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[1.9.x - 1.12.x] BDArmory Plus (BDA+) v1.7.1.0 [2024-09-04]


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I've got questions about BDA+. I am new to this mod.  Can I somewhere look up all the features and functions of BDA+?  I found some Youtube tutorials, but they use outdated versions of this mod or different forks.

Example: Older Mod tutorials don't have those M and A buttons. what do they do? 1. G, T and P are somehow clear - but the rest ?!


Some up-to-date-infos would be useful.

2. Same for the #-Button in the weapons manager - what do they do?

3. Also: Can I somewhere look up all the Stock-BDA+-Weapons and their properties


4. Another question: When the trigger is disabled, why do turrets like the vulcan fire if selected, when I click the left mouse button? I thought the button disables the trigger ?

5. And another question: Are there also missiles that work in space  (by stearing the engine exhaust, and not by control surfaces)?

6. Can I assign the Trigger activation to a certain button? I found options to map the cycling through weapons in the setting, but not for the trigger enabling, e.g. for bombs

7. What does all the buttons on the side of the target camera thing to. Lock is logical... but the rest of them?


8. What am I doing wrong here: Have a vessel with inline AN/APG-radom and radar guided missiles AIM 120 - I somehow don't get a lock on:


Even if I somehow (How?) to get an radar echo, I can not lock on - not on boresight nor on scan mode. A youtube tutorial says, I should click on the radar echo - but nothing happens... Help!?!?!?!


Same for the groundradar... There I get a signature, but can not click on it. It does not lock to the radar echo when I click it. tried to reinstall BD-Armory Plus without effect. So I guess the error sits in front of the screen. How can I log on to a radar echo on the radar screen?

Nothing happens, if I click on the radar echo with the 2 on the radar screen....


My KSP-Console is also of Nullref-Errors - therefore my Logfiles, which hasn't been the case before Installment of BD-Armory.



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5 hours ago, Rakete said:

I'm on holiday for the next month, so I don't have time to look into your questions just now. Hopefully, one of the other devs (@SuicidalInsanity or @josuenos) or other members of the community can answer your questions. There is an incomplete wiki for BDA https://github.com/BrettRyland/BDArmory/wiki that may help.

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1 hour ago, DocNappers said:

I'm on holiday for the next month, so I don't have time to look into your questions just now. Hopefully, one of the other devs (@SuicidalInsanity or @josuenos) or other members of the community can answer your questions. There is an incomplete wiki for BDA https://github.com/BrettRyland/BDArmory/wiki that may help.

As for point 8: this does not happen with BDA continued, which I tried as an alternative. So it seems to be am incompatibility or bug.  In BDAc the radar things work for me but in BDA+ they don't ... the nullrefs in the logs may help you / your dev colleages

Please download the provided logs within the next 7 days, since the free-of-charge filehoster does not provide hosting for more than a week.


Have a nice holiday season and a good start into 2023 ! 

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As doc said, there's a wiki, which while incomplete, does have pages for most of the user-facing systems (Weapon manager, AI, etc)

8 hours ago, Rakete said:


1. From Left to right: [><] decreases the width of the GUI window; [<>] increases it. the Up/down arrow adjusts height. [t] toggles vessel traces, if it's enabled in the setting menu (this feature is experimental). [UI] toggles if the window should disappear along with the rest of the HUD when F2 is pressed.
[M] dumps the score of the current round if competition mode is active. [A] toggles automatic switching of the active vessel for use with Camera Tools; right clicking cycles switching mode. [X] closes the window. right-clicking the [T] button adjacent to a vessel button opens up a Team Select window, middle-mouse sets the craft to neutral. Right-clicking the [x] button adjacent to a vessel button will self-destruct that vessel.

2. The [#] button does the same as the [#] button in part right-click menus - it toggles between sliders and numeric text fields.

3. You can open up the individual part.cfgs and take a look at the values in their ModuleWeapon node, but if you mean is there a comparison spreadsheet of weapon stats and similar, no, not unless you make your own.

4. The 'Trigger is Disarmed'/'ARMED' button on the Weapon Manager only safes/arms missile ordinance; it doesn't affect guns.

