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Starbound - A JNSQ Adventure [Chapter 15]

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  On 5/29/2023 at 3:56 PM, TwoCalories said:

... will this get continued? I've been really enjoying this one, and it was one of the mission reports that inspired me to make my own.


Thank you, I'm sincerely flattered! Funny that you ask actually, since I've been meaning to pull myself up by the bootstraps and finish Chapter 15 today, which I'm about halfway through.

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  On 5/29/2023 at 4:04 PM, Misguided Kerbal said:

Thank you, I'm sincerely flattered! Funny that you ask actually, since I've been meaning to pull myself up by the bootstraps and finish Chapter 15 today, which I'm about halfway through.


Lets gooooo!

Edited by Royalswissarmyknife
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Sometimes it's funny how time passes so quickly - can you believe it's already been over a year since I started this mission report? Yeah, it's amazing how far we've gotten already, and I sincerely appreciate each and every one of you who have had the patience to follow along so far.

My original intent for this introduction was to write a long, rambly paragraph detailing exactly why the last chapter was on Christmas Day and how it's now the beginning middle end of March beginning middle end of April beginning middle end of May, but honestly, there just isn't any further excuse.

Well, okay, I might have also purchased Terraria... and Euro Truck Simulator 2... and Stellaris... and Cities: Skylines... (hey, they were all on sale!)

Although that might not be the complete truth... I might have also happened to purchase Rimworld  :P

Chapter 15

"We're tumbling end over end up here." - David Scott


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Edited by Misguided Kerbal
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With that quote and picture, I thought that the Spacelab 5 would pull a Gemini 8! The LARV is quite an interesting design with the singular solar panel. I would suggest canting the engines outward so that the (usually fragile) solar panel isn't fried by the engine plumes. Other than that, it's a very creative use of Leo technology! :) I'm a sucker for SDLVs and designs that use tech from previous vessels.

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  • 1 month later...
  On 12/5/2022 at 2:04 AM, Misguided Kerbal said:

Haha, definitely. I once had a go at a career save, a long time ago. On a particularly disastrous (and quite expensive flight, featuring a load of RTGs), I managed to simultaneously take out the VAB, Runway, and Launchpad with all the debris. I thought it was a good idea to play without reverts when I started that save, so I just gave up. Fun times.

Definitely! I have plenty of plans for the Leo spacecraft (such as a 3 seater paraglider variant perpetually in the works), and I hope that the spacecraft line will see a long and storied history (think the ETS Apollo, for example).

I have somewhat of an idea for munar missions already thought out, which is:

1. The munar injection stage, derived from the Vanguard upper stage (probably a dual-engine version, for safety) is launched into LKO.

2A. For flyby missions, a stripped down version of the Block II will be launched to meet with the injection stage.

2B. For the eventual landing missions, either a Leo-derived direct ascent lander or a Leo Block II derivative plus a dedicated lander (I haven't really quite decided yet, but the more capable direct ascent lander is the direction I'm leaning towards right now.)

2C. In the future, the transit stage will probably carry payload, such as base/station parts. We'll get there eventually.

3. Flyby/land/base = profit (metaphorically speaking, this is sandbox mode haha)

4. In the the future, a reusable tug will replace the hardy injection stage, complete with fueling depots and ISRU equipment on the moons. Maybe, we'll see.

Of course, we'll probably proceed with the Spacelab (and Spacelab 2) programs first. If all goes well, perhaps a few chapters down the line Spacelab 2 will become a shipyard for munar-bound missions... 


Are there any more plans for Munar explorations? We seem at a stage it the story where Mun exploration might start coming into play, with Spacelab-2 bringing the end of an era in LKO.

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  On 7/19/2023 at 7:20 PM, TwoCalories said:

Are there any more plans for Munar explorations? We seem at a stage it the story where Mun exploration might start coming into play, with Spacelab-2 bringing the end of an era in LKO.


Coming soon to a chapter near you! :sticktongue:

Well, it depends on how exactly you view the timeframe, but the answer is indeed yes. However, we have a few things to knock out of the ballpark first - including, when I get around to doing the next chapter, some probes, since it's been a while since we've done that. After that comes the successor to Spacelab to serve as the jumping-off point for munar missions, and then off to the mun we go! (hopefully that is, anyway).

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  • 1 month later...
  On 9/4/2023 at 6:27 PM, TheKrakenHerder said:

Any updates?


Unfortunately, I am currently being peppered by an absolute onslaught of schoolwork - I probably won't be free until at least the end of October haha :/

However, I have everything for the next chapter already planned out - it's just a matter of finding the time to actually put these plans into motion. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have finally finished the thread, and all I can say is... absolutely magnificent! Your storytelling is top notch, your spacecraft designs are very cool-looking, and the way your able to immerse your audience in these missions is amazing! I was genuinely tense during the whole Spacelab 4 saga. I can't wait for the next update!

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