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fuel transfer to many Baguette

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hello guys

i’m new for KSP , recently i used many BAGUETTE ,maybe 40, to have lot of delta v.

but when i try to transfer fuel from other fuel tank, there is a huge problem, i must click every baguette one by one .

could i press some button makes all baguette was chosen at once?

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41 minutes ago, nanke jeb said:

’m new for KSP , recently i used many BAGUETTE ,maybe 40, to have lot of delta v.

but when i try to transfer fuel from other fuel tank, there is a huge problem, i must click every baguette one by one .

could i press some button makes all baguette was chosen at once?

Welcome to the forum!

  1. On the top right of the screen, one of the icons looks like a gas can. Click it. It will open the resource panel of your craft.
  2. In that panel, click the white square to the left of the resource you are interested in transferring (in the case of the Baguette, since it carries LF and Ox, click both of those). It will open ALL tanks on your craft that can hold that resource, as if you had right-clicked them all at once.
  3. Pin all the Baguette windows by clicking the black pin icon on each tank window.
  4. Pin one of the tanks you want to transfer fuel from.
  5. Now click the white squares again in the resource panel. All windows that were not pinned will go away.
  6. On the one non-Baguette tank window, click the 'Out' buttons for LF and Ox. ALL the Baguettes will start filling at the same time.
  7. If they are not full when that tank is empty, unpin it, right click another full tank, and pin it.
  8. Repeat steps 6 and 7 until all Baguettes are full.


Edited by swjr-swis
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1 hour ago, nanke jeb said:

recently i used many BAGUETTE ,maybe 40, to have lot of delta v.

I'm not sure about what kind of design you have, but normally, using 40 baguettes way too much. Perhaps you can use instead a bigger tank which can hold more fuel and greatly reduce the part count (thereby also making fuel transfer much easier).

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4 hours ago, swjr-swis said:
  1. On the top right of the screen, one of the icons looks like a gas can. Click it. It will open the resource panel of your craft.
  2. In that panel, click the white square to the left of the resource you are interested in transferring (in the case of the Baguette, since it carries LF and Ox, click both of those). It will open ALL tanks on your craft that can hold that resource, as if you had right-clicked them all at once.


This is amazing!
I knew about the fuel panel showing all parts on the craft with that fuel, but never thought of using it to select them...i have always been doing ALT+Click on every tank

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9 hours ago, Vanamonde said:

Could you clarify how you are using baguettes for fuel? As for fuel transfers, sorry, no, one at a time is the only way to do it. 

And welcome to the forum. :)

*Has PTSD Flashback to Duna Mission*


I used the tiny fuel tanks to make a cool looking design but the refueling process for a second landing was a nightmare. On the Duna Station on my signature, the lander is visible near one of them big boy relay dishes.


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16 hours ago, swjr-swis said:

In that panel, click the white square to the left of the resource you are interested in transferring (in the case of the Baguette, since it carries LF and Ox, click both of those). It will open ALL tanks on your craft that can hold that resource, as if you had right-clicked them all at once



Is this new? 

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3 minutes ago, Vanamonde said:

Is this new? 

No. As long back as I remember using the resource panel for anything, really.

Before posting that reply, I quickly tested it again in 1.3.1, so at least that long; but pretty sure it's been that way before that too.

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