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Kerbal Konstructs Airport Exchange

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Kerbal Konstructs Airport Exchange

This topic is opened to allow Airport Constructors (you?) to exchange Kerbal Konstructs airport creations and/or ideas.  You require at least one or two mods to participate effectively:

  1. Kerbal Konstructs which is licensed under The MIT License.
  2. optionally/most desirably Kerbinside Revisited which is licensed under Creative Commons: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

In addition, this guide, Getting Started With Kerbal Konstructs, is invaluable.

The term "airports" includes "spaceports" and their locations are NOT limited to Kerbin.

Like & use Kerbal Konstructs but dislike "fiddling" with it??  This topic is still for You!  Instant download of exciting new airports from this smorgasbord...!  (Just think: somebody else has already done all the work for you!)

No airport to post but questions, comments, tips, suggestions (not gripes): Welcome to this topic!  (No doubt eager constructors would welcome suggestions for new locations at which to provide airport services!)


Suggested Guidelines for Posting:

  • Everyone is welcome to post here, particularly beginners (like me!) seeking encouragement/constructive advice.
  • airports should be a self-contained set of config files in one (airport) directory containing no elements from other KK "groups".  (No 'packages'; see next post.)
  • good form to mark your post if its lat/lon is going to clash with a pre-existing airport.
  • photos are helpful to potential down-loaders!
  • these are only guidelines: use your good judgement.  Suggestions welcome!


Everyone else is welcome to post airports to this topic or start topics of their own (here in Spacecraft Exchange) dedicated solely to their own creations.  Upon request, I will be happy to create an index here in this OP, linking to such topics.

Credits, of course, to the creators/maintainers of the mods mentioned above, Kerbal Konstructs and Kerbinside Remastered; and to @Caerfinonand @James Kermanfor their invaluable assistance.

Have fun!

Edited by Hotel26
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How To Maintain Your Airports Independently as Self-Contained Assets

(Posting your airport as a self-contained download permits down-loaders to choose only what they wish to introduce.)

Caerfinon's Starter Guide recommends saving your own statics outside of the GameData/KerbalKonstructs/NewInstances subdirectory.  This is a good recommendation.  I've extended that as follows:

  • work on one airport at a time.
  • KK should find and modify an existing port's statics wherever it finds them within GameData.
  • KK adds brand new statics into its own NewInstances subdirectory.
  • when finished with an edit, simply move the contents of ./NewInstances/, if any, into your own subdirectory for that airport.

An example structure: GameData/Hotel26[1]/Airports/<airport-name>/, with all airports stored separately in their own subdirectory.  This allows any airport directory to be zipped up and distributed independently.  It also facilitates source control by preventing admixing within any one file of statics from varying ports.  Keep all this outside of KK's own hierarchy because KK is a third-party distributable and can get updated.

If you've already collected a library of your own ports, separating them from each other might be quite a big job as you will likely have to pull apart a number of files, based on the 'Group =' key within assets.  I would suggest breaking this task up such that you simply just tackle one airport as a time, as you wish to post each.

[1] use your own name/choice that doesn't clash with any known mod

Airport Index (updated periodically):

BOM    2.54N /  74.81W Bombing Range
CAP    0.54N /  42.03W    Capetown
END    8.51S /  83.20W    Lands End
GIL    5.94N /  62.80W    Gilligans Island
HVN   18.82S /  70.16E    Heavenly Valley
LUK   61.63N /  46.24E    Lukla
KAT   62.18N /  40.91E    Kathmandu
KYT    2.42N /  72.79W    Kykuit
NRT   47.57S / 127.85W    Narita
OLD    0.76S / 168.17E Old Smokey
REM    3.20S /  77.64W    Rembrandt
SMZ   15.88S /  72.18E    St Moritz
TBK    0.13N / 107.38W    Tobruk

Suggested "celestial body" prefix, if you desire to prefix a fourth letter:       S Kerbol    K Kerbin    M Mun    N Minmus   H Moho    E Eve    D Duna    R Dres    J Jool    L Laythe   V Vall    T Tylo    P Pol    B Bop    O Eeloo

Edited by Hotel26
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Airport: Heavenly Valley (HVN)

Download: Heavenly.zip  to ./GameData/<your name>/Airports/Heavenly.zip and unzip.

