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[1.12.x] Far Future Technologies - October 9


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I really like this mod and still have a lot to learn about it, but I have one question because I couldn't figure it out myself: How can I store liquid Helium-3? It does not seem to be appearing in the cryotank's options...

Thank you, and have a lovely day.

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14 hours ago, Araneo666 said:

I really like this mod and still have a lot to learn about it, but I have one question because I couldn't figure it out myself: How can I store liquid Helium-3? It does not seem to be appearing in the cryotank's options...

Thank you, and have a lovely day.

There are separate fusion fuel Deuterium Tanks. Only those offer also He-3 storage via partswitch.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I made a patch that adds fusion fuel to the 10m fuel tank so you dont need 100 fuel tanks to go interstellar. theres a bug with boiloff EC being double counted when multiple cryo fuels are in a tank so i had to make deuterium use minimal EC.


            name = Deuterium
            title = #LOC_FFT_switcher_fusion-contents_deuterium
            descriptionSummary = #LOC_FFT_switcher_fusion-contents_deuterium_summary
      descriptionDetail = #LOC_FFT_switcher_fusion-contents_deuterium_detail
      primaryColor = #636770
      secondaryColor = #636770
            tankType =  Deuterium
            upgradeRequired = fusion10m
      addedMass = -12.2429
            name =  Helium3
            title = #LOC_FFT_switcher_fusion-contents_he3
            descriptionSummary = #LOC_FFT_switcher_fusion-contents_he3_summary
      descriptionDetail = #LOC_FFT_switcher_fusion-contents_he3_detail
      primaryColor = #506361
      secondaryColor = #506361
            tankType =  He3
            upgradeRequired = fusion10m
      addedMass = -12.2429
            name =  D/He3
            title = #LOC_FFT_switcher_fusion-contents_deuterium-he3
            descriptionSummary = #LOC_FFT_switcher_fusion-contents_deuterium-he3_summary
      descriptionDetail = #LOC_FFT_switcher_fusion-contents_deuterium-he3_detail
      primaryColor = #636770
      secondaryColor = #506361
            tankType =   DeuteriumHe3
            upgradeRequired = fusion10m
      addedMass = -12.2429
            FuelName = LqdDeuterium
            // in % per hr
            BoiloffRate = 0.05
            CoolingCost = 0.01
            FuelName = LqdHe3
            // in % per hr
            BoiloffRate = 0.05
            CoolingCost = 0.07

    name = fusion10m
    partIcon = hydrogen-10-1
    techRequired = exoticReactions
    entryCost = 375000
    cost = 0 // for display only; all parts implementing this will need a PartStatsUpgradeModule with cost = this.

    title = H1000 Fusion Fuel Upgrade
    manufacturer = Post-Kerbin Mining Corporation
    description = Upgrades the 10m cryo tank to hold fusion fuel


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  • 2 weeks later...

So i was watching Scotts mod spotlight again and noticed something: the plumes i have are hideous in comparision to what he had. I looked at version history and it turns out the latest version overhauled plumes and for some reason made them a ugly dull pink. i tried to bring the colors back for the engines im using but i dont really know how  to efficiently work with waterfall. Anyone know a tutorial on this?  Thres also new elements in the newer plumes that im not sure which way i should color.

Also ive noticed the same problem with kerbal atomics, all my plumes are the ugly pink but then someone posts a screenshot of them looking very good.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I made a quick patch for the Nuclear Smelter to add a way of generating Liquid Deuterium from Ore.  Liquid Hydrogen and Enriched Uranium can both be made from Ore, so the rough idea behind this converter was to use neutron capture to make Liquid Deuterium. With my current values, it took about 16 Kerbin days to fill a 3.75m round tank (36k units) with no Engineer bonus.

