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CKAN (The Comprehensive Kerbal Archive Network) - v1.33.2 Laplace - KSP 2 support!


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11 minutes ago, DaBakonAder said:

It means do you want to let it download mods from the internet 

No, that's not what that means. (Sorry to call out your error, but it's a bad idea to let misinformation sit unobjected in this thread, as some readers may believe it and spread it, leading to eventual mass confusion.)

This question was answered on the Discord, where it was cross-posted at about the same time:


HebaruSan:  If you give it permission, then when your computer launches a URL of the form ckan://identifier, CKAN will open with that mod highlighted. If you don't give permission, then that won't work. It's not a very often-used feature.

HebaruSan:  I think the idea was that mod authors could put those links in their forum threads so users could open the mod in CKAN easily

HebaruSan:  But no one really does that

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  • 2 weeks later...

The CKAN client v1.30.0 "Glenn" is released!

John Glenn

Changes since v1.29.2


  • [Multiple] Store remote version file URL in metadata resources (#3259 by: HebaruSan; reviewed: DasSkelett)
  • [Multiple] Abstract out game-specific logic (#3223, #3308 by: HebaruSan; reviewed: DasSkelett)
  • [GUI] Allow label to pin installed mod version (#3220 by: HebaruSan; reviewed: DasSkelett)
  • [GUI] language: fr-FR (#3272, #3285 by: vinix38; reviewed: HebaruSan)
  • [ConsoleUI] Dark theme for ConsoleUI (#3226 by: HebaruSan; reviewed: DasSkelett)
  • [GUI] Visual cues for incompatibility reasons (#3271 by: HebaruSan; reviewed: DasSkelett)
  • [CLI] Greeting for ckan prompt (#3300 by: HebaruSan; reviewed: DasSkelett)


  • [GUI] Fix screen clamping logic (#3255 by: HebaruSan; reviewed: DasSkelett)
  • [GUI] Repo update usability fixes (#3249 by: HebaruSan; reviewed: DasSkelett)
  • [GUI] Added null checks in ManageMods.cs to prevent crash on an empty filter (#3266 by: Hydroxa; reviewed: HebaruSan)
  • [Updater] Report AutoUpdater errors to user, fix rare failure (#3250 by: HebaruSan; reviewed: DasSkelett)
  • [Core] Upgrade AD mods with mismatched version in filename (#3287 by: HebaruSan; reviewed: DasSkelett)
  • [Multiple] Modpack usability fixes (#3243 by: HebaruSan; reviewed: DasSkelett)
  • [Multiple] Fix crashes in audit recommendations (#3292 by: HebaruSan; reviewed: DasSkelett)
  • [GUI] Fix checkbox sorting (#3297 by: HebaruSan; reviewed: DasSkelett)
  • [GUI] Handle incompatible force-installed dependencies of recommendations (#3305 by: HebaruSan; reviewed: DasSkelett)
  • [Multiple] Don't warn about incompatible DLCs, fix conflict highlighting with DLC installed (#3304 by: HebaruSan; reviewed: DasSkelett)
  • [Multiple] Fixes for GUI and .ckan-installed modules (#3307 by: DasSkelett; reviewed: HebaruSan)


  • [GUI] Make Mono 6 builds work on Windows (#3218, #3219 by: HebaruSan; reviewed: DasSkelett)
  • [CLI] Format installation errors for GitHub Actions in headless mode (#3239 by: HebaruSan; reviewed: DasSkelett)
  • [Netkan] Fix Netkan timezones again (#3246 by: HebaruSan; reviewed: DasSkelett)
  • [Netkan] Better version overrides in Netkan (#3265 by: HebaruSan; reviewed: DasSkelett)
  • [Tooling] Pull request merge script (#3263, #3276 by: HebaruSan; reviewed: DasSkelett)
  • [Build] Upload ckan.exe artifact on pull requests (#3273 by: DasSkelett; reviewed: HebaruSan)
  • [Build] Bump log4net from 2.0.8 to 2.0.10 (#3281 by: dependabot[bot]; reviewed: HebaruSan)
  • [Netkan] Support indexing mulitple release assets on GitHub (#3279 by: DasSkelett; reviewed: HebaruSan)
  • [Netkan] Netkan warning for multiple assets (#3286 by: HebaruSan; reviewed: DasSkelett)

