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Somewhere to put any knowledge learned about using the .mu plugin.

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5 hours ago, CollectingSP said:

New issue. how can I get the object data to link with the "Terrain_Grass_00 mesh", like it's linked for all of the others?

I feel like I have been asked a question about a conversation I wasn't a part of.

Could you run me through what you have been doing?

It is obviously a static. If you have meshes that are linked to info you want then the easiest would probably to join your new mesh into the mesh that has the attributes you want in the Object mode so that it is now part of it and so linked to the properties, then separate it out in the edit mode so that it is separate again but now linked to the same info.

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1 hour ago, ColdJ said:

I feel like I have been asked a question about a conversation I wasn't a part of.

Could you run me through what you have been doing?

It is obviously a static. If you have meshes that are linked to info you want then the easiest would probably to join your new mesh into the mesh that has the attributes you want in the Object mode so that it is now part of it and so linked to the properties, then separate it out in the edit mode so that it is separate again but now linked to the same info.

Sorry, my bad- was working at like 3AM trying to finish this. I eventually got it working by doing what you said. 

was building a static in which the textures used were BUILTIN. They wouldn’t show in game and I thought it might have been an issue with the object data not being linked (or something.)

apologies for making you feel like I asked a question when I didn’t fully give you background or context. That’s my fault- (was tired and frustrated) and was never what I wanted to do.

Appreciate your help as always.

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Posted (edited)

@Kimera Industries

Found this just recently. Just create a txt file with a cfg, rather than txt suffix, copy the setup into it and save in a folder of your choice within the GameData file, as long as you have Module Manager installed then every model you have in game will able to change tint, so you can make stock parts dark.


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Thank you for this thread!  I have already learned so much.  

I am trying to build some new statics for KerbalKonstructs.  I would like to keep the textures to stock because A) I'm not a good artist and B) Maybe it will help performance.  Overall, I have been successful using Blender to export the models and using the KK cfg file for the model to apply stock textures.  However, I was wondering if there was a way to use the stock material name in Blender so that it was included in the .mu file on export?  

Here is an example of what I have setup in Blender, but it doesn't show the texture in-game.


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1 hour ago, orionguy said:

Here is an example of what I have setup in Blender, but it doesn't show the texture in-game.

This is an example of why knowing blender before you start using the plugin can work against you. You need to setup a material property or properties for your meshes using the Shaders that come with the .mu plugin and then name the texture pics you plan to use in it. You then need to have the texture pics you are using in the same folder as your .mu or put the pathway to the texture inside the MODEL setup in the config file. The .mu file will look for the named texture pics when it is loaded into game. From the first page.


Material Setup. Very important for exported .mu

Any model you create in the blender environment must have a Material set up applied before you  export as an .mu or else the meshes without them will be considered not to exist. Now I have just found out from @taniwha that there is an option on the import list pop up called "Force Invisible Meshes" , It can be found to the right of the list and is there to try to force meshes to show up that haven't been given a Material setup. Generally though meshes exported without a Material set up won't show up when imported. (Have  used the "Force" option successfully).

There are 2 ways to go about giving meshes a material set up, 1: you can import a model that already has the sort of KSP Shader setup you want and set your mesh to use it, then go down and edit the textures that it looks for to your own, as in this example.

2: You can create from scratch. As long as you followed the instructions when you first installed the plugin, then under the Material section, represented by a small pie chart symbol in the symbols menu on the right of the workspace. You will find that with that clicked (you must have a mesh highlighted first for it to be an option), that if you scroll down inside it's opened up menu you will reach a section (as this is from scratch nothing will show unless you clicked "New" at the top, it defaults to the name "Material" but you can click on and edit this to a name you want.) that is labeled "Mu Shader". Within this is a blue drop down named "Shaders", clicking on this will bring up a list of all the possible KSP shaders. When you choose one it will appear in a box 2 below called "Shader:" inbetween is a box called "Name:" You will want to put your choice of name in here or it won't save on export. Then below those 2 boxes is a drop down named "Textures". Depending on what you chose as your shader, there will be 1 or more name types e.g "_MainTex" "_BumpMap" "_Emissive" that when clicked on will show a box below it called  "Name:" with that name in it, just below that is a box that usually is defaulted to say "gray". You want to change it from gray to the the name of the texture pic you plan to use for that aspect. You will need to do this for each of the textures used by that shader. I usually pick a name and add a Capital B to the end for my Bump map and Capital E for my Emissive etc.

