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huge bug with fuel tanks and engie

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@pijamaman5OK, après avoir relu le thread, je pense que j'ai trouvé où est le problème. Tu n'accélères pas le moteur en faisant un clic dessus, ce que tu changes c'est la poussée maximale (que tuas mise sur ta capture d'écran à 73.5%). Il est normal que, si tu ne change que cette barre, ile ne se passe rien. Ce qu'il faut que tu change c'est l'accélération. La jauge autour de la NavBall, à gauche, là où il y a écris Gaz. Et cela se chaneg avec W/X (pour aller respctivement plein gaz/ à l'arrêtà ou avec Shift Gauche/Control Gauche (pour augmenter progressivement).

[So after reading up the thread again, I think I've found out where's the problem. You're not accelerating the engine by clicking on it, what you're actually doing is seting up the max thrust (which is shown on your printscreen at 73.5%). It is expected that, if you only change that, nothing happens. What you need to change is the throttle. The gauge around the navball; on the left; where Gaz is written. And you change that with W/X (for respectfully full gas and full stop) or with Left Shift/Left Ctrl (for small incremental changes)]

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6 minutes ago, Okhin said:

@pijamaman5OK, après avoir relu le thread, je pense que j'ai trouvé où est le problème. Tu n'accélères pas le moteur en faisant un clic dessus, ce que tu changes c'est la poussée maximale (que tuas mise sur ta capture d'écran à 73.5%). Il est normal que, si tu ne change que cette barre, ile ne se passe rien. Ce qu'il faut que tu change c'est l'accélération. La jauge autour de la NavBall, à gauche, là où il y a écris Gaz. Et cela se chaneg avec W/X (pour aller respctivement plein gaz/ à l'arrêtà ou avec Shift Gauche/Control Gauche (pour augmenter progressivement).

I've also said that, but this is a better explaination. My french isn't good enough to go that far in depth.

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Yeah, that's why I'm trying to make sens of everything said here to get a better picture at what is happening. I'm native in French (even if I'm not sure it's the language in which I spent the most amount of time), so subtility and sense lost in translations is kind of a second nature for me :p

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3 minutes ago, Geonovast said:

@pijamaman5, @Xemina@Okhin, please provide full, direct English translations for all of your posts in this thread.  As pointed out earlier in the thread, all posts outside of the International subforum need to be posted in English or have an English translation provided.

We are aware, but we have asked @pijamaman5 to create a new thread under the French subforum, which still hasn't happened.

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D'après l'image que tu as collé, tes moteurs ont bien du carburant. Mais ils n'ont pas d'accélération (tu as juste changer la limite de pousséee). Que se passe-t-il si tu appuie sur W? On a besoin d'une image de ce qu'il se passe après que tu ai appuyé sur W (et que la jauge de GAZ soit à 100%).

[According to the picture you showed us, they do see the fuel. You have no throttle (you only changed thrust limiter). What happens if you press W? We need a screen cap of i (and the throttle needs to be up at 100%).]

@VoidSquidThey are Shift and Contrôle, so no, they're not an issue here.

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22 minutes ago, pijamaman5 said:

happy New Year
If I left click on the engine, it tells me it has no fuel even though there is a full tank above



Mais le GAZ est à 0 ? Il doit être à 100 pour propulser au vaisseau. Appuyez sur la W pour le faire.


But the throttle is at 0... It needs to be at 100 to move the vessel. Press Z on the keyboard to do so.

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I don't run steam for playing KSP, that's why I asked for uploading it to a file sharing site.

But maybe you can share it then via dropbox or a similar site, @Xemina?

Besides, what KSP version you're playing, @pijamaman5? If it is 1.11.0, have you tried 1.10.1, if the issue occurs there too? While 1.11.0 introduced many new and interesting features, it also came with a lot of issues/bugs, maybe your problem is part of those.

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1 hour ago, pijamaman5 said:

happy New Year
If I left click on the engine, it tells me it has no fuel even though there is a full tank above



As with everybody above, this seems like a confusing problem... that said, after you stage your engine (and throttle up), does the engine info box (whatever it’s called) say “flameout” or (I don’t remember the exact wording) “no fuel present”? Because on your staging menu (the column on the left of the screen), it indicates that your engine has 4008 m/s dV, which means the engine is “seeing” the fuel.

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@MarsUltorit seems that @pijamaman5is:

1) not throttling the engine

2) think they did, using the Thrust limiter sliders

3) activated the engine manually, instead of staging, but it should work

4) expects the engine parts to have fuel in them

So, engines don't have fuel in them. They have access to fuel. And, according to the screenshots shared, they have. I know this because in the staging sequence (bottom left of the screen) next to the engine, there's a green gauge, filled up, meaning the engine have access to fuel.

And as long as there's no screenshot which displays the issue, while also having the engine staged and throttled up (they are activated so, it's ok), I'll continue to assume there is no bug, but there's a misunderstanding of how the interface works from @pijamaman5. I would strongy suggest to do the tutorials, especially the basic ones, all of this is covered in them.

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Pardonnez-moi si la grammaire ou quoi que ce soit ne fonctionne pas;  J'utilise Google Traduction pour ce message car je ne parle pas français.

La seule chose que je n'ai pas vue est de savoir si le moteur est vraiment connecté au réservoir.  Dans le VAB, lorsque vous survolez le moteur, est-il vert et est-il connecté au reste de la fusée?  Ou est-il surligné en rouge?

De plus, avez-vous quelque chose entre le moteur et le réservoir?  Si tel est le cas, cliquez avec le bouton droit de la souris sur cette partie et assurez-vous qu'elle dispose non seulement d'une option Crossfeed, mais que Crossfeed est activé.


Forgive me if the grammar or anything is off; I am using Google Translate for this post as I do not speak French.

The one thing I have not seen asked is if the engine truly is connected to the tank.  In the VAB, when you hover over the engine, is it green and showing connected to the rest of the rocket?  Or is it highlighted red?

Also, do you have anything between the engine and the tank?  If so, right-click on that part and make sure it not only has a Crossfeed option, but that Crossfeed is enabled.


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