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[1.11.x - 1.12.3] Galaxies Unbound: A Stellar Odyssey [1.3.1]&[1.4.3] [27June 2023]


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On 1/21/2024 at 9:12 PM, Vanamonde said:

Apparently some others are having the same problem? 

As I am about to launch my upcoming mod, I am keenly aware of the potential for people to combine my mods. To prevent conflicts, I have temporarily closed the repository. Once the public has had the opportunity to test play the new mod, the other mods will be accessible again.

Edited by StarCrusher96
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20 hours ago, GoldenKiwi said:

i dont know if anyone still checks this but non of the links work for me and i cant find anywhere to install this at all for 1.12.3 or any 1.12 version can anyone help me


The developer, @StarCrusher96 has temporarily taken down the download in preparation for the release of his KSS2 mod.  He's given the reason in the post just above yours.  He's going to make it available again, so don't worry.

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On 2/9/2024 at 4:20 AM, StupitVoltMain said:

Heyyy Github gives me 404 error. Any help here??? Also its not on CKAN for some reason?

See a few posts above.

StarCrusher has pulled the mod down while working on KSS2.  GU will return once KSS2 has been tested.

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On 2/13/2024 at 10:52 AM, BrunoKerman said:

Does anyone know of another mod to.use with interstellar expanded that adds planets / other systems? Was told to use this but aparently its not available currently.

Here is one I know of.  I remember checking it out once a long while ago.

While it has not been updated, there are recent posts noting it worked with 1.12.  What might need to be done to make it so I do not know.  Link is below, and I wish you luck!


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On 2/14/2024 at 9:49 PM, Geblag.Xelvari said:

Hey is there any information on when the mod will be released again? It doesn't have to be an exact date though.

Disclaimer: Not affiliated with any mod development team!

StarCrusher noted that GU would be down until after KSS2 had been play tested.  The info on when KSS2 would be available for download is "Soon" as of Friday 2/16/2024.

Here is a link to the KSS2 development tread.  (Located in the form's KSP1 Mod Development board as of 2/19/2024.)  Should be able to keep an eye on it there.

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I understand taking down your mod to prevent conflicts and I'm guessing brick peoples saves, but having it down for nearly two years now is doing for some exactly what you are trying to prevent. Two years is a long time and most people will have completed an entire career in that time or maybe more and taken a break from KSP all together. Anyone who had your mods installed on their career saves who had to let's say re-install their OS for any number of reasons now has their entire career bricked and to top it all off, in the time you have now bricked their save they probably would have completed it and never noticed any save breaking conflicts you're trying to prevent. Not putting your old mod repositories back up after your release window was severely delayed is well... such a large oversight at best, that bringing it to your attention is sole reason I created this account.

Edited by Publius Kerman
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On 2/27/2024 at 8:55 PM, Publius Kerman said:

I understand taking down your mod to prevent conflicts and I'm guessing brick peoples saves, but having it down for nearly two years now is doing for some exactly what you are trying to prevent. Two years is a long time and most people will have completed an entire career in that time or maybe more and taken a break from KSP all together. Anyone who had your mods installed on their career saves who had to let's say re-install their OS for any number of reasons now has their entire career bricked and to top it all off, in the time you have now bricked their save they probably would have completed it and never noticed any save breaking conflicts you're trying to prevent. Not putting your old mod repositories back up after your release window was severely delayed is well... such a large oversight at best, that bringing it to your attention is sole reason I created this account.

Totally agreed here, I honestly don't understand how "potential for people to combine your mods" justifies taking down the mod entirely. The mod itself still works! And it's not going to somehow change whether you are making a new one or not, especially given that the new one is not yet released. And even when it will be released, you can just... say that "until tested, you shouldn't combine them" in the description? Thank God, they are archived and can still be downloaded using the link from PT_P's post above.

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8 hours ago, Kerbus Gambus said:

Totally agreed here, I honestly don't understand how "potential for people to combine your mods" justifies taking down the mod entirely. The mod itself still works! And it's not going to somehow change whether you are making a new one or not, especially given that the new one is not yet released. And even when it will be released, you can just... say that "until tested, you shouldn't combine them" in the description? Thank God, they are archived and can still be downloaded using the link from PT_P's post above.

I'm not the mod author, but have made a couple of mods myself, and I might be able to add some perspective.  Again, I'm not the author and do no claim to know their reasoning.  What I say here is my interpretation of possible reasons.