Once that is all done your mesh now has a Material setup. You can set other parts of your mesh to use the same Material as in the above example or you can give them a different Material setup depending on what they are for. A good example is for the new Lights in KSP. This is one where I use the Material setup from the stock lights for light up windows as the Material has an animation in it that I do not know how to do from scratch. That material set up and the unique name of the mesh you have using it are required in order to have the new light animation work in your model.



Example of setting pathways to texture files in other folders.



        model = Mk2Expansion/Parts/Command/Angler/Model

        texture = Cockpit, Squad/Parts/Command/mk2CockpitStandard/Cockpit

        texture = mk2FuselageShort, Squad/Parts/FuelTank/mk2FuselageShort/mk2FuselageShort

        texture = Windows, Mk2Expansion/Parts/Command/Angler/Windows

        texture = Windows_E, Mk2Expansion/Parts/Command/Angler/Windows_E

        texture = Flag, Mk2Expansion/Parts/Command/Angler/Flag


The ones I have bolded have small plain texture pics in the same folder that act as place holders, then the config says where to find them.

As you can see the example is from the MK2 expansion mod, which likes to use stock textures to lower memory needed. One to download if you want examples.


Now, I am not sure this can be done with statics, in which case you will have to rely on copying texture files and putting them in your folders, or make your own.


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Okay, so I have got this working as a one button action, works great. The only hassles are that it requires to have the scanner module in the config and can't be defaulted to the light button. Added benefit is it will tell you the ore content below you. I have updated the model to be smaller and have the light turn on in 5 frames, this works well. So until something better comes along.

        name = ModuleResourceScanner
        MaxAbundanceAltitude = 500000
        RequiresUnlock = false
        ScannerType = 0
        ResourceName = Ore

        name = ModuleAnimationGroup
        deployAnimationName = Glow
        activeAnimationName = Rotate
        deployActionName = Turn On
        retractActionName = Turn Off
        deployActionName = Turn On <<1>>
        retractActionName = Turn Off <<1>>
        toggleActionName = #autoLOC_6002389 //#autoLOC_6002389 = Toggle <<1>>
        moduleType = Light



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

What version of BforArtists are you using? When did you download the .mu plugin?

I say when for the .mu plugin because it doesn't show versions but is changing slowly over time and some new features break it for older versions of BforArtists.

If you are brand new to BforArtists it might be as simple as you don't know to change the viewport shading. Default is the one where everything looks a solid grey.

Look up near the top right and you should see a row of 4 spheres ,grey with lines, white,red and white checker and orange. The grey with lines when clicked gives you wireframe, white gives the solid grey, checker gives you the model showing it's textures, orange gives you a darker textures as if the the model was shaded from the light.

If you are using an older version of BforArtists with an older version of the plugin then certain KSP shaders like diffuse need you to go into the "Shader" workspace and detach the Vertex color in order for the textures to show. In the latest version of the plugin this is not required. But it seems that stock props textures now do not show up.

Hope that covers it.


Edited by ColdJ
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@ColdJ  Thank you! I knew it was a noob question lol  I've cloned the latest .mu plugin and am running bfa 4.1.1  Very glad you recommended it because I love what blender can do but WOW is the interface intimidating.

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13 hours ago, Xt007 said:

Just dipping into bforartists.  Noob question, when I render an mu I imported it's shaded but in the editor it is not.  Any way to change that?

PartTools in the Unity editor can't load DDS files AFAIK.  Are your textures PNG or DDS?  You can use imagemagick to convert them (just make sure to also flip vertically).

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9 minutes ago, JonnyOThan said:

PartTools in the Unity editor can't load DDS files AFAIK.  Are your textures PNG or DDS?  You can use imagemagick to convert them (just make sure to also flip vertically).

This was already resolved, they are just new to the interface. They were importing an already made part and just didn't know how to change the viewport shading mode. DDS loads up in BforArtists fine. It is just upside down in the UV editing workspace. That is why when making new models we use .png and then convert to .DDS later after everything is finalised.

