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6 hours ago, Caerfinon said:


It is hard to express the Joy I felt in seeing your gif and knowing someone other than me has been enjoying my configs. Hope you have tried out Breakdancing in it. :D

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36 minutes ago, ColdJ said:

someone other than me has been enjoying my configs

It's a really good job. The buggy transitions from land to water and back seamlessly and at good speed. It also works with MechJeb rover auotpilot nicely.

Awesome job.

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Sadness.... The Aqua Cat works great in my Sandbox game, but in my Career game using the Kiwi tech tree, I haven't unlocked Field Science yet and I need to upgrade the R&D and get more Science! :sob:(Jeb is taking it pretty hard)

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1 hour ago, Caerfinon said:

Sadness.... The Aqua Cat works great in my Sandbox game, but in my Career game using the Kiwi tech tree, I haven't unlocked Field Science yet and I need to upgrade the R&D and get more Science! :sob:(Jeb is taking it pretty hard)

Damn world making you have to work for your treats. :)

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So, I made a few modifications; 

  1. Created a new directory GameData/Caerfinon/Parts/Penguin
  2. moved the buggy.mu both lights .dds files the AquaCat.cfg and the Moonbuggy_texturesC.png into the new diurectory
  3. renamed Moonbuggy_texturesC.png to Moonbuggy_textures.png
  4. renamed AquaCat.cfg to Penguin.cfg
  5. Editied penguin.cfg
    • change path information to point to new directory
    • changed AquaCat references to Penguin
    • removed the variants

The result is lights! or at least light textures. Actual light during night time still comes from the Kerbals helmet lights.


The second option was using the AquaCat as is and adding two "Place-Anywhere Circular Illuminator" parts from the mod Grounded. This has the benefit if covering the texture issue with the lights and it functionally provides light in the dark and can be added to actions groups.  They are a little large, but could be tweak scaled to fit exactly.


Two options for lights to suit individual tastes.

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On 6/6/2021 at 10:18 PM, Caerfinon said:

The result is lights! or at least light textures. Actual light during night time still comes from the Kerbals helmet lights.

Um, that's weird. The lights on the buggy work. It was just the texture over riding the lens texture. Go back in to the config and make sure you haven't accidentally changed the light animation module.

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Developement with 1.11.2 discovered.

They have changed the way that Kerbals react to rising and sinking in water and now when you swim you stay at whatever height you were above land when you started swimming. So if the land slopes down you follow it down. If the land slopes up you follow it up etc. There are changes within the parameters that existed before in the Kerbal EVA config , probably to compensate for the new removable system, as well. So sinking and rising work, but much slower. But swimming flat is not possible unless we can get them to patch whatever they have done. I will see if it is possible to get Squad to fix this by their last release, though I doubt I have any pull when it comes to such matters. If someone reading this does, could you raise it as an issue please.

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37 minutes ago, ColdJ said:




This thread also has the website address for the bug tracker as well at https://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/login?back_url=https%3A%2F%2Fbugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com%2F

(Or thats how it came up in my browser when I clicked the link) I remember seeing a type of bug reporter that you could vote on, but to be quite honest, I don't remember if it's KSP or not :blush2:


*EDIT Also this thread can help explain how to use better I think..


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13 minutes ago, Dientus said:

I don't remember if it's KSP or not

Thank you, unfortunately it requires membership. I have started a thread in Suggestions and Developement discussions. So cross fingers.

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12 minutes ago, ColdJ said:

Thank you, unfortunately it requires membership. I have started a thread in Suggestions and Developement discussions. So cross fingers.

True, but for the heck of it I registered. It let someone like me register for an account. I know you could if thats what you want.


But no pressure (get it? Underwater joke?) Hopefully then the suggestion thread will help

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Excerpt from an article in 2015.

Buoyancy and Water:

  • Displacement is now calculated per part using dragcube information to estimate total actual volume of the part.

  • Bodies now have an ocean density: Kerbin/Laythe is 1 tonne/m3, Eve is 1.5.

  • The lowest and highest points of parts are calculated with respect to the water, and a submerged fraction of volume is calculated to modify buoyancy force.

  • Impact speed (tested against crashTolerance) depends on impact angle, with a configurable minimum multiplier.

  • Drag in water uses drag cubes and an accurate dynamic pressure calculation.

  • Drag scales from high on first vessel contact down to a lower value after a few seconds.