5. Take a look at the HEKV included with BDA.

6. No. There is not a hotkey for the Trigger is Disabled/ARMED button.

7. [Send GPS] has the camera send GPS coordinates if you're wanting to manually steer cruise missiles or something. [Reset} resets camera orientation to default. [CoM Track] has the camera tract the craft's center of mass, useful for targeting vehicles. [Radar] if I recall correctly slaves the camera to a craft's radar. [Turrets] slaves gun/rocket/laser turrets to where the camera is pointing. [To GPS] adds the current coordinates to the GPS Target Manager in the Weapon Manager. [NV on] toggles night vision mode.

8. Ordinarily, selecting a radar missile has a large green circle pop up as a targeting reticle, and will automatically lock on to an enemy target when within radar range. Depending on how small/stealthy the Phantom in that picture is, it's possible that you are outside the range that radar can detect it. Since the reticle isn't appearing, but I'm seeing nothing in the logs that would indicate an error for the radar targeting, are you using default BDA settings?. That said, @josuenosis more familiar with the radar code than I, he might be able to shed some more light on the issue.
In regards to the NREs that you are getting, please post your craft files for the Spectre and the Phantom.

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12 hours ago, SuicidalInsanity said:

Ordinarily, selecting a radar missile has a large green circle pop up as a targeting reticle, and will automatically lock on to an enemy target when within radar range. Depending on how small/stealthy the Phantom in that picture is, it's possible that you are outside the range that radar can detect it. Since the reticle isn't appearing, but I'm seeing nothing in the logs that would indicate an error for the radar targeting, are you using default BDA settings?. That said, @josuenosis more familiar with the radar code than I, he might be able to shed some more light on the issue.
In regards to the NREs that you are getting, please post your craft files for the Spectre and the Phantom.

Hello and good morning.

Thanks for your efforts in explaining. This helps much.


Here the two pure stock crafts: https://www.filemail.com/d/expstjnbvkzkrcv

They are only available for 7 days (free-of-charge filehoster limits the hosting time to 7 days). Just slap on weapon controller, AI controller on the back, the inline radom behind the cockpit and one or two radar guided AMRAAM missiles under the belly. Unfortunately I don't have them ready to use in armed variants, since they were only auto-saved crafts - but the issues are reproducable. They are stock vehicles (maybe you get the message, that Waterfall is missing, but you can ignore it upon loading, as Waterfall is just a visual mod).

I also tried this with really big vessel like MK3-Shuttle-Size plane as target circling around - also pure stock.


I compared the behavior of BDA+ and BDAc on the same KSP-Install last night, and I think, I detected a bug in the mod:

Sooo yeah, let's make a full bug report ticket of this post: :D

Speculative bug report: Type: gameplay, Severity: high




  • Radar signature gets visible on the radar display  on scan and boresight mode
  • Radar signature can be locked in boresight mode
  • Radar signature can also be captured in scan mode using the cursor and hitting the assigned lock-button or clicking in it
  • Firing a rocket leads it into the target
  • KSP - console: no Nulref-spam


Ground radar with missile launcher attached to it:

  • Radar signature gets visible on the radar display
  • Radar signature can be locked by clicking on it
  • Firing a rocket leads it into the target
  • KSP - console: no Nulref-spam


  • Radar signature gets visible on the radar display  on scan and boresight mode - but it is seemingly a bit more tricky, to get the signature to show up (maybe the radar cross section code was overhauled...).
  • Radar signature can NOT be locked in boresight mode - neither automaticly nor by clicking on a radar echo. Nothing happens when I click on the signature blip on the radar
  • Radar signature can NOT be captured in scan mode using the cursor and hitting the assigned lock-button. The cursor works, but upon hitting the assigned locked button nothing happens (no lock!). Also clicking on the signature blib on the radar doesn't do anything.
  • Firing the rocket leads it to nowhere, since there is no lock - plausible
  • KSP - console: Nulref-spam



Ground radar with missile launcher attached to it:

  • Radar signature gets visible on the radar display
  • Radar signature can NOT be locked by clicking on it. Nothing happens when I click on the signature on the radar
  • Firing the rocket leads it to nowhere, since there is no lock - plausible
  • KSP - console: Nulref-spam

According to this comparison I assume something has as bug in the current BDA+ release, since the functions seem to work in BDAc, which is kinda outdated (but is okay for now). I'd like to switch to BDA+ as soon as possible.


Here is also my complete modlist:

The comparison was performed with all mods installed and also on a fresh KSP Install without mods - same result.