Known Bugs

  • NullReferenceException crash on startup (Workaround)
  • AD mods can't be upgraded to CKAN-managed ones anymore


  • You don't need to download AutoUpdate.exe. This is used internally by CKAN when a new version is released.
  • Windows users must have .NET 4.5 installed. Simply download the ckan.exe file and either store it in your game directory or somewhere in your filesystem where you have non-admin write access. Never run the CKAN client as Administrator!
  • The .dmg is for installation on systems running macOS.
  • The .deb file is for installation on Debian-based Linux distributions - Use dpkg-install/apt-get/apt to install the .deb file and you will then be able to run CKAN with just ckan. All required libraries should be pulled in as dependencies. You can also install from our APT repo for automated updates:
    sudo curl -sS -o /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/ksp-ckan.gpg https://raw.githubusercontent.com/KSP-CKAN/CKAN/master/debian/ksp-ckan.gpg
    sudo apt-add-repository -y deb https://ksp-ckan.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/deb stable main
    sudo apt install ckan
  • The .rpm file is for installation on rpm-based distros like Fedora or OpenSUSE. Use rpm/yum/dnf/zypper to install the .rpm file and you will be able to run CKAN with just ckan. All required libraries should be pulled in as dependencies.
  • Arch-based Linux users can install the CKAN client from the Arch User Repository, so don't download anything from here!
  • Mac/Linux/Mono users: please use the cert-sync tool to update mono's certificate store if required.
  • This release of the CKAN has not been tested on Mono releases prior to 5.16.0. We highly recommend upgrading to the latest stable release of Mono from mono-project.com You will need the equivalent of the mono-complete package for your OS.


Released image under public domain (created by NASA), courtesy of Wikipedia


Edited by DasSkelett
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14 minutes ago, DasSkelett said:

The CKAN client v1.30.0 "Glenn" is released!

Thanks for the great work you and the rest of the CKAN team does! :)

Wait, dark mode!?!? It says for Console UI, but can that be used elsewhere in CKAN?

Edited by Spaceman.Spiff
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Note that we had an unusual number of new contributors this time. Special shout-out and welcome to (their GitHub user names):

  • Hydroxa, who single-handedly investigated and fixed a GUI crash
  • vinix38, who translated the entire CKAN GUI into French
  • Sinomen, whose close attention to mod version compatibility resulted in several metadata edits that unfortunately don't go into this changelog, but nonetheless ought to be mentioned

Thanks for helping to make CKAN better!

24 minutes ago, Spaceman.Spiff said:

Thanks for the great work you and the rest of the CKAN team does! :)

Wait, dark mode!?!? It says for Console UI, but can that be used elsewhere in CKAN?

If you click the numbers for each entry in the change log, there are descriptions, often with screenshots:


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Updated to new ckan and it is immediately having errors.

************** Exception Text **************
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.MarshaledInvoke(Control caller, Delegate method, Object[] args, Boolean synchronous)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.Invoke(Delegate method, Object[] args)
   at CKAN.ManageMods._UpdateModsList(Dictionary`2 old_modules)
   at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
   at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
   at CKAN.ManageMods.<UpdateModsList>d__91.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
   at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()


Never mind, I was able to fix it by deleting the ckan folder in my KSP installation.


Edited by SoftnJuicy
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@HebaruSan Updated to new version and now I cant find the "Update" column, perhaps because there is nothing to update?. Until now I always had four mods marked as updatable, although they where up to date (they where roverdude mods installed manually)


Edited by Tacombel
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3 hours ago, Tacombel said:

@HebaruSan Updated to new version and now I cant find the "Update" column, perhaps because there is nothing to update?. Until now I always had four mods marked as updatable, although they where up to date (they where roverdude mods installed manually)


Yes, the update checkbox column is hidden if there are no updates available.
Since v1.29.2 CKAN offers to "convert" manually installed modules to CKAN-managed ones, by allowing to "update"  them.

Your comment made me take a look, and indeed, I accidentally broke that functionality in the new version; CKAN no longer offers to upgrade AD mods. Good news is I already know where and how.

For the time being, if you or someone else wants to this, you should still be able to install the mod and replace the DLL via the "Versions" tab, just select the version you want and hit "Apply".

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4 hours ago, Tabris said:

I'm getting a possible false positive with Windows Defender.
i've logged a github issue https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/CKAN/issues/3310

and everyone getting this warning: Please see this comment on how to ignore it. Also consider reporting it as false positive to Microsoft, so that they put it in some sort of allowlist or whatever.

