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KSP 2 Ideas that don't merit their own thread.

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I think this has already been recommended, but a set of buoyancy parts not just for water buoyancy but for air. I saw a recent RSS Saturn video that featured a vacuum optimized craft using an immense balloon to essentially exit the atmosphere of titan before lighting its engines and I thought that was a pretty cool mechanic to consider building a craft around. 

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I think this is already in the game, because we saw volumetric clouds on a planet that looked like Eve, but could you also have clouds on gas giants? It would be cool to see Everest-sized cloud fronts in the distance as you slowly approach them (this would also go well with bases on gas giants supported by giant balloons, hence the buoyancy parts. It would also be a nice landing challenge if you can’t come in from above without popping the balloon and sending your base into the depths…)

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On 7/25/2021 at 7:01 PM, Admiral Fluffy said:

So i was looking around the KSP 2 Develpompent ideas, and I couldn't find any "General Ideas" Threads.

So I made one.

My Ideas:

In the colony construction, let us make monorails that can take Kerbal diffent places, or even another colony. 

The rails would be fairly cheap, but the train part would be much more expensive.

The part manufactutear would be KNRF, or Kerbin National Railway Foundaion.

Yet another plug to get my fake company into KSP 2.

So that is my short idea!

Also, please put exoplanet ideas into this thread.



so we would have extra terrestrial mickey mouse terrorizing the kraken with his magic wand? seems sufficient to me:rolleyes:

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1 hour ago, darthgently said:

No "stowaways" at launch.  If the player doesn't put a kerbonaut on a craft, then there will be no kerbonauts on craft. Or at least an ability to kick them off the craft on the launch pad without need to revert.

1. This is already a difficulty option

2. EVA, walk to safe distance, recover stowaway or just launch. This really doesn't need its own set of features.

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2 hours ago, Bej Kerman said:

1. This is already a difficulty option

2. EVA, walk to safe distance, recover stowaway or just launch. This really doesn't need its own set of features.

I'd disagree, It'd be nice to be able to manage crew on the launch pad.

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49 minutes ago, Pthigrivi said:

I don't understand this. Whats wrong with reverting to VAB if the crew compliment isn't what you wanted? 

Because I often launch craft with zero crew, or undercrewed.  I specifically set the crew to what I want only to find on launch that a seat I wanted empty has been filled by KSP.  So now I don't have room for the kerb I'm going to rescue etc.  Any other questions?

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Sorry I didn't mean to be snarky, I genuinely didn't understand. Yeah the whole crew assignment thing is actually a problem. I feel like I've been trained to check so I haven't noticed in a while but it seems like if you add one part or disconnect a bunch of parts to add one in the middle in the VAB it dumps all your crew and you have to re-fill the seats, or something?  There definitely should be some more predictable behavior here. And eventually we're going to have potentially hundreds of colonists so I feel like there has to be some kind of streamlined crew-assignment UI to move personnel around. I don't see why it couldn't be used to swap people out on the launchpad. 

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21 hours ago, Pthigrivi said:

Sorry I didn't mean to be snarky, I genuinely didn't understand. Yeah the whole crew assignment thing is actually a problem. I feel like I've been trained to check so I haven't noticed in a while but it seems like if you add one part or disconnect a bunch of parts to add one in the middle in the VAB it dumps all your crew and you have to re-fill the seats, or something?  There definitely should be some more predictable behavior here. And eventually we're going to have potentially hundreds of colonists so I feel like there has to be some kind of streamlined crew-assignment UI to move personnel around. I don't see why it couldn't be used to swap people out on the launchpad. 

That's kinda what I was getting it!

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On 1/10/2022 at 4:56 PM, darthgently said:

Because I often launch craft with zero crew, or undercrewed.  I specifically set the crew to what I want only to find on launch that a seat I wanted empty has been filled by KSP.  So now I don't have room for the kerb I'm going to rescue etc.  Any other questions?

One of the easiest fixes for this would be something I hoped they'd implement in the current game.  Okay, I've used PhotoShop here to add a visual representation of what I am talking about - a grey box in an "empty seat" where the avatar would normally be. And when this grey box is checked, a red "x" appears as a way to keep the game from assigning a Kerbalnaut to that seat. So, that way, when you launch and revert, correct the ship, and go to launch it again, there's still two crew and two empty seat.


But once the ship is out of the craft editor, the empty seats behave as they do now.

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46 minutes ago, adsii1970 said:

One of the easiest fixes for this would be something I hoped they'd implement in the current game.  Okay, I've used PhotoShop here to add a visual representation of what I am talking about - a grey box in an "empty seat" where the avatar would normally be. And when this grey box is checked, a red "x" appears as a way to keep the game from assigning a Kerbalnaut to that seat. So, that way, when you launch and revert, correct the ship, and go to launch it again, there's still two crew and two empty seat.


But once the ship is out of the craft editor, the empty seats behave as they do now.


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I also really hope they focus on underwater exploration. Like underwater features, fish on Kerbin and other planets with oceans where fish COULD be, Just to y'know bring life to the marine a little bit!

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Has anyone brought up the idea of having mods segregated by saves?

Imagine if you could have your vanilla career save and a RSS/RO save and a KSPIE save, etc. all accessible in the menu together, and have the game load the mods each one uses when you select it. Then we wouldn't have to restart the whole KSP executable and watch it overlay a grid onto Bezier curves for two to ten minutes every time we want to switch between save files, and even better we wouldn't have to either uninstall and reinstall mods or have multiple copies of KSP installed to allow the different configurations of mods to exist and be accessible. KSP isn't that big a game at barely 2GB, but KSP2 will surely be significantly larger and even with unlimited drive space, managing a bunch of duplicate installations is a big time sink (and even harder for Steam users and (almost impossible for) console users).

Edited by problemecium
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26 minutes ago, problemecium said:

Has anyone brought up the idea of having mods segregated by saves?

Imagine if you could have your vanilla career save and a RSS/RO save and a KSPIE save, etc. all accessible in the menu together, and have the game load the mods each one uses when you select it. Then we wouldn't have to restart the whole KSP executable and watch it overlay a grid onto Bezier curves for two to ten minutes every time we want to switch between save files, and even better we wouldn't have to either uninstall and reinstall mods or have multiple copies of KSP installed to allow the different configurations of mods to exist and be accessible. KSP isn't that big a game at barely 2GB, but KSP2 will surely be significantly larger and even with unlimited drive space, managing a bunch of duplicate installations is a big time sink (and even harder for Steam users and (almost impossible for) console users).

That would be a solid idea!

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