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[1.12.5] KSC Extended [3.0.3]


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Anyone else getting issues with some launch pads being a bright green?

NVM Tundra's Space Center's file structure is just different than any other mod, looks great!

Edited by RYU AZUKU99
Tundra's Space Center files suck
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You'll probably want to delete the duplicates using kerbal konstructs.

Just reporting in to say that KSC extended has no issues I've found so far on a 3.2x scale Kerbin with  .70 landscape height. It's the first release I didn't need to edit slightly. (previous KSC needed slight adjustments before)

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On 7/25/2021 at 12:32 AM, EndAllFilms said:

You should do KSC Extended but it's on every planet's in the kerbol system


On 7/27/2021 at 4:46 AM, BlackEyedPhantom said:

Ok so i play with Beyond Home and most of the space centers are underground, floating, underwater and anything in between. I thought that was because of KCSE os for Kerbin and now i read its comparable with BH how can i install or fix these issues?

Beyond Home compatibility was made with an old version of Beyond Home (before Parallax existed) so I can't help someone who's using Parallax until Linx updates his mod to use a newer, more optimized version. My PC cannot run the current BH Parallax version. All I can suggest is you make sure that your terrain detail is at maximum and not the lowest. And in case you're using rescale, the warranty is void. I don't bother testing rescaled X planet packs.

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16 hours ago, JadeOfMaar said:


Beyond Home compatibility was made with an old version of Beyond Home (before Parallax existed) so I can't help someone who's using Parallax until Linx updates his mod to use a newer, more optimized version. My PC cannot run the current BH Parallax version. All I can suggest is you make sure that your terrain detail is at maximum and not the lowest. And in case you're using rescale, the warranty is void. I don't bother testing rescaled X planet packs.

Ow ok. So we all are waiting for Links to update. Well we will make a bit more (hopefully not too much)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Idk if anyone has asked for this before, but it would be nice to have a version of this which includes all the TSC pads at the same site as KSC. Before I switched over to my new computer, I "rolled my own" Missile Row and CCAFS with the Tundra pads and Kerbal Konstructs' place feature, but it doesn't look like I can do that in 1.12 yet because of how the launch site system was changed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I can't seem to able to launch from any of the new pads, any idea what may be going on? I'm on 1.12. I can't select them in the space center view, and they don't show up under the 'launch' list in the VAB.

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17 hours ago, Caerfinon said:

Are the launch pads "open"? You can check on their status in the VAB/SPH using the KK icon to view them in base manager. 

Oh! That's different, but it works. Thanks! 

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  • 1 month later...
8 hours ago, siklidkid said:

It doesn't work for me, there is nothing new on the ksc except for some gray untextured stuff by the runway. Does texturereplacer have issues with this mod?

  1. Do you have the four requirements as listed in the OP?
  2. Do you have the CustomPreLaunchChecks folder in GameData (KerbalKonstructs includes and requires this)
  3. If you installed the requirements manually (not via CKAN), are you sure that every mod folder is where it should be? (Like don't have OSSNTR accidentally inside of another mod's folder)
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On 10/3/2021 at 10:25 AM, siklidkid said:

Actually i fixed  it in the stupidest way possible, I deleted some mods and now it works

If you can, re-add mods until you get the problem again. I'm curious to which mod is the offender.

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  • 2 months later...
On 12/11/2021 at 4:21 PM, Folkhoer said:

Using this with Beyond Home. It works but some launchpads are bright green.
I tried editing them but when I set grass color the surface texture it doesn't do anything

I feel like that shouldn't even be happening. I dealt with the exact thing that leads to that problem. (Launchpads that use the "high quality" terrain shaders: don't enable their built-in launchsite. The grass module breaks. Place a separate launch point if you can and turn in invisible or clip it just enough to not be noticed easy)

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  • 2 weeks later...

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