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[1.12.x] Alarm Enhancements 1.0.2 (26/08/2021) - Automatic Alarms and Better Naming of Alarms


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Alarm Enhancements

This mod adds some functionality which the Stock Alarm Clock lacks but was present in KAC.

  • Automatically adds alarms for Maneuver Nodes, SOI changes, and entering an atmosphere.
  • Renames Manual Alarms to the active vessels name (so you don't have to remember which vessel this "Periapsis Alarm" you set and forgot to change the name of is for).
  • Fully configurable through the Difficulty Settings.

License: MIT

Source: Github

Download: Github

No pics, no clicks? I don't care. There really isn't much to show you.

Known Issues:

  • Doesn't always remove alarms when they are no longer applicable. This is by design. I've noticed a stock bug where SOI changes can disappear at high timewarp, and I was having problems recognising whether a Maneuver Alarm was for the Maneuver I was trying to set it for or not. Where we can't be absolutely 100% certain an Alarm can be removed the mod will err on the side of caution.

CKAN: Now Available.

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Edited by severedsolo
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Hello everyone, I've just released Alarm Enhancements 1.0.1 which fixes a few questionable decisions the mod was making.

  • Informed the mod it's perfectly safe to remove Maneuver Alarms if the vessel doesn't actually have any maneuvers.
  • Informed the mod it's perfectly safe to remove Atmospheric Reentry Alarms when the vessels orbit does not actually intersect the atmosphere.
  • Mod will now remove SOI Alarms if it can't detect an SOI change AND the timewarp rate is 1x
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  On 8/18/2021 at 9:44 PM, flart said:

Is it possible not to rename alarm after creation, but to change default title in the "add alarm" window ?



I can add that - the auto-renamer can be turned off in the difficulty settings. It's late and I'm about to go to bed, but I'll pick it up tomorrow if I get time (or the weekend at the latest).

Just to clarify (I'm assuming yes, but let's be thorough), do you want to be able to set the default name of the auto-alarms as well as manual ones? Raised #1

EDIT: I've just realised what you meant. I'm not sure I can mess with the default names for manual alarms but I will have a dig and see what I can do. I can definitely let you choose your own name for the auto renamer though

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  On 8/18/2021 at 9:54 PM, severedsolo said:

do you want to be able to set the default name of the auto-alarms as well as manual ones?


Yes. Also ability to modify modded text to something like "maneuver for <<1>>" (as it was in KAC)  would be cool, probably using localization support.
Default setting as "<<1>>" is ok. 

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  On 8/20/2021 at 7:35 AM, Apricot said:

This mod makes my in-game flight performance jitters every second. Is there a timer that triggers every second doing a lot of computation?


Is this when you are in/your orbit is intersecting the atmosphere or all the time?. 99.9% of the time you shouldn't notice it as the mod aborts the calculation if there's nothing worth doing.

It's probably the garbage collector, I'm doing some not very well optimised things in terms of allocations and Lists right now, because "get it working" comes before "make it fast". There's definitely some optimisation to do, if it's causing issues I'll try and clean it up a little for the next release.

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  On 8/20/2021 at 7:43 AM, severedsolo said:

Is this when you are in/your orbit is intersecting the atmosphere or all the time?. 99.9% of the time you shouldn't notice it as the mod aborts the calculation if there's nothing worth doing.

It's probably the garbage collector, I'm doing some not very well optimised things in terms of allocations and Lists right now, because "get it working" comes before "make it fast". There's definitely some optimisation to do, if it's causing issues I'll try and clean it up a little for the next release.


I have JNSQ and Principia installed.

The ship was on  a trans-munar injection trajectory, soon will entering Mun's SOI. Mun perigee was ~20km (principia calculated). I didn't notice what patched conics looked like.

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  On 8/20/2021 at 8:15 AM, Apricot said:

I have JNSQ and Principia installed.

The ship was on  a trans-munar insertion trajectory, soon will entering Mun's SOI. Mun perigee was ~20km (principia calculated). I didn't notice what patched conics looked like.


There's definitely some potential for excess GC allocation in the SOI calcs, thank you for raising it - I'll try and clean it up a little for the next release. I'll probably give you the option of increasing the timestep too, which should help. Raised #2

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Actually, the feature update is taking a while, so let's do it now. As I haven't received any feedback on the performance improvements, I'm going to assume they worked.

Alarm Enhancements 1.0.2 Released

  • Cache the list of Alarms to (hopefully) alleviate the GC stutters that were reported.
  • Fix Maneuver Alarm setting not being respected.
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  On 8/28/2021 at 8:47 AM, woeller said:

Would it be possible to add alarms for labs as they exist in KAC? I really miss these in the stock alarm app.


I can certainly look at it! I've never used that feature so what does it do? I'm assuming it's an alarm for when an experiment has finished processing? (I never use the labs so excuse me if I ask stupid questions)

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It's an alarm based on when a Science Lab where data is processed is full. This depends on the science rate (wich depends on the Kerbal lvl), and the amount of data (which obviously decreases over time).
So you no longer miss the time to send the science.


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  On 8/28/2021 at 11:07 AM, woeller said:

It's an alarm based on when a Science Lab where data is processed is full. This depends on the science rate (wich depends on the Kerbal lvl), and the amount of data (which obviously decreases over time).
So you no longer miss the time to send the science.



Thanks - no promises but I'll take a look at it. Raised #4

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@severedsolo Fantastic mod, thanks for filling in some of the gaps in the stock alarm system! :D

If you're taking suggestions: would integration with Transfer Window Planner be in scope for this mod? The stock transfer planner is great but I prefer the configurability that TWP provides, so it'd be nice to be able to add a transfer window from that mod directly into a stock alarm, similar to how it's already done in KAC.

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  On 8/29/2021 at 1:17 PM, RealKerbal3x said:

@severedsolo Fantastic mod, thanks for filling in some of the gaps in the stock alarm system! :D

If you're taking suggestions: would integration with Transfer Window Planner be in scope for this mod? The stock transfer planner is great but I prefer the configurability that TWP provides, so it'd be nice to be able to add a transfer window from that mod directly into a stock alarm, similar to how it's already done in KAC.


That change would probably have to be done within TWP.  It's all rather academic at the moment anyway as I understand TWP doesn't work in 1.12, but as I understand it TWP adds the alarm to KAC, so it would be up to TWP to update itself to add to the Stock Alarm Clock instead.

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