KSP-Version 1.12.3



yesterdays logfiles: https://www.filemail.com/d/skmgzvpczoaacqt


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I've managed to trace the radar non-function to a recent change in the ECM code, so that can get fixed next update. This bug is not present in BDA
Looking through both the BDA+ and BDAc 1.3.5 codebases, neither of them support clicking on the radar screen to lock a target.
The NRE spam is coming from something unrelated to the radar issue (an AI error that shouldn't be happening, and I can't replicate on my end), which is why I asked for the specific .craft files you were using.  Autosaved craft are saved as  /KerbalSpaceProgram/saves/[Savegame]/Ships/SPH/Auto-Saved Ship.craft

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1 hour ago, SuicidalInsanity said:

I've managed to trace the radar non-function to a recent change in the ECM code, so that can get fixed next update. This bug is not present in BDA
Looking through both the BDA+ and BDAc 1.3.5 codebases, neither of them support clicking on the radar screen to lock a target.
The NRE spam is coming from something unrelated to the radar issue (an AI error that shouldn't be happening, and I can't replicate on my end), which is why I asked for the specific .craft files you were using.  Autosaved craft are saved as  /KerbalSpaceProgram/saves/[Savegame]/Ships/SPH/Auto-Saved Ship.craft

iirc: As for the clicking: I tried clicking on a groundradar-display: It works in BDAc. Will do another try tomorrow and verify it to be sure. There you simply click on the detected air vehicle to get a lock on your ground radar.  Will also test of BDA+ to lock on automaticly via boresight and via cursor and hitting the lock key. Hopefully they'll work.


I will try to rebuild the craft that caused the NFEs and check the console. As soon as they happen, I will upload the craft. Unfortunately it's late in the evening here in central europe so I will do my testing tomorrow. But: I will use Version as you say, there is the radar functioning.  

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Hi there! Relatively new player here. I'm on BDA+ and I've been wondering why I can't get my AIMs to lock on target. It sounds like I've stumbled across the same issue as Rakete here, whether that be user error or a bug. I'll try rolling back to to see if that works. In the meantime, here's a post I made on r/KerbalAcademy yesterday about the same issue:

Love your mod, despite the bug! Thanks for actively maintaining it.

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23 hours ago, SuicidalInsanity said:

I've managed to trace the radar non-function to a recent change in the ECM code, so that can get fixed next update. This bug is not present in BDA
Looking through both the BDA+ and BDAc 1.3.5 codebases, neither of them support clicking on the radar screen to lock a target.
The NRE spam is coming from something unrelated to the radar issue (an AI error that shouldn't be happening, and I can't replicate on my end), which is why I asked for the specific .craft files you were using.  Autosaved craft are saved as  /KerbalSpaceProgram/saves/[Savegame]/Ships/SPH/Auto-Saved Ship.craft

Tested with Radar guided missiles work! Per manual lock using scan mode, also using bore sight. Also by clicking (for groundbased radars).

@SuicidalInsanity But the AIM-9 Sidewinder  and the AIR-2 does not lock on. You can have the missile active, and ready to launch, the homing sound doesn't change equal how near you are to the target and how many hot engines it has. The same bug as in BDAc.

15 hours ago, PyjackMeat said:

KSP: 1.12.4 Windows

Problem: Planted flags overheat and explode.

Mods installed:

BDArmory Plus v1.5.6.0

Module Manager 4.2.2

Physics Range Extender 1.21.0

Reproduction steps:

Plant a flag. Watch the flag overheat and explode.



confirmed. Flags expode instantaneously on kerbin. Confirmed for BDA+

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The part informations show correct temperature values with BDA+ installed:

See here e.g. for the Mk1 Cockpit. The shown SSTO flew without having things explode - BUT: I play with only 50% reentry heat, so maybe I am not the perfect reference.

Or did you mean something else - not the part informations in the editor?!


But flags... They explode instantaneously... Planted one on the runway: It went kaboom within milliseconds, which they do not without BDA installed.



I am currently trying to reconfigure the Sidewinder and the AIR-2 to be Radar guided, since the infrared locking does not work. Can anyone please confirm?

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55 minutes ago, Rakete said:

Or did you mean something else - not the part informations in the editor?!

No. Not in the editor, in flight.  With  BDA+ all parts explode after heating to 700K with a message "Part X exploded due to heating 700+/700K". Heatseeking missiles get a lock as usually, but I couldn't get a radar lock.

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2 hours ago, Manul said:

Heatseeking missiles get a lock as usually,

What ever I do, I don't get a lock on, even if I follow a big Mk3-Shuttle size plane with 8 afterburning panther engines. The homing sound does not change - also in the reticule nothing changes, even if I keep the oponent in it in lets's say 1 - 5 km distance with in the circle. Nope,... doesn't work for me.