Body: Kerbin   Lat: 18.82S   Long: 70.16E   Elev: 656m

Description: Tourist resort area and connector to St Moritz alpine ski field.

Notes: This is a very basic port and no reason for other constructors to not build and post better versions in same or nearby locations (but do mark your post if you know your airport location will clash with that of anyone's earlier post.)  No reason also for constructors not to collaborate as this can be very fun!  (Provisional entry: I would be very glad to receive feedback from testers about the ease and method of installation.)




4cq3crL.png      p0ScGNu.png

xmGHa5b.png      bH23WE8.png


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Airport: St Moritz (SMZ)

Download: St Moritz.zip  to ./GameData/<your name>/Airports/St Moritz.zip and unzip.

Body: Kerbin   Lat: 15.88S   Long: 72.18E   Elev: 4910m

Description: Alpine ski resort served by HVN Regional.

Notes: Short, high-elevation runway will test your aircraft and your skill!  Enjoy the snow and ensure you apply a good UV blocker.



vitrhhL.png         zUPIwqS.png

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1 minute ago, chadgaskerman said:

Missing textures for kerbinside?

the KSCUpgrade statics use the "GrasTexture = BUILTIN:/terrain_grass00_new" setting if something mucked with that, or the setting in the instances got changed to a texture that didn't exist, pink would be the result.

Simple test is remove parallax and see if normality returns.

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13 minutes ago, chadgaskerman said:

the ctrl + K menu

CLT-K does not work in KSP 1.12.x If you want to edit statics in-game you will need to do it in a KSP 1.11.2 instance and then copy the config files to your KSP 1.12 game.  This is the situation until an update is made to the KK mod

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1 hour ago, chadgaskerman said:

Ok so I've fixed the missing texture issue, however it appears the ctrl + K menu isn't working for me. I can only open it and the only button that works is editmapdecals

Oh, take a look at Caerfinon's guide, Getting Started With Kerbal Konstructs, because I think there is some sequence in order to make the other buttons appear.

(Update: sorry, Caerfinon, I did a 'ninja' on this post, coz I think I was barking up the wrong tree, originally.)

Edited by Hotel26
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Airport: Kykuit (KYT)

Download: Kykuit.zip  to ./GameData/<your name>/Airports/Kykuit.zip and unzip.

Body: Kerbin   Lat: 2.42N   Long: 72.79W   Elev: 294m

Description: serves a small township 30km NE of KSC.

Notes: has helipad for executive heli-commuters

WxKJhpg.png      0gBmcMb.png


Airport: Rembrandt (REM)

Download: Rembrandt.zip  to ./GameData/<your name>/Airports/Rembrandt.zip and unzip.

Body: Kerbin   Lat: 3.20S   Long: 77.64W   Elev: 16m

Description: fishing village with large enclave of artists.

Notes: 45km SW of KSC.

IpcjOqy.png      AlzLUCE.png


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42 minutes ago, Hotel26 said:

I think there is some sequence in order to make the other buttons appear.

Not generally. The order I made is so that I don't forget to do a step.  You can edit ungrouped instances first if you want to, it just makes it harder to sort them into groups later. 

But the CTL-K on KSP 1.12 is just a non-starter. That part of the KK code got clobbered by the unity related changes. Ger_space hasn't been in the thread since February but has been on the forums now and then since then. Not sure if there are any plans for an update at this time.

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Airport: Kraken Eyrie (EYR)

Download: Kraken Eyrie.zip  to ./GameData/<your name>/Airports/Kraken Eyrie.zip and unzip.

Body: Kerbin   Lat: 0.16S   Long: 79.84W   Elev: 4726m

Description: secret listening post, 55km W of KSC.

Notes: challenging, high-altitude with short, unfinished runway.

IYkvFb9.png      gxvoLpj.png


  • 2021-07-11: added tracking station atop the summit
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3 minutes ago, Ben J. Kerman said:

but I need to make more planes first.

