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KSP needs an update and fix on PS4 - badly and urgently

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First, KSP crashes once or twice a day. And that is a good day. It is so annoying to make quicksaves to counter this. Anybody else getting paranoid about such things?

Next, you pick up a contract to move a satellite to a different orbit. Only when you switch to it you see that it is like a ragdoll. Or just starts pinning out of control sending engine, thrusters and antennae in different directions. Sometimes when you switch to tracking station and back it fixes itself. Sometimes it doesn't. I had a Sentinel that morphed into the LF tank and just the red dot was peeping out while the antenna was dangling. Another time when you switch from map to ship, the screen stutters, shakes like mad and the ship is about to disintegrate.

Also, occasionally (when you have just made it to Gilly, for example), you try to perform a maneuver only to realise that the ship is not responsive. Antenna won't unfold, ship won't lock prograde, can't fire the engine. Then it turns out it is not that the ship is not responsive. You can't switch to map view or can't even bring up the options menu. So the game is REALLY buggy. 

I am unable to provide screenshots because these are not idle, lovely pictures like a landing and a flag next to the ship. Each time these happen, I am trying to quickly prevent a disaster from happening and a ship from desintegrating. I can't think about screenshots at the same time.


When can we have an update?

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I play on Xbox, but same thing there. I'm totally paranoid about it and save often with a specific naming convention. I never delete the last save from the previous day that I played because I had a bad crash that wiped out some previous saves (but that was mid-last-year).

Did you ensure you have all the updates loaded? Some of these problems have gotten better on Xbox over the last year, but not all.

I've experienced the other issues you've mentioned infrequently. Here are things that seem to work for me on the Xbox to minimize the occurrences and the frustrations

- Always quicksave games in space, not at the KSC screen. Some of my worst crashes and losses were from saving on that screen.

- Keep the number of quicksaves to one screen.

- When I'm done playing for a bit, I stop the game software. On the Xbox and PS4 the game will stay in a paused state if you don't stop it manually - even if you turn off the console (see the next item). Yes, the load time is very long, but this is probably the number one thing that prevents crashes.

- Actually power off the console when the crashes/glitches get more frequent. Neither PS4 nor Xbox power off by default when you "turn off" the system - you need to go into settings and do  this manually.

- Don't leave the game paused for long periods, shut it down instead.

- When ships randomly explode on loading, reload the last save (even if it is the auto-save) and then go back to the ship and it should be fine.

- If I can't control a vessel I can switch vessels or spacewalk and switch vessel and this will fix it (sometimes).

- If I lose controls (usually button functions) in the VAB or SPH I go back to the KSC screen and back to the VAB/SPH and it is fixed (sometimes). This one hasn't happened to me in a while.

- Keep the number of VAB and SPH craft files to one screen each (i.e. you don't have to scroll). I've started to ease up on this one and haven't had any problems yet, but this seemed to be an issue for me in the past.

Some of these are probably unnecessary now, but I don't know which ones and I'm in these habits so I don't need to do trial-and-error to find out. Hopefully this helps on the PS4 like it seems to on the Xbox.

Now you are wondering if all this is worth it. I say yes, but totally understand if it's not for you. I just got the PC version for my laptop (Steam sale $10) and it loads in about five seconds rather than the two minutes on my Xbox and my laptop was NOT built for gaming. The advantage of the Xbox is that KSP is beautiful and I want to play it on my HDTV.

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Wow. All of that sounds like my life. From paranoid naming conventions for saves to exploding ships. It all seems to be self propelling. The crashes mean you have more saves, particularly on long missions. More saves mean more crashes. 

The thing is, I had it on PC first. I liked it but I wanted the visual experience on the big screen so I got it on PS4. Also, I am rubbish with the keyboard. I got used to the ps4 controller and I find that it works for me. I don't need mods and cheats. It gives me challenge. (I have nothing against mods, SpaceX and NASA have automation too.) Although the tracking station shows upcoming maneuvers, it does not warn you like Kerbal Alarm Clock. So you have to plan and sequence missions (ie, while going to Eve, you need to check back at the minmus base to transmit science.) 

Yesterday I landed on Gilly, did science and planted a flag. I got the trophy for it. Yay! I When I got through so many crashes, I just wanted to forget about the mission and take my Kerbals home. Got to KSC only to realise that even though I got the trophy notification and I wanted to check it, it showed error. I got so frustrated with the Gilly mission that the crashes just took away all my excitement. 

I haven't built stations of thousands of parts. I have some satellites, a small Minmus base and a Mun lab. I do quick runs between Kerbin and its moons only. I have done  one fly-by of Duna and Ike, one of Eve and Gilly. So I don't have that many things yet.

I will get a screenshot of the ragdoll Sentinel later. It just looks bad in its current state. But it still did the mapping during the eve mission. Now I will probably terminate it because I can't be bothered to have that ugly thing floating in space. 

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  On 4/8/2020 at 8:01 AM, MZ_per_X1 said:

I haven't built stations of thousands of parts. I have some satellites, a small Minmus base and a Mun lab. I do quick runs between Kerbin and its moons only. I have done  one fly-by of Duna and Ike, one of Eve and Gilly. So I don't have that many things yet.. 


As far as I can tell, the number of craft in the system is not a cause of crashes. I have over 40 out there. 

