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[1.12.x] Kopernicus Stable branch (Last Updated August 29th, 2024)


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7 hours ago, GoldForest said:

@R-T-B I have a bug with Kopernicus not loading, even though it's clearly installed. 

Did you also install the dependencies -- 000_Harmony, ModularFlightIntegrator, and ModuleManager?

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Posted (edited)
14 hours ago, GoldForest said:

@R-T-B I have a bug with Kopernicus not loading, even though it's clearly installed. 

Here are my logs: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/nr2qg8m6trcl8ihiyjpfq/h?rlkey=xoa5s9gnl8kkikmpl5cg2bjow&st=4oxvc1lh&dl=0



According to the logs, you do not have ModularFlightIntegrator installed, which in turn caused Kopernicus to fail to load. 

I'd suggest reinstalling Kopernicus and all of its dependencies.

Edited by CashnipLeaf
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1 hour ago, CashnipLeaf said:

According to the logs, you do not have ModularFlightIntegrator installed, which in turn caused Kopernicus to fail to load. 

I'd suggest reinstalling Kopernicus and all of its dependencies.

Strange, because I do have it installed...., I'll double check tho. 

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Posted (edited)
15 minutes ago, JonnyOThan said:

You have the folder but it appears to be empty.

Yeah, IDK how that happened... Thank you and  @CashnipLeaf for pointing that out. 

Now if I can find out why Rescale isn't working... One problem down at least.

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Posted (edited)
On 5/2/2024 at 1:50 AM, GoldForest said:

@R-T-B I have a bug with Kopernicus not loading, even though it's clearly installed. 

Here are my logs: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/nr2qg8m6trcl8ihiyjpfq/h?rlkey=xoa5s9gnl8kkikmpl5cg2bjow&st=4oxvc1lh&dl=0



I'll have a look in a few hours, thanks for the report.

Just to be sure, you are on ksp 1.12.x of some type, correct?  We dropped support for anything less some time ago.

EDIT: disregard, RTB is slow...  lol.

Speaking of slow, next release is still incoming, but with work being busy, it may be as late as the end of May.  We'll see.

Edited by R-T-B
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27 minutes ago, R-T-B said:

I'll have a look in a few hours, thanks for the report.

Just to be sure, you are on ksp 1.12.x of some type, correct?  We dropped support for anything less some time ago.

EDIT: disregard, RTB is slow...  lol.

Speaking of slow, next release is still incoming, but with work being busy, it may be as late as the end of May.  We'll see.

I am on 1.12.5. I have another problem though. I think Kopernicus is stopping Rescale from working. I have Rescale and all the dependencies installed, but the planet is still stock size. 

I did notice that Kopernicus was throwing a LOT of Null refs. 

Logs: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/nr2qg8m6trcl8ihiyjpfq/h?rlkey=xoa5s9gnl8kkikmpl5cg2bjow&st=tjxbkfri&dl=0

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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)
New in this latest version release-199:

1.) Hotfix an incorrectly functioning sinking-on-distant-worlds workaround.

2.) Fix a spamming OnDestroy in ShadowMan subsystem.

3.) That's it for now. This is not the big Feature release yet, we are planning that by end of May. We just realized the sinking bugfix had a big bug and wanted to smash that sooner.

See Known Bugs & Caveats for known bugs.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Big release time.  The release notes here are rather large.  But it has been in testing for some time, so we consider it suitable for stable usage in the utmost sense.

New in this latest version release-200:

1.) The distant body sinking bugfix has been rewriteen by @gotmachine to be nearly zero-overhead vs the previous, soemwhat CPU-heavy version.

2.) Added a new landscatter parameter for scatters, lethalRadius, default 0.  Values above 0 add a kill sphere to scatters that kills only kerbals, in meters.

3.) Added a parameter to the RingShader, radiusMultiplier, that effects the multiplier to planet radius for the shadow cast on the rings.

4.) Adds an offset to KittopiaTech's zeropoint for heightmap export.  Planet authors may find this useful.

5.) Exposed Atmosphere value shockTemperatureMultiplier to KittopiaTech.

6.) Many many fixes for distant bodies and bugs related to them, especially in terms of scene switching.  Again, credit to gotmachine for being invalueable here. Parameters ResetFloatingOriginOnKSCReturn and TrulyMassiveSystem are both deprecated, as they are no longer needed.

