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Can there be a weapons system like with BD armory?

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It has already been confirmed that there will be no (intentional) weapons or weapons accessories in KSP 2. For an ai flight controller, I personally don’t think the stock game could implement it to satisfy everyone, so it should be left to the purview of mods. 

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Sooner or later bd armory or its equivalent will be available for KSP2. From logical point of view, there's no point in having warfare equipment if there's no competing species/nation. Besides, we're still talking about spaceflight sim game here. If you're going to shoot a rocket at me, it may as well be the size of Saturn V. Why bother with launchers measured in inches.

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I feel like KSP is not a game where the challenge is in exploring, not fighting.  If modders want to add weapons, go right ahead, I'm sure some people will like that.  But for me, combat kind of sullies the core ideals of the game, and I'm glad that KSP2 will not have stock weapons.

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To everyone saying KSP 2 is a game about "peaceful exploration", if there's going to be multiplayer with separate ships you're basically denying an entire other dimension of gameplay that can exist. If I'm screwing around with my friend in cismunar space and I go "Minmus is MINE muahaha, attempt no landing there!" do you think the game will be more fun or less fun if we both are equipped with the proper tools to challenge or defend that claim? Peaceful game worlds or passive mode ships can always be a single context menu button away.

Maybe KSP 2 shouldn't come with striker drones and attack lasers but at the very least, probe cores should be able to continue to follow SAS commands after you tab away from them (and maybe also have a proportional aiming based 'face target' mode too!)



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Why is it so important to have stock weapons in KSP? The game is centered around peaceful exploration and discovery. Not blowing everything up that you see. Not claiming and defending territories. (There are much better games for that anyway.)

Yes, disagreements between players can happen. And yes, players will mess around to see who is the better pilot or who has the better design. But we don't need specific weapons added to the game. There are creative ways to make weapons, or you can add a weapons specific mod if you want. 

Basically, weapons are out of scope for stock KSP. Weapons don't fit into the grand idea for KSP.

Edited by shdwlrd
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I agree with both of you. Wubslin has a point that gameplay between players involving tension is fun (I personally want to play like that and would like some features in line with that) and shdwrld has a point that adding features specifically for that sort of gameplay is not what KSP is about. So, to propose a third option, the game could have tools which are useful for the core gameplay experience but can be creatively adapted to use for other things. Currently if I want to make a weapon, I can make an unguided one, and with the new explosions in KSP 2 I could make something more destructive than a mk. 0 fuselage. However, the options from there are limited. Here are a few examples of features that could be suitable for both gameplay and inter-player conflict

1) mining tools causing damage to parts. This is a good feature to have for regular gameplay to avoid having players put fuel tanks and other things in the way of their mining lasers, and it could be used to damage other players’ parts. No guidance however. 
2) trajectory planners. We know that baristochrone trajectories will be part of the game. If speeding up and then slowing down can be calculated, then permanently speeding up can also be calculated. This is useful because when sending probes to recon other systems, you do not need to slow down while flying by, and it will help to keep accelerating. Additionally, this planner can target craft with a sufficiently powerful probe core. 

these are relatively bad ideas but you can see that some features could fit into the stock game and be used for conflict without being designed for it. I already think that with the new technologies presented in KSP 2 there is more than enough opportunity for creative destruction machines, but I also understand wanting some more tools to be able to use. 

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On 2/2/2022 at 1:38 PM, Ember12 said:

You can make a guided missile, with stock parts.  All you need is a probe core with target-orient-capable SAS, and a Mite SRB.

Go watch the video I embedded. "Point at target" would not be nearly enough.

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On 12/11/2021 at 7:12 PM, Zeldagamer809 said:

I think that a weapons system would be really cool to have similar to BD armory.Also, like in BD armory, maybe an AI flight controller.

I think they already said that no stock* weapons would be in the game.

Edited by BekfastDerp13
forgor stock
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I don't think that there need to be designated weapon parts.  Wubslin was right about my probe core/SRB idea being woefully inadequate, but all you really need is a special probe core with the sort of adaptive targeting shown in Wubslin's video.   The rest can be left to people's creativity.

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