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[Min KSP 1.12.2] Blueshift: Kerbal FTL

Angelo Kerman

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@KSPNoob The issue is 50% KSP bug, 50% noob bug. :sticktongue: The KSP problem is a known thing, where a ship in extreme gee environments will be hit with gee spasms every now and then (and while loading physics in) because the game is not quite meant to have to process so much gee. I have seen video from GU's maker showing a ship actively deorbiting (it simply does not hold a stable orbit like usual after being cheated there) for simply being near enough to the black hole.

The noob problem is that you're entering into such conditions with gee limits on. I'm sure it's very difficult, as you said, but I'd suggest you do more timewarp and more scouting, and find alien gates that lead to eslewhere. This isn't something for Angel-125 or StarCrusher96 to try to diagnose.

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Blueshift 1.4.0 is now available:

- Warp engines, gravitic generators, warp coils, resource harvesters, and the Astria Porta Arbitrium can now optionally require maintenance in the form of one or more EVA Repair Kits after operating for long periods of time. Check the part's MTBF rating, which also lists the skill required, skill level, and number of EVA Repair Kits.
NOTE: This feature is enabled through the "Parts require maintenance" Game Settings difficulty option, and it is turned off by default.

- Warp engines have a new option to "Supercharge Warp Coils." When enabled (it is enabled by default), the engine will use any excess Gravity Waves- or whatever resources the warp coils consume- to gain as much Warp Capacity as possible from the coils. Now you don't need to spam warp coils and gravitic generators to make heavy haulers; just spam gravitic generators instead.
NOTE: If you have part maintenance turned on, then warp coils will wear out faster when you also have "Supercharge Warp Coils" enabled.

- Highly skilled 5-star kerbals with the Converter Skill (Engineers have this) can coax a bit more power out of the warp engines and enable them to go just a bit faster. Scottish accent is optional.
NOTE: You can configure the WBIWarpEngine's warpEngineerSkill (defaults to "ConverterSkill"), warpSpeedBoostRank (defaults to 5), and warpSpeedSkillMultiplier (defaults to 0.01) to adjust which skills provide which speed benefits.

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Very good mod as expected from WBI. I just don't understand this auto-circularization business, especially for the gates. I've seen it in freethinker's and rover dude's mods as well and i can't make heads or tails out of it. So you either come out preserving kerbol-centric (?) momentum or you let the mod calc an appropriate circular orbit. I get it better for 'warp' ships. I would have expected - or wished- this works similarly to ESDL beacons and you have better parts than they have ---- I mean come on --- those gates and effects in this mod are pretty f*** awesome. When using jump gates placed on a surface you would immediately wake up all sorts of kraken monsters when trying to calculate an orbit with auto-circularization - forget disabling that option. I mean i do understand the intent to make the process gravity well dependent but give it a ridiculous amount of this graviolum for surface-surface or space-surface transits. Is therer a technical barrier in preserving the relative momentum between a ship and the outbound dialing gate so the ship coming out the other side will have the same relative momentum with the remote gate.  So many rich scenarios can be built this way--- hide anomalies on moon surfaces or planetary surfaces for example. So endgame Jeb wakes up at KSC, gets to driving super cool kerbin automobile to nearby gate and goes to ... idk --- Bob? to bring Valentina a some snacks for dinner...  

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I love your mod so much! that's why i shift from Roverdude and Freethinker one as they are complicated......I willl be trying to do a jump gate soon... And i updated your mod too and i will try it out soon :) 

And I love the  auto-circularization  too, let the mod do the heavy weight for me while i just want to relax in the kerbal space. 

Good work and Keep it up! 

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  On 5/3/2021 at 7:40 PM, pp3d said:

Very good mod as expected from WBI. I just don't understand this auto-circularization business, especially for the gates. I've seen it in freethinker's and rover dude's mods as well and i can't make heads or tails out of it. So you either come out preserving kerbol-centric (?) momentum or you let the mod calc an appropriate circular orbit. I get it better for 'warp' ships. I would have expected - or wished- this works similarly to ESDL beacons and you have better parts than they have ---- I mean come on --- those gates and effects in this mod are pretty f*** awesome. When using jump gates placed on a surface you would immediately wake up all sorts of kraken monsters when trying to calculate an orbit with auto-circularization - forget disabling that option. I mean i do understand the intent to make the process gravity well dependent but give it a ridiculous amount of this graviolum for surface-surface or space-surface transits. Is therer a technical barrier in preserving the relative momentum between a ship and the outbound dialing gate so the ship coming out the other side will have the same relative momentum with the remote gate.  So many rich scenarios can be built this way--- hide anomalies on moon surfaces or planetary surfaces for example. So endgame Jeb wakes up at KSC, gets to driving super cool kerbin automobile to nearby gate and goes to ... idk --- Bob? to bring Valentina a some snacks for dinner...  


Auto-circularization lets you spend some Graviolium to circularize your orbit without having to use gravity braking or other means to do so. Just press the button and your ship will handle the rest. You will end up in an orbit that matches your inclination. I might add an inclination slider as well to make it easier to warp to a “standard orbit” as well, but it would cost extra Graviolium.

You can also use it to rendezvous with another vessel in orbit. Just get within 100km of the targeted vessel and auto-circularize.

Jumpgates weren’t intended for use on the ground; doing so voids the warranty. It is something that I have thought of though. Having a Stargate that is built on the ground and is wide enough for kerbals and small vehicles to drive through would be neat. It would need to teleport your craft to the ground next to the destination gate. Think of the game’s cheat menu for landing a vessel to see what I mean.

