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PS enhanced edition player experience poll


#PS Console Player Poll#  

13 members have voted

  1. 1. Which PS model do you play KSP on? (back of console)

    • CUH-10xx, CUH-11xx or CUH-12xx
    • CUH-20xx (ps4 slim)
    • CUH-70xx (ps4 pro)
    • Paaa... PS4 I'm on PS5
  2. 2. Do you experience lots of random Blue Screen C-0xxxxxx errors?

  3. 3. Do you think enhanced edition will get the update promised?

    • Yes, give them time...I can wait
    • Yes, but it would be nice to have an update
    • Are you mental... Not a chance!

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Hi all, 

I want to gather some stats on PS enhanced edition user experience, it seems we have differing experiences playing the game and I'm trying to piece together the link. Some claim to play without issue and whilst many, if not, the majority get constant crashing and hanging during play.

Please fill out if you play on enhanced edition on PS 4 or 5 for that matter. 







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  On 12/8/2022 at 11:16 AM, Ande said:

Can you tell what version of ps4 you have? Have a look at the model number. And do you not get any errors or crashing at all? Lucky! 

Also, some view of how deep into the game you are. I.e been to other bodies or just Kerbin? 


I have only played once on a Ps4, but in all honesty, It ran much smoother than my xbox1 s. no errors, and with a 300 part vehicle, no kraken!

As for the xbox 1 s, I play on sandbox, and I have hit every body exept Eve, Eeloo, and Jools moons.

I will look for model number when I get home!


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  • 2 weeks later...

I've literally lost the love again, I've tried to build an eve return rocket and its just awful. I've just tried to add a couple of SRBs and as I hovered them over the rocket screen just hung and eventually will die to a blue screen error cxxxxxxxx 

Im done. I can't be bothered anymore. I think I will delete this save and start again if I really feel the need. Sodding game. 

I've got 767gb of spare hard disk space

Yeh, error just popped up now. Reads "an error has occured in the following application: (CE-34878-0) Kerbal Space Program Enhanced Edition

I'm really far in this game, furtherest Ive ever got and I just now can't continue to try playing, I have managed 30mins of gameplay tonight. It's really frustrating that I'm getting this and 4 of you seem to be able to play with no issue. It's got to be something with this console. 



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  On 12/19/2022 at 8:41 PM, Ande said:

I've literally lost the love again, I've tried to build an eve return rocket and its just awful. I've just tried to add a couple of SRBs and as I hovered them over the rocket screen just hung and eventually will die to a blue screen error cxxxxxxxx 

Im done. I can't be bothered anymore. I think I will delete this save and start again if I really feel the need. Sodding game. 

I've got 767gb of spare hard disk space

Yeh, error just popped up now. Reads "an error has occured in the following application: (CE-34878-0) Kerbal Space Program Enhanced Edition

I'm really far in this game, furtherest Ive ever got and I just now can't continue to try playing, I have managed 30mins of gameplay tonight. It's really frustrating that I'm getting this and 4 of you seem to be able to play with no issue. It's got to be something with this console. 




Honestley, the PS4 is a bit outdated. Im sorry to say, but you either need new hardware, or try to mod your PS4. I would go with your update, personally. I just got a Xbox one s used, and im flying 250 parts with 24 frames, which isnt bad.

But that sucks dude, I hope you find a solution.

As for the error, it means your system cant handle it. I tried playing cod cold war with my dad on mine, and the thing sounded like it was about to start hovering, and then blue screen'd us.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 12/25/2022 at 3:35 PM, Aerodynamic Kerbal said:

I have a CUH-2216, so I don't know if its a slim or a normal. And not only do I experience random blue screens, but a lot of LAG too...


That appears to be the SLIM version. I'm on the original PS4, so maybe those that the game works for are on PS4 pro????

But oddly looking at the poll, @Rutabaga22 & @Dragorans appear to be on the same ps4 slim as you... And they report they get no errors!!? 


