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What would you ask future humans about?


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Imagine if you have a functioning time machine and you can travel to whatever year in the future and ask whoever you come by.

For me i would travel to the year 3000 and ask someone "Does humanity have a glorious galactic empire?"

What is yours?

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19 minutes ago, XB-70A said:

"3000?!... How is that we are still a thing?"

wouldn’t humanity have mostly destroyed itself by then lol?

i would comment on the state of memes

then ask them about the space program

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Hmmm...I think I'd just go however far it takes to play Half Life 3. Other than that, I'm not really interested.

Maybe I'd try to get a coronavirus vaccine on my way out, and whatever else they've got for immunizations that's good.

Edited by cubinator
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I would ask them whether they have some human food and ~300 K warm room to live, as I'm a biological protoposthuman and can't be powered with their outlets and sleep in the liquid helium tank...

...On the other hand they would answer before I ask anything, because they would be scanning my synapses,

Edited by kerbiloid
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