        name = DepletedFuel
        amount = 0
        maxAmount = 960
        name = ModuleSystemHeatConverter
        moduleID = hydrogenToDeuteriumConverter
        systemHeatModuleID = isru
        shutdownTemperature = 1100
        systemOutletTemperature = 600
            key = 0 0.0
            key = 600 1.0
            key = 900 1.0
            key = 1000 1.0
            key = 1300 0.0
        systemPower = 200
        ConverterName = Deuterium
        StartActionName = Start Breeder [Deuterium]
        StopActionName = Stop Breeder [Deuterium]
        ToggleActionName = Toggle Breeder [Deuterium]
        AutoShutdown = true
        GeneratesHeat = false
        DefaultShutoffTemp = .8
        UseSpecialistBonus = true
        SpecialistEfficiencyFactor = 0.2
        SpecialistBonusBase = 0.05
        ExperienceEffect = ConverterSkill
        EfficiencyBonus = 1
            ResourceName = LqdHydrogen
            Ratio = 100
            FlowMode = STAGE_PRIORITY_FLOW
            ResourceName = EnrichedUranium
            Ratio = 0.01
            ResourceName = ElectricCharge
            Ratio = 200
            ResourceName = LqdDeuterium
            Ratio = 2
            DumpExcess = false
            FlowMode = STAGE_PRIORITY_FLOW
            ResourceName = LqdHydrogen
            Ratio = 98
            DumpExcess = true
            FlowMode = STAGE_PRIORITY_FLOW
            ResourceName = DepletedFuel
            Ratio = 0.01
            DumpExcess = false


I also wanted to use the fuel tanks from the Cryo Tanks mod to store Deuterium and Helium-3, so I made a patch for that too. It specifically targets tanks that hold only cryo fuels but not normal fuel.

			name = Deuterium
			title = #LOC_FFT_switcher_fusion-contents_deuterium
		    primaryColor = #636770
		    secondaryColor = #636770
			tankType =  Deuterium
			addedMass = #$../../massOffset$
			addedCost = #$../../costOffset$
			name =  Helium3
			title = #LOC_FFT_switcher_fusion-contents_he3
            primaryColor = #506361
            secondaryColor = #506361
			tankType =  He3
			addedMass = #$../../massOffset$
			addedCost = #$../../costOffset$
			name =  D/He3
			title = #LOC_FFT_switcher_fusion-contents_deuterium-he3
            primaryColor = #636770
            secondaryColor = #506361
			tankType =  DeuteriumHe3
			addedMass = #$../../massOffset$
			addedCost = #$../../costOffset$
			FuelName = LqdDeuterium
			BoiloffRate = 0.05
		    CoolingCost = 0.08
			FuelName = LqdHe3
			BoiloffRate = 0.05
		    CoolingCost = 0.08


If anyone wants to use them too, you could probably just throw them in some cfg files in GameData, but they're also on GitHub as PatchManager patches.

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  • 1 month later...

Maybe I’m being stupid, but I can’t find any tanks for Deuterium/Helium-3? What am I supposed to store it in? I installed via CKAN, I have all dependencies, I seem to have all the other fuel types, i have the tools to harvest, but no tanks that can hold? Or no prefuelled tanks, I don’t get it

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  • 3 weeks later...
1 hour ago, Azunki said:

I have a question, and a bit of a problem. How am i supposed to, or expected, to launch a 100m tall tower of an antimatter engine into space, much less attached to something?

Well, you can make the engine smaller, but you will have to put the radiators yourself, it makes for easier orbital construction, but more work.

Ooor, you can make a BIG rocket that is capable of that, Near Future Launch Vehicles gives you tanks and fairings capable of that.

Oor you can download a mod that gives you the capacity of making parts in orbit, like Sandcastle. Realistically, an Antimatter engine would be made in orbit due to it's size.

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  • 4 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Trying out the Bussard Ramscoop around Kerbin before I build a ship around it and it's not working - when I pass through a band it does show a minus sign next to my liquid hydrogen resource storage to indicate it's adding something, but I've never managed to get even one tick of a resource from the scoop, no matter my orientation or the band I pass through. Is it just very inefficient, or is the hydrogen around Kerbin too thin?