#update# re. External SSD

So I got a pretty fast SSD for Xmas and set it up as my external drive and then uninstalled and reinstalled the game. Loaded the save game and played for about 45 mins before it hung in the VAB... And then died. So I have no idea. Maybe I should just resign to the fact it doesn't work and leave poor Jeb on Eve for ever more. I can't justify buying another console for one game, and shelling out the money for the entire game again and if I do update to a new ps4 then by our poll it's not guaranteed to work either. 

Fyi - I also tried setting the video output in the settings to be 1080p and not auto as I read an old post where this was said to have a impact as did reducing the 'conics' that can be shown but that wouldn't explain a VAB crash. 

@Aerodynamic Kerbal I have a Sony Bravia, do you also by chance have a Sony TV? Could it be the TV causing the randomised feel I wonder...? 





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  On 12/20/2022 at 7:27 PM, Jacob Kerman said:

Honestley, the PS4 is a bit outdated. Im sorry to say, but you either need new hardware, or try to mod your PS4. I would go with your update, personally. I just got a Xbox one s used, and im flying 250 parts with 24 frames, which isnt bad.

But that sucks dude, I hope you find a solution.

As for the error, it means your system cant handle it. I tried playing cod cold war with my dad on mine, and the thing sounded like it was about to start hovering, and then blue screen'd us.


Yeh I play cities skylines with the sound on like 50 just to cover up the sound of a light aircraft coming from my ps4... Thing is... That game has never once crashed to blue screen. The only things that have are KSP, and occasionally iPlayer, which has led me to theorise the possibility that this is a TV VS Graphics card glitch, which explains it's apparent random nature. What TV is your ps4 connected to? 

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here's a question about the error itself.

Is the console updated?

Is the game updated?

Have you modified storage in any way?

Have you modified the console in any way?

If the answer is yes to anyone of those, delete the game, unmod the storage or console, and reinstall game.

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  On 1/4/2023 at 2:40 PM, Jacob Kerman said:

You play Skylines? Thats whats up. I use an old 42'' Roku, nothin special. Also, we just got a PS5, and i'll let you know how that handles later

Also, you REALLY want to play KSP, huh?


I have it on steam, but I prefer it on console. I think I must be like the only one. and yes, I REALLY want to play the game I paid money for. I've never known a game on ps4 be so temperamental and it really bugs me. Fyi- I've worked in software for over 25 years and so yeh, I would like to understand what the connection is. It won't be random. It will be something that we all have in common Vs those that play without issue. If it were 100% software related then all players would be affected.... It kinda gets my interest actually. Determined to get to the reason. 

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  On 1/4/2023 at 5:54 PM, Jacob Kerman said:

here's a question about the error itself.

Is the console updated?

Is the game updated?

Have you modified storage in any way?

Have you modified the console in any way?

If the answer is yes to anyone of those, delete the game, unmod the storage or console, and reinstall game


Problems all existed from purchase of the game and follow on from originally following the support teams advice to do a compete reset of ps4 to factory settings and uninstall/reinstall of game. I've said for a while that I think it's related to being at about level 4 tech tree aswell as never seems to be an issue in early saves, if I create a brand new career i will not get issues until later in that career.  This is why I believe the issue is some how resource/memory related and an external t's always 50:50 whether the error occurs from the VAB after hanging for ages, or trying to load back to KSC or the tracking station. Tried tonight and it hung and crashed in VAB. Very frustrating as pretty much always forget to save progress :(

I got an external SSD for Xmas, as I suspected it was the autosave feature causing the issues. I've uninstalled and reinstalled ps4 again and reloaded my save and still gets issues. I am getting to the point I might just delete the game altogether, maybe one last reset and then call it a day when it goes wrong. Of Course the annoying thing is that you can't save and transfer craft files between saves on console edition. If that was possible I wouldnt care too much about restarting each time.