7.) Config file generation when one does not exist was moved to earlier, to fix some bugs.

See Known Bugs & Caveats for known bugs.

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3 hours ago, R-T-B said:

Added a new landscatter parameter for scatters, lethalRadius, default 0.  Values above 0 add a kill sphere to scatters that kills only kerbals, in meters.

Being an avid user of Kerbalism (tagline: many kerbals died in making  of this mod) and the many ways for kerbals to die, I approve of more ways to have Jeb KIA

Thanks for the update!

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, theJesuit said:

Being an avid user of Kerbalism (tagline: many kerbals died in making  of this mod) and the many ways for kerbals to die, I approve of more ways to have Jeb KIA

Thanks for the update!

Stop licking the radioactive rocks, Jeb!

On that note, it's been suggested to add a text string explaining WHY your kerbal just died in a popup, lol.

Probably will do that in a followup maintenance release at some point.  For now, just know, this won't happen unless your planet pack author gets ideas.

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49 minutes ago, modus said:

Well, release 100 (almost 2 years ago!) was a bit of an anticlimax (like I said back then:sticktongue:) but congrats on number 200, señor @R-T-B!


Indeed.  We've slowed our release cadence a little since then, but isn't it nice when things are just working and we can focus on fun stuff?  I'd like to think so. :D

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Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, GuessingEveryDay said:

Hey, we got bright terrain again for the biomes on 201. 200 is fine.

Can you post a before and after, or even just an after?  I think I know what happened but want to confirm.

Also, what planet pack, if not stock?

EDIT:  Cannot replicate, at least in stock.  Is anyone else experiencing this?

EDIT EDIT:  Nevermind, JNSQ.  Yep, I know what's going on.  Hotfix incoming.

Edited by R-T-B
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New in this latest version release-202:

1.) Fix a regression that caused leprochan valley JNSQ and bright colors in other planet packs (caused by createColors = false not being applied).

2.) Better error message if an orbit icon fails to be applied.

See Known Bugs & Caveats for known bugs.

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18 hours ago, R-T-B said:

Also, what planet pack, if not stock?

EDIT:  Cannot replicate, at least in stock.  Is anyone else experiencing this?

EDIT EDIT:  Nevermind, JNSQ.  Yep, I know what's going on.  Hotfix incoming.

Whoops, forgot to say JNSQ, heh. I've been using it for so long, normal Kerbin looks weird now.

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Hello, I seem to get the following error when opening KSP:


This happened after installing the newest release, release-202. I don't have any idea why this is happening.

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Oprissmian said:

Hello, I seem to get the following error when opening KSP:


This happened after installing the newest release, release-202. I don't have any idea why this is happening.

This has been cropping up a bit.  An outdated version of VertexHeightOblateAdvanced can cause this in Kopernicus.  The author has fixed that bug.  You can download the update here:


Ensure you completely remove the old version, as it breaks Kopernicus's ability to even load, and the directory names have changed.

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7 hours ago, R-T-B said:

This has been cropping up a bit.  An outdated version of VertexHeightOblateAdvanced can cause this in Kopernicus.  The author has fixed that bug.  You can download the update here:


Ensure you completely remove the old version, as it breaks Kopernicus's ability to even load, and the directory names have changed.

Thank you very much!

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Posted (edited)

New in this latest version release-203:

1.) Added new lethalRadius option strings lethalRadiusMsg and lethalRadiusWarnMsg. The first string displays as a dismissable dialogbox if the kerbal is killed by the scatter killbox, the second allows a string to warn of impending danger using a similar system at approx 2x the killbox range.

2.) More landcontrol optimizations from @gotmachine

See Known Bugs & Caveats for known bugs.

Edited by R-T-B
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Posted (edited)

When I splash down on the oceans of a planet I made, this weird graphical bug occurs:

Also in space, this weird bug happens, when it is not supposed to [look at the planet, it has its ScaledSpace texture overlaid over its surface.. for some reason?]


Edit: I was able to fix the second issue on my own, but the first issue is really puzzling me.

Edit 2: The transition between PQS and ScaledSurface causes the second issue at around 145km-ish?

