Cytauri Posted January 22, 2023 Share Posted January 22, 2023 On 1/21/2023 at 5:21 PM, ClashofCraft972 said: I just had an Idea, would be AWESOME for new players to have all the information that you need a planet/moon when you need it, like : Sphere of influence : [altitude in m] Atmosphere : [Yes - No] Height : [altitude in m] Density : [Fin, normal, thick] Layers : [altitude in m] Diameter : [m] Moons : Type : [telluric planet - gaseous planet] Lore : [Informations] We could access these information in an sort of in-game browser. I don't think this is too difficult to make in a mod if not in Stock KSP2 Expand Those are nice ideas! I think its cool if you can see the type of planet. Maybe a No Man's Sky kinda info. If its a desert planet then it will say that its an Arid planet. Or if its an full ocean planet it will say its a superoceanic aquaria. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ClashofCraft972 Posted January 22, 2023 Share Posted January 22, 2023 On 1/22/2023 at 5:43 AM, CytauriKerbal said: Those are nice ideas! I think its cool if you can see the type of planet. Maybe a No Man's Sky kinda info. If its a desert planet then it will say that its an Arid planet. Or if its an full ocean planet it will say its a superoceanic aquaria. Expand Yeah I think this is the type of things that may interest new players. KSP1 was very hard : thinking of what you're vehicle need (without forgetting parachuts et solar panels lololol), do maneuver that you need pretty efficiently, understand the contract system and to manage our funds... This is what the dev teams need to focus to make the game more enjoyable and playable for new players... And reward them correctly with, for example, achievements, generated artworks of the missions, little generated TV report, a Kerman's president speech. But it can be more basic, like let him look at magnifiscients planets and sun. I remember the first time I got an subborbital flight, I was amazed but also scared of the dark side of Kerbin. And when I needed to land, I didn't know how to use the chute lol. Know these memories make me laugh. But for the sequel, new players need to have the feeling of being lost and ridiculously small compared to what they can see. But they need also to feel help. I don't think a basic tutorial, like in every game now, is relevant 'cause it'll destroy the feeling I said to you Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kerbal wanderer Posted January 22, 2023 Share Posted January 22, 2023 On 1/22/2023 at 2:42 PM, ClashofCraft972 said: Да, я думаю, это то, что может заинтересовать новых игроков. KSP1 был очень сложным: думать о том, что вам нужно в транспортном средстве (не забывая о парашютах и солнечных батареях, лоллол), достаточно эффективно маневрировать, что вам нужно, понимать систему контрактов и управлять нашими средствами ... Это то, что нужно командам разработчиков. сосредоточиться на том, чтобы сделать игру более приятной и удобной для новых игроков... И правильно награждайте их, например, достижениями, сгенерированными иллюстрациями миссий, небольшим сгенерированным телерепортажем, речью президента Кермана. Но это может быть и более просто, например, пусть он смотрит на великолепные планеты и солнце. Я помню, как впервые совершил суборбитальный полет, я был поражен, но также и напуган темной стороной Кербина. А когда мне нужно было приземлиться, я не знал, как пользоваться парашютом, лол. Знай, эти воспоминания заставляют меня смеяться. Но для сиквела новые игроки должны чувствовать себя потерянными и смехотворно маленькими по сравнению с тем, что они могут видеть. Но они также должны чувствовать помощь. Я не думаю, что базовый туториал, как сейчас в каждой игре, актуален, потому что он разрушит чувство, которое я тебе сказал. Expand Chaotic thoughts arise in my head, a pun in general:) Reading you, the idea of creating an achievement corps appeared in my head, where cups, statuettes of achievements, for example, the first entry into sub-orbit, would be stored Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kerbal wanderer Posted January 22, 2023 Share Posted January 22, 2023 by the way, a new idea may have already been discussed. The influence of the solar (Kerbol) wind on satellites and the gradual change of their trajectories Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Drakenred65 Posted January 23, 2023 Share Posted January 23, 2023 Telstar 1 still in orbit. granted it’s orbit has changed. At launch perigee height: 943 km apogee height: 5642 km Vs 952 km x 5933 km Recently. part of the problem is that your looking at. trace atmospheric drag. solar pressure solar wind at altitude to a degree I agree with the KISS principle Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nicholai_M Posted January 24, 2023 Share Posted January 24, 2023 - More rover parts (probe rovers) - A camera as a science tool, you would get better cameras when you progress in career/science mode the equals better image res and more science - MOONS - Uranus and Neptune equivalent - Airbag thingies - parachute customization - more landing gear styles - more lander parts (probe landers) - more Probes - more Russian parts (for rocket remakes and stuff) - the museum thing by some guy in this thread Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Casper_83 Posted January 25, 2023 Share Posted January 25, 2023 On 2/22/2022 at 7:42 PM, Vl3d said: Procedural parts that are easy to use and look as good as non-procedural Expand I have to say i am a bit torn about this. One of the reasons that made KSP so good was the frustrating hours put in to make some craft work beating the kraken and only using original parts. And the joy when you got it to work. If i can do what ever i want the magic would be gone. even if i want to explore what i could do now with these parts... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Z.O.M.G Posted February 1, 2023 Share Posted February 1, 2023 This is a feature wishlist I've bed forming for 6 months now. Some features have been confirmed, but I expect almost nothing if not just nothing else will be added, I will enjoy KSP 2 regardless. I'm sorry for any spelling mistakes. -Caterpillar tracks with customizable number and position of the idlers and sprocket -A system where you can partner up with other space agencies for access to their bases and stations, but have to do mandatory contracts in return -A business model system where you choose the main thing you want to do for credits and get contracts for that, while still having random contracts. These models include things like: private station construction, gathering science, exporting recources, space hotels, asteroid capture and redirection etc. -Rogue planets -A black hole, maybe even with planets around it. Don't forget the accretion disk. A ultramassive one at the centre of the galaxy would also be dope -Planets with crazy tilts -Very large structural panels -A mars like planet with copper oxide soil for a blue surface -Systems with small stars like white and red dwarfs and systems with big red and blue giant stars -Mass drivers at bases to propel smaller payloads to orbit -Procedual solar panels and girders -An ice giant with light blue and white belts -Mk 2 (maybe evem Mk3) plane engine parts (jet and rapier like) -Built in propeller and turbofan (futuristic and all) parts with customizable number (maybe even size) of the blades without robotics. Including contra-rotating ones -Built in leg and chassis parts for insect or spider like vehicles. Different size legs and different shape and joint number chassises -Robotics -Futuristic looking parts like popout rcs thrusters -Nuclear jet engines -Science experiments that give more science the longer you do them. With a cap of course -Starting in non-sandbox modes with both rocket and plane parts -A glowy brown dwarf -Letting you choose between a fuel tank holding liquid fuel and oxidizer or just liquid fuel instead of having 2 sets of parts for each -A planet that is a desert on one side and frozen on the other, with a habitable zone in between -Being able to open claws in VAB/SPH which exposes an attachment node for convinient attaching -Pulsejets -Very big and very small wheels for rovers of all sizes -Custom shaped fairings. Example: oval fairings -A new mystery 8th planet in the kerbol system (drawing from the lost lore) with frozen oceans and city ruins. A trial run for using something (like telescopes) to discover new planets and systems -A way to transfer large amounts of kerbals quickly between crafts -Grey, brown and fiery (so yellow, orange and red) coloured hot jupiters -Binary star system -Being able to transport kerbal cells or embryos to start a colony anywhere, even without adult kerbals through cloning or regular reproduction, requires automation though -An alternative to massive land colonies: large ore tanks and mining equipment for dedicated giant mining ships -An alternative to massive space colonies: Gigantic open VABs that double as launchpads with a lot of girders and clamps n' stuff for launching gigantic ships -Small "vehicle bay" parts to give large ships the ability to build small vehicles -A mk 1 crew cabin with windows in the middle (where the wing normally is) rather then slightly raised up for nicer space stations -Large cupolas, wide rings and big bridges for better station and ship construction -Very large procedural wings for large space craft -Lifting body physics and the ground effect -Delivery route craft are all physical, interactable and the player can take control of them -Vizor option for kerbals, perhaps even a setting option that makes then have vizor down by default -Max impact tolerance shown for parts -New spacecraft part shapes, something akin to the Sr-72 or X-37B or dreamchaser. Something the shape if an upside down U. Big enough to snugly fit mk 1 parts inside, but not wider than mk 2. -Taller service bays or proper 1.25m, 2.5m and 3.75m cargo bays -Making sure the bug that requires you to put a nosecone at the end of a rapier so it's aerodynamicaly enclosed isn't in the game -Making crafts load for farther than 2km so things like skyhooks are possible -Rain and thunderstorms on kerbin and other planets, not neceserally wind, just atmospheric (in both senses of the word) events -Different sized solar sails and laser building for colonies, but with functionality without the laser building as just a regular solar sail. Also magnetic sails -1.875m and 5m parts from the dlc -Colony city lights visible from space -No size limit for colonies -Giving colonies the capabilty to be built on and mine asteroids -Larger ion engines for big interplanetary ships, preferably