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7 hours ago, JonnyOThan said:

Perhaps I misunderstood the original question then, I assumed "editor" was referring to the Unity Editor but maybe it means something different in BFA.

The plugin allows for creation and editing of .mu files in the blender environment, In this case the much easier to work with BforArtists fork of blender. But it does not relate to Part Tools and the Unity Editor in other than that they too are used to create and edit .mu files

At this point the only thing I know for certain that Unity with Part Tools can do that can't be done in BforArtists, is create plume effects.

Now that I have worked out how to animate material properties and light properties, BforArtists with the plugin is an easy to use, completely off line way to make mods.

While sadly, changes made by Unity over the last year or 2 have made it a complicated, have to go online regularly to keep it registered/verified, mess. Not to mention the troubles of getting part tools if you are just starting now.

I know this because I went through the process, as I would have liked to been able to create my own plume effects, got all the way to having everything I needed, only to hit the "got to be registered, and go online regularly," and this won't load unless you allow us to to this etc nightmare and gave up in disgust.

The editor in BforArtists could have been either the  "Edit Mode" workspace or the "UV Editing" workspace. I think it was most likely the "UV Editing" workspace, because it does not align it's settings to the "Main" workspace like the "Edit Mode" does. So if you are new to the interface and swapped to it, you would get confused as to why both the model alignment and viewport shading were not what you had set in the "Main" workspace.

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I will put 2 simple examples in the spoiler. @theJesuit

The plugin is brand new and so nothing that comes before it could automatically use it. It takes some one actively creating a config themselves and either creating a new model with the animations it references or going into old configs and replacing the animation modules used with this new one. This is where it will be good for reviving old mods that got broken by KSP updates.

Also not all Modules play well together in the same config, so you would have to test to see if your combination works.

Part stacking is a way to have a config use multiple models together to create a new part. The first model referenced always acts as the starting point for world centre and subsequent models added get positioned off of it. I used this technique in my very first mod, which was only reconfigurations of stock parts.

Example 1. I create a new configuration which references the short Mk2 LFO model twice to create a long 1. I have changed the node stack positions to where the end of the new model will be. In this case I only had to move the back end. The distance is 1 and half the length of the original model from the world centre, as the second model is positioned at the end of the first. Fuel figures and weight were doubled.


    name = mk2FuselageShortLFOjoined
    module = Part
    author = Porkjet
    rescaleFactor = 1
    node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.9375, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
    node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -2.8125, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0
    node_attach = 1.25, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1
    mirrorRefAxis = 0, 0, -1
    TechRequired = supersonicFlight
    entryCost = 18500
    cost = 750
    category = Propulsion
    subcategory = 0
    title = Mk2 Joined
    manufacturer = #autoLOC_501624 //#autoLOC_501624 = C7 Aerospace Division
    description = #autoLOC_500569 //#autoLOC_500569 = This airframe fuselage features the latest in lifting technology. Not only does it stay together during flight, it's sleek design makes your plane just that much speedier! Now comes with at least 100% more Oxidiser.
    attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
    mass = 0.58
    dragModelType = default
    maximum_drag = 0.2
    minimum_drag = 0.3
    angularDrag = 1
    crashTolerance = 50
    breakingForce = 50
    breakingTorque = 50
    maxTemp = 2500 // = 3000
    emissiveConstant = 0.8
    fuelCrossFeed = True
    bulkheadProfiles = mk2, srf
    tags = Joined mk2
        model = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/mk2FuselageShort/FuselageShortLFO
        model = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/mk2FuselageShort/FuselageShortLFO
        position = 0.0,-1.8737,0.0

        name = ModuleLiftingSurface
        useInternalDragModel = False
        deflectionLiftCoeff = 0.35
        dragAtMaxAoA = 0.15
        dragAtMinAoA = 0.1
        name = LiquidFuel
        amount = 360
        maxAmount = 360
        name = Oxidizer
        amount = 440
        maxAmount = 440
        name = ModuleCargoPart    
        stackableQuantity = 1
        packedVolume = -1


In this example I have simply rotated the second around the X axis 90 degrees with the same weight and fuel adjustments and stack nodes for the upper and lower.