2 hours ago, Manul said:

No. Not in the editor, in flight.  With  BDA+ all parts explode after heating to 700K with a message "Part X exploded due to heating 700+/700K".

Haven't had the issue since I play with 50% reentry heat. So I am no reference. Anyone else can confirm? But the exploding flags are evidence enough, that there might be something wrong in the mod. @SuicidalInsanity



2 hours ago, Manul said:

but I couldn't get a radar lock

Does not work in  .... but works in

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I can confirm that flags overheat and self-destruct. Fairly certain I know what's going on there, so it shouldn't be much of an issue to fix.
I cannot confirm all other parts exploding at 700k. In testing, the only time this occurred was when test parts were made out of wood (Hull Material Type 1 in the part's right-click window). Please confirm your SSTO is not made out of wood.
In testing I can confirm that there is an issue with trying to manually fire heatseekers by eye;  this issue is not present if an IRST is present and active on the launching craft, which will at least get things working until this is resolved.

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19 hours ago, SuicidalInsanity said:

Please confirm your SSTO is not made out of wood.

Made my day :D:lol: Really can't stop laughing. Best sentence of the day. Wooden SSTOs... they become a finnish sauna with a liiiittle bit of smoke aroma. 

So i guess, the default material upon placing parts should always be aluminum, which should have the properties of the stock parts like BDA is not installed - important for legacy crafts from before the BDA install.

@SuicidalInsanity where does BDA+ store its button assignments and stored gps-targets? I want to back them up, when I upgrade my bda+ installation to new version with fixed radar issues (broken in and fixed exploding flags (also the case in my currently running

Will also do another (last) try for the IR-guided sidewinders and an IRST on board. May be it was a user fault by placing them under the belly of the plane. Will place them on the wingtips. If they don't lock on then either, then it seems to have a bug. I guess, they should not need an IRST, since they have their own seeker head, right? 

Funfact: I had a lot of fun last night, writing an additional parts config for the RBS-Cruise missiles to create also a nuke-version of them. Took the nuke-config from the Air-2, Increased the yield and thermal radius. kinda overpowered, but... Fun... Just for fun, not for balanced gameplay... 

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Bugreport: @SuicidalInsanity

AN/AAQ42-IRST-Pod does not respect the assigned Zoom in/out-Buttonpresses. Tested through all other radoms and tracking devices. They all accept the zoom buttons except this one.

(Tested in

As for the IR-Sidewinders: They work with IR-Tracking as long as you have the IRST-Pod equiped and activated. Intended Gameplay or bug?



I am sorry, that I report so many bugs... But, i hope, it helps... Somehow I attract them in all mods I use. Think this is almost my maybe 50th bugreport here in the forum. Sorry for that. :D that's why there is the "bug detector" word in the "about me section left hand side of this post... :D



@SuicidalInsanity A few questions to the BDModuleNuke:

The effects are nice, the blastradius is also okay... but somehow the blast damage is lower than expected: See picture below. The crafts on the ground all survived. Which variable have I to tune upwards? yield? In that case, the thermal radius was set to 3500 and the yield to 150 and the fluence to 1,5 (copy pasted..., any tip for a reasonable value? Didn't know, what it does). Or is it the fluence value, that has to be adjusted? Or thermal radius? How can I make it hit harder in a wider radius, toasting the nearby vessels too?

I replaced the BDExplosive Module with the nuke module. Should I have kept the explosive too and set it to 150000 ?


Can you deliver a bit more information what the parameters in BDModuleNuke do - not only visually also physics-wise? Thx in advance





