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[1.8.1- 1.11] Tilt Unlocker v0.4


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[1.8.1 - 1.11] Tilt Unlocker


Something that has never been implemented in the game and that a lot of people would love to see is axial tilt for planets.

This actually has been incorporated into Principia but the problem is everything around (like the N-Body calculations) that are not needed for most people who still want to have axial tilt.
So I have tried to implement that axial tilt with a light Kopernicus Plugin able to edit the rotation axis of any celestial bodies without PQS.

I understand that it could be felt restrictive compared to Principia but making celestial bodies rotate without ground is way easier to do than bodies with solid grounds that are trickier to implement; but isn't it better than nothing?



This mod is compatible with Scatterer and Environmental Visual Enhancements (EVE), however, the last one requires you to manually set the clouds inclination from the EVE config file.





The installation of the mod is as simple as a usual mod, excepted that it depends on Kopernicus:

  • Install Kopernicus (follow the instructions on the thread)
  • Download the last version of the mod
  • Copy the content of the downloaded GameData/ into your KSP's GameData/
  • You're done !



Here is a sample of a Kopernicus configuration for your planet. You can add it to a PQS planet, but it won't apply it. Not having the mod installed won't break the configuration nor the pack nor the save; it is only visual for now.

This example will edit Jool's obliquity to 48° and its right ascension to 20°

            // Rotation of the axis on the x axis (degrees), Earth is 27.5°
            obliquity = 48.0

            // Rotation of the axis on the y axis (degrees), more information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Right_ascension
            rightAscension = 20.0



This mod is under an All rights reserved copyright (Github, click to see the full license). However, anyone still has the right to:

  • Include this mod in any other ones as long I am credited on the forum thread
  • Edit for a personal use
  • Update the mod and create a new thread if it is not compatible with the last game version and hasn't been updated for a year after the release of the said game version.



@blackrack who helped me a lot with the materials (stock rim and the Scatterer integration).

@Thomas P. for helping me for years on any subject possible.



0.1: 26/04/2020

  • ADD - Changing the rotation axis of PQS-less bodies is possible
  • ADD - Scatterer compatibility

0.2: 09/04/2020

  • ADD - Rings now automatically rotate with the body
  • FIX - OnDemand was not loading textures

0.3: 12/09/2020

  • FIX - Pseudo-random axial tilt (actually depends of Kerbin's rotation)
  • FIX - When landed on a moon of a tilted body, the tilted body went crazy (again due to Kerbin's rotation)
  • FIX - The hidden original ScaledBody still had physics and interacted with the spacecraft causing random forces and such

0.4: 26/12/2020

  • FIX - The mod wasn't recognizing Kerbin if it was renamed
  • ADD - Compatibility with the last version of Scatterer (0.0722)


Edited by Arekva
Forgot to change in-topic title and some fixes
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For now I am working on automated rings adaptation and I am trying to fix the Kopernicus' OnDemand that gives black textures if you use them, I am not sure I could even implement rocky bodies tilting but sure thing I'd love that haha! (yes, I will try to do but don't except anything on this side, if it works it will be included, if not the mod will stay same ^^)

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  • 3 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Hello, sorry I didn't see the forum notification about your post; It should be fine for 1.9.1 but I doubt it would work for 1.10 because of the new gas giant shader, if it doesn't work I will have to change the light direction setter of the material but that's it.

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By the way, I've updated the mod: now the rings are rotating with the body (in case anyone wants to not rotate them please let me know) and the planets are now stable on their axis. This was due to the ScaledSpace rotations being affected by Kerbin's one so I've had to make all of them rotate with Kerbin; this also fix the weird way the planet rotates when landed on a moon. Also the sun is actually blocked by the planets, which wasn't always the case.

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  • 3 months later...
6 hours ago, HebaruSan said:

Hi @Arekva, we've had a request to add FinalDawn to CKAN, which bundles TiltUnlocker. The "right way" to do this without creating conflicts with other mods would be to add TiltUnlocker to CKAN as an independent mod as well.

Would it be OK with you if we did that?

Hey, I've now been asked multiple times to add the mod to CKAN. Of course, I have no issue with that :) (and since KSRSS will also use the mod that will be easier for everyone)

I also did update the mod against the last version of the game. It mainly includes the compatibility with the last version of Scatterer (since its internal system changes a lot I had to adapt the mod) and a fix that handles Kerbin renaming.

Here is the download page, notice the mod is not compatible with the 1.7.1 anymore.

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I don't think any issue would come up by installing or uninstalling the mod. The mod only creates a 3D model and does not affect the actual behaviour of the game ;)

Regarding RSS, it is up to its devs to decide either or not they would add a TiltUnlocker configuration but since the Earth cannot be rotated yet I don't think they would.

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Thanks for your answers.

16 minutes ago, Arekva said:

I don't think any issue would come up by installing or uninstalling the mod. The mod only creates a 3D model and does not affect the actual behaviour of the game ;)

Oh, cool then !

I wonder how ScanSat would react now. I'll definitely try it when I'll have a bit more time.


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It would react as if the planet is not tilted. To be honest I totally didn't think about this mod and don't know how to integrate it, though since only gas giants and stars are affected by the mod I don't see how ScanSat would be useful for them (or I am missing something?)

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  • 4 years later...
On 12/27/2020 at 8:44 AM, Arekva said:

It would react as if the planet is not tilted. To be honest I totally didn't think about this mod and don't know how to integrate it, though since only gas giants and stars are affected by the mod I don't see how ScanSat would be useful for them (or I am missing something?)

The OPM gas giants (Sarnus, Urlum, and Niedon) all have biomes. Would those be affected or not?

Edited by Richmountain112
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