    name = mk2FuselageShortLFOjoinedtoo
    module = Part
    author = Porkjet
    rescaleFactor = 1
    node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.9375, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
    node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.9375, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0
    node_stack_up = 0.0, 0.0, -0.9375, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0
    node_stack_down = 0.0, 0.0, 0.9375, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0
    node_attach = 1.25, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1
    mirrorRefAxis = 0, 0, -1
    TechRequired = supersonicFlight
    entryCost = 18500
    cost = 750
    category = Propulsion
    subcategory = 0
    title = Mk2 Joined too
    manufacturer = #autoLOC_501624 //#autoLOC_501624 = C7 Aerospace Division
    description = #autoLOC_500569 //#autoLOC_500569 = This airframe fuselage features the latest in lifting technology. Not only does it stay together during flight, it's sleek design makes your plane just that much speedier! Now comes with at least 100% more Oxidiser.
    attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
    mass = 0.58
    dragModelType = default
    maximum_drag = 0.2
    minimum_drag = 0.3
    angularDrag = 1
    crashTolerance = 50
    breakingForce = 50
    breakingTorque = 50
    maxTemp = 2500 // = 3000
    emissiveConstant = 0.8
    fuelCrossFeed = True
    bulkheadProfiles = mk2, srf
    tags = Joined mk2
        model = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/mk2FuselageShort/FuselageShortLFO
        model = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/mk2FuselageShort/FuselageShortLFO
        position = 0.0,0.0,0.0
            rotation = 90, 0, 0
        scale = 1, 1, 1

        name = ModuleLiftingSurface
        useInternalDragModel = False
        deflectionLiftCoeff = 0.35
        dragAtMaxAoA = 0.15
        dragAtMinAoA = 0.1
        name = LiquidFuel
        amount = 360
        maxAmount = 360
        name = Oxidizer
        amount = 440
        maxAmount = 440
        name = ModuleCargoPart    
        stackableQuantity = 1
        packedVolume = -1


You could create more complex models as long as you work out positioning and be sure all needed modules are in the config from the configs of the separate models.

Any "ModuleAnimateGenerics" need to have a different layer number when in the same config.


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21 hours ago, ColdJ said:


Please read from the begining of this thread to help get your part making on track.

It was read earlier, but the part about the Material set up and thing with toggling on "Force Invisible Meshes" was overlooked, which seems like it is quite the plausible reason as to why the .mu models did not show up, yet their attachment points and such would still. 

That being said, it seems that the part making being off track was the result of missing steps like that at final half portion of the process model creation, but also these errors:

The script here seems the same as the script that has been being plugged into Blender as an addon script, but it seems that neither the Bforartists nor Blender versions that have been used in combination with the script provided have been able to work correctly without these errors. Yet clearly without any doubt some modders out there have the correct setup in terms of combability, which essentially basically begs the question as to what they are. There have indeed been links and pointers kindly provided on this thread, but they seem to lead to these same errors. Especially seeing as this was the result of trying to plug the addon into the software as practically literally any modder would.

If this is has been happening to us due to simply trying to use this script with Blender, or the more unheard of alternative Bforartists, then clearly this is some very replicable sort of thing that would happen to other people trying to create models for mods, and leaves these things to inquire about — what version of what software should be used with what script, in what way, and where can we find it? Knowing that there is clearly obviously some sort of working combination of things that requires something more specific than adding the script to any version of Bforartists or Blender, it leaves the question of what that is. Referrals to the right stuff would be more than appreciated and indeed might be helpful for others curious about the same thing who read this thread who have or would otherwise run into the same issue. We appreciate the usefully helpful assistance and would especially appreciate something like a clone fork type of thing, to use software engineering computerese slang. Thank you. 


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Hi @Qwotty.

Your second pic shows you have blender in "Program Files" which is why it isn't working. The .mu plugin can't get permission for changing things, that is why the instructions on the first page of the thread say to not put your 3D program in program files, but rather on the main drive.


BforArtists latest release page.

You can find a link on this page for older versions too.


It is best to download the Zip version, create a folder on the main hard drive (not in "Program Files" on a windows computer as it will mess up it's needed permissions) and then extract into the folder you have created. Once you have it in go through the folder structure so that you are in bforartists3_313\3.2\scripts\addons_contrib\ and then extract the .mu plugin into it.

This will put the folder  "io_object_mu-master" into there.

