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Liquid engine not working

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thanks for advice - yes, crossfeed is disabled and decoupler staging double-checked.. i think i figured it out - it seems to be bug (or feature??): if you build the rocket from top to bottom (later stages are attached first), everything is fine.. but if you start from the bottom, upper stage seem to ignore fuel above it.. the same components only the build/placement order is different.. anyone had the same issue? this is second time this happened to me..

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1 hour ago, exxaminer said:

if you build the rocket from top to bottom (later stages are attached first), everything is fine.. but if you start from the bottom,

I don't think I've ever tried to build a rocket from the bottom up, as you're describing.   I usually design my payload, whatever it might be, and then build the rest of the rocket below it.   Each stage you attach to the payload becomes the payload for the lower stage.  That way you can know how much rocket you need for the payload, not building a rocket and then limiting the payload. 

I do, however, build boosters specifically for certain payload ranges.   Ie, I'll build a series of rockets that can handle, lets say, 20-50, 50-80, and 80-120 ton ranged payloads to LKO.  I use large fuel tanks as the test payload to make sure they can get there.   Then I save them in the sub-assemblies category.    So when I build my payload, which might include transfer stages, I can know I can just drag and drop the premade booster of the appropriate size onto the vessel. 

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