Edit 3: With some more tinkering, I was able to completely fix the ScaledSurface issue, but first issue still there



        name = Ogon
        barycenter = False
        implements = 
        finalizeOrbit = False
        randomMainMenuBody = False
        contractWeight = 30
            description = You shouldn't go here
            radius = 150000
            geeASL = 0.1
            rotates = True
            rotationPeriod = 1210000
            tidallyLocked = True
            initialRotation = 190
            inverseRotThresholdAltitude = 100000
            albedo = 0.1
            emissivity = 0.9
            coreTemperatureOffset = 0
            timewarpAltitudeLimits = 5000 10000 10000 30000 50000 100000 200000 300000
            sphereOfInfluence = 2546663.02332811
            solarRotationPeriod = False
            navballSwitchRadiusMult = 0.06
            navballSwitchRadiusMultLow = 0.055
            useTheInName = False
            displayName = Ogon^N
            selectable = True
            RnDVisibility = Visible
            RnDRotation = False
            maxZoom = 60000
                landedDataValue = 15 // Science multiplier for landed science.
                splashedDataValue = 30 // Science multiplier for splashed down science.
                flyingLowDataValue = 1 // Science multiplier for flying low science.
                flyingHighDataValue = 1 // Science multiplier for flying high science.
                inSpaceLowDataValue = 12 // Science multiplier for in space low science.
                inSpaceHighDataValue = 10 // Science multiplier for in space high science.
                recoveryValue = 10
                flyingAltitudeThreshold = 18000 // Altitude when "flying at <body>" transitions from/to "from <body>'s upper atmosphere"
                spaceAltitudeThreshold = 80000 // Altitude when "in space low" transitions from/to "in space high"
            biomeMap = KerbalPlanets/Textures/PluginData/OgonBio.dds
                    name = NuSea
                    displayName = #LOC_Ogon_Biomes_NuSea
                    color = #3404FF
                    value = 1
                    name = LamphoSea
                    displayName = #LOC_Ogon_Biomes_LamphoSea
                    color = #FFBF04
                    value = 1
                    name = ArmoSea
                    displayName = #LOC_Ogon_Biomes_ArmoSea
                    color = #EC04FF
                    value = 1
                    name = MozgaSea
                    displayName = #LOC_Ogon_Biomes_MozgaSea
                    color = #04FFFB
                    value = 1
                    name = Lowlands
                    displayName = #LOC_Ogon_Biomes_Lowlands
                    color = #393939
                    value = 1
                    name = Midlands
                    displayName = #LOC_Ogon_Biomes_Midlands
                    color = #555555
                    value = 1
                    name = Highlands
                    displayName = #LOC_Ogon_Biomes_Highlands
                    color = #717171
                    value = 1
                    name = Poles
                    displayName = #LOC_Ogon_Biomes_Poles
                    color = #040404
                    value = 1
                    name = MinorLakes
                    displayName = #LOC_Ogon_Biomes_MinorLakes
                    color = #FD0000
                    value = 1
            referenceBody = Sun // The body that this body is orbiting around.
            inclination = -15
            eccentricity = 0.200000002980232
            semiMajorAxis = 1563138304 // The altitude of the highest point in the orbit
            longitudeOfAscendingNode = 70 // The position of the highest point on the orbit circle
            argumentOfPeriapsis = 15
            meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 3.14000010490417
            meanAnomalyAtEpochD = 179.908753681645
            epoch = 0
            color = 1,0,0,1 // The color of the orbit line in the Tracking Station
            nodeColor = 1,0,0,1 // The color of the circle that marks the planets current position on the orbit
            cameraSmaRatioBounds = 0.03 25
            period = 2215754.21968432
            type = Vacuum
            fadeStart = 110000
            fadeEnd = 220000
            sphericalModel = False
            deferMesh = False
            invisible = False
                color = 1,1,1,1
                specColor = 0.0769999996,0.0769999996,0.0769999996,1
                shininess = 0.03
                texture = KerbalPlanets/Textures/PluginData/OgonClr.dds
                mainTexScale = 1,1
                mainTexOffset = 0,0
                normals = KerbalPlanets/Textures/PluginData/OgonNrm.dds
                bumpMapScale = 1,1
                bumpMapOffset = 0,0
                opacity = 1
                resourceMapScale = 1,1
                resourceMapOffset = 0,0
            fadeStart = 110000
            fadeEnd = 220000
            deactivateAltitude = 221100    
            minLevel = 2
            maxLevel = 9
            minDetailDistance = 6
            maxQuadLengthsPerFrame = 0.03
            materialType = AtmosphericExtra
            allowFootprints = True
                saturation = 1
                contrast = 1.35
                tintColor = 1,1,1,0
                groundTexStart = 0
                groundTexEnd = 9000
                steepTexStart = 0
                steepTexEnd = 9000                
                steepTex = CTTP/Textures/PluginData/rock.dds
                steepBumpMap = CTTP/Textures/PluginData/rock_normal.dds
                steepNearTiling = 2500
                steepTiling = 25
                lowTex = CTTP/Textures/PluginData/sand.dds
                lowBumpMap = CTTP/Textures/PluginData/sand_normal.dds
                lowNearTiling = 5000
                lowMultiFactor = 50
                lowBumpNearTiling = 5000
                lowBumpFarTiling = 50
                midTex = CTTP/Textures/PluginData/cracked.dds
                midBumpMap = CTTP/Textures/PluginData/cracked_normal.dds
                midNearTiling = 5000
                midMultiFactor = 50
                midBumpNearTiling = 5000
                midBumpFarTiling = 50
                highTex = CTTP/Textures/PluginData/rock.dds
                highBumpMap = CTTP/Textures/PluginData/rock_normal.dds
                highNearTiling = 5000
                highMultiFactor = 50
                highBumpNearTiling = 5000
                highBumpFarTiling = 50
                lowStart = 0
                lowEnd = 0.2
                highStart = 0.25
                highEnd = 1
                    map = KerbalPlanets/Textures/PluginData/OgonHgt.dds
