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Future Technologies Expansion: Frontier Aeronautics+


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Future Technologies Expansion

This mod series introduces new futuristic parts that expand the options of the mid-late game techtree. Right now there is one small mod ready and a larger one on hold.

The core principles behind this are:

  1. Aesthetics that don't look too out of place next to restock-quality parts 
  2. Gameplay benefiting from various other mods including CTT and SystemHeat
  3. Fitting in and expanding on features and part rosters from other mods, mainly Nertea's outstanding PKMC mod suite which inspired this project

Frontier Aeronautics

[Version 0.3.1]

Introduces the J-F755 'Petrel' - a 3.75m bimodal fusion thermal jet. This large engine is best used in late game SSTO designs for use on any atmospheric planet.

Pictures and usage notes:


Testing a simple SSTO design using the Petrel:

Test stand pictures and brief notes for use with FFT&SH (recommended mods):

Air breathing mode. This requires fewer radiators (just the small one on seen below the engine) and works in any atmosphere. Starting up the engine requires charging the internal MCF reactor with a large amount of electricity. Only a tiny trickle of fusion fuels is required to keep the reactor active.


Closed-cycle mode runs on LH2 and requires all of the radiators in the picture (on spaceplanes these can be put on wings or, if realism is less of a concern, in a corgo bay where they won't create drag).

Basically this is a mix between the Pr Eeloo bimodal NTJ from Near Future Aeronautics and the fusion engines from Far Future Tech by Nertea, performance is balanced around that set of part mods.


To reach orbit with FFT features:

1) Start fusion reactor, ensure you have fusion fuel,  startup charge electricity and radiators for closed cycle (most demanding) operation. Ensure all radiators are active.

2) Activate engine in open cycle mode, when flying note that the engine needs to reach a certain speed to reach optimal performance and begin rapid acceleration

3) After gaining as much altitude and speed as possible, switch to closed cycle mode to get the rest of the way to orbit.

Note that the reactor will produce power and consume when active, even if the engine is deactivated.

Current Features:


-3.75m bimodal fusion NTJ.  See previous section for usage notes.

WIP Features:


- A compact but lower performance 1.25m fission NTJ

- 3.75m advanced spaceplane cockpit

- Optional patches to extend similar mechanics to NTJs from various other mods

- Textures Unlimited Recolor Depot compatibility

- Localizations

- Removing Waterfall dependency

Dependencies (required to run):

  • Module Manager
  • CommunityResourcePack
  • Waterfall

Recommended mods (for full intended gameplay - highly recommended):

  • CommunityTechTree
  • Far Future Technologies
  • Heat Control
  • VABOrganizer


Known Issues:

  • Harmless NRE when adding fusion jet in editor when the FFT compatibility patch is active

All models and textures are under the All Rights Reserved License; all cfg and dll files are under the MIT License

*credit to Nertea for many of the parts included in the images

Edited by Apelsin
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57 minutes ago, theJesuit said:



But seriously nice work!  Will there be a fusion reactor too?


Thanks! The fusion NTJ engine can generate a bit of power if FFT is installed, and that mod has 2 fusion reactors meant for generating a ton of EC.

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  • 2 years later...
  • 5 months later...
On 5/12/2024 at 12:14 PM, Calvin Kerman said:

Given the gap, I'd presume so, but perhaps the apparent end of KSP 2's development could lead to work on the mod resuming.

Correct - considering dusting this off if irl situation allows. Really tempted to get modding again.

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  • 3 months later...
1 hour ago, DareMightyThingsJPL said:

Sorry for the necropost, but SpaceDock says that this mod was updated recently. Is this correct?

Yes that's right, it's a very minor patch that adds VAB Organizer compatibility. I'm looking to get back into modding if time allows.

Edited by Apelsin
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