Now start BforArtists and under the "Edit" drop down tab, at the bottom you will see "Preferences", click on it and when it's window comes up, go half way down it and click on Add-ons, then at the top middle click "Testing" once it is clicked scroll down the list till you see "Import-Export MU models KSP" and click the check box. Once it has a tick in it, make sure you go in to it using the expansion triangle that is next to the tick box, then go down and click on the following, "Install KSP Shader Presets", "Install KSP Config Templates" and "Create Community Color Palettes".

Once you have done this go to the bottom left of the window and click on the small blue box with 3 parallel lines in it and then click on "Save Preferences" This way what you have just done will be loaded every time you open BforArtists and you won't have to keep doing it. Close the "Preferences" window and you are ready to go.

But I guess when there is a lot to absorb things can get missed, so I will go and edit the first page to make it easier to catch.

As to the first pic. don't worry, it always says that, but works.

3 hours ago, Qwotty said:

or the more unheard of alternative Bforartists

You should give it a try as it is a much friendlier interface but otherwise it is Blender. I have version 4.1 working with the currently available .mu plugin  (The only thing I have noticed amiss with the current plugin is that it seems to have random texture issues with stock props, sometimes no texture, othertimes getting the texture from another prop you have already loaded.)

The .mu plugin gets updates but not versions, to the best of my knowledge it it will only now work with 3.5 Blender/BforArtists onwards.

I hope you now know that any mesh must have a Material setup before you export it to a .mu or it will not show up. This can be made from scratch from the list of available KSP shaders that come with .mu plugin, found down near the bottom of the Material Setup menu on the right. Be sure to name your new Material setup when create it.

Alternatively you can get a material setup from another model, when you import them in while you are making your model, their material setups will be available in the list, just change to one of them and when you get all you need, delete the imported model. Then remember to change the associations to the texture pics you have created for your model.

All this stuff was self taught over time through trial and error. I am no programmer, so my hope is that the average person, now having access to info I didn't, will be able to pick this stuff up without too much trouble.

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Hi @ColdJ

Thank you so much for the powerful pointers in the right direction. That whole thing with not using Program Files as the installation destination for the 3D program in terms of file directory recall is something that would have still been overlooked but looking at the error messages knowing that it all makes sense now and can literally now be seen in the error message diagnostic output how it could not before in terms of comprehending what it is saying... that being that the error "[WinError 5] Access denied" = the plugin saying something similar to what the Windows GUI might tell you when trying to modify file data that you do not have access to, such as an administrators. But if somebody does not know how to read error messages like that, how would they even begin to know that? You said that your hope is that "average person" will be able to "pick this stuff up without too much trouble", and that hope is shared, so catching this seems like quite the find and thing to remember as that same "average person", to quote you directly, is likely to install their three-dimensional modeling program in Program Files without knowing that and would not know what in the Jebediah Kerman that the error messages above meant even slightly. You say you are no programmer, but we over here from at where this is being posted from are most definitely something like that and learned about what the "[WinError 5] Access denied" error message means and why it happened through this troubleshooting, so thank you again for that. 

You see, these little details about the program-to-game modding process are crucial steps that ignoring can easily cause derailing of getting parts from the drawing board to the video game quite quickly if you overlook some steps. Clearly the "any mesh must have a Material setup before you export it to a .mu or it will not show uppart was overlooked, seeing as there was this test part made before knowing that which had its own .cfg file, respective texture file, and obviously, of course, .mu model, which is everything that is needed for most of part mods that do not add new functionalities (such as Module Manager through code, that of which require creating .dll files as well), yet still only showed up in the Vehicle Assembly Building as invisible, aside from the attachment point and collision model making it possible to tell what the geometry of the model is. 

In fact, something like that too happened when reading the part about the "3.5 Blender/BforArtists onwards" type of compatibility stuff for some Jeb-forsaken reason, it was not read properly. In essence, we are doing something like going retrograde instead of going prograde.

Before knowing: :retrograde: :( 
After knowing: :prograde: :)

Speaking of that type of KSP modding learning based happiness, the tip given regarding "the list of available KSP shaders that come with .mu plugin, found down near the bottom of the Material Setup menu on the right" was and still is as of writing this (and shall surely be after) something that provided that, seeing as that, along with the other things that were learned here, and important steps necessary to make part mods work at for the players who download and install them who more than likely do not know the first thing about how to fix said mistakes.

