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[KSP >= 1.3.1] Distant Object Enhancement (DOE) /L - Under new Management - - 2024-0803


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is there anyway I can change the FOV sensitivity for the skybox dimming? the only available setting in the config file is the brightness setting


right now my skybox doesn't start dimming until my sun is like in a quarter of the fov. how do I get it do dim as soon as the sun peeks into view?



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4 hours ago, orangewarning said:

right now my skybox doesn't start dimming until my sun is like in a quarter of the fov. how do I get it do dim as soon as the sun peeks into view?


Right now, there's no way to accomplish what you want.

The code that calculates how much the skybox should be dimmed takes into account the distance and the size of the brighting bodies (as well the camera's FOV), and the "sensibility" is not parametrizable.  But I found some constants that once mangled will accomplish what you want, the trick will be extracting meaning from these constants to allow understandable parameters.

In a way or another, that piece of code appears to be optimisable, so I will give it a try. I will come back to you at the end of the day.


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Release EXPERIMENTAL is available for downloading, with the following changes:

  • Fixes the Sky dimming for the Sun
  • Implements some parameters to customise the dimming for planets.
  • Work issues:
    • #23 Parameterise the FoV of the celestial body inducing the SkyBox to dim #23

While working on issue #23, I realised that the real problem was the Sun not being properly handled - the code was handling Kerbol as it was a Planet, what obviously would not fly (pun not intended™).

So I handled Kerbol properly. @orangewarning, this is what you asked for.

At this time, the parameterising of the DarkenSky features became less necessary (if at all), but since I already had implemented it, I pushed it too. Perhaps it can be useful on custom SkyBoxes and custom Planetary systems with dozen of celestial bodies (some parameters aims to reduce the CPU tax a bit).

The Kerbol handling appears to be solid, but since I didn't did any kind of testings with custom Planetary Systems I choose to be cautious and released the stunt as EXPERIMENTAL.

Any help on checking this using custom planets, custom Solar Systems and with visuals like Scatterer and PlanetShine will be more than welcome!

No screenshots this time, I'm in hurry. Again™…  :P 

See OP for the links.

— — — — —

This Release will be published using the following Schedule:

  • GitHub. Right Now.
  • CurseForge. Will not be published
  • SpaceDock.  Will not be published

Being an experimental release, distribution will be restricted.

Edited by Lisias
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On 9/3/2022 at 9:24 PM, Lisias said:

Alternatively, you can deactivate the DOE's SkyBox Dimmer! It's called "SkyBox Dimming" on the DOE's Setting window.


turns out it was the skybox itself. for some reason it was just too populated for what i wanted. >.< sorry for the inconvience

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/8/2022 at 10:39 AM, Lisias said:


Release EXPERIMENTAL is available for downloading, with the following changes:

  • Fixes the Sky dimming for the Sun
  • Implements some parameters to customise the dimming for planets.
  • Work issues:
    • #23 Parameterise the FoV of the celestial body inducing the SkyBox to dim #23

While working on issue #23, I realised that the real problem was the Sun not being properly handled - the code was handling Kerbol as it was a Planet, what obviously would not fly (pun not intended™).

So I handled Kerbol properly. @orangewarning, this is what you asked for.

At this time, the parameterising of the DarkenSky features became less necessary (if at all), but since I already had implemented it, I pushed it too. Perhaps it can be useful on custom SkyBoxes and custom Planetary systems with dozen of celestial bodies (some parameters aims to reduce the CPU tax a bit).

The Kerbol handling appears to be solid, but since I didn't did any kind of testings with custom Planetary Systems I choose to be cautious and released the stunt as EXPERIMENTAL.

Any help on checking this using custom planets, custom Solar Systems and with visuals like Scatterer and PlanetShine will be more than welcome!

No screenshots this time, I'm in hurry. Again™…  :P 

See OP for the links.

— — — — —

This Release will be published using the following Schedule:

  • GitHub. Right Now.
  • CurseForge. Will not be published
  • SpaceDock.  Will not be published

Being an experimental release, distribution will be restricted.

Just tested this. Seems to work fine with scatterer and planet shine. Just a question about the new slides: what do they change? its seems that when you move them all the way to the right the first 2 make the skybox brighter and the last one darker, but im not sure what exatly changes :P.