Edited by Morbanth
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  • 5 weeks later...

Hi, has anyone tried to use the PK-dust collecting system (the big one)? Currently landed two of them on the Mun, however they are not harvesting, the context window says that there is "nothing to harvest", despite being in a regolith hotspot i found using Scansat. Any help is greatly appreciated.


Update: tested the same craft in sandbox on various locations on Mun, Minmus, Ike, the harvester didn´t work on any of them. Tried also regolith drill from Interstellar extended and it worked fine. I guess there must be a communication problem between Community resource pack and Far future technologies?

Edited by Heller Kerman
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20 hours ago, Heller Kerman said:

Hi, has anyone tried to use the PK-dust collecting system (the big one)? Currently landed two of them on the Mun, however they are not harvesting, the context window says that there is "nothing to harvest", despite being in a regolith hotspot i found using Scansat. Any help is greatly appreciated.


Update: tested the same craft in sandbox on various locations on Mun, Minmus, Ike, the harvester didn´t work on any of them. Tried also regolith drill from Interstellar extended and it worked fine. I guess there must be a communication problem between Community resource pack and Far future technologies?

Those two parts harverst liquid helium 3 directly. So, you should look for some place with high lqd. helium 3 concentration.

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11 hours ago, Judicator81 said:

Those two parts harverst liquid helium 3 directly. So, you should look for some place with high lqd. helium 3 concentration.

Oh, I didn't realize that, thanks. I thought they harvest regolith and then purify helium3 out of it. How is one supposed to scan for helium3? I don't see it in Scansat's interface.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 2/23/2024 at 2:57 PM, Heller Kerman said:

Oh, I didn't realize that, thanks. I thought they harvest regolith and then purify helium3 out of it. How is one supposed to scan for helium3? I don't see it in Scansat's interface.

Did you ever find a solution to this issue? Was thinking of reinstalling FFT for the sweet PK-dust miners. 

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On 3/21/2024 at 4:08 PM, LukewarmSpaghetti said:

Did you ever find a solution to this issue? Was thinking of reinstalling FFT for the sweet PK-dust miners. 

No, I never managed to get them to work, I suspect that there is a problem with Helium 3 resource generation in my install. Your post made me think about it again and an idea came to mind - edit the miner's config to make it harvest regolith (it's regolith miner afterall) instead of He 3 and then add ISRU like capability to convert it to He 3. I have no experience in ksp modding so don´t get your hopes up:D.

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23 hours ago, Heller Kerman said:

No, I never managed to get them to work, I suspect that there is a problem with Helium 3 resource generation in my install. Your post made me think about it again and an idea came to mind - edit the miner's config to make it harvest regolith (it's regolith miner afterall) instead of He 3 and then add ISRU like capability to convert it to He 3. I have no experience in ksp modding so don´t get your hopes up:D.

In my install out of the box without any changes iirc the regolith harvesters mine He3 directly from the mun surface when placed in an area with regolith. Make sure you have the appropriate tanks with you

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Now that KSP 2 has been pronounced dead, will you continue to work on KSP 1 modding? Also as there really aren't any quality mods for Orion drives (Effects suck and jittery acceleration) and Daedalus drives (Bad models and effects), if you come back, will you work on them? If not it's fine, as long as you are happy, that's the most important thing.

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7 hours ago, The Brazilian Luigi said:

Now that KSP 2 has been pronounced dead, will you continue to work on KSP 1 modding? Also as there really aren't any quality mods for Orion drives (Effects suck and jittery acceleration) and Daedalus drives (Bad models and effects), if you come back, will you work on them? If not it's fine, as long as you are happy, that's the most important thing.

Sterling systems by jade has a really good deadalus. And while the roverdude orion isnt the prettiest, its more than functional (I personally cover the cynlinder part of the drive with a BDB saturn v interstage scaled up)

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