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Can't plant a flag on the Mun

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Just landed on the Mun for the umpteenth time, but for the first time since upgrading to 1.11, and my Kerbal's flag keeps falling over. I've tried a couple different spots around the landing area, and there's no indication of a reason to prevent it from standing up, but it falls over a moment after the Kerbal let's go, after the plaque window opens. 
What am I missing? 

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You're not missing anything. If you got your game from steam, then it's best to do a file verification just to make sure nothing's corrupted.

Other than that, it's a bug. So make a savegame with a memorable name, like flag_bug, or something. And then either create a bug report, or pm me for my email address, and I'll pass it on to the devs for you.


Edited by bewing
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6 minutes ago, bewing said:

You're not missing anything. If you got your game from steam, then it's best to do a file verification just to make sure nothing's corrupted.

Other than that, it's a bug. So make a savegame with a memorable name, like flag_bug, or something. And then either create a bug report, or pm me for my email address, and I'll pass it on to the devs for you.


Ummmm.... how do I do a file verification? And where do I go to submit a bug report? Otherwise, I'd be happy to pm you, but I figure I should learn these things ... :)

4 minutes ago, antipro said:

my kerbal can't plant flags too.

Well, I'm glad it's not a personal problem, then... :)

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Don't worry everyone!

I'm SURE Squads Dev's are gonna prioritize THIS over their families and winter breaks...

(But really tho, YES it is annoying I get that and BONUS some of the Experiments do this to but it ill probably be gone in 1.11.1, probably in January, so yeah there's ANOTHER reason to look forward to next year!)

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4 minutes ago, maddog59 said:

how do I do a file verification?

steam library - right click on the game - properties - local files - verify integrity, or something like that, I'm translating from another language.
anyway you don't need it right now.


6 minutes ago, maddog59 said:

And where do I go to submit a bug report?


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Flags falling over isn't all that annoying. They still remain fully functional. Same with deployable experiments. But having a flag fall over is a "part failure" which means it's a normal priority bug. Which means it'll almost certainly get fixed in the next patch update. Whenever that is.

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1 minute ago, bewing said:

it's a normal priority bug. Which means it'll almost certainly get fixed in the next patch update. Whenever that is.

geez! I hope as soon as possible, anyway during some tries after pick it up from the ground and retry to plant it again, it worked one time only.

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23 hours ago, antipro said:

steam library - right click on the game - properties - local files - verify integrity, or something like that, I'm translating from another language.
anyway you don't need it right now.

I did it anyways, just for fun ... and got a message along the lines of, "77 files failed and will be reacquired."  When I clicked "OK" I didn't see anything happen. Should I be worried?

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1 hour ago, maddog59 said:

I did it anyways, just for fun ... and got a message along the lines of, "77 files failed and will be reacquired."  When I clicked "OK" I didn't see anything happen. Should I be worried?

I just did it too and this is what I got:

1st time: 2 files have not been validated and they will be re-downloaded.
2nd time: all files have been validated.


I don't know where to see a log of these apparently corrupted replaced files and if we have to worry about it,
but I think it's all ok once you get the "all files have been validated" message.

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3 hours ago, maddog59 said:

I did it anyways, just for fun ... and got a message along the lines of, "77 files failed and will be reacquired."  When I clicked "OK" I didn't see anything happen. Should I be worried?

It reacquires the files before it even gives you the message. So no, it's already fixed and you don't need to be worried at all.

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58 minutes ago, paul_c said:

Was it ever planned that you can climb a flag? If they are now all falling over, I am guessing you can't climb them any more....

Yes, it's a bit of silly humor that you can climb all the flags. Once they fall over, then you can only walk on them and kick them around.

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3 hours ago, TheRedstoneHive said:

For me they do not show up on the map view. I dunno if this is because it fell over, or some other bug.

There is a user-controlled filter for what is shown in map view. In map view, hover your cursor at the top of the screen. A bunch of icons will pull down. Anything with icons that are white are shown, if the icons are black, those things are hidden. Click on the flag icon. Now you should be able to see all the flags. You can do this in the Tracking Station also.


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