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[1.12.5] Kerbin Side Remastered GAP - Flight contract pack [v2.1.7] [2022-12-19]


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Contract Pack for Air flights to bases in Kerbin Side Remastered

Current status: 

  • Current   V2.1.7
  • Marked compatible with KSP 1.12.5


Trans Kerbin Airlines:

  • Each base to have 4  Airline flight contracts
    1.  The initial test flight to the airport can be done once
    2.  Flight service for 4-8 passengers depends on completion of mission 1.  Can be run multiple times
    3.  Flight service for 8-12 passengers depends on completion of mission 2.  Can be run multiple times
    4. Flight service for 12-80 passengers depends on completion of mission 3.  Can be run multiple times
  • New base missions open up as the first mission 1 is completed. Bases are ordered by their distance to the KSC. Each base mission #1 completion opens the next base mission #1

United Knations Navy:

  • Two initial certification missions available;
    1. Helicopter or VTOL aircraft Rescue Certification
    2. Seaplane Patrol Certification
  • 4 Patrol missions for all Naval Air Stations
  • 4 Rescue missions for all Naval Air Stations

If you try it let me know if you run into any issues.

For more information visit the Wiki


  • Contains flight contracts from KSC to Bases in the Kerbin Side Remastered mod.
    • modeled after flight missions provided in Contract Pack: Giving Aircraft a Purpose (GAP) V1.6.1 but not dependent on this mod
  • Contains flightplans for Kramax Autopilot Continued mod
    • Flightplans provide landing information for the various runways at the individual bases
    • Runways where the AoA of the landing sequence proved to be too steep due to terrain were omitted from the flight plans.
    • Complete site to site flightpalns as provided by the original Kerbin Side GAP mod are not included.


Thanks and Acknowledgements:

License:  MIT

Change log:

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Kerbin Side Remastered Gap Extras v1.0.5



Provides 20 additional Airstrips for  Kerbin Side Remastered which can be used during flight missions that require ground operations.

For more information see the Wiki



Edited by Caerfinon
KSP 1.12.5
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Current status:

  • Current usable contracts: 17 of 88 planned.
    • 11 single run open the airport missions
      • Island Airfield
      • Kola Island Naval Air Station
      • Jeb's Junkyard and Spaceship Parts
      • Cape Kerman Space Center
      • Sandy Island Naval Air Station
      • Kerman Atoll Launch Facility
      • Meeda Naval Air Station
      • Kojave Sands Launch Facility
      • Desert Airfield
      • Polar Research Alpha
      • Baikerbanur Inland Kerbal Space Center
    • 6 recurring flights
      • 3 to Island Airport
      • 3 to Baikerbaunr Inland Kerbal Space Center
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Tried Giving Aircraft a Purpose recently and really liked it, so happy to see you getting these contracts up and running as have finally gained an appreciation for aircraft in KSP. Just installed it, so will let you know if anything goes wrong or just continue to give a thumbs up on your next releases if everything is going well. 

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Flight advisory:

So a funny thing happened on the way to the south pole.... because the Kermundsen base there is in such close proximity to the pole and the in-flight headings actually "flip" during flight, the settings for the mods Kramax Autopilot Continued and NavUtilities continued  had to be fudge a bit. They sort of work, but the readouts they give while doing so often seem "reversed" .  Make sure your camera is set to chase as the auto setting follows the heading changes even though you are flying level and it's a bit disorienting.

Also, be warned, The Kraken lives here... things behave strangely and I've had planes simply fall out of the sky on approach.  

Your best bet is to fly under manual control and rely on visual positioning. RWY 19 is more forgiving than RWY 02 (and even these are fudged because for the majority of the inbound flight to both your heading is at 180 )      

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In play testing, the #3 missions requiring 12-80 passengers can be a little much early in the tech tree so they have been modified to require that  Heavy Aerodynamics  be researched before they become active. This works in Stock and Community Tech Tree career modes.

Actually: this will be changed to just the part MK3 Passenger Module part as this is the basic part to make a craft capable of flying up to 80 passengers, and it makes it compatible with pretty much any tech tree module. 

Edited by Caerfinon
a thought occured...
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It's done. :D

  • Current usable contracts: 88 of 88 planned.
    • 1 Additional single run open the airport mission
      • Top Secret Area 15
    • 12 recurring flight missions
      • Dununda Airport
      • Round Range Airfield
      • Nye Island Field
      • Top Secret Area 15
    • Addition of new agencies for future missions
      • rescues, none commercial flights, etc
    • v1.0.0 Published on Space Dock - https://spacedock.info/mod/2573/Kerbin Side Remastered GAP
      • checked the deploy to CKAN fingers crossed
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First mod, first bug. :mad:

The logo in the Agencies,cfg file is incorrect. Everything still works but the logo appears all white in the contracts window [sigh]
The fix is already in GitHub if you want to go and get it manually. I'm checking out some other things first before I make a new release.  

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