Update: According to Microsoft they removed the detection. You might have to update the latest malware definitions manually  if you don't want to wait for a auto refresh.


Analyst comments:

We have removed the detection.  Please follow the steps below to clear cached detection and obtain the latest malware definitions.

   1. Open command prompt as administrator and change directory to c:\Program Files\Windows Defender
   2. Run “MpCmdRun.exe -removedefinitions -dynamicsignatures”
   3. Run "MpCmdRun.exe -SignatureUpdate"

Alternatively, the latest definition is available for download here: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/wdsi/definitions

Thank you for contacting Microsoft.


Edited by DasSkelett
Resolved, the latest ckan.exe is now allowlisted
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A short question an creating a config for CKAN. I successfully build a netkan file for a mod. However with 1.11 KIS won't be a dependency anymore. So for installs in <1.11 KIS is a dependency on >=1.11 it is not. Is there a way to configure that in the netkan file?

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12 minutes ago, chris-kerbal said:

However with 1.11 KIS won't be a dependency anymore. So for installs in <1.11 KIS is a dependency on >=1.11 it is not. Is there a way to configure that in the netkan file?

Depends how many versions of this mod you're talking about. If you will have a release for <1.11 and a separate release for >=1.11, we can give them different metadata (easy enough to figure out the details once you submit a pull request to NetKAN). If you want different dependencies for the same module, that isn't supported currently.

Edited by HebaruSan
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2 hours ago, HebaruSan said:

Depends how many versions of this mod you're talking about. If you will have a release for <1.11 and a separate release for >=1.11, we can give them different metadata (easy enough to figure out the details once you submit a pull request to NetKAN). If you want different dependencies for the same module, that isn't supported currently.

Release wise I actually wanted to just have one and have the dependencies differ for the install target. However if that is not possible, I can create a new branch and a new release.

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just did the update.. had to delete the CKAN dir to make it not crash on load, but it "forgot" about half of my installed mods... if I "reinstall," it wants to overwrite "manually installed files"... but everything was installed by ckan originally.  metadata format change between last version and this one?

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4 hours ago, HebaruSan said:

Nope, that's just what happens when you delete your CKAN dir.

my speculation was more along the lines of, "why did I have to delete my CKAN dir to avoid the unhandled exception on startup?" :)

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1 hour ago, Wallygator said:

Any thoughts as to if and/or when CKAN will be compiled for macOS beyond 32 bit?

It's not a deal breaker or an issue - just a question.

See here for our issue tracking this, and here for the upstream Mono issue about supporting 64-bit for WinForms on macOS.
The short answer is: There's no progress on it, the Mono team isn't interested in doing the work. 64-bit WinForms for macOS will pretty likely never come.

This and more are the reasons we are looking for alternative cross-platform GUI frameworks to replace WinForms (tracking issue here), however the biggest hope yet, .NET MAUI, went *poof* when Microsoft did a 180 and decided to not support Linux with it. So here we are, kind of stuck.

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On 3/6/2021 at 8:26 AM, SoftnJuicy said:

Updated to new ckan and it is immediately having errors.

************** Exception Text **************
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.MarshaledInvoke(Control caller, Delegate method, Object[] args, Boolean synchronous)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.Invoke(Delegate method, Object[] args)
   at CKAN.ManageMods._UpdateModsList(Dictionary`2 old_modules)
   at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute()

Never mind, I was able to fix it by deleting the ckan folder in my KSP installation.


22 hours ago, ss8913 said:

just did the update.. had to delete the CKAN dir to make it not crash on load, but it "forgot" about half of my installed mods... if I "reinstall," it wants to overwrite "manually installed files"... but everything was installed by ckan originally.  metadata format change between last version and this one?

@SoftnJuicy and @ss8913 and anyone else experiencing this bug:

We found the cause, and are working on a fix. Until we have one and it's released, please edit "<KSP>\CKAN\GUIConfig.xml" and change "KSPCompatibility" to "GameCompatibility" under "SortColumns":


If there are multiple entries in this list because you made use of the multi-sort feature from v1.29.2, only change the the one that says "KSPCompatibility".

This should allow you to start CKAN again, without loosing any of your settings or data about installed mods.

Edited by DasSkelett
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