For a ship that shakes it self apart after it successfully loads, try autostrutting some of the bigger parts and docking ports. Autostrutting is turned off by default in Career Mode so you’ll have to find it in settings and turn it on first.

Edited by Sky Vagrant
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  On 4/7/2020 at 8:50 PM, Sky Vagrant said:

- When I'm done playing for a bit, I stop the game software. On the Xbox and PS4 the game will stay in a paused state if you don't stop it manually - even if you turn off the console (see the next item). Yes, the load time is very long, but this is probably the number one thing that prevents crashes.

- Actually power off the console when the crashes/glitches get more frequent. Neither PS4 nor Xbox power off by default when you "turn off" the system - you need to go into settings and do  this manually.

- Don't leave the game paused for long periods, shut it down instead.


That's good advise no matter the platform. Even non-glitchy games on the PS4 I shut down the game completely.

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  • 1 month later...

So this is gonna just go swept under the carpet, I'm sure. I just started playing and I can't even get into orbit properly because of the constant lag spikes. I have 0 vessels except the on I'm working on. You can send a 4 piece craft up and it still just has consistent lag spikes. Oh yeah, crash happens as well. I am thoroughly disappointed with the console edition in it's entirety. This game looks like a lot of fun, but there is no fun in terrible lag, clunky controls and constant game crashes. I really hope the console users get much more love with the sequel. 

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...
  On 8/10/2020 at 1:45 PM, Steeleheart7 said:

I agree, I love KSP but it is so buggy on PS4 that’s its unplayable. Should have never released it in its current state! 


Its not @SQUAD's fault. Its more so on the porting company to iron out these issues.


  On 6/4/2020 at 11:48 PM, mikeboss3 said:

So this is gonna just go swept under the carpet, I'm sure. I just started playing and I can't even get into orbit properly because of the constant lag spikes. I have 0 vessels except the on I'm working on. You can send a 4 piece craft up and it still just has consistent lag spikes. Oh yeah, crash happens as well. I am thoroughly disappointed with the console edition in it's entirety. This game looks like a lot of fun, but there is no fun in terrible lag, clunky controls and constant game crashes. I really hope the console users get much more love with the sequel. 


It never has. No game is perfect. Like I stated above, it is partly the porting companies fault. KSP is developed by SQUAD, and the final products are sent to another company for the porting to consoles. Sometimes this transition isn't smooth, o we end up with a couple major bugs for a few months. And I can gaurantee that the company contracted to porting the game has other projects with higher priorities than a port.


  On 9/17/2020 at 7:34 PM, Dr. Kerbal said:




We are only 3 behind, all we are missing are the 1.8 1.9 and 1.10 updates. And that tajes time, because the porting company irons out other bugs in the process of making new ones by accident. 

I like all of you here am not super happy about the game's state, but all in all, it is a game, so when you bought it, you accepted the fact that it was going to have bugs. SQUAD isn't Activision, or Treyarch, Bethseda, or 343, so they don't have a team for everything, with that being said, they have to contract companies to help with that, which takes time and money. Relax, chill, and wait patently like everyone. And don't DM the Devs asking for fixes, instead throw the bugs in the tracker 

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  • 1 month later...
  On 9/24/2020 at 4:53 PM, Mikenike said:

Its more so on the porting company to iron out these issues.


Although I see it nonsense, cause I bought this game from KSP, but ok, what is this company, where can I submit the issue?


  On 9/24/2020 at 4:53 PM, Mikenike said:

when you bought it, you accepted the fact that it was going to have bugs.


Really? Actually, I didn't accept that.

Moreover, firstly I bought the Steam version. I've got lags and bugs on my latest MacBook Pro with it, so I decided to give it another try and bought it on PS4 pro today. And what I see? "An error has occurred" twice an hour.

I'm hysterically laughing — I should've read the forum first, what a fool am I.

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  On 11/15/2020 at 10:15 PM, Microgenius said:

Although I see it nonsense, cause I bought this game from KSP, but ok, what is this company, where can I submit the issue?


SQUAD produces the PC versions of KSP.   They then send the code over to Flying Tiger which produces the console versions.   The effort required to port the PC code over to the Console versions takes some time.   Updates are often 12-18 months behind the PC release.  

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  On 11/16/2020 at 2:05 PM, Mikenike said:

Its not written out, however it is widely  expected and accepted. No game has never had a bug, in the history of gaming, ever. Even the big AAA gaame titles- COD, HALO, BF have bugs. So, yes, you did.


I am a software developer myself. So I know a lot about bugs.

I'm not talking about some minor ones. This bug makes the product impossible to use. It is not something I could still use but with some inconveniences. 

How can I plan a long and complex flight if it crashes twice an hour? And my autosave is corrupted.



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I’ve been playing the ps4 version for just under a year, and while this port is certainly rife with bugs, it seems like some of us experience them at significantly different frequency. My game will certainly crash after every few hours of playtime, and many times those result in corrupted save files, but I have never experienced the lag issues you’ve described, and have been able to platinum the game... so it is defiantly possible to plan, and execute, large missions on ps4.


May I suggest reinstalling the game? Or perhaps deleting some of the extraneous things you have on your console? That could help with performance issues... I am using a ps4 pro, and have downloaded both dlc’s.


... and, obviously, submit all of your crashes to the built in ps4 bug tracker...

Edited by MarsUltor
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