 0.6.1 - tried 0.7 on 1.11.1, the Moon is fine.

Yeah, sounds like it's totally the internall dll stuff of this mod then.  Just use the 0.7 beta if newer than 1.8.1 then, I guess.  The old dlls probably don't handle the switch to "unified camera" very well, if I had to guess.

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6 hours ago, R-T-B said:

Yeah, sounds like it's totally the internall dll stuff of this mod then.  Just use the 0.7 beta if newer than 1.8.1 then, I guess.  The old dlls probably don't handle the switch to "unified camera" very well, if I had to guess.

Thank you for all your hard work on it!

As for 0.7, it works fairly well in rescale if you leave terrain detail at default and use latest Kopernicus and Sigma Dimensions. Shadows are borked, but AFAIK this is a stock 1.9.1+ problem which can be fixed to some extent by using scatterer. Space center camera can sometimes stuck well above space center, especially after switching to another location; going to VAB\SPH (not tracking station!) and back seems to fix that (I start to suspect this may be a switcher bug - it's a really ancient mod that haven't been updated for 1.9.1+).

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2 hours ago, biohazard15 said:

Thank you for all your hard work on it!

As for 0.7, it works fairly well in rescale if you leave terrain detail at default and use latest Kopernicus and Sigma Dimensions. Shadows are borked, but AFAIK this is a stock 1.9.1+ problem which can be fixed to some extent by using scatterer. Space center camera can sometimes stuck well above space center, especially after switching to another location; going to VAB\SPH (not tracking station!) and back seems to fix that (I start to suspect this may be a switcher bug - it's a really ancient mod that haven't been updated for 1.9.1+).

I've been working on some space center side camera fixes, even though it's not my fault I may be able to work around whatever is going on with KSC switcher while messing with that code.  Will look into it later.

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50 minutes ago, siimav said:

If KSCSwitcher is causing issues, then try that branch first.

Tried it on 1.11.1 - all the aforementioned bugs appears to be still present (again, I'm not sure what causes these issues - KSRSS, Switcher, SD, Kopernicus or KSP itself).


Some notes on "floating parcel of land" at Canaveral:

- when you switch to CCAFS in TS and go back to the KSC scene, it appears to generate normally first. Then, after a second or so, floating square island appears - with corresponding hole under it.

- This island is not flat(!) and has cactus scatter on it(!!).

- This bug appears only with terrain detail set on High and affects only CCAFS - all other launch sites behave normally.

- This island prevents clicking on buildings - except a) VABSPH and western tip of the runway, which stick out of it and you can click on these parts and b) if you move camera to look under island, you can click on buildings there. Buttons work normally.

- The KSC itself appears to sit at the right altitude, as evidenced by the runway.

- If you try to launch a rocket, it would sit on island, not at the actual launch pad.

- If you try to launch from runway, plane or whatever you launched would sit on runway at the right altitude. You can ride or fly under the island, and you also can collide with it. You also can fall into the hole.

- This could be some leftover from 0.6.1, where CCAFS was default launch site. So far, I haven't found anything in configs to support that. Editing Earth.cfg launch site section back to its 0.6.1 values did not produce any result.

I should say that it looks VERY similar to some of Danny2462's videos, with Danny breaking Kerbin surface in numerous ways.

Edited by biohazard15
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I really liked that. :awe::heart_eyes:

But I don't know if my PC will support ... do I have any chance ??:cry:


CPU:Ryzen 5 3400G (cooler stock)

***Vega 11 (integrated graphics)


RAM: T-FORCE VULCAN 8Gb 2666Mhz single (I have not yet had the opportunity to migrate to dual channel).

HD 1T (SO) + HD 1T (games)


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27 minutes ago, KallangoVerde said:

But I don't know if my PC will support ... do I have any chance ??

As I said earlier, 16GB is recommended for any major planet pack, even if you do not plan to install part mods alongside it. 8GB is a minimum for stock game to run fine. You can try, but the game would very likely crash on loading or soon after it, even if you use 4K textures and set graphics to bare minimum.

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1 hour ago, biohazard15 said:

Como eu disse antes, 16 GB é recomendado para qualquer pacote planetário principal, mesmo se você não planeja instalar mods parciais junto com ele. 8 GB é o mínimo para o jogo de estoque funcionar bem. Você pode tentar, mas o jogo provavelmente travaria ao carregar ou logo após, mesmo se você usar texturas 4K e definir os gráficos para o mínimo.

Thank you for answering my question. I'll wait a little longer ... until I have a good amount of dual channel memory.;p

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