The author is aware of possible conflicts between the two mods that would cause headaches for end users if combined at initial release.  Such headaches would lead to requests for support/help from the users that combine the mods.  We all know that no matter how much a developer, or really anyone, may warn others not to do a thing because the consequences could be anything from game crashes to damaged saves, that people will choose not to follow that direction/advice.  Others will simply not read the instructions complete and miss warnings and just download the mod(s) because "they know how mods work".  Once the KSS2 mod is initially released and tested for stability then this mod will be released again.  It is possible that by taking down this mod now that keeps the install-base of this mod at mostly its current size, meaning that there will be fewer opportunities for conflicts on the initial release of KSS2.  Also, in closing down this mod now means the author can focus on KSS2's development while not having to update this mod, or deal with an influx of new GU users' support requests.  I consider these to be plausible, and reasonable explanations for why the repository was closed.

In the end, the authors reasons/motivations are irrelevant as the availability and even existence of the mod is entirely up to the author.  That the mod exists at all is because someone wanted to make something and share it with others.  We, as users, benefit from this generosity, and are not owed anything.  Patience and understanding are important.

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Thank you for answering my questions! Let's discuss them.

2 hours ago, TheShadow1138 said:

We all know that no matter how much a developer, or really anyone, may warn others not to do a thing because the consequences could be anything from game crashes to damaged saves, that people will choose not to follow that direction/advice.  Others will simply not read the instructions complete and miss warnings and just download the mod(s) because "they know how mods work".

Just because some people can skip instructions doesn't mean you need to shut down the mod entirely from everyone else. I understand that it will lead to increased amount of support requests, which can be disregarded with just one question - "Have you installed both X and Y?". It's their problems after that, persist in the doomed world you have created.

Yet it's a reasonable point, but it has one issue:

2 hours ago, TheShadow1138 said:

Once the KSS2 mod is initially released and tested for stability then this mod will be released again.

As I said, the mod has not been released yet. And it's been a few years since. Right now, people can't combine these mods.

2 hours ago, TheShadow1138 said:

Also, in closing down this mod now means the author can focus on KSS2's development while not having to update this mod, or deal with an influx of new GU users' support requests. 

A reasonable point, too, but it has less drastic solutions to it. You can, again, write in the description that the mod is out of support as you focus on other mods. Everything else can be ignored. It's not like complaints disappeared when he shut down the mod. Even thought he has explicitly stated that the repository is down, people are still posting "GitHub for some reason doesn't work". It will be persistent in both cases. Just in one case, you will have an open mod for those who (like me) downloaded it a long time ago and now need to restore it, and in the other case - nothing, not even a guide (at lease I haven't been able to find one) for those who have folders backed up.

2 hours ago, TheShadow1138 said:

In the end, the authors reasons/motivations are irrelevant as the availability and even existence of the mod is entirely up to the author.  That the mod exists at all is because someone wanted to make something and share it with others.  We, as users, benefit from this generosity, and are not owed anything.  Patience and understanding are important.

Hard to argue against that. Don't get me wrong, I like the mod and grateful to the author for creating it, but I still don't think this reason justifies completely nuking down such a great mod for a few years.

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16 hours ago, Kerbus Gambus said:

Totally agreed here, I honestly don't understand how "potential for people to combine your mods" justifies taking down the mod entirely. The mod itself still works! And it's not going to somehow change whether you are making a new one or not, especially given that the new one is not yet released. And even when it will be released, you can just... say that "until tested, you shouldn't combine them" in the description? Thank God, they are archived and can still be downloaded using the link from PT_P's post above.

Like the other person said, leaving an old mod up right before releasing a new conflicting one can cause someone to actually brick their save if they aren't careful. The problem is when you take it down you are running the risk of someone needing to reinstall your mod and effectively "bricking" their save until you release the new mod or update. It's a balancing act and I'm not going to try and act like it's easy or that I've done it, but after two years you're guaranteed to be causing more people problems than you were trying to prevent in the first place.

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16 hours ago, Kerbus Gambus said:

Just because some people can skip instructions doesn't mean you need to shut down the mod entirely from everyone else. I understand that it will lead to increased amount of support requests, which can be disregarded with just one question - "Have you installed both X and Y?". It's their problems after that, persist in the doomed world you have created.

I agree, it doesn't mean you need to shut it down, but shutting it down is an option nonetheless.  Again, I don't know if this possible reason is even part of why the author chose to take down the mod.  I will also say that repeated support requests that are due to an end user's refusal to read directions can become very, very annoying very quick, and really affect your motivation to continue working on the thing.

16 hours ago, Kerbus Gambus said:

And it's been a few years since. Right now, people can't combine these mods.