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  On 1/9/2023 at 1:23 PM, Jacob Kerman said:

imma be real with you, 1: You seem like a pretty cool dude, and 2: I think you are just gonna have to get a new console. I know it sucks, but it's either play it on a new console, or just deal. 


...hahahab... Just got a ps5 for my 40th birthday. I'm really interested to take a look and see if same issue, I assume I can transfer my games to the ps5... Haven't read up on it much. 

I also completely dismantled and cleaned my ps4 inside, and I've yet to test KSP again. If it goes wrong again, I bought a new SSD internal drive before my bday to replace the entire thing. Whilst I now have the ps5, I'm still interested and so I will probably still do the SSD swap and test. I just want to know 'why' it does it for me and a few others but not for all. 

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  On 1/9/2023 at 1:23 PM, Jacob Kerman said:

imma be real with you, 1: You seem like a pretty cool dude, and 2: I think you are just gonna have to get a new console. I know it sucks, but it's either play it on a new console, or just deal. 


Completely new ps5, same career, hung in VAB after about 1 hour. Unbelievable. I'm going to try and complain to Sony. Really disappointed. It's got nothing to do with the console. I dunno why some of you get no problems, only thing left to think of is that it is the save file or something in my game install package... ???? 

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  On 1/15/2023 at 10:47 PM, Ande said:

Completely new ps5, same career, hung in VAB after about 1 hour. Unbelievable. I'm going to try and complain to Sony. Really disappointed. It's got nothing to do with the console. I dunno why some of you get no problems, only thing left to think of is that it is the save file or something in my game install package... ???? 


Youve got to be be kidding?

you think KSP2 will work on it?

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Been playing on PS4 Pro for almost 4 years now.  The problem with the autosave is that it seems to occur during transitions from various aspects of the game, ie tracking station to KSC, or VAB to launch pad, etc., which also happens to be when the game is most prone to crash.  This can, and will, sometimes result in the persistent save file becoming corrupt and unusable.  Since you can't load or access individual quicksave files from outside of the persistent game file, this is a death sentence for your KSP career.

I lost two career saves due to this before I started routinely backing up the files to the PS cloud storage.

I initially thought that it could be something to do with the amount of active crafts/stations/bases, etc.  However, my current career has only a single small base on Minmus, two solar contract satellites, a satellite around the Mun, and a large ship in Kerbin orbit, and it still crashes.  I even went through lengths to prevent space debris, and manually terminated anything that I failed to burn up on re-entry or impact.  I also try and limit the amount of ships in my craft list, and repurpose as much as possible.

I have the entire tech tree unlocked, and have been everywhere in the Kerbol system, although the same could not be said about my previous saves.

As @Andestated, it wouldn't be as frustrating if we had the ability to save craft files separately.  Losing literally everything in this game is heartbreaking when you have put so much time into creating things.

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  • 1 month later...

But what I find odd is that not everyone gets the issues. Having a brand new install on a ps5 should fix any questions of performance of the console. That therefore means that the code itself is unstable, and it's nothing to do with hardware. @Demordrah Im the same, Been all around the Kerbol system, I've tried the same as you...deleting down everything, But it makes no odds. I've got a feeling it is more likely to be related to leveling up the tracking centre or something in the tech tree, mind you I'm on level 3 on a science career on ps5 and still crashed 3 times, only saving grace is it's quicker to load.  . 

My hunch is when it starts to track astroids, as that was the last update I suspect it's a bug somewhere, but noones interested in fixing this now. I actually haven't had a full on save file failure for ages, but the blue screen errors are just as mentally draining as they are so random in nature.

Edited by Ande
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  • 4 months later...

Completely new ps5, same career, hung in VAB after about 1 hour. Unbelievable. I'm going to try and complain to Sony. Really disappointed. It's got nothing to do with the console. I dunno why some of you get no problems, only thing left to think of is that it is the save file or something in my game install package... ???? 

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