But this type of knowledge is what this type of inquiring discourse is for. Probing questioning like that is how the treasure that is the answers to tech problems that make everything click together how it should instead finally get found. Our own hope like yours is that after the golden key that unlocks the door to being able to smoothly get created .mu models from Bforartists or Blender without any hiccups or hitches is found that we will be able to streamline things and provide tutorial guidance on it as short and sweet as a Kerbal is. Maybe even some way to make the process even easier. All that we know is that the advice before is just what the doctor Kerbal in KSP down at the KSC ordered in terms of elaborating with insight into the specifics of why the understandable mistakes that were made happened and creating this brilliant way to get things back on track not only for us two over here but also for all of the other readers who might come across this writing by chance or on purpose due to having the same problems as we did that were not demystified by being understood yet before learning what they even were caused by and that there were perfectly good reasons as to why they happened. Anybody and everybody that wants to use Blender and other applications to create KSP part mods should be able to, so once the secret sauce to keeping that as simple as possible so that your average player could learn to do it without having to be some sort of total techie or modeling master is found in term of being able to "pick this stuff up" with heavy emphasis on the "without too much trouble" part of what you said, as that was the feeling got when trying to use the .mu plugin with Blender — truly totally tiringly troublesome. But that was simply from the all-too-relatable misunderstanding that we had thinking that we could just plug in the plugin to Blender and call it a day, when in fact it is more involved than that.

To use an analogy metaphor, it is like baking cakes. You can't just put your cake in the oven any way that you want and presume or even trust that it will bake correctly. Not at all — quite the contrary: you must follow the recipe "by the book" (like they sing about in that cute LazyTown song "Cooking By the Book"). Each and every step. And that is an important thing well worthy of calling "knowledge learned".

The reason being? The way that things surrounding and regarding that plugin could totally have Kerbal Space Program modders who are not familiar with the plugin think that the part creation process utilizing Blender requires less steps than it does. Very minute yet important steps that if not followed renders all of the modelling work literally null as it will not render what was created with Blender. 

We appreciate you helping us two out with this stuff, because we were quite hyped about getting things working before, we encountered obstacles that lead to hurdles. We might return with helpful new "knowledge learned about using the .mu plugin" if we find it as to make things easier for everybody, but the main goal for right now is to follow the advice given and get everything to finally work right before considering the possibility of trying to streamline that or streamline trying to teach it. Thank you kindly again very much for the help. Quite the relatively long post indeed but we believe it was worth every word and that we are finally onto something here now. If our part mods start functioning nominally after writing this, which showed signs of being more than plausible at the time while doing so, we will obviously know who to shout-out with love. That is conclusively it. We appreciate all of the insight and wish you well.



Edited by Qwotty
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Hi @Manul. I have only tried these on stock so far, but theses are 3 hatches that cover from Mk1 to Mk3 and can be entered and exited from both sides. Would this help you?


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Because of the bow, a Landing Helicopter Dock is a tough one to start modeling on. You need to start with a circle mesh with no centre or face, best with a minimum of 128 vertices because of the manipulation you will have to do and then through adjustments of scale to get the curve you want and use of the Extrusion tool to continue the hull from front to the back, a metre at a time. The inside curve of the circle will be the outside of the hull. You will build one side of the hull, all the way back, then when you finish, you will duplicate your mesh out in the Object workspace and then mirror it on the axis that will make the other side of the hull. When you join the 2 meshes together, one side will always flip it's Normals (faces) inside out, so flip one mesh first so that when you join they will both be the same way out. This is where the "Face Orientation" option that shows blue on the outside and red on the inside is very important, you will need this also when extruding, as the tool often mixes up sides, leaving you with some outer blue and some outer red. Each metre when building you will manipulate the circle through scale and position to gradually go from the sharp inwards curving bow to the blunt outwards curving stern. When you get what you want just delete the bits of the circle you you no longer need.

As to texture. I don't use the overly complex texture map pics that Squad was fond of, I find it better to create a texture pic with panels of the textures/colours you want and then to choose the faces I want and map them over the texture panel I want them on.