hall effect thrusters -Dedicated space race mode where each teams science, resources and progression is seperate -Fix merging, please. Just make the merged craft be imported into the workspace -A button in the app bar that opens a menu of all the loaded craft for easy switching -Comets -Diverse asteroid shapes -A planet-moon system where the size of the moon throws of the rotation of the planet, Pluto-Charon style -Titan analog with evaporating lakes as a unique challenge for the player -A handful of gigantic (a couple of kilometers big) asteroids or comets in each system with names -Planets and moons with quite eliptical orbits -An Enceladus/Titan combined analog with a white icy surface with cryovolcanoes and methane lakes (evaporating or permanent) in it's craters (Surface empeture would have to be from -180°C to -160°C) + a not dense but noticable atmosphere -An easier or more convienient way to import custom flags, or just a flag creator (also a text box that tells you the flag dimension, so you don't get wierd looking flags) -More dwarf planets -Group engines together in staging, please, pretty please -An ocean planet with ice caps and and a handful of small islands, the rest is all liquid water. Position those islands to form several rings so it looks like the planet underwent several large impacts. Basically Laythe if it was a planet and had less land. -bladeless propellers -Inflateable habitats -Fireworks in their original destructive state -Some blue ice giants -Give gas giants some large storms and vortecies like the red spot or the hexagon -An incredibly volcanic world with a surface similar to Io -Auroras -Better reentry effect with blue glow -"I had an idea a while back for improving this where you'd increase every part's temperature limit by 100K or so, but have them detach from all connected parts when they hit their original temperature limit. That way, if you have a part that would've burned off and just made a little explosion, it'd break off instead and produce a separate particle trail. The reentry particle effect mod can actually look quite good when things break up, it's just that usually they *don't* - reentries in the stock system are too gentle (fixable with a rescale), and even when parts burn off, they're just gone." -Leopard on KSP discord -Wheel mark, footprints and dust kickup someday -Dust storms on Duna and similar planets -Rain, not necessarily wind, just rain and cloudy weather -No sound or just a muffled sound (like your hearing the rumbling from inside the craft) while in space -Power transmitters that transmit power to stations and craft with lasers -Ship nuclear and fusion reactors -Antimatter catalysed engines and basic antimatter reactor as the end of progression. These would be very poweful, but not orders of magnitude stronger then other tech, so it's not totally OP -Closable clampshell fairings for multi-use occasions -Audible sonic boom, shock cones, vapour on wings, vapour cones etc. -Mars like planets with different oxides for different colours: bismuth oxide for yellow, chrome oxide for green etc. -A formerly habitable snowball planet with frozen oceans -A football shaped planet due to gravitational pull -Super saturn (terrestrial or gas giant) with multiple giant rings -Retrograde orbiting moons (like Triton) -A planet that is just the core of a gas giant with it's atmosphere evaporated (chthonian planet) -Neutron star or even a pulsar -Many shooting stars visible on ringed planets, with less on non ringed planets -Gas giants in habitable zones with habitable moons -"Binary" (orbiting each other) habitable planets -Colourful gas giants -DUNA ON ICE, BRING BACK THE CAPS -Unlikely to be ever added, but a small moon around Charr called Scorrch -protoplanetary system -A lonely brown dwarf system with 1-3 planets, make the brown dwarf glow a pleasant fiery colour -A GIGANTIC gas giant -Even larger (3,75m +) docking ports, claws (including 2,5m) and rcs thrusters/tanks -Keep commnet in ksp 2, but also add expensive quantum communication late in the tech tree, that requires special equipment -Very large lights -Docking ports for colonies -Planetary nebula around white dwarf system, one you can fly through -Make Gilly colonies work somehow -A system of mostly gas giants -"Doomed paradise" planet system with the previously mentioned ocean world witha retrograde orbiting moon that is really close to the planet, making it huge in the sky. As a twist the main planet can have some dead flora underwater -Bismuth crystal world? With a gigantic bismuth crystals and maybe a yellow bismuth oxide surface -Planet with a quartz crystal (of any type or even mixed for colourfulness) surface -KEEP GREYMUS GREY -A simple life support system only present on hard difficulty and/or optional. The only thing kerbals need is are snacks that are present in capsules and special containers and every kerbal consumes a set amount. There would also exist 2,5m+ greenhouses for making snacks and offsetting consumed snacks. This system not only incentivises stations to be built so space ships don't run out of food and are instead docked to a station with many greenhouses and food supply lines, but also incentivises unkerbaled missions and building relay networks -Space elavators for colonies -Kerbals with beards -Increasing science rewards the