                    offset = -5000
                    deformity = 23000
                    scaleDeformityByRadius = False
                    order = 10
                    enabled = True
                    seed = 11182391
                    deformity = 250
                    octaves = 8
                    persistence = 0.5
                    frequency = 24
                    enabled = true
                    order = 20
                    seed = 2488903
                    deformity = 250
                    octaves = 8
                    persistence = 0.5
                    frequency = 4
                    enabled = true
                    order = 30
                    deformity = 700
                    ridgedAddFrequency = 32
                    ridgedAddLacunarity = 2
                    ridgedAddOctaves = 8
                    ridgedAddSeed = 255678
                    ridgedMode = Low
                    ridgedSubFrequency = 32
                    ridgedSubLacunarity = 2
                    ridgedSubOctaves = 8
                    ridgedSubSeed = 32467899
                    simplexFrequency = 24
                    simplexHeightEnd = 4000
                    simplexHeightStart = 0
                    simplexOctaves = 8
                    simplexPersistence = 0.5
                    simplexSeed = 346788
                    order = 40
                    enabled = True
                        key = 0 0 0 0
                        key = 0.6311918 0.4490898 1.432598 1.432598
                        key = 1 1 0 0
                    colorOpacity = 0.7
                    DebugColorMapping = False
                    deformation = 400
                    jitter = 0.1
                    jitterHeight = 3
                    rFactor = 1
                    rOffset = 1
                    simplexFrequency = 120
                    simplexOctaves = 3
                    simplexPersistence = 0.5
                    simplexSeed = 8940303
                    voronoiDisplacement = 0
                    voronoiFrequency = 30
                    voronoiSeed = 829393
                    order = 50
                    enabled = True
                        key = -0.9982381 -0.7411783 -0.06500059 -0.06500059
                        key = -0.9332262 -0.7678316 -0.2176399 -0.2176399
                        key = -0.8990405 -0.7433339 -2.560626 -2.560626
                        key = -0.7445966 -0.8581167 0.4436148 0.4436148
                        key = -0.4499771 -0.1392395 5.289535 5.289535
                        key = -0.4015177 0.2551735 9.069458 -2.149609
                        key = -0.2297457 0.002857953 -0.4453675 -0.4453675
                        key = 0.2724952 0.00423781 -0.01884932 -0.01884932
                        key = 0.9998434 -0.004090764 0.01397126 0.01397126
                        key = -1.000701 0.4278412 0.1577609 0.1577609
                        key = -0.7884969 0.09487452 -0.7739663 -0.7739663
                        key = -0.6091803 0.072019 0.123537 0.123537
                        key = -0.3930514 0.3903495 3.300831 3.300831
                        key = -0.3584836 0.8643304 0.07139917 0.07139917
                        key = -0.2988068 0.002564805 -0.01814346 -0.01814346
                        key = 0.9970253 0.003401639 0 0
                    map = KerbalPlanets/Textures/PluginData/OgonClr.dds
                    order = 60
                    enabled = True
                    altitudeBlend = 0
                    altitudeFrequency = 1
                    altitudeOctaves = 1
                    altitudePersistance = 1
                    altitudeSeed = 1
                    createColors = False
                    createScatter = True
                    latitudeBlend = 0
                    latitudeFrequency = 1
                    latitudeOctaves = 1
                    latitudePersistance = 1
                    latitudeSeed = 1
                    longitudeBlend = 0
                    longitudeFrequency = 1
                    longitudeOctaves = 1
                    longitudePersistance = 1
                    longitudeSeed = 1
                    useHeightMap = False
                    vHeightMax = 10000
                    order = 999999
                    enabled = True
                        frequency = 1
                        octaves = 1
                        persistence = 1
                        frequency = 1
                        octaves = 1
                        persistence = 1
                        frequency = 1
                        octaves = 1
                        persistence = 1
                            alterApparentHeight = 0
                            alterRealHeight = 0
                            color = 0,0,0,0
                            coverageBlend = 0
                            coverageFrequency = 1
                            coverageOctaves = 1
                            coveragePersistance = 1
                            coverageSeed = 1
                            name = Base
                            latDelta = 1
                            latitudeDouble = False
                            lonDelta = 1
                            minimumRealHeight = 0
                            noiseBlend = 0
                            noiseColor = 0,0,0,0
                            noiseFrequency = 1
                            noiseOctaves = 1
                            noisePersistance = 1
                            noiseSeed = 1
                            delete = False
                                endEnd = 1
                                endStart = 1
                                startEnd = 0
                                startStart = 0
                                frequency = 1
                                octaves = 1
                                persistence = 1
                                endEnd = 1
                                endStart = 1
                                startEnd = 0
                                startStart = 0
                                endEnd = 1
                                endStart = 1
                                startEnd = 0
                                startStart = 0
                                endEnd = 2
                                endStart = 2
                                startEnd = -1
                                startStart = -1
                                frequency = 1
                                octaves = 1
                                persistence = 1
                                    density = 0.9
                                    scatterName = volcanic_rock                                }


            maxQuadLengthsPerFrame = 0.03
            minLevel = 2
            maxLevel = 12
            minDetailDistance = 8
            oceanColor = 1,0,0,1
            oceanHeight = 1000
                colorFromSpace = 1,0,0,1
                color = 1,0,0,1
                colorFromSpace = 1,0,0,1
                color = 1,0,0,1
                    globalDensity = -0.00001
                    heightFalloff = 6.75
                    atmosphereDepth = 150000
                    DEBUG_SetEveryFrame = true
                    cameraAlt = 0
                    cameraAtmosAlt = 0
                    heightDensAtViewer = 0
                    enabled = true
                    order = 200
                        waterTex-0 = BUILTIN/sea-water1
                        waterTex-1 = BUILTIN/sea-water2
                        waterTex-2 = BUILTIN/sea-water3
                        waterTex-3 = BUILTIN/sea-water4
                        waterTex-4 = BUILTIN/sea-water5
                        waterTex-5 = BUILTIN/sea-water6
                        waterTex-6 = BUILTIN/sea-water7
                        waterTex-7 = BUILTIN/sea-water8
                    framesPerSecond = 1
                    spaceAltitude = 150000
                    blendA = 0
                    blendB = 0
                    texBlend = 0
                    angle = 0
                    specColor = 0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000
                    oceanOpacity = 0
                    spaceSurfaceBlend = 0
                    enabled = true
                    order = 200
                fogColorEnd = 1,0,0,1
                fogColorStart = 1,0,0,1
                skyColorOpacityBase = 0.7
                ambientTemp = 1700
                biomeName = MinorLakes
                    key = 1000 1.0 //2750 asl
                    key = 1500 0 //3500 asl
                ambientTemp = 1700
                biomeName = MozgaSea
                    key = 1000 1.0 //2750 asl
                    key = 1500 0 //3500 asl

                ambientTemp = 1700
                biomeName = ArmoSea
                    key = 1000 1.0 //2750 asl
                    key = 1500 0 //3500 asl

                ambientTemp = 1700
                biomeName = LamphoSea
                    key = 1000 1.0 //2750 asl
                    key = 1500 0 //3500 asl
                ambientTemp = 1700
                biomeName = NuSea
                    key = 1000 1.0 //2750 asl
                    key = 1500 0 //3500 asl

            exportMesh = true
            update = true


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