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How many hours have you played KSP for?


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Neat to see this thread pop up again 3 years later.. I’m now at 2,499.9 hours according to Steam. I guess I’ll compare my current stats to the stats I had at the time of my last post on this thread, 3 years ago.

According to my last post from 2020, I had 1,630 hours logged in KSP. Since then, I’ve added 870 hours to that total, over the course of 1,210 days (the last post was made on August 17, 2020). Put another way, that means that, between now and then, I’ve spent an average of 0.72 hours per day playing KSP, or roughly 43 minutes per day, which is definitely a significant decrease from the average of over 1 hour per day that I had then.

The story is the same when you account for my total play time, which is 2,500 hours over the course of 2,744 days, or about 54 minutes per day. 

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