farther away and the harder a body is to explore, no more compleating the tech tree around minmus. That and dominishing science returns from exploring a body after first collection, even if it's a different biome, it's the same body Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vl3d Posted February 1, 2023 Author Share Posted February 1, 2023 Added some more ideas from Discord user Z.O.M.G: Mass driver colony parts to propel smaller payloads to orbit Propeller parts with customizable number / size of the blades Nuclear jet engines Small "vehicle bay" parts to give large ships the ability to build / modify / repair small vehicles Closable N-sided clampshell fairings Laser power transmitters for colonies Quantum communication parts late in the tech tree Lifting body physics and the ground effect Delivery route craft are all physical, interactable and the player can take control of them A way to transfer large amounts of kerbals quickly between crafts Giving colonies the capabilty to be built on asteroids Auroras Shooting stars visible in the sky Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Z.O.M.G Posted February 1, 2023 Share Posted February 1, 2023 Hey! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vl3d Posted February 1, 2023 Author Share Posted February 1, 2023 It's a very cool list, I integrated some ideas into the wish-lists compilation thread. Thanks for the effort you put in! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kalessin1 Posted February 2, 2023 Share Posted February 2, 2023 Nice list but it would be nicer to read if You would group it for example: planets, engines etc. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gargamel Posted February 2, 2023 Share Posted February 2, 2023 Overlapping wishlists have been merged. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lowi_Sace Posted February 2, 2023 Share Posted February 2, 2023 On 2/1/2023 at 10:22 PM, Vl3d said: Added some more ideas from Discord user Z.O.M.G: Mass driver colony parts to propel smaller payloads to orbit Propeller parts with customizable number / size of the blades Nuclear jet engines Small "vehicle bay" parts to give large ships the ability to build / modify / repair small vehicles Closable N-sided clampshell fairings Laser power transmitters for colonies Quantum communication parts late in the tech tree Lifting body physics and the ground effect Delivery route craft are all physical, interactable and the player can take control of them A way to transfer large amounts of kerbals quickly between crafts Giving colonies the capabilty to be built on asteroids Auroras Shooting stars visible in the sky Expand - Mass drivers would indeed be very cool, Maybe also something like the company spinlaunch has would be nice - They Probably not add propellors to the game (sadly). If the rotors would also be procedural that would be very nice - delivery route craft physics would be nice, but doubt if it would require to much for most computers -you probably are able to land the colony building part on a atroid and mine materials there Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
wreckreation Posted February 6, 2023 Share Posted February 6, 2023 Personally, I'll be stoked if they just get wheel physics right. It gets old watching my heavy ground vehicles spontaneously bounce themselves to pieces. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CFYL Posted February 7, 2023 Share Posted February 7, 2023 Well... My wish is simple... Just make KSP2 "Tweakable" like KSP1. For a simple example, in difficulty settings you can choose to (or choose not to): Enable Commnet Require signal for control Enable plasma blackout Tweak plasma blackout modifier Enable extra ground stations Tweak vac occlusion modifier Tweak atm occlusion modifier So that people who wants to play simple can disable some "frustrating" things, and realism lovers can play with full (stock) difficulty. (Well yes mods naturally have this feature, it's install or not intall.) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vl3d Posted February 7, 2023 Author Share Posted February 7, 2023 (edited) On 2/7/2023 at 2:01 AM, CFYL said: Well... My wish is simple... Just make KSP2 "Tweakable" like KSP1. For a simple example, in difficulty settings you can choose to (or choose not to): Enable Commnet Require signal for control Enable plasma blackout Tweak plasma blackout modifier Enable extra ground stations Tweak vac occlusion modifier Tweak atm occlusion modifier So that people who wants to play simple can disable some "frustrating" things, and realism lovers can play with full (stock) difficulty. (Well yes mods naturally have this feature, it's install or not intall.) Expand With your permission, I would argue against an excessive number of tweakable settings. I would like to see a difficulty slider with sane defaults for each level. Sure, from a simulation standpoint it's nice to experiment, but in reality the laws of physics are fixed. You can't enable / disable plasma blackout or tweak occlusion values.. you can't disable G-Force or pressure limits related to material strength, you can't change re-entry heating parameters. By having so many new celestial bodies, you can change the atmospheric composition and achieve the same gameplay result without excessively opening up the simulation