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[We need more posts! (Like seriously, a lot more)] Let's Make This the Megathread!

Misguided Kerbal

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On 11/22/2020 at 9:43 AM, Souptime said:

The god of the forums came to the thread

I'm the true god of the forums! Bow down to the one true GOD OF THE FORUMS


P.S from now on, I'll speak in the largest font possible and bolded to emphasize my godliness of the forums.


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4 hours ago, DunaManiac said:

P.S from now on, I'll speak in the largest font possible and bolded to emphasize my godliness of the forums.

That was made illegal by the Gargamel act of 2020





That was a lot of work.



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3 hours ago, DunaManiac said:

You're a poet. But you don't really know it.



I'm a poet

But I don't really know it

This thread is dead

On top of your head

Like Duna go zoom

Kerbiloid go boom

And everyone rejoice

Cause it's souptime!


4 hours ago, Dr. Kerbal said:




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I've created a crude diagram explaining what the future of the Creeon sytem will be.


In my original plan, there were only two, Aralis and Zin. The reason why there were only two in the beginning, was such because I was afraid of creating too many planets and moons that resulted in the moons mostly being the same, but with different terrain, you run out of things to make it interesting. Now I've increased it to 9. GGCR stands for "Gas Giant Core Remnant". GGCR was once a gas giant and an original planet of Creeon, perhaps an ice giant like Uranus or Neptune IRL that was able to survive Creeon's supernova. Due to it's far distance and Creeon's relatively low mass, it only lost it's outer layers leaving it's rocky core. It has 3 moons, all of them captured dwarf planets.

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