  • Drag also ramps back up when the vessel is below a minimum velocity (to model the highly turbulent flow when starting from a stop, and to make sure vessels do come to a stop).

  • Lift behaves similarly, starting near zero for the madly turbulent flow of initial contact or first movement, up to a reasonable value.

  • Various hollow parts have their displacement tuned to account for hollowness.

  • Solar panels lose flow rate underwater, rocket engines lose Isp.

  • Added underwater fog and tint, fixed camera issues underwater.

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It's not accurately simulating water operations unless our kerbals can get The Bends.

The little guys come up too fast, get a pained look on their faces, fall down and curl themselves up into little balls. Unless you can rush them into a decompression chamber. Which nobody's taken the time to build. So they either have to wait for the nitrogen to purge itself or for their inevitable end.


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5 minutes ago, Beerasaurus said:

It's not accurately simulating water operations unless our kerbals can get The Bends.

The little guys come up too fast, get a pained look on their faces, fall down and curl themselves up into little balls. Unless you can rush them into a decompression chamber. Which nobody's taken the time to build. So they either have to wait for the nitrogen to purge itself or for their inevitable end.


Try bumping their heads on something when they are at the bottom and watching as all their mass suddenly vanishes and they shoot for the surface.

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KSP 1.12.0 has removed some parts for the RCS and replaced them with new variable designs. This means that I either have to make it not so lite and include the original Squad parts as part of the next update or change the parts used to the new parts, which would break backwards compatability. So I guess not so lite on the next update.

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Just now, ColdJ said:

KSP 1.12.0 has removed some parts for the RCS and replaced them with new variable designs. This means that I either have to make it not so lite and include the original Squad parts as part of the next update or change the parts used to the new parts, which would break backwards compatability. So I guess not so lite on the next update.

On the plus side with no further updates other than bug squashes it should be easy to maintain at this point, wouldn't you think?

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2 minutes ago, Dientus said:

On the plus side with no further updates other than bug squashes it should be easy to maintain at this point, wouldn't you think?

One can only hope. They did something to stop Kerbals from swimming underwater level with the surface in 1.11.2 so who knows what might happen.

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Working Under Lite has now been updated and released on Spacedock.

Change Log 1.2.0


Had to make changes to compensate for the latest release.
The Kerbal EVA config is now a Module Manager Patch due to the new configuration and new suits. Sadly the fastest you will be able to sink without the chair or a submarine is 0.2m/s, once you have passed 70 units of EVA ballast. The new system by KSP also means that the kerbal now follows the land below rather than the surface of the water, which means that if the land beneath slopes down, your Kerbal will swim down with it rather than maintaining height in relation to the surface.
Patch adds a third inventory slot.
Increased EVA Ballast amount to 100 units.
Patch was created by the Fantastic Caerfinon who is busy making both places and missions to get more out of playing in the water.
If you have the excellent prerelease or full release version of SunkWorks by Angel-125, then you will need to have 86 units of ballast to overcome their patch, if you are not using their SCUBA diving gear cargo part in order to sink.
Brought across a few parts that KSP have removed from their latest, that are needed for a few of my parts. As they are now in my folder directory I have made some cosmetic changes to the textures. The new nacelles have a small chevron arrow to say which way is the front, so that when the building interface sneakily turns them around, you realise and don't end up with your thrust backwards. The micro docking port has been shaded yellow to set it apart from the new docking ports. The RCS blocks have made an attempt at looking as if the side thrust is coming from somewhere.
The new nacelles have imbeded impellers to give surface craft more thrust, they will cut out above 50m above sea level, as they are meant for sea going craft. You could have a surface skimming, electric engine wing in ground like craft if you really want.
The adjustable ballast weights now have a micro version that uses a different resource and can be adjusted using magic in the field. It was created for balancing the marine chair when an empty Kerbal is seated but if you forget to empty it before leaving the chair, your chair will sink, so adjusting the Kerbals ballast to even out is more practical. All the weights are now colour coded.
Have included latest Module Manager for the patch. If you don't wish to use module manager you will need to look in the patch folder and change the suffix from cfg to txt. If you then want to have the ballast system and slot, you will have to use the info from the patch to individually add to every Kerbal EVA config.
Unzip in main KSP folder.

https://spacedock.info/mod/2749/Working Underwater Lite?ga=<Game+3102+'Kerbal+Space+Program'>


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