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What Was Your First Ever Flight In KSP?


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after branching off from simplerockets 1 i decided to buy ksp and i IMMEDIATELY shot for the moon, i didnt know what i was doing but i actually got off the ground the first time, now i didnt know about sas but when my rocket started veering right too early i tried to manually steer it but it was too late, the rocket disintegrated in the lower atmosphere and i spammed the spacebar but button to detatch the command pod and save jeb...i forgot a parachute



ksp 1.2

Edited by Probro
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29 minutes ago, Fierce Wolf said:

I made the most crude rocket with no decouplers, a solid booster on the bottom and a parachute on the top.


I fired the booster and the parachute at the same time. Didn't went far

When I first played, I chose sandbox as my first gamemode (big surprise). My first rocket, I can barely remember, it was in 2017. But it had a plane cockpit, it was mounted on top of a structural fuselage, which was in the structural section, not the fuel section so it had no fuel. I didn't put an engine on it, or wheels, or any power or batteries for that matter. So when I launched it, it didn't do anything, and then it fell over and the fuselage exploded. I named it, "The Needle", and after the flight I changed the description to "it doesn't do anything". Then I moved on, my first attempt at flight was hilariously bad. Good times.

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My first flight was actually either me playing the first tutorial mission where you learned how to fly, or me using the Aries A3 in Sandbox mode. I was playing on 1.0.4

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  • 2 weeks later...

had watched a few on line demos so had a reasonable idea what to at least try, in career mode so thankfully limited range of catastrophes to try out

flea, three fins, single crew capsule, parachute, staging correct, no science stuff on the first flight - this on the XBox

flew, splashed down safely, now my standard career mode "first flight", the "Mk1. Lawn Dart"


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hundreds of hammer srbs attached to a mk1 command pod in career (i didn't know you could change game mode at the time)


this is what i remember it looking like, just on a older version (and yes i built the og rocket in the SPH)

Edited by Jeb_da_kerbal
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it was in career mode. my craft was a command module with a paracute on top with 2 Mystery goo containment units symmetrical on the sides of the command pod with that little solid booster... what's it called... oh yeah.. the flea! anyways, those were some good ol' memories before i got decently good at the game. now i am pretty good.

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I flea, 8 simple canards, 8 mystery goos, mk1commandpod, mk16 parachute, and of course, Jeb Kerman, who died in one of the missions but was respawned. Later I built a capsule with that science lab thingy and an escape system 8 parachutes, yes, 8, batteries, solar panels, an an SRB which blew up the batteries and REACHED ORBIT. I used an orb cause I didn't know how to throttle up:D 

A flea, not i

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Amatuers, I spent almost all of my funds on my second rocket. Trying to make it go to the Moon (I know its the Mun i just called it the Moon). It ended up never seeing flight and exploding due to having the decoupler go off at the same time of engine so the running engine feel off the rocket and slammed into the fuel tanks. This made it blow up and we lost Bill Kerman. Oh and also, I watched Matt Lowne YouTube videos so I knew my stuff pretty well, and yet I still made this stupid stupid mistake of a noob. Then again I WAS a noob at the time so... well you didn't ask for this. Thanks for reading this far, my fingers prefer to type more than less.

53 minutes ago, JcoolTheShipbuilder said:

well.. yea it was that, then i built a ridiculously tall, inefficient rocket that cost like 100k funds, and its sole purpose was to escape the atmosphere lol


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  • 1 month later...

I also watch matt lowne and am still in the very stage you once were. I just launched my first working plane that can take of and land without exploding and can carry three experiments. It can travel twice as far as the island airfield and i only have the first two rows and aviation unlocked in my tech tree. My first ever flight was in Career mode. It was the Noob default command module, flea, parachute, double mystery goo combo. Nothing went wrong, and it was uninteresting, but fun, because I had just gotten the game.

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From VAB: Stock rocket that malfunctions shortly after liftoff because of premature staging that caused the whole rocket to break apart

From SPH: A horribly unbalanced plane that spins out of control and explodes before it even lifts off

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