To get a texture you want, go find a nice picture of the craft you wish to build. Put the pic into something like Paint.net and then copy a section of the hull using the selection tool, then copy, then on a new clean pic, paste what you copied on to it. Then stretch or shrink the copied square to the panel size you want on texture pic you are creating.

Obviously there is a serious amount more you will need to learn to get your finished product, and I highly suggest starting with simpler models and working your way up as you get more confident, but hopefully this will give you an idea of how to start.

Edited by ColdJ
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7 hours ago, ColdJ said:


Because of the bow, a Landing Helicopter Dock is a tough one to start modeling on. You need to start with a circle mesh with no centre or face, best with a minimum of 128 vertices because of the manipulation you will have to do and then through adjustments of scale to get the curve you want and use of the Extrusion tool to continue the hull from front to the back, a metre at a time. The inside curve of the circle will be the outside of the hull. You will build one side of the hull, all the way back, then when you finish, you will duplicate your mesh out in the Object workspace and then mirror it on the axis that will make the other side of the hull. When you join the 2 meshes together, one side will always flip it's Normals (faces) inside out, so flip one mesh first so that when you join they will both be the same way out. This is where the "Face Orientation" option that shows blue on the outside and red on the inside is very important, you will need this also when extruding, as the tool often mixes up sides, leaving you with some outer blue and some outer red. Each metre when building you will manipulate the circle through scale and position to gradually go from the sharp inwards curving bow to the blunt outwards curving stern. When you get what you want just delete the bits of the circle you you no longer need.

As to texture. I don't use the overly complex texture map pics that Squad was fond of, I find it better to create a texture pic with panels of the textures/colours you want and then to choose the faces I want and map them over the texture panel I want them on.

To get a texture you want, go find a nice picture of the craft you wish to build. Put the pic into something like Paint.net and then copy a section of the hull using the selection tool, then copy, then on a new clean pic, paste what you copied on to it. Then stretch or shrink the copied square to the panel size you want on texture pic you are creating.

Obviously there is a serious amount more you will need to learn to get your finished product, and I highly suggest starting with simpler models and working your way up as you get more confident, but hopefully this will give you an idea of how to start.

Thanks for the advice. I’m in a CAD class so hopefully I’ll know enough to make it by the time the semester ends.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Good day! 

I have one bug exporting the exact mu model. 

Blender 4.1.1, latest plugin version. 

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\...\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\4.1\scripts\addons\io_object_mu-master\export_mu\operators.py", line 68, in execute
    return export_mu(self, context, **keywords)
  File "C:\Users\...\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\4.1\scripts\addons\io_object_mu-master\export_mu\operators.py", line 39, in export_mu
    mu = export.export_object (context.active_object, filepath)
  File "C:\Users\...\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\4.1\scripts\addons\io_object_mu-master\export_mu\export.py", line 188, in export_object
    anim_root_obj.animation = make_animations(mu, animations, anim_root)
  File "C:\Users\...\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\4.1\scripts\addons\io_object_mu-master\export_mu\animation.py", line 294, in make_animations
    muobj = mu.object_paths[path]
KeyError: 'SP-10C/sunParent/base/rootHinge/Truss_Root/sunPivot/Truss_A/Panel_A/collider 1'

This problem is related to sun panel SP-10C animation, nothing else yet. OX-10C panel export works well. 

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5 hours ago, rockmeowstar said:

This problem is related to sun panel SP-10C animation, nothing else yet. OX-10C panel export works well. 

Hi. I will preface this by saying, this a thread for sharing info learned about using the .mu plugin to make parts in a Blender environment, not for troubleshooting.

For that you want.

And hope you get someone who knows programming. As I do not.

That being said.

Taking an educated guess, the last line in the error logs in blender usually says the problem. In your case it appears to be the collider  collider 1'

Ok now that I have had a chance to look at it and know that you are talking about stock parts. It happens in my version too.

A number of stock Squad parts that were built using Unity with Part Tools, do not play well with the plugin in Blender. This part is one of those. So you can use it as an example as to how to set out your own part for the pupose (In this case an unfolding solar panel), but should not try to build off of it or modify it.

This happens with a few different parts, their landing gear can be problematic too.

So, don't try to modify this part and export it. Just use it as a guide.

As @taniwha only changes things now and then, I wouldn't expect this to be addressed any time soon.



Edited by ColdJ
New info.
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