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12 hours ago, SiCaRiO31 said:

Just a question about the new slides: what do they change? its seems that when you move them all the way to the right the first 2 make the skybox brighter and the last one darker, but im not sure what exatly changes :P.

It's a pretty counter-straightforward formula and the new parameters trim it in a equally counter-straightforward way. :)

  • minimumSignificantBodySize is simple: if defines the smaller body (in visible pixels) that will be considered on the sky dimming. It helps to make things faster on Potatoes by ignoring bodies with an apparent size smaller than the threshold. In pixels.
  • minimumTargetRelativeAngle is the relative angle between Camera and the current body being calculated in which the dimming will happen. You can trim the point of the screen the current body will trigger dimming the sky. Given the other parameters, it ended not being that useful in the end because more than one body can trigger the sky dimming (and, when this happens, the "stronger" one will prevail, and not the one you may thinking of). In degrees from 1 to 180.
    • not only size, but distance matters on the formula!
  • referenceBodySize the size of the reference body (usually the Sun). The size of all the bodies are floored and then normalised with this parameter before being fed into the formula. This one will be useful on custom Star Systems where the Sun (always the brightest body in the visible sky) is smaller than Kerbol. I don't have the slightest idea about the unit of this thing!! :D  


12 hours ago, SiCaRiO31 said:

Just tested this. Seems to work fine with scatterer and planet shine.

That's really great news. I'm currently facing some difficulties to test this on visuals add'ons because I'm essentially using mobile GPUs (and the really crappy ones!).

I'm still fighting to buy a nice GPU card, but things are still incredibly expensive around here due import taxes (really, really expensive - the final tax is 115% the price you paid for the good, shipping and insurance included! it's plain nuts!). Buying a second hand one (what would help save a bit of money) is out of question due the cripto-mining breakage flooding the market with badly beaten GPUs - it would worth the risk if the card would be being sold by 25 to 30% of the MRSP, but at 80% to 100%? Now and then I find a offer on eBay for a brand new one cheaper that some second hand ones!

Thanks for the help!! :)


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On 9/26/2022 at 6:46 PM, Gordon Dry said:

And where does it store the settings? It's not DistantObject\Plugins\PluginData\Settings.cfg

Don't bother, it's screwed up.

I just realised that I added customisation settings intended to be eventually used by 3rd parties on Planet Packs, but didn't provided a way to allow them to patch the damned things, forcing the user to do it manually!!

I will tackle it down on Issue #25.

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6 hours ago, Motokid600 said:

Ive been wondering if this was possible since this mod first releases almost a decade ago. In the sunlight I slide the dimmer to max so no stars. When in shadow I zero it for full stars. I wish so much for this mod to do this automatically.

yeah thats something I think is missing to give it the perfect effect. when behind a planned, if I dont change the dimmer, its always pitch black, when in reality you could see the stars, the galaxy and all the nebula since your eyes would adjust to the darkness. Maybe an aditional setting to adjust the range of dimming .

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On 9/29/2022 at 1:53 AM, Motokid600 said:

Ive been wondering if this was possible since this mod first releases almost a decade ago. In the sunlight I slide the dimmer to max so no stars. When in shadow I zero it for full stars. I wish so much for this mod to do this automatically.

As far as I understand, this is already happening - if you are on the surface of the Mün, you will not see the stars while on the bright side.

The stars are dimmed when your eyes are receiving direct or indirect sunlight (it's the reason you don't see the stars on the surface of the Moon at the bright side, the sunlight being reflect by the sand is reaching your retina). Same thing while orbiting Earth - if you can see the Earth while being illuminated by the Sun, then the light bring reflected by the planet will prevent you from seeing the stars the same.

However if give your back to both Sun and Earth, when you will be able to see the stars alright because there will be no direct or indirect sunlight reaching your eyes (there's no scattering on Space).


On 9/29/2022 at 8:27 AM, SiCaRiO31 said:

yeah thats something I think is missing to give it the perfect effect. when behind a planned, if I dont change the dimmer, its always pitch black, when in reality you could see the stars, the galaxy and all the nebula since your eyes would adjust to the darkness. Maybe an aditional setting to adjust the range of dimming .