Wait a minute!  When you say "planes", is that some kind of code for...  "cranes"?  ['p' = 'c'; 'l' = 'r'?]


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1 minute ago, Ben J. Kerman said:

I need to make more planes first

More planes is always good ;p Planes. Planes everywhere! (even ones with cranes inside the MK3 cargo hold being airlifted to cool airports around the globe.... but I digress.)

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2 hours ago, Caerfinon said:

CLT-K does not work in KSP 1.12.x If you want to edit statics in-game you will need to do it in a KSP 1.11.2 instance and then copy the config files to your KSP 1.12 game.  This is the situation until an update is made to the KK mod

@chadgaskerman  I don't think you're hosed.  You have two options:

  1. download some of the ports here just to add some flavor and get some enjoyment from KK
  2. when you add newly-constructed ports to a vanilla world (save) in a lower version of KSP (e.g. 1.11.2 is fully functional for KK), you can copy the assets to your 1.12 GameData and they will appear/work in all your 1.12 saves.

I think #2 would allow you (with some extra work) to get started on your own ports.


Caerfinon's Starter Guide recommends saving your own statics outside of the GameData/KerbalKonstructs/NewInstances subdirectory.  This is a good recommendation.  I've extended that as follows:

  • I work on one airport at a time.
  • I believe KK will find and modify an existing port's statics wherever it finds them within GameData.
  • It adds brand new statics into its own NewInstances subdirectory.
  • when you are finished with an edit, simply move the contents of ./NewInstances/, if any, to your own airport's directory.

I use the following structure: GameData/Hotel26/Airports/, with all airports stored separately in their own subdirectory.  This allows any airport directory to be zipped up and distributed independently.  It also facilitates source control by preventing admixing within any one file of statics from varying ports.  I deliberately keep all this outside of KK's own hierarchy because KK is a third-party distributable and can get updated.

Hope this is of some use to you now.

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Another KK tip, especially if you are exporting for the consumption of others:

Mods that provide KK statics for use in constructing sites are notoriously bad (especially the early ones) at  putting their statics into specific mod identifying categories. They often use the same general category names so that it is impossible to see from the spawn new instance menu which mod pack the static comes from at a glance. I like to know this as I'm building something so I can make a mod dependency list as I go.

When I download a mod that contains KK statics for use in site creation I go through each one and, if necessary,  I add a prefix to the static's category that identifies the mod it originates from. 

  • KKS_ = Kerbal Konstructs Stock
  • KSO_ = Kerbin Side original statics (these are covered by an All Rights Reserved license with restrictions on repackaging and redistribution )
  • KSR_ = Kerbin Side Remastered
  • CDR_ = CountryDoggo's Random KK Bits
  • CDS_ = CountryDoggo's SciFi Statics (only available from SpaceDock)
  • FRB_ = FASTCORP Roads and Bridges

Thankfully, newer KK parts mods are generally indexed better, like Omega's Stockalike Structures


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It's not an "Airport" but it is a port. Did a little remodeling of the KSC Shores from Water Launch Sites.

Replaced the piers with statics from the original Kerbin Side, added some life guard stations/huts. Put in a marina and a boat launch. Lot s of fun old parts to spruce the place up.


There was a nice looking light house, but this wasn't the right location for it.

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Before seeing this thread I thought there KK bases were all made completely in config files or maybe Unity editor. It's a lot more accessible than I expected. Now that I know I decided to try and put an outpost on Laythe. The Kerbals in my career save have had a continuous presence on the planet for nearly a decade, I think it's reasonable that they'd at least build a runway and some buildings in that time.


Still a WIP, I just realized that it's not actually aligned to 90 degrees, and I can't seem to get launchsites configured to behave consistently.

I kind of want to put one on Duna too, but I feel that regular buildings don't really make sense there.

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58 minutes ago, Zacspace said:

I kind of want to put one on Duna too, but I feel that regular buildings don't really make sense there

Look at Country Doggo's static packs on Space Dock - > https://spacedock.info/kerbal-space-program/search?query=doggo

CountryDoggo's SciFi Statics and CountryDoggo's Random KK Bits are a treasure trove of useful bits and pieces.

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