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Weekly Challenge #3 - Land On Minmus

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Hello Kerbonauts!

The #KSP2WeeklyChallenge is... Land on Minmus!

Primary: Land on Minmus.

Stretch: Land on Minmus, land on Mun, and back to Kerbin.

Jeb level: land on Minmus, deploy rover, drive all the way around, re-board spacecraft, fly back to Kerbin.

Val level: all of the Jeb goals, but in a single craft (Hint: make a rover SSTO).

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Primary(+) Completed! Landed On Minmus and Returned to Kerbin (Power Landing). Basic LV and Surface lander ready for the Rover build next.

Slight inclination landing spot, but looks like I got good clearance for an underbelly mounted Rover (bigg'n too)


Naw, Dilrod Kerman not nervous at all.....EVA suit needs a cleaning I think.


Nothing like a power landing back on Kerbin, at night, in the woods. Even I messed my trousers this time.


Now onto the next phase...

Edited by LeroyJenkins
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Ooooooh my mistake, I do apologise. Forgot to  change the torque mode on my reaction wheels - noob error! That's the trouble when you're expecting bugs, it's easy to see them everywhere :rolleyes:

Currently driving about the Minmus surface, and happy to report my Ford Kaka behaves... like a rover on Minmus. Much prettier than in KSP1 though - even the flats now have little hills & valleys and ramp-like bits which are a lot more fun to drive around on.

Not sure I'll be spending the entire day circumnavigating but still... hearty round of applause to the devs from me :happy:

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19 minutes ago, LeroyJenkins said:

@justinroboI believe it is as in Circumnavigation. Safe driving!

Yep, but also a great big nope train lol

I made it 10k straight up into the highlands to show it can be done, but I'm calling it there before my brain goes completely to smoosh.


PS Love how there's a realistic grating/grinding noise when you bump the engine bells on the ground!

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Hi folks!

I tried to do the Val "SSTO rover" one, but i'm terrible at SSTOs, so I picked up the Jeb one :)

I'm not the kind of "math" guy, but more a "Add moar boosters" and "Rocket goes BRRRR" :grin:

So, this is the over engineered rocked used :



Let's go away from Kerbin, on our way to Minmus!


Around the rock :



Landed here, and planned to head north to plant a flag to a "very special" place  :D



Landing soon!



Rover attacked by the almighty Kraken Lord, but still has enough wheels to drive



Some sick moves



After struggling  the whole day at 5FPS, dealing with the low gravity and all the Kraken attacks on my rover, I managed to visit my "special place" and got back to ship, but with a solar panel killed in action.
Sadly, I didn't circumnavigated Minmus but hey, it was enough struggle for the day!



Let's go back to Kerbin!



Camera is drifting, and there's nothing to fix it... :(
Had to cheat again here, and reload a previous save from before landing on Minmus... 



KSC in sight!



Ooops, overshoot KSC a bit and messed up chutes deployment :)



Welcome back Bill and Bob!



Hope you folks appreciated my modest trip to Minmus, kudos to my brave GTX 1060 6Go that gave all she has (at 5-10 FPS) for this trip :P

Edited by SirMcPotato
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16 minutes ago, SirMcPotato said:

Nope, thanks to the lack of re-entry heating I guess :joy:

HA! I know what you mean. I've been building a new heat shield for my GPUs for when KSP2 turns on the re-entry atmospherics. Though I am not sure if it'll be enough. What do you think?  :D


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1 hour ago, LeroyJenkins said:

HA! I know what you mean. I've been building a new heat shield for my GPUs for when KSP2 turns on the re-entry atmospherics. Though I am not sure if it'll be enough. What do you think?  :D


I don't know, it doesn't look sustainable. Perhaps you should take inspiration at Stokes Space actively cooled shield? :P

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On 3/11/2023 at 8:51 AM, Superfluous J said:

I've not played KSP2 yet but is driving rovers on the surface of Minmus in KSP2 anything like it is in KSP1?

The flat areas are no longer flat, so if driving rovers is about the same with handling then it's worse regardless ;)

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  • Got to Minmus
  • Deployed 3rd stage.
  • Due to Crossfeed bug had 1/4 tank left
  • Landed
  • Planted flag
  • Back to Orbit
  • Insufficient DeltaV to return to Kerbin..
  • Used RCS intead
  • Managed to Deorbit burn with <150m/s 
  • Within the same landmass as the KSC
  • Parachutes didnt deploy
  • Landed at 30m/s and didnt break anything! >.<






Edited by Sirtrancealot
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I tried. I really did.

This was my second attempt at a KSP 2 mission. The first time around, I Made an Apollo style mission, but I couldn't finish because of (1) save file corruption, (2) the service module losing all orbital velocity when switching to the lander, and (3) frequent unrecoverable kraken on decoupling.

So, I tried my hand at this mission. Things went well until my first test run. My ship would explode when transitioning between spheres of influence, but I persisted. I finally got down to the surface of Minmus, only to find that my rover's wheel-truss assembly would simply detach on time warp when close to the surface (5000m). Moreover, my stack separator between docking ports was somehow ignored, and the crafts docked on launch apparently, which meant I couldn't stage without exploding.

Anyway, here are some screenshots, and I can't wait for future patches.

Well, I tried to re-launch the game to get screenshots, but all my saves are apparently corrupted, or otherwise loading broken. Here's a video.


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