Are you sure this is not happening for you?

I just fired up my test bed and the stars became visible once Kerbol is occluded by Kerbin!



I think there's something else playing a role on this issue. Are you guys using a custom skybox or any other visual enhancement?


On 9/30/2022 at 4:38 PM, Gordon Dry said:

So it creates the settings file in the KSP main folder/PluginData but does not remember all settings and/or does not read them out in flight scene after a fresh game start.
Something like this.

More or less.

When startuping the game, DOE checks if there's no customized values on the KSP/PluginData. If none are found, it tries to read the Default values from a "hidden" file on its plugin data. If the file is found, the default values are read, if not the values hardcoded on the DLL are used.

Once you customize the settings, the new values are stored on the KSP/PluginData.

BUT… As I said, I failed to prevent that the new customisations settings would be needed by 3rd parties, so the whole model will be reworked. It will will not change dramatically, but it will change a bit.


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On 10/1/2022 at 10:32 PM, Lisias said:

Are you sure this is not happening for you?

I just fired up my test bed and the stars became visible once Kerbol is occluded by Kerbin!

Yes that happens to me. Now that you mention it, it may be and effect more pronunce using graphic mods. I currently use a custom skybox with scatterer and planet shine. The specific issue I have is that, for the sky to be completaly dark when in sunlight, I have to dim the skybox with the provided slide. However, this ALSO dims the skybox when completaly and the shadow, loosing details fo the skybox.

I guess what I am trying to say is that I cant have it both ways at the same time (a completaly dark skybox when in sunlight, and a fully bright skybox at shadow) :P

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18 hours ago, SiCaRiO31 said:

I guess what I am trying to say is that I cant have it both ways at the same time (a completaly dark skybox when in sunlight, and a fully bright skybox at shadow) :P

Send me screenshots of the problem, your KSP.log  and a link for the Skybox you are using  Let's see if I manage to reproduce the thing here on the week end!


3 hours ago, xD-FireStriker said:

How badly does DOE clash with ReStock? 

It's not drawing some parts on distant vessels. I need to study what changed on some ReStock parts and try to code something to convince DOE to draw them. :)

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On 10/5/2022 at 8:47 PM, Lisias said:

It's not drawing some parts on distant vessels. I need to study what changed on some ReStock parts and try to code something to convince DOE to draw them. :)

i see, not game breaking, Good luck trying to convince it. I hear a hammer does wonders ;)

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On 10/5/2022 at 11:47 AM, Lisias said:

Send me screenshots of the problem, your KSP.log  and a link for the Skybox you are using  Let's see if I manage to reproduce the thing here on the week end!


So, this is with 100% brightness:

In the shadow: Looks good, you can see all the stars



At sunlight looking at the sun: ( this one looks good too, sky is as dark as it gets)



Looking slightly to one side: sky seems to brighten too soon. 




Im using the Poods Skybox (the milky way one :P)


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24 minutes ago, SiCaRiO31 said:

Looking slightly to one side: sky seems to brighten too soon. 

  Hide contents



Try to mangle the "minimumTargetRelativeAngle" thingy to see if anything changes. In in the middle of a <piii>storm at dayjob, I don't know when I will have spare time to tinker with the Poodmund's skybox - probably on the weekend. But I'm guessing that this setting may help you on the matter.


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  • 3 weeks later...
On 10/7/2022 at 3:51 PM, InterstellarDrifter said:

Just wondering if there is a possible way to delay dimming time between transitioning to better simulate physical human pupil acclimation?

I think it is, but I can't promise you a deadline for it! :)


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23 hours ago, WIbigdog said:

It seems like the saturation slider isn't working right now.  Doesn't change the color saturation on the planets at all unless I'm misunderstanding what it's meant to do.

There's no saturation slider. Can you please post a screenshot with the control you used emphasised somehow?

Edited by Lisias
yep, there's. #facePalm
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17 hours ago, WIbigdog said:

That slider.  I presume it's meant to turn down the color of the objects in the sky, but it seems to do nothing.

#facepalm - I was looking on the Darken Sky, by some weird reason I assumed you were complaining about the skybox dimming… (sigh).



Oukey, checking it… And yep, you are right.

I will fix it ASAP: https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/DistantObject/issues/27

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