parameters to the player. I mean.. Elden Ring does this by having an open world structure - if you can't defeat a boss or explore an area now, just improve your character and come back later. I feel like KSP1 has too many settings. These should be accessible but a little more hidden. Let's just have sane defaults so there's common ground as we approach multiplayer. Edited February 7, 2023 by Vl3d Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cytauri Posted February 8, 2023 Share Posted February 8, 2023 I wonder if there will be volumetric explosions. By the way, remember the destruction effects mod? Well, if you do, you’ll know that whenever a piece of metal skidded on the surface of the ground, there was sparks and screeching sounds. I think I found, from a video in 2019 of KSP 2, that these sparks were present and so was the sound. Here is the video, focus on the crew capsule and you will see some sparks and hear the screeching sound. This is at 5:12 on this video below: Reveal hidden contents Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Superluminal Gremlin Posted February 8, 2023 Share Posted February 8, 2023 We can confirm that there are volumetric explosions. @PD_Dakota recently just dropped a post on the KSP Sneakpeeks thread. And let me tell you, they look gorgeous. Ohy my. They are amazing. Waited so long to see those. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vl3d Posted February 8, 2023 Author Share Posted February 8, 2023 On 2/8/2023 at 3:47 AM, CytauriKerbal said: I wonder if there will be volumetric explosions. By the way, remember the destruction effects mod? Well, if you do, you’ll know that whenever a piece of metal skidded on the surface of the ground, there was sparks and screeching sounds. I think I found, from a video in 2019 of KSP 2, that these sparks were present and so was the sound. Here is the video, focus on the crew capsule and you will see some sparks and hear the screeching sound. This is at 5:12 on this video below: Reveal hidden contents Expand You can actually hear a kerbal voice calling the countdown at the beginning. That's so cool! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cytauri Posted February 9, 2023 Share Posted February 9, 2023 On 2/8/2023 at 4:43 AM, Superluminal Gremlin said: We can confirm that there are volumetric explosions. @PD_Dakota recently just dropped a post on the KSP Sneakpeeks thread. And let me tell you, they look gorgeous. Ohy my. They are amazing. Waited so long to see those. Expand I just found the picture! They do look great! Thanks for letting me know. On 2/8/2023 at 6:22 AM, Vl3d said: You can actually hear a kerbal voice calling the countdown at the beginning. That's so cool! Expand I didn’t even notice that till you told me! That’s very cool that now there are countdowns for launches! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cytauri Posted February 9, 2023 Share Posted February 9, 2023 On 2/8/2023 at 4:43 AM, Superluminal Gremlin said: We can confirm that there are volumetric explosions. @PD_Dakota recently just dropped a post on the KSP Sneakpeeks thread. And let me tell you, they look gorgeous. Ohy my. They are amazing. Waited so long to see those. Expand I explored further on different explosions and I think that the explosions might be 2d like KSP 1. The explosions might be volumetric 2d which is when you pan around the object, it will switch pictures to look like it’s from different perspectives. This is still a step up from KSP 1, but it’s still a shame that it won’t be a 3d model that is not a picture. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Superluminal Gremlin Posted February 9, 2023 Share Posted February 9, 2023 On 2/9/2023 at 2:01 AM, CytauriKerbal said: different explosions Expand there are different explosions??? still though, its an absolutely massive step up. And means a mod might be able to truely do it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cytauri Posted February 9, 2023 Share Posted February 9, 2023 (edited) On 2/9/2023 at 2:51 AM, Superluminal Gremlin said: there are different explosions??? still though, its an absolutely massive step up. And means a mod might be able to truely do it. Expand Yes, there are different explosions, here is a post from the devs in early 2020. Not sure if you saw this post before, but they said that each explosion will be different depending on the type of fuel, the size of the craft, and the place it is in, so explosions in space will be different from explosions on planets with atmospheres and without. I do hope someone can make true 3d explosions, but you would have to change so many things about the game. Mods can’t change everything, which is why if there were to be 3d explosions, the devs would have to do it. Who knows, if enough people want 3d explosions, the devs might listen because this is a early access game which is where the players work with the devs to make a game that everyone wants. Edited February 9, 2023 by CytauriKerbal Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DareDrop Posted February 16, 2023 Share Posted February 16, 2023 All that stuff is NOT KSP, some of the things would be nice, but you would never see all that in one game or pay the price for it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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