I'm not sure why some are saying it's been down "for years".  From what I can tell, the author announced he took down the repository in January of this year.  I do know that they took it down a year to two ago after a spate of antagonism, or ingratitude from end users that really sapped their desire to keep working on this mod.  The mod, however, was reopened not too long afterwards as that was when I downloaded it myself to test one of my own mods.

16 hours ago, Kerbus Gambus said:

A reasonable point, too, but it has less drastic solutions to it. You can, again, write in the description that the mod is out of support as you focus on other mods. Everything else can be ignored. It's not like complaints disappeared when he shut down the mod. Even thought he has explicitly stated that the repository is down, people are still posting "GitHub for some reason doesn't work". It will be persistent in both cases. Just in one case, you will have an open mod for those who (like me) downloaded it a long time ago and now need to restore it, and in the other case - nothing, not even a guide (at lease I haven't been able to find one) for those who have folders backed up.

It is a drastic solution, but it is still a solution, and the one the author chose for their own reasons.  Again, a blanket statement that it's not being supported won't stop support requests.  You are correct that it hasn't stopped people from pointing out that the link doesn't work, because people have not read that it has been intentionally closed.  I understand the issue trying to restore the mod, I think someone posted that they were able to find the guide using the internet archive, but I'm not 100% sure of that.

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Thank you again for answering my questions, I truly appreciate that.

12 hours ago, TheShadow1138 said:

I agree, it doesn't mean you need to shut it down, but shutting it down is an option nonetheless.  Again, I don't know if this possible reason is even part of why the author chose to take down the mod.  I will also say that repeated support requests that are due to an end user's refusal to read directions can become very, very annoying very quick, and really affect your motivation to continue working on the thing.

You are right. I did not consider that such questions can demotivate really quickly. If that's the case for author of this mod - then it's understandable.

12 hours ago, TheShadow1138 said:

I'm not sure why some are saying it's been down "for years".  From what I can tell, the author announced he took down the repository in January of this year.  I do know that they took it down a year to two ago after a spate of antagonism, or ingratitude from end users that really sapped their desire to keep working on this mod.  The mod, however, was reopened not too long afterwards as that was when I downloaded it myself to test one of my own mods.

Maybe I got something wrong - I considered these two takedowns as a continuous one. And also the title up top says "Thread of the month May 2022" followed shortly after with statement of closure. I'm sorry, maybe it's because English is not my native tongue - I considered the meaning of this phrase as a date on which the thread was last updated - and thus closed down. And to add to that - the guy I've quoted first also talked about two years, and it assured me in my belief. If not, then this issue is also voided, and sorry for misunderstanding.

12 hours ago, TheShadow1138 said:

It is a drastic solution, but it is still a solution, and the one the author chose for their own reasons.  Again, a blanket statement that it's not being supported won't stop support requests.  You are correct that it hasn't stopped people from pointing out that the link doesn't work, because people have not read that it has been intentionally closed.  I understand the issue trying to restore the mod, I think someone posted that they were able to find the guide using the internet archive, but I'm not 100% sure of that.

You are right - I have also been able to find the guide using internet archive. Now that both mod files and guide have been collected - I can happily play this mod.  And since the problem on my part has been resolved - I have no personal issues with closure of this mod, especially if it wasn't as long as I initially thought. I can also attest that the mod still works.

If I have come off as rude or arrogant, I'm sorry - that wasn't my intention. I truly was disheartened that such a great mod was closed down for so long for reasons I couldn't understand.

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7 hours ago, Kerbus Gambus said:

Maybe I got something wrong - I considered these two takedowns as a continuous one. And also the title up top says "Thread of the month May 2022" followed shortly after with statement of closure. I'm sorry, maybe it's because English is not my native tongue - I considered the meaning of this phrase as a date on which the thread was last updated - and thus closed down. And to add to that - the guy I've quoted first also talked about two years, and it assured me in my belief. If not, then this issue is also voided, and sorry for misunderstanding.

That's understandable.  I did notice that the person you quoted said that also, and they may have reached the same conclusion for the same reasons.

7 hours ago, Kerbus Gambus said:

You are right - I have also been able to find the guide using internet archive. Now that both mod files and guide have been collected - I can happily play this mod.  And since the problem on my part has been resolved - I have no personal issues with closure of this mod, especially if it wasn't as long as I initially thought. I can also attest that the mod still works.

If I have come off as rude or arrogant, I'm sorry - that wasn't my intention. I truly was disheartened that such a great mod was closed down for so long for reasons I couldn't understand.

I'm glad you were able to find what you needed to get it working again.  You didn't come off as rude, just as I hope I didn't come off as rude either.

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