  On 5/5/2021 at 10:58 PM, kennyc222 said:

I love your mod so much! that's why i shift from Roverdude and Freethinker one as they are complicated......I willl be trying to do a jump gate soon... And i updated your mod too and i will try it out soon :) 

And I love the  auto-circularization  too, let the mod do the heavy weight for me while i just want to relax in the kerbal space. 

Good work and Keep it up! 



  On 5/7/2021 at 11:48 AM, kennyc222 said:

Questions, how can i produce more Fusion pellet? thanks 


Glad you like the mod :) I wanted something that would work well and look good, especially when used alongside the Restock mod. The latest changes even let you perform repairs using the stock EVA Repair Kit if you have that option turned on. Think of it as a very light version of BARIS.

To make new Fusion Pellets, use the stock ISRU and drill for Ore.

Also, a heads up that in the next day or so, I will have another update to fix some bugs and improve the warp speed performance. I have found that the calculations to determine warp speed aren’t what I was looking for. Currently when you add more generators your speed drops instead of increasing, which isn’t intended. My new formulas ensure that speed improves when you add generators, sustainers, and engines. It will affect existing craft, unfortunately, but hopefully for the better.

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so which Convertor-O-Tron? 125 or 250? as It doesn't show up everthing at all :( to produce fusion pellet....i am trying to remove and re-install your mod....just  do a fresh re-install


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  On 5/8/2021 at 3:22 AM, kennyc222 said:

so which Convertor-O-Tron? 125 or 250? as It doesn't show up everthing at all :( to produce fusion pellet....i am trying to remove and re-install your mod....just  do a fresh re-install



It should show up if you don't have Wild Blue Tools and Far Future Technologies installed. Do you have either of those?

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  On 5/8/2021 at 4:26 AM, Angel-125 said:

It should show up if you don't have Wild Blue Tools and Far Future Technologies installed. Do you have either of those?


Yeah I have Wild Blue Tools installed..Should I remove the entire folder of Wild Blue Tools? Thanks But i don't have Far Future 

I have MK33 and snack installed 

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  On 5/8/2021 at 5:15 AM, kennyc222 said:

Yeah I have Wild Blue Tools installed..Should I remove the entire folder of Wild Blue Tools? Thanks But i don't have Far Future 


Ok, if you have Wild Blue Tools, then it has OmniConverter configs to produce fusion pellets. What mod are you using that has Wild Blue Tools?

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  On 5/8/2021 at 5:30 AM, Angel-125 said:

Ah ok, from what I'm seeing, you should have a Micro ISRU that can handle conversions. It should have an option to select which converter you want to use. One of them should be to make fusion pellets.


do you refer to ISRU 125 or 250? or a complete seperate one? Didn't I have to delete 000WildBlueTools folder or i may get an error?


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  On 5/8/2021 at 5:32 AM, kennyc222 said:

do you refer to ISRU 125 or 250? or a complete seperate one? Didn't I have to delete 000WildBlueTools folder or i may get an error?



It is completely separate, called the Micro ISRU, and found in the Utility tab. If you have Career mode, then it can be fond in the Advanced Science Tech node.

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  On 5/8/2021 at 5:53 AM, kennyc222 said:

is it this one??? where should I find water, minerite and Hexegen?



All that can be found on other planets. But from your mod list, unless you are using the SAFER reactor or other parts from Wild Blue Tools, you can safely delete it along with the 000BARISBridgeDoNotDelete. If you're not using the single-piece robot arm or the crane from Kerbal Actuators, you can safely delete that as well. If you do that then you can remove Classic Stock Resources too... What other mods do you use? Blueshift doesn't come with Wild Blue Tools, and Snacks doesn't either. Did you get them when you downloaded another mod?

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yeah I love using SAFER reactor .  What is the function of Classical stock resources? 

yes I downloaded another mod....but seem Classic Stock Resources  complicated..i just want to keep my game as simple as possible


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  On 5/8/2021 at 6:02 AM, kennyc222 said:

yeah I love using SAFER reactor .  What is the function of Classical stock resources? 


It provides an alternative set of resources based on the game's original resources that were never implemented:



You can switch to using Community Resource Pack if desired, but you'll still need to find resources off-world to produce fusion pellets. The stock ISRU resource scanners should tell you what concentrations of what resources a planet has, and then you can set up resource drilling to extract what you need for the Micro ISRU to convert the resources into fusion pellets.

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so is it still possible to produce Fusion pellets using my Stock ISRU? how to I switch  to using COmmunity resource pack? 

I wantto keep my game simple so that that it can run faster and without harming so much RAM and CPU on my PC


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  On 5/8/2021 at 6:10 AM, kennyc222 said:

so is it still possible to produce Fusion pellets using my Stock ISRU? how to I switch  to using COmmunity resource pack? 

I wantto keep my game simple so that that it can run faster and without harming so much RAM and CPU on my PC



Not with Wild Blue Tools installed, unless you patch the stock ISRU like so:

  Reveal hidden contents

You'd need to create a fusionpellets.cfg file somewhere in your game directory to use that patch. This assumes that you don't delete Wild Blue Tools. To switch to CRP, there is an app button in the Space Center named "WBT" that will let you switch what's called a Play Mode. Just find the one marked CRP and follow the directions.

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