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Peridoot's smol plane challange!

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the challange is simple: make the smallest aircraft possible in stock KSP (you can use DLCs)


must have some form of part that can generate lift (like a evelon)

can be manned or unmanned

must be able to land in any way (water, runway, parachutes, etc.)

you can use part clipping (my smallest plane uses part clipping anyway)

!!!!MUST FLY FOR AT LEAST  30 sec!!!!

no flag lift exploit.

i recommend including a kerbal X link for the craft to validate the submission




Now fly!



badge can only be achevied if you qualifiy.

i am judging these planes right now.

is i say its allowed in the judge post, you can have my MS painted badge

Edited by peridoot
n o
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1 minute ago, Stormpilot said:

Don’t you think it should be able to land without parachutes? (drag chutes while on the ground would be fine).

the "runway" option is for landing without parachutes (so on wheels)

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A small kerballed supersonic plane on a single Juno and with an actual cockpit:  https://kerbalx.com/swjr-swis/LT-Supersonic-II

1.68t wet weight, 4400 funds, only 68 science points to spend on the tech tree.

Flies 1 kerbal at mach 1.6 @ 11 km using 0.02 LF/s, cruise range upwards of 800km.


Lands horizontally, chute for braking (the smallest low tech gear have no brakes of their own).



Does it count?


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Hey all.


Today Jeb took the "Tiny-Bill" an experimental smallcraft for a test flight.


 He was supposed to do a circuit and come right back to test it's landing characteristics.

But Jeb being Jeb he decided to test the landings at the old airport.


Jeb ran out of fuel in sight of but not within gliding distance to the runway.


Jeb deployed is personal chute to try and save the prototype.


The prototype was destroyed and lost in the water-landing.


Jeb: I saved the gear!


The Tiny-Bill was hard to fly at best. My graphic card was struggling as well.

The research dept may or may not pursue this.






Edited by Martian Emigrant
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Hey all.


I was looking trough old screenshots and found this:


It was Jeb, bill and a few friends going to the annual interdepartmental baseball game on the island.


I will try and recreate that.

The watermark says v1.2.2 the aero characteristics probably have changed but we will see.




Edited by Martian Emigrant
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10 minutes ago, Martian Emigrant said:

The watermark says v1.2.2 the aero characteristics probably have changed but we will see.

They did, but not in the way you may expect: what they changed is how much drag kerbals suffer, I think in 1.3.0. Drone planes (or with shielded kerbals) will perform much the same, but any kerbal exposed to airflow will kill much of the performance you knew from 1.2.2 or earlier.

I had a blast in 1.0.5 - 1.2.2 with tiny Juno-based planes with EAS-seated kerbals. None of those are very good anymore.





Edited by swjr-swis
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3 hours ago, peridoot said:

this is my personal best. here is the craft file: ---> https://kerbalx.com/peridoot/X-3-nano-2

Well... more a guided missile than a plane, really, but it does meet all your stated criteria. Although, have you landed it yet?


If this is what you had in mind for the challenge, you're still missing a few tricks btw (hints: the smallest part offering lift is not in the aerodynamics category, and you don't need a separate reaction wheel).

Introducing the Nanoo: 6 parts, 537kg, 1753 funds, 0.8x0.7x0.7m in size. Powered, aerodynamic flight from the KSC for 2:20+, safely landing at the Island Airfield.

I think this puts it at the top of all leaderboards at the moment. Not entirely sure how you intend to judge mass/cost though. Yours is lighter, mine is cheaper.

Craft file: https://kerbalx.com/swjr-swis/Nanoo


Honestly though, I think this challenge would be much more interesting if it required something a teensy bit more resembling an actual plane. At the very least, require horizontal take off and landing. And perhaps a category for kerballed planes. Just a suggestion.


Edited by swjr-swis
video & craft file link
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14 hours ago, swjr-swis said:

Honestly though, I think this challenge would be much more interesting if it required something a teensy bit more resembling an actual plane. At the very least, require horizontal take off and landing. And perhaps a category for kerballed planes. Just a suggestion.


I think that is implied in the rules:

On 4/7/2021 at 12:16 PM, peridoot said:


must have some form of part that can generate lift (like a evelon)



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43 minutes ago, Klapaucius said:

I think that is implied in the rules:

That's the problem though, it doesn't really. 'Like an elevon' just mentions an example of a part that satisfied the actual condition specified: 'can generate lift'. It's an inclusive statement, not exclusive. If we were to read it like that, wing parts would not be allowed, they're not elevons. Obviously that is not what was meant. A heatshield on the other hand is just 'like an elevon' in the one property actually specified. It is game-technically a lifting surface... requirement satisfied.


No matter. Peridoot can specify/clarify as needed, and scratch my entry if so desired. I'm just saying... I wouldn't call either of those a plane in any other context than this particular challenge. Yours, ME, Vanamonde... reckless machines of death as they may be, they all at least tried to look the part. :D

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ok time to clairfiy what i meant:

any part with the lifting surface module.

i used the evalon as a example

not another thig i want to change is that you need at least 30 sec of flight time, NO KRAKEN DRIVES, and extra credit to anyone who can break 700m/s

On 4/12/2021 at 6:18 AM, Klapaucius said:

I had to give this another shot. So, I made a few different planes, but I think this is the most Kerbal.

10 parts

3343 funds

Powered by two Sepratron rockets

Has enough fuel for about 20 seconds of powered flight.




this plane meets every requirement except for the flight time. but because this was made before that was specified, i will allow it.

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On 4/10/2021 at 6:46 PM, Klapaucius said:

Not the smallest plane possible, but pretty compact.  I built this a while ago. The only issue is it is very hard to land due to the gear.  No matter how I tweak it, the plane is so light that it just bounces.






take the badge! unfourtanlity, you wont make the top 3. good plane though!

On 4/12/2021 at 3:00 AM, dozerman said:

because you have two submissions, i will take your smallest one. this passes! have a badge for your siginture!

On 4/12/2021 at 12:52 PM, Vanamonde said:

I notice you did not specify a minimum flight distance. 

The craft.


Mass:  0.779 tons. 
Flight duration: 30 seconds. 

nice plane! thx mod for making this! this passes! (just baerly because of the flight time) have a badge!

20 hours ago, swjr-swis said:

Well... more a guided missile than a plane, really, but it does meet all your stated criteria. Although, have you landed it yet?


If this is what you had in mind for the challenge, you're still missing a few tricks btw (hints: the smallest part offering lift is not in the aerodynamics category, and you don't need a separate reaction wheel).

Introducing the Nanoo: 6 parts, 537kg, 1753 funds, 0.8x0.7x0.7m in size. Powered, aerodynamic flight from the KSC for 2:20+, safely landing at the Island Airfield.

I think this puts it at the top of all leaderboards at the moment. Not entirely sure how you intend to judge mass/cost though. Yours is lighter, mine is cheaper.

Craft file: https://kerbalx.com/swjr-swis/Nanoo


Honestly though, I think this challenge would be much more interesting if it required something a teensy bit more resembling an actual plane. At the very least, require horizontal take off and landing. And perhaps a category for kerballed planes. Just a suggestion.


WOW! just shut up and take the badge! you are now top of the leader boards!

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