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Correct. By default, parts start out as Aluminum, which uses stock, default part .cfg values. Other materials will change mass/cost/temp limits.
GPS coords are stored in [/GameData/BDArmory/PluginData/gpsTargets.cfg].
IR missiles should work without needing detector equipment installed on the craft, but apparently the 'Manually fired IR can't lock bug' is back; Placing an IRST on a craft is a workaround for the time being while the bug gets sorted out. Again.
IRST pod is classified as a radar, not a targeting pod; it uses the [Range +] / [Range -] keybind, not [Zoom In]/[Zoom Out].
Not sure where ground-zero is in that pic, but if the test craft were not in line of sight (behind a building, etc) they'd be shielded from the blastwave, and your Fluence is far too low to affect something that distance away. Nukemodules supersede BDExplosivePart modules, you don't need that tntmass.
Yield - This controls blast impulse, blast radius, and part HP damage. The default 1.5kT of the genie is good for ~300m or so for lethal damage to mk1 parts (radiation isn't modeled). Blast radius is affected by atmospheric pressure.  Part HP damage is mitigated by armor on the part (if sufficient to resist the blast impulse), and if part hasn't already exceeded its G-tolerance.
Fluence - this controls thermal bloom. Generally speaking, you want this to be identical to the yield setting, unless you're doing silly things like martian heatrays or something. Also affected by atmospheric pressure. Armor with low diffusivity will help mitigate thermal effects.
ThermalRadius - Somewhat of a legacy setting; it sets a max range of all blast effects (impulse/thermal/EMP).
isEMP - Does the detonation release an EMP or not. Unlike real life, EMP magnitude will fall off with distance, for gameplay reasons.

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11 hours ago, SuicidalInsanity said:

IRST pod is classified as a radar, not a targeting pod; it uses the [Range +] / [Range -] keybind, not [Zoom In]/[Zoom Out].

Thats what I meant. I does not change range upon assigned keyboard button presses like the others radars do. On the IRST-Pod neither the range+/- assigned keyboard buttons work (for radars) nor the zoom +/- assigned keyboard buttons (for targetting devices). The clickbuttons in the window work, but not the keyboard assignments. Since the IRST-pod displays also heat signatures I guess it's a separate softwaremodule within the plugin  than the "normal" radar display and might have not been integrated perfectly i/o-wise. Just a guess


Aaah. I copy-pasted the nuke-config from the air2 and just increased the yield because I didn''t know what fluence does. So i will reconfigure my reconfigurement of the RBS-Cruisemissile to a reasonable blast/frying effects...  it is just for fun, not for balanced gameplay. Somehow it's movie-like to drop a nuke-cruisemissile like in Independence day.... 

Are the gps-tracking functions for terminal guidance still active in the code for cruise missiles? The wiki is kinda outdated and seemingly not reflecting all deprecations of old code/interfaces. Because I am not a programmer I struggle with interpreting the code on github. Somethings get clear to me, others don't. So can I give one of the cruise missiles a radar-lock-on-after-launch and terminal guidance e.g. to hit a ship in the target area? 


Because all of heat and blast damage calculations consider the atmospheric pressure there is no way of nuking a... lets say asteroid or space station.... I guess therefore the hekv1 will do... maybe with a heavier more explosive variant... we'll see.... (won't redistribute it, as the assets are yours.) 

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On 12/21/2022 at 1:19 AM, SuicidalInsanity said:

unless you're doing silly things like martian heatrays or something

THIS sounds fun... :D therefore I would have to tune the yield down an the fluence up, right? :D

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Is there a method that enables the RadarWarningReceiver and can be called from external code? I looked through this  https://github.com/BrettRyland/BDArmory/blob/master/BDArmory/Radar/RadarWarningReceiver.cs  but didn't find the answer. Using RadarWarningReceiver.EnableRWR() doesn't do anytning.
I managed to turn the radar on and off by calling the method  ModuleRadar.EnableRadar with  MAS custom actions but it didn't work with RWR.


            name = RWR
            id = 17

                      name = Falcon_RWR
                      part = PCA_Falcon_Cockpit
                      module = RadarWarningReceiver.EnableRWR
                      action = toggle

            name = Radar
            id = 18

                      name = Falcon_Radar
                      part = PCA_Falcon_Cockpit
                      module = ModuleRadar.EnableRadar
                      action = toggle


The green stuff works just fine, when I hit MAS switch the radar window pops up. The red stuff doesn't have any effect.

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@DocNappers @SuicidalInsanity


Bugreport: Type: visual - Severity: minor - medium

Afterburnerplume of this engine does not fit. A waterfall plume like the one for the saturn engine would be wonderful.


No Tweakscale involved (not installed). Just the engine out of the box:


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I've noticed a minor problem in the AI's logic while dealing with multiple targets. If the AI settings allow for multiple missile targets and it fires SARH missiles with a later-activated active seeker (example: AMRAAM), it will switch targets to fire another missile before the AMRAAM's active seeker kicks in, thus breaking the first AMRAAM's lock. This causes the AI to needlessly waste missiles. Can this be corrected via AI settings, or is it an actual bug?

